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Delanny Dwi Nugrahini Sani [29321154]

Decision Making and Negotiation/ENTRÉE 21


BabyRaf Jakarta is a company that we built to complete the needs of children's toys. We are engaged in
toy rental services and children's equipment. Established in June 2018 in Jakarta, our company takes
advantage of the rapid development of children and technology. We divide toys and children's necessities
into 5 categories of toys, including baby's toys and equipment, small toys, big toys, swimming pool and
wooden toys.

BabyRaf faced a problem with our new admin, she forgot to give a reminder to the customer before
picking up. A customer named Mrs .EM placed an order for some big toy rentals. The toys she ordered
were a playhouse, brakiasi, plum trampoline, slide and swing 5in1 and a 3 meter pool with a rental period
of 1 month. The rental period starts from April 2, 2022. To make the delivery of the toy, a cargo car that is
large enough is required, so that it can be sent in one shipment. Our customer's house is located in Cinere,
the distance from our warehouse to the customer's house is about 25km. Mrs. EM’s house is on the side
of a small road so it requires us to park only in front of her house, we have difficulty finding a suitable
parking space. This caused our truck to block almost halfway in front of his house.

Because the toy ordered must be assembled first at the customer's house, we added a service person to
assemble the toy. Customer requests to make a payment of 50% in advance of the total of all toys and
shipping costs. So an invoice is made for 50% payment. The remaining payment will be paid after the toys
are picked up by BabyRaf. The customer also asked us that the service fee will be paid when the toy is
finished assembling.

Should have been the toy Mrs. EM was taken on May 2, 2022, but because our admin forgot to give a
reminder 5 days before the pick-up day, the customer didn't know the schedule for the pick-up beforehand.
It turns out that our customer has gone abroad for a vacation with his family. On the same day, we were
unable to contact Mrs. EM for pick up. Mrs. EM also doesn't have anyone or helpers living in his house.
Because of an error from our admin, this makes the return of toys to our warehouse late. There are already
several customers who have entered our waiting list for toy rentals and have paid 50% of the total cost of
toy rentals fee about Rp 500.000,-. Because of the delay in the return, our customer waiting list is
disappointed. The toys should have been delivered to a different customer on May 3rd. We also have to
refund 50% payment to customers who are on the waiting list to compensate for their disappointment.

Other than that, we had to spend some money to take the toys from Mrs. EM’s house is like renting a bigger
truck for IDR 350,000; the cost for renting additional employee services is Rp. 250,000, - and the cost of
employee overtime is Rp. 150,000, -. In addition to the costs we incur, repayment by Mrs. EM is also late.
She promised to pay off when the toys were picked up, but since she had already left the country and we
didn't provide any information beforehand, we had to wait for Mrs. EM about the next week. At the time of
collection on May 2, our employees were already waiting in front of Mrs. EM’s house about 2 hours. This
made our employees disappointed and tired because they were protested by road users regarding trucks
that almost covered half of the road and caused traffic jam.

On May 10, 2022, Mrs. EM informed us that the toy can be picked up. Then our admin can follow up on
some customers who are already on the waiting list. In addition, we provide discount vouchers to them as
a substitute for the bad service so that customers feel that we are still responsible for them. With the events
that have occurred, we strive to conduct training and evaluation of the entire team every month. Small
mistakes like this have a very bad impact on several aspects of the business, such as increased costs,
messy schedules, unhappy employees, and customers, and so on. We also changed the system for
customers who want to be on the waiting list for the same toys, for example, the delivery of toys after they
are picked up is not too short. We give a gap of 2-3 days after the toy is taken so that mistakes like this
don't happen again.
A. Situation Appraisal (SA) to identify the concerns (problems, decisions or future events),
prioritize them and plan for their resolutions (which process is needed? PA, DA or PPA). A
minimum of 5 concerns shall be identified.
B. Find the unknown causes of the problems through a suitable Problem Analysis (PA)
method (e.g. Kepner-Tregoe RCA, Fishbone, 5Whys, Problem Tree etc)

State of the problem : Admin does not provide information to related customers
To find out the cause of this problem, I’m using 5 why’s method to know the root cause.

o Why? Admin forgot the row of tasks that have been given
o Why? Difficult system to operate
o Why? There is no appropriate and continuous training for new admins
o Why? Not much free time to be given training
o Why? Busy business schedule and few employees

As we can see from 5 whys method is we have busy business schedule and few employees. So
there is no time for appropriate training and continue for new admins. This makes the admin
overwhelmed so she forgets the existing work pattern.

C. Develop alternative solutions for the decisions that need to be made and make a decision
using Decision Analysis (DA) approach (e.g. SMART, Decision Tree, AHP, etc).
I’m using Decision Tree for developing alternative solutions for the decisions that to be made. I
decided to improve the quality of service for customers in order to meet customer satisfaction.
And here’s the result:

From the results of the decision tree calculation, the decision that should be taken is employee
training. Because judging from the cost, we only spent $ 105,000 to improve the quality of our
D. Anticipate future events or potential problems of the chosen decisions through
Potential Problem Analysis (PPA).
This section will explain about anticipated future events or potential problems from the decisions to
be taken, namely employee training.

I understand that Plagiarism is wrong, a breach of academic integrity, and against Program, School,
and University’s Policy and Regulation. I declare that all material in this Final Project is original, my
own work, and does not involve plagiarism.
I have not allowed, and will not allow, another person to copy my work with the intention of submitting
it as her or his own work.

(Delanny Dwi N.S)

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