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1. Research and present the core ideas and principles behind the below types of

A.) Digital Journalism

Digital Journalism is the multimedia reporting for the online medium. It approaches
stories for posting on the Web using the strengths of the online venue. Newspaper, magazine,
broadcast and photo majors will work together to produce multimedia packages for posting on
the Internet. Editors from the different sequences will collaborate to produce an online portal
containing content from each sequence.
These are the core ideas and principles behind this type of journalism: Authenticity
because in journalism, conveying not just the facts of a situation, but the background and
context behind those facts, to present a more complete picture of the story. Creativity because
readers stay, observe, and coming back to an informative work, wherein, information and
graphics are the star of the show. Community, conversation, and interactivity because
people love to talk and share their opinions and have conversations. Also, people go online to
do something. Scannable because people or most readers like me want an easy way to
navigate on the screen. Brevity for being short yet straight to the point or conciseness saves
time and exposure, especially in the digital world.
B.) Opinion Journalism

Opinion journalism is journalism that does not claim objectivity. (Wikipedia Contributors,

2020) Conclusions, in opinion journalism, there you will see and read a work full of
conclusions. Trustworthy, accountable, valid, and verified just as ever journalism must be.
Along with the reason mostly opinion journalisms are the ones that receive argumentative
responses. Also, for it to have precise labeling.
C.) Investigative Journalism

Investigative journalism is a form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a

single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing. An
investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report.
(Wikipedia Contributors, 2020)
BREWED to the fullest, because all investigative journalisms attend to the business, or
go through the processes, sensitive and somewhat deep. It can be done in a long period, but
that is what makes it so fascinating. Plus, it uncovers mysteries!

2. Deriving from the information learned above, if you are to choose only 1 field…

A.) what type is most interesting to you? And why?

The type of journalism that is most interesting to me is investigative journalism.
For the reason had I’ve known none of it until did this research. It’s just so admiring to
see those investigative journalists work their butts off to put in information and to share it
with those who would see or read their works. I think from now on, I want to call them
“detective journalists”.
But really, the type of journalism that is most interesting to me in terms of the one
I want to choose is Digital Journalism. For the reason it is the one I’m very fond of. Also,
because it is specifically the one, I wanted to do since the first day I knew I wanted to do
B.) provide 4 specific action steps you plan to take to jump-start learning about your
chosen type. List down an action plan based on S.M.A.R.T goal setting.

I’ve already started posting on the digital platform. Yet, my goal is to be
continuous at it. I don’t want to stop, and I want to be continuous at it because being
a content writer isn’t just about creating. It is most effective in documenting.

I consider having been shared by a kind of popular poetry account that has
like a thousand followers on Instagram is a milestone for me. I will continue to keep
writing for myself and for those who want me to. I have those online friends that I
haven’t seen personally yet are so supportive. It’s just so heartwarming, inspiring and
I appreciate them a lot.

I was MIA for the past, I think 2 months in social media so my followers in
Instagram haven’t heard much about me since then. I will continue writing and giving
my utmost best, so I can go back to where I left off. I also can’t wait!

To achieve my goal of being continuous at writing, I will knowledge myself
how to not just write more but also connect to my audiences. I want to communicate
with them through what I write. It’s relevant because I’ve seen and felt it work. I want
to be the kind of writer that influences whoever reads my work in a way they wouldn’t
feel alone, instead, they would feel part of something and understood.

I decided to start posting my writings in just a day, and I did it. In just 6 days, I
was surprised because I started with 4 followers yet in those 6 days it added up to a
hundred. I know that if I keep posting it’ll grow. I’ll start it, this week.
My S.M.A.R.T. Goal!
“To achieve my goal of continuous posting, I will continue to keep writing for
myself and for those who want me to so I can go back to where I left off and to be the
kind of writer that influences this week.”


1. Craig, R. (n.d.). ONLINE JOURNALISM. [online] Available at:

2. Bradshaw, P. (2009). BASIC principles – Online Journalism Blog. [online] Online
Journalism Blog. Available at: https://onlinejournalismblog.com/tag/basic-principles/
[Accessed 27 Aug. 2020].
3. Digital resource.center. (2012). The Value of Opinion Journalism and How to Spot it |
Stony Brook Center for News Literacy. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 27 Aug. 2020].

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