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WIR yur First edltin 1880-02-01 Metallic materials - Wire — Reverse torsion test Matériaux eélailiques Fils ~ Essal de torsion alternée Reference number Iso 9649:1940() Selapitiece ments an i ap see SEE, Foreword ISO (tho lnternationsl Oruanization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards hodies (IRC member hadies) The work. ‘of preparing Internaliony! Blandards (s normatly varied out thrauah ISO. technical rommillees. Eack momber body lsterestod in a subject for ‘which a technical committee haa been eslublished has the tight to be Fapresanied on that committee, International omanizstions. govern- ental anid nonegovor@antal, in liaison with 180, also take part in the work, [80 collaborates closoly with the International Eloctratectninal Cominlssion (IEC) on alt matiers of eletteotachnical slandardizalian, Draft International Standards adupted by tho technical committecs are circulaled to the member bodies for approval hefore their acceptesice ‘as Internationul Slandards by the [SO Council, They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at feast 75% approval by the ‘member odies voting, International Standard (SO 9648 was prenared by Technical Commilter ISOITC 164, Mecharicut twsting of Inotats © reo 1990 All rigits Fe2eevoo. Ke port oF is publestian way be rapredennd oe ultze In any tor ‘Sr Dy any rane, ninarenle or Pctaeat, metading BNERDESpY Fg Bra arene, Wo Seiten ig ior the puta. Inlet alo Oraerizition for Standardization aoe Peeealn oi 8 C1711 Carave 20 Sareriars Printed ¢ Sartzertanet Metallic materials — Wire — Reverse torsion test 1 Scope This International Standard epecitios a method for delermining the abllity of raetailic ware of diameter 10,8 mm to 10,0 mim inctunive fo wndorgo plastic de formation during ravers torsion. This test 1s usee far detecting surface and inlemal defects in wires, 2 Normative reference The following standard contains provisions which, through relaronce in this text, constitute provisions vf this International Standard. At the time of publ cation, the edition indicated wus valld. Alt stondards are subject 19 rovislon, and partes to agreements based on this International Standard are onemur- aged to Inveetigate the possibility of applying the most racent edition of the slaidatd indicated blow. Members of IEC and I80 maintain reqisters of cure rently valid International Standards, 180 7800-1984, Metallic materials Woe Simple forsion test 3 Symbi and designations The symbols uselt in the reverse lorsion Testing of wires are shown in figure 4 aid dotlwed in lable 1 Sr seamen (Spat cmenag ante ave Table 1 ‘Symbol | Designation nit Dinmalor nf a vornd wire Fros lenath hotwesn grins mon umber of turns in one direction | — 4 Principle A test pi of wire is twisted a specified number of limes threug> 300° ubout ifs own axis in one direc tion and the same number of tines through 60° In Uce opposite direction. 5 Testing machine 5.1. The grins shall be of murficient hardners to provide rigidity enufor sesistance to abrasion. The tips shall he arranged in the testing machine in auch w aay thal. during tosting, they Fainalii on the same ais ars én ant apply any bending Force to the test plore, 5.2 Tho machine shad be constructed 90 that a change of length hetveen grips, caused by the lest pioce durieg Ihe test, Is not prevented 6.3 One of the grips shall he capable of being ro- tated abaul the axis of the feel plece while ihe oiher ‘shall rot ho kubject ta any angular datlaction, extant for such deflection as may ho novessary ka mesaure ‘the torque. 5.4 Tha disinnce betwern grips shall ha adjustatia to accommodale tosi piacus of different tengthe, 5.8 The machine shall be constructed so that an Appropriate lensile xlrass (sen 7.2) can bo applied to the test place. 2 rest piece 6.1_The Length of wire to be used as the test place shall be as slraight as possible. 6.2 I rlralghtening fs necessary, it shall be done by hand or, (thts Is nol possitio, by hammering on a luvel surface of wood, plastic or copper using a ‘hammer of siinllar matortal 6.3. During straightening, the surtace of the wire shall not be datnaged und the tasl plece shalt hot ‘be subjected to any twisting, 6.4 Wire with a localized chorp curvature skall not he used In the test, &5 Unless othorwiso specified In the relevant standard, The nominal free length betwean lhe grips of the machine shall be as given In table2. Table 2 wir | Pee tength between of oe a ‘nominal mm na tet 200d 1ae5 ‘00d 1 sa 602 1). Sid may fo nend hy epeciat geen 2) And may be Used by wpeclal agreement. When testing for surface and intemal dotects, a fo! Inge length between grips may be used. This length shall he 98 specified in the relovant standard and ‘shall bo stated In the test report. 7 Procedure A In ganeral, the test is carried out at ambiant temperature batvicen 40 *C and 85 °C. Tels carted | out under controlled conditions shall be made at a temperature of 23 °C +5 °C UDC 669-426:820.178.322.4 Descriptors: ictal products, wire, tests, mecharteal Pra tava on 2 panes that its longitudinal axis coincides with the ads or the grips and sa that it remains straight during the test. Unless otherwise spocitiod in tha relevant standard, this muy be ensured by applying to the test plece a constant tenslie stress just sulficien! to straighten it, but not excneding 2 % of the value of the nominal tensite atrangth of the witre, 7.3 After placing the test piece in the machine, ro- tate one afte at a speed not exceeding t turn Her second (0,8 turns per second when the diameter a is 5mm or greater) thravgh the number of turns spocified in the rolevant elandard in one dieection and the same number of turns in the opposite die rection, One lurn comprises 360° ‘Afier the fest, the frae tenglh of wire between the grins shall be examined hy eve unless otherwise specified in tha rolevant standard, 7A Tho absence of visible defects 6 considered evidence that the tes! plene has satisfied the re- ‘guiremonts of the test, 8 Test report The teat report shall includa the following informa ton: ‘8b a rotorence to this international Standard bp all details: necessary for the identification of the tost piece; ©) the diamoter of the tost pieco, 4) all details regarding test plece preparation [method of straightening}; ©) the test conditions {tor example, the tree length between grip, the lene stress apphed): Dy the test resull. teeslon lesa.

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