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Unit 4 test Test A

Listening 4 Complete the sentences with the geographical

features words. (5 marks)
1 1.05 Listen to part of a radio programme
about daredevils. Then match the statements Falls mountains River sea Valley
1–5 to the people A–C. (10 marks)
1 The north of the country is quite flat, but there
A Matthew Webb C Helen Thayer
are high __________ in the south.
B Charles Lindbergh
2 Do you enjoy swimming in the __________ when
This person ... you go to the beach?
1 walked across the Sahara Desert. ____ 3 A lot of people have died at Niagara __________.
2 wore very heavy clothes. ____ 4 The __________ Thames goes through London.
3 went on an amazing journey in 1927. ____ 5 Death __________ is a very hot place in the USA.
4 went swimming. ____
5 did something amazing when he/she was over Language focus
fifty. ____
5 Complete the sentences using the past
continuous form of the verbs. (16 marks)

Vocabulary climb cycle drive not have not swim

not watch play study
2 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
run over / around / through a building 1 Amy _______________ TV last night.
1 fall off / across / up a bicycle 2 John _______________ football yesterday.
2 ski under / into / down the ski slope 3 We _______________ the mountain yesterday.
3 fly across / off / through the Pacific 4 I _______________ in the sea.
4 cycle over / through / under a village 5 They _______________ home in the car.
5 drive up / around / off a town 6 They _______________ dinner at eight o’clock.
6 sit into / through / under a tree 7 I _______________ home on my bike.
7 jump around / up / over a wall 8 She _______________ French at university.
8 climb up / under / through Mount Everest 6 Write past continuous questions. (14 marks)
9 run off / down / into the water
1 she / walk / home
10 put your bag over / under / around the desk
3 Match words 1–5 with definitions a–e. (5 marks) 2 they / relax / at home
1 desert a a very large area of water, like the __________________________________________
Atlantic or Pacific 3 she / look / out of / the window
2 pole b a place with a lot of trees __________________________________________
3 lake c a very hot place where it doesn’t 4 they / sail / on / the river
rain very often __________________________________________
4 forest d a very cold place at the north or 5 he / cycle / to work
south of the world
5 ocean e an area of fresh water in the
6 you / travel / around Europe
middle of the land
7 he / do / the shopping
Unit 4 test Test A
7 Write sentences. Use the past simple
3 What part of his body did Alain hurt?
and past continuous forms of the verbs in
brackets. (10 marks) __________________________________________
4 Where did the police arrest Alain?
I / TV / when / Carla (watch, phone)
I was watching TV when Carla phoned. __________________________________________
1 Tim / while / we / dinner (arrive, have) 5 On what item of clothing did Alain put his
__________________________________________ message about the environment?
2 they / in Spain / when / they / Mike (travel, meet) __________________________________________
3 we / you / while / we / home (see, go)
4 Lois / off / her bike / while / she (fall, cycle) 9 Complete the answers. Use five of the words.
__________________________________________ (10 marks)
5 I / to friends / when / he / the party (talk, leave)
amazing done kidding kind really very
1 ‘Did you climb the mountain?’ ‘Are you
Reading _____________? It’s really big!’
8 Read the text. Then answer the questions. 2 ‘I swam 500 metres!’ ‘Well _____________!’
(10 marks) 3 ‘I met Beyoncé!’ ‘Oh! That’s _____________.’
4 ‘I saw some cool animals.’ ‘_____________?’
5 ‘That’s a great photo.’ ‘That’s very
Alain Robert is one of the world’s greatest
_____________ of you.’
daredevils. He climbs tall buildings around the
world. Some people call him ‘the human
spiderman’! Writing
Alain was born in France in 1962, and he started
10 Complete the sentences with when, while or
climbing buildings when he was twelve. His
as soon as. (5 marks)
family lived on the 8th floor of a block of flats.
One day Alain forgot his keys, so he climbed up 1 He saw her ____________ he was cycling.
the outside of the building and went in through
2 It was raining ____________ we left the party.
the window.
3 Quick! Come to my house ____________ you can!
It’s a dangerous hobby. He had a bad fall while
he was climbing in Taipei, and hurt his arm quite 4 ____________ I was cooking, my mum arrived.
seriously. In 2005 while he was climbing in 5 She was listening to the radio ____________ she
Texas, the American police arrested him. So
why does he do it? It’s partly because he likes heard the news.
the feeling of danger. But he also uses his climbs
to make people think about world problems. In 11 Write about a dangerous journey. Use the ideas
2008, for example, while climbing, he wore a T- to help you. (5 marks)
shirt with a message about global warming.
Paragraph 1: Where were you travelling
(mountain, desert, etc.)? Why was it dangerous?
What does Alain Robert climb? tall buildings Paragraph 2: What happened at the beginning of
1 How old was Alain when he started climbing? the journey? What happened later? How did you
__________________________________________ feel?
Paragraph 3: What happened in the end? Was
2 What nationality is Alain?
everyone safe? How did you feel?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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