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@ ION EXCHANGE Refreshing the Planet Refreshing our planet “Tha word i va state of modernisation that is destoying the envionment. Unsustanable development 's eroding nature's balance and degrading her ecosystem. What our planet needs is breath of new ie, 2 chance to hea and fours. At on Exchange, we take pride in ecaiing is purty - renewing, ‘efeshing and rejuvenating the envrcrment every da. ‘Asa society we nood to understand that the envionment and economic wol-beng ae muuaty ‘compatible. Tis isthe chango we sive to achiev, Giving environment a new lease of life. For generations to come. (Our ain ist consarve ou plnat's most precious resources - water, a; Sl and ener, ou 360" solitons. Our nostic approach encompasses planning and managing the suppl. qu ‘quanity and discharge of wate it incudes management of sold, bp-sld and hazardous waste, ‘rong a oohton sd ecaverng energy rom wast lon Exchanges commited to serve evry Seton of soc, o improve the Gully of te snd he Our vision ‘To be the leader in our business which is so vital to people’s lives and the environment.” ‘A penoor of waar tratment with alogacy spanning over five decades, on Exchango today ‘considered a reir company in ate and envionment managanent, wan als, eoducon ard soros footprints across he word, ie ae ane ovary few companies woraaide wih a complet range of water and ervonmanta solitons, This enables us to ofr ot solaione for a sectors inact, cust, tuto, ‘ames and corms. Wie seve our matte witha usted focus on customer satisfaction, technological navaten and edeated service. ur capably to dover stat-c-heart technologies wih complete technical ‘ppt makes us 8 partner you can depend on FULL SPECTRUM SOLUTIONS ‘Specially Resins Adsorbnts / Membranes or Prileaton & Concenaton Iedustal Waste Drinking Water Treatment ‘Specaliy Process Chemals Water Treatment Recycle SSoedaly eyes {8 Zero Liquid Discharge j / Management of Process, ‘Water Process Water “Treatment | ie lon Exchange & Membrane Based >. Wasteto-Energy Nature extends her hands towards us. We extend them further to customers. Hallmarks of Value Creation (uta solitons capbity and thocugh knowledge of customers’ process hop us to create substantalysuporr value Multiple Benefits for Customers + Staal concept to completonsolatons and conutancy + Single point esporabity enabing customers to focus on ther core business + Envrormantallyrosponsbs slstions ‘Complance wth ruatry consumption and lscharge noms exo decharge of polutatsthreugh watrrayco and roovery a by-products for proces use Recovery of energy tem waste + Water scurty wih assured quali and quantty of water + Higher ROI with lower overall cost Lom water oot Low 00st of omnersio + Superior price pertomance ratios snd process production etienses ‘+ Emnonced quality of customer proauct + Creativ ownership options such as BOOYT Empowering a sustainable future. Across industries. we wart a estahable future for coring goneations, thre a nad to tet ho entormsnt and conserve natal esurees. Woh Raustes to ae thr water and energy reccueas mor ficient anc provide sobs that ‘ackres the neads ofeach customer Trough arale berets we have ‘anoretated me and agan thet etic wate’ end endoment managements ‘vue estmant Conserving Natural Resources. ‘Sde Seen Feral Fatty Nature has been kind to us. We are returning the favour. Paton and creased doand have rade good quality water care and expansie. Mean, dsposal rome are geting oer anther enforcement sce, We pod elactve and economia cute to recycle wast water, wich Rap conse ech ver, proc! he enironent and reduce waste dechare ‘nla generating satngs. "Eur cyte solos are designed to vies ptmal bene. For stance, eye syste ave combed ‘wth spacalty waar teaent chem prgranmas