Appendix A Status and Reason Codes

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Status and Reason Codes

Appendix A
Status and Reason Codes

Appendix Contents
Device Status .......................................................................................................................... A-1
Device Status Reasons............................................................................................................ A-3

Device Status
The following table contains a list of device statuses. Each status is uniquely identified by two
values: a numeric value that is used by PowerNet Software and a text value that appears in the
Status or Reason fields of the main window of Configurator.

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Code
? ? Status of the device is unknown 0
OPEN Open Device or breaker is open 1
CLOSED Closed Device or breaker is closed 2
TRIP Trip Device is tripped (protective) 3
ALARM Alarm Device is in a device-declared alarm condition 4
ON On Status of the input is On; Device is operational 5
OFF Off Status of the input is Off; Device is non-operational 6
READY Ready Device is in ready mode (device is ready to start) 7
PROGRAM Program Device is in Program mode 8
START Start Device is in Start mode (device is starting; this is a 9
transition from READY to RUN)
RUN Run Device or motor is running 10
PGTRIP Pgm Trip Device is in Program Trip mode 11
ANTBS Anti Back Spin Device is in Anti-backspin mode 12
PANTBS Pgm Anti Back Device is in Program anti-backspin mode 13
RAMALM Ram Alarm Device has a RAM error or alarm 14
PGMALM Pgm Alarm Device is in Program Alarm mode 15
STALM Start Alarm Device has a Start Alarm 16
WDEV Wrong Device Wrong device; Information received from the device 17
contradicts what is programmed in DeviceServer (e.g.,
the product code received from Device #3 indicates it is
a Digitrip, however Device #3 is defined in
DeviceServer as an IQ Data Plus)

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-1

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Code
NREADY Not Ready Device is not ready 18
VALID Valid Status Device is valid 19
ACMNET Acm Network Communication link between ACM and subnetwork 20
device has failed
STOP Stop Device or motor is stopped 21
LCKOUT Lock Out ACM Reduced Voltage Starter is in anti-recycle lockout 22
PONILK Poni Link Error Communication link between ACM and Advantage 23
PONI has failed
INVDLK Invalid Link Invalid communication link type 24
CONTRL Control Issued Device control issued 25
TRANS Transition Device is in a transition state 26
OK Ok Device has a status of OK 27
GOOD Good Device has a status of Good 28
GEN Generator Device has a Generator status 29
XFER Transfer Device has a status of Transferred 30
INVAL Invalid Status Device status in invalid 31
ALARM1 Alarm 1 Device is in an alarm 1 condition 32
ALARM2 Alarm 2 Device is in an alarm 2 condition 33
INACT Inactive Device is inactive 34
COMVER Bad Comm Device has the wrong communications version 35
NOT_ABLE Status Not Able Device is not able to perform function or command 36

NORMINAC Normal Inactive Device is in a normal state of inactivity 37

OPER Operational Device is operational 38
ABNORMI Abnormal Device is abnormally inactive 39
ABNORMA Abnormal Active Device is abnormally active 40
UNDEFSTAT Undefined Status Device status is undefined 41
BLOCKED Blocked Status Status Blocked 42
BYPASSON Bypass on The bypass function is on 43
BYPASSOFF Bypass off The bypass function is off 44
n/a n/a Status is not applicable 45
POWERED UP Powered Up Device has powered up 46
PICKED UP Picked Up Device is picked up 47
TEST Test Device is in test mode 48
DISABLED Disabled Device is disabled 49
DISARMED Disarmed Device is disarmed 50
FAILED Failed Controlled device failed to operate 51

Note that certain devices, such as the Addressable Relay and the Inverted Addressable Relay,
have two inputs. The status of each input displays in its own status field.

A-2 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Device Status Reasons

The following table contains a list of status reasons. A status reason designates why a device
has a particular status. Each status reason is uniquely identified by two values: a numeric
value and a text value. For information about correcting device problems, see the appropriate
technical literature for the device.