that reuce water decharge, sna state-of-the-art sfvant weston plats re rtgrated with zero Kquid discharge process. Thy re backed by ‘ampreneniveeperation and maintenance sewoes er sustarabe rest <4 membrane separation processes er optimum water on, rane traton andrevere amos systems, rmamtxae breacters and pdvaned photonic asda, Solutons integra physcochenica blog recovery. These nse mio Ran ut Nears eect Part nou Ns za Lag acpi Pur Pt Ett esr Plt or Seat ety Adding Value to Industry. Testun ota omar ons Oe eas wane tons recovery hus generating proces chemicals or the sug paper, cores, rtrng, ming, sto and tole raises help to neease fiends ar product quay ‘Unt n Food ane overage Insusey | anim Reman Fatt inng ny ‘Bron rebar Ponti Hoy Net Baad yea Press or aria Pe Solutions that inspire an environment friendly tomorrow. a (Our water an enrormentsotutons etand ar beyend neutral hore to pode ste dnking wate end dean envionment to ote, edveaonl instutens, hospital, always and dence exabe for ining war pucati tins Meda Reactor Ho Metre Beato at Commerc Cop sai emi Pant for Gourd Wate Trent Our vision for humankind. A refreshed world. ange of sltins fr sur and ground water Contr Sand itor Sree erent Dering Viner Tamer Mince = oi Sewage eanet & Wat ence 'Skxoe Det - Waste o-Erey +} Restoring nature’s balance. At every doorstep. Home Water Solutions Jon seerge, ver ts aga band 20 B, OS oa water sousors to houses 6 ena purty fe, Our wie ange of Cee and erative warps caer oe safe hg ‘water ooo of our consumes, The ro eal and sone ts ‘fred ay usa ial or water condtonng ZEROB Bs oe The earth needs a specialist. We volunteer each day. Innovating for a rejuvenated tomorrow. The earth deserves a second chance. With a range of solutions. + Chemica bending cSR. Spreading Happiness. Success tastes sweetest when it’s shared lon fi JON FOUNDATION Initiate - Organise - Nurture Working towards restoring the planet. Across different segments. Induct Insttuions & Commercial Complxes The Widest Range Equipment & Project Expertse Automate Hosetalty Prteatment Process Design Brewery & Ds Laboratories Dining Winter Purtcaton Detaled nginoerng Cement Hosp Weater Spot & Dstibuton Scnemes Procurement chem atuays ‘Sea Waterirtake & Dssslation Project Management constuction Defence Process Water & Liq Teatmant econ, Plat Testing & Conmisoing Ferticer atonal Inettutons High Putty Watr Generation somone Food & Boverge Comercial a ceetier aries een Indust Eftuet Teatment ‘Strategie Water Management Consutancy pa aa ee terface Pant & Proooss Aus peas ee ve esse & Dovdopment mace munis & Municipals = ees ie “Teatably & Plot Pant Studios ad area Operator Ta otra & Pavochamical Ful coon 9 Ser-condcto| Anal Maintananoe & Serving Senkcondtor Featy Bota & Cootng iter Chemis ae sue escent Frode & Fol Adios ences a + PoartmentBungdows Specialty Press Cremicls ere a ‘+ Resicontal Comesoxes Wat aly Montorng eee «+ Pott of Use -Ze0 8 Usty Compiox Consucton See and many mere, Sold Waste Managerant a Recovry of Energy rom Waste Together we are renewing the environment. From every part of the globe. (Fe mtoom sb Pere Boom Map or rpresontatin purpose ony e€ ION EXCHANGE (INDIA) LTD. Corporate Office International Divison lon House, Or E. Moses Read, Mahan, R14, TTC MIDC, Thane -Balapur Road, Rabale, ‘Mumbai - 400011 | Ta: +91 22 6281 2000 Novi Mumbo - 400 701 | Ta: +91 22 6857 2400 Email: E-mail por Regional and Branch Offices Overseas Offices Bengolry | Bhubaneswar | Chandigarh | Chennai Bahrain | Bangladesh | Canada | Indonesia | Kenya Delhi | Hyderobed | Kolkata | Lucknow | Vadedara Malaysia | Oman | Portugal | Soudi Acabia | Singapore ‘Vashi | Visekhopainam South Alves |S Lanka | Tanzania | Thailand | UAE | USA ‘ 0000

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