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
? ? Reason is unknown 0
NORM Normal Device is in Normal operating mode 1
DABL Disabled Polling of the device is disabled (within the 2
DeviceServer, the device is disabled from polling)
WDEV Wrong Device Wrong device (not the device for which the 3
DeviceServer was configured)
NRES Not Responding Device is not communicating with the DeviceServer 4
network. Check the following:

♦ that the cable connections, CONI card, or PONI

installations are correct
♦ that the address has been correctly entered in
Configurator or physically set on the device
♦ whether the device has been shut off (it must be on)
RECP Reception Error Reception error (an INCOM message with an incorrect 5
BCH was received); The device is communicating with
the INCOM network but its responses are garbled
TXFL Transmission INCOM transmission failure - the CONI or MINT has 6
Error failed
EXTT External Trip External trip—device status was caused by a command 7
sent over INCOM
LDPU Long Delay Pick Device is in Long Delay pickup 8
LDT Long Delay Trip Device has tripped in the Long Delay portion of its trip 9
SDT Short Delay Trip Device has tripped in the Short Delay portion of its trip 10
INST Instantaneous Device has tripped in the Instantaneous portion of its trip 11
Trip curve
DISC Discriminator Device is in Discriminator mode 12
GNDT Ground Trip Device tripped as a result of a ground fault 13
PLUG Bad/missing Device has tripped due to a bad or missing rating plug 14
Rating Plug
NEG POW Negative Power Device is running with reverse (negative) power 15
OVERRIDE Override Device is in override condition 16
TEST Test Device is in Test Trip mode 17
RAM RAM Device has a RAM failure 18
ROM ROM Device has a ROM failure 19
OV Over Voltage Device is in an over-voltage condition 20
UV Under Voltage Device is in under-voltage condition 21
PUBL Phase Unbalance Device is in Phase Unbalance condition 22

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-3

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
PLOS Phase Loss Device is in Phase Loss condition 23
PREV Phase Reversal Device is in Reverse Phase condition 24
I2T I2T Device is in I T Trip condition 25
JAM Jam Device is in Jam condition 26
UNLD Under Load Device is in Under-load condition 27
TBYP Trip Bypass Device is in Trip Bypass condition 28
REMT Remote Trip Device condition is the result of a non-IMPACC remote 29
MOBR Motor Bearing Device condition is the result of motor bearing 30
LDBR Load Bearing Device condition is the result of load bearing 31
ADCV A to D Converter Device has a problem with its A/D converter 32
RSEQ Reverse Device has a reverse sequence condition 33
ISEQ Incomplete Device has an incomplete sequence condition 34
OPTO Opto Coupler Device has an Opto-coupler problem 35
TRAN Incomplete Device condition is the result of an incomplete transition 36
FLAO Overflow Device is in Full Load Amp Overflow condition 37
BATT Battery Device battery failure 38
WTMP Winding Device condition is the result of winding temperature 39
BTMP Bearing Device condition is result of bearing temperature 40
LTMP Load Device condition is the result of load-bearing 41
Temperature temperature
I2TA I2T Alarm Device is in I2T Alarm condition 42
STHR Starts Per Hour Device condition is the result of exceeding starts per 43
PHTD Phase Time Device is in a Phase Time Delay condition 44
GTD Ground Time Device is in Ground Time Delay condition 45
GNDI Instantaneous Device is in Instantaneous Ground condition 46
CALB Calibration Device condition is the result of a calibration problem 47
UNCN Disconnected Device has been disconnected 48
PROT Protective A protective relay on the device has tripped 49
OVLD Overload Device is in an overload condition 50
IG > Ground High Ground overcurrent (high ground current) 51
COIL Coil Failed Coil failure (current too low to close) 52
DMDA Phase A Demand Demand for Phase A is zero 53
DMDB Phase B Demand Demand for Phase B is zero 54

A-4 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
DMDC Phase C Demand Demand for Phase C is zero 55
ENGA Phase A Energy Energy for Phase A is negative 56
ENGB Phase B Energy Energy for Phase B is negative 57
ENGC Phase C Energy Energy for Phase C is negative 58
TALY Tally Error Energy tally error (tally zeroed) 59
EROM Erom Error EEPROM error 60
TMP> Temperature Over-temperature 61
POW1 Power Fail 1 Power failure first sample 62
POW2 Power Fail 2 Power failure second sample 63
LDTP Long Delay Trip Long Delay trip on phase current 64
SDTP Short Delay Trip Short Delay trip on phase current 65
INSP Instantaneous Instantaneous trip on phase current 66
DISP Discriminator Discriminator trip on phase current 67
LDTG Long Delay Long Delay trip on ground current 68
Ground Trip
SDTG Short Delay Short Delay trip on ground current 69
Ground Trip
INSG Instantaneous Instantaneous trip on ground current 70
Ground Trip
DISG Discriminator Discriminator trip on ground current 71
Ground Trip
ZINP Zone Interlock Zone interlock on phase current 72
ZING Zone Interlock Zone interlock on ground current 73
PGM Program Mode Device is in program mode 74
AEMM AEM The AEM II has a malfunction 75
AEML AEM Learning The AEM II is presently in learn mode 76
AEMI AEM Inactive The AEM II is presently inactive 77
CMUM CMU The CMU has a malfunction 78
CMUL CMU Learning The CMU is presently in learn mode 79
CMUI CMU Inactive The CMU is presently inactive 80
DIFF Difference Difference 81
AUXT Auxiliary The auxiliary temperature has exceeded the alarm 82
Temperature threshold
BLKD Blocked Device operation blocked (i.e., no run permit signal 83
STRP Soft Trip A user initiated trip has occurred 84
OFRQ Over Frequency Device has an over frequency alarm 85
EMER Emergency Emergency 86
TRQL Torque Limit Device has a torque limit alarm 87

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-5

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
DECL Deceleration Device is in a deceleration alarm 88
NACK Nack The device has not acknowledged 89
WVER Wrong Version Wrong version of product communication 90
CEDM CED The CED has a malfunction 91
CEDL CED Learning The CED is in Learn mode 92
CEDI CED Inactive The CED is inactive 93
NNOF Network Off-line Network is not available 94
OC Over Current The device is in an overcurrent alarm 95
REG Register Error There is a problem with the microprocessor register 96
MULT Multiply Multiplication failure 97
DIV Divide Division failure 98
LOGC Logic Logic failure 99
ADD Addition Addition failure 100
FLOT High Floating Device is in a high floating voltage alarm 101
PSRC Preferred Source Preferred source is unavailable 102
UFRQ Under Frequency Device is in an under frequency alarm 103
EXER Plant Exerciser Plant Exerciser 104
NEUT Neutral Neutral 105
SET Setpoint Setpoint error 106
NONE None No error 107
SRC1 Source 1 Source 1 is available 108
SRC2 Source 2 Source 2 is available 109
STRT Start Test Started 110
MAN Manual Manual Transfer has occurred 111
SYNC Synchronizing System synchronization 112
BIMM BIM Malfunction The BIM has a malfunction 113
BIML BIM Learning The BIM is in learn mode 114
BIMI BIM Inactive The BIM is inactive 115
TPOS Trip Position Trip 116
VNG> Neutral Ground Device is in neutral ground overvoltage alarm 117
ETRP Emergency Trip Emergency trip has occurred 118
IPHASELOSS Phase Current Device is in phase current loss alarm 119
VPHASELOSS Phase Voltage Device is in voltage loss alarm 120
ACT Alarm Active Alarm is active 121
INCM INCOM INCOM network active 122
PRNW Phase Reversal Device is in phase reversal alarm 123
RLPH Rolled Phase Device is in rolled phase alarm 124
V PU Per Unit Voltage Device is in per unit alarm 125

A-6 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
SNTP Sensitive Sensitive Trip 126
DENT Deenergized Breaker is de-energized 127
VRTP Var Trip Var trip 128
BKPM Breaker Pumping Breaker is pumping 129
ROBO Remote Open Open breaker and block open 130
Block Open
NSTP Non Sensitive Non-sensitive trip 131
OI Over Current Over current trip 132
HSWM HW SW There is a hardware/software mismatch 133
DROP Door Open MPCV Network Protector door is open 134
WNWP Water In MPCV There is water is MPCV Network Protector 135
BKOP Breaker Open Breaker is open 136
DEDT Deadman Timer Deadman timer activated 137
TDST Time Delayed Time delayed sensitive trip occurred 138
SNSR Sensor Profile Could not read sensor relay 139
CLOK Clock Error RTC has failed 140
CKSM Checksum Error Incorrectly calculated checksum 141
STPT Setpoint Error Cannot read setpoints 142
FTO Failed To Open Breaker has failed to open 143
FTC Failed To Close Breaker has failed to close 144
AUX2 Auxiliary 2 Auxiliary input 1 is in an alarm 145
AUX3 Auxiliary 3 Auxiliary input 2 is in an alarm 146
AUX4 Auxiliary 4 Auxiliary input 3 is in an alarm 147
COMM Communication Device communication error 148
ERAM External Ram The device has a RAM Error 149
WTRP Watt Trip A watt trip has occurred 150
TDWT Time Delayed A time delayed watt trip has occurred 151
Watt Trip
OCWT Over Current An overcurrent watt trip has occurred 152
Watt Trip
LSS2 Load Shed Source 2 has shed it load 153
Source 2
AREA Area Protection Area protection 154
B-ON Bypass On Bypass is on 155
BOFF Bypass Off Bypass is off 156
NOST No Submaster Subnetwork master status is unknown 157
LEARN Learning Subnetwork master is learning its subnetwork 158
SUBNET Subnetwork Problem on the device subnetwork 159

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-7

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
ADDR Address Invalid address 160
PSWD Password Invalid password 161
BAD FRAME Bad Frame Breaker has a bad frame 162
MALF Malfunction Device has malfunctioned 163
FAIL Failure Device has failed 164
TAMPER Tamper Device has sensed that it has been tampered 165
SENSOR Sensor Sensor profile error 166
HIGHLOAD High Load Device is in high-load condition 167
LOCKOUT Lockout Lockout 168
SCANOFF Scan Off Device is not being scanned, because the Fast Status 169
scan rate is off
RTDFAIL RTD Failure An RTD failure has occurred 170
ANTIBACK Anti Backspin The device is in an anti-backspin condition 171
ZEROSPEED Zero Speed The device in a zero speed condition 172
TMBTSTART Time Between The device has started 173
MULT Multiple Reasons There are multiple reasons for the device status 174
TIM_SCH Time Schedule The current state is controlled by time schedule 175

BYPASS By-passed The device is bypassed 176

CONOVRD Console Override The device is in a console override condition 177
SWITCH Switch The current state is controlled by switch 178
TIMESW Time Switch The current state is controlled by time switch 179
EXTSW External Switch The current state is controlled by external switch 180
TMEXTSW Timed External The current state is controlled by timed external switch 181
LOCALSW Local Switch The current state is controlled by local switch 182
TMLOCSW Timed Local The current state is controlled by timed local switch 183
PHONE Phone The current state is controlled by phone 184
EXTPHN External Phone The current state is controlled by external phone 185
LOCPHN Local Phone The current state is controlled by local phone 186
ALARMSW Alarm Switch The current state is controlled by alarm switch 187
TMALRSW Timed Alarm The current state is controlled by timed alarm switch 188
EXTALRSW External Alarm The current state is controlled by external alarm switch 189
TMEXTALASW Timed External The current state is controlled by timed external alarm 190
Alarm Switch switch
LOCALRSW Local Alarm The current state is controlled by local alarm switch 191
TMLOCALASW Timed Local The current state is controlled by timed local alarm 192
Alarm Switch switch
AREASW Area Switch The current state is controlled by area switch 193
TMAREASW Timed Area The current state is controlled by timed area switch 194

A-8 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
EXTAREASW External Area The current state is controlled by external area switch 195
TMEXTARSW Timed External The current state is controlled by timed external area 196
Area Switch switch
LOCAREASW Local Area The current state is controlled by local area switch 197
TMLOCARSW Timed Local The current state is controlled by timed local area switch 198
Area Switch
LIGHT Light The current state is controlled by light 199
LOCLIGHT Local Light The current state is controlled by local light 200
EXTLIGHT External Light The current state is controlled by external light 201
TEMP Temperature The current state is controlled by temperature 202
LOCTEMP Local The current state is controlled by local temperature 203
EXTTEMP External The current state is controlled by external temperature 204
DEMAND Demand The current state is controlled by demand 205
LOCDEMAND Local Demand The current state is controlled by local demand 206
EXTDEMAND External Demand The current state is controlled by external demand 207
KWH kWh The current state is controlled by kWh 208
LOCKWH Local kWh The current state is controlled by local kWh 209
EXTKWH External kWh The current state is controlled by external kWh 210
RESERVED 211 Reserved for future use 211
RESERVED 212 Reserved for future use 212
RESERVED 213 Reserved for future use 213
RESERVED 214 Reserved for future use 214
RESERVED 215 Reserved for future use 215
RESERVED 216 Reserved for future use 216
RESERVED 217 Reserved for future use 217
RESERVED 218 Reserved for future use 218
RESERVED 219 Reserved for future use 219
RESERVED 220 Reserved for future use 220
RTDLNK RTD Link Failed The device is in an RTD link failure condition 221
PGRM Programming err The device is in a programming error condition 222
DIFF Differential The device is in a differential alarm condition 223
AUXTEMP Auxiliary Temp The device is in an auxiliary temperature alarm 224
GROUND Ground The device is in a ground current alarm condition 225
DISARM Disarmed The device is disarmed 226
STOPPED Stopped Device is stopped 227
RESET Reset Device has been reset 228
POWERUP Powered Up Device has powered up 229
MCRTRIP Making Current Device is making current release 230

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-9

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
HIGH INST High A high instantaneous event occurred 231
STPMISMAT Setpoint Setpoints mismatch error 232
STPTRAN Setpoint Transfer Setpoints transfer failure 233
ACCBUS Accessory Bus Accessory bus 234
THD Total Harmonic Total harmonic distortion alarm 235
PWRFACT Power Factor Low power factor alarm 236
KWDMD Demand kW Demand kW alarm 237
KVADMD Demand kVA Demand kVA alarm 238
OP COUNT Operations Count Breaker operations count alarm 239
HIST Historical Data Historical (i.e., the device has tripped and been 240
successfully reclosed)
ERROR Error A device error occurred 241
WATDOG WatchDog A watch dog event occurred 242
CBEMA CBEMA A CBEMA event occurred 243
HGHSPEED High Speed A high speed event occurred 244
SETCHG Settings Saved Device settings were saved 245
EMR_OVRD Emergency An emergency override occurred 246
RESERVED 247 Reserved for future use 247
RESERVED 248 Reserved for future use 248
RESERVED 249 Reserved for future use 249
RESERVED 250 Reserved for future use 250
RESERVED 251 Reserved for future use 251
RESERVED 252 Reserved for future use 252
RESERVED 253 Reserved for future use 253
RESERVED 254 Reserved for future use 254
RESERVED 255 Reserved for future use 255
FTSOP Fail to Sync On Device failed to synchronize on phase 256
FTSOF Fail to Sync On Device failed to synchronize on frequency 257
FTSOV Fail to Sync On Device failed to synchronize on voltage 258
INST Instantaneous An instantaneous event occurred 259
LONG DELAY Inverse Time An inverse time long delay event occurred 260
Long Delay
NEUTRAL Inverse Time An inverse time neutral event occurred 261
LONG DELAY Long Delay A long delay event occurred 262
SHORTDELAY Short Delay A short delay event occurred 263
GND FAULT Ground Fault A ground fault event occurred 264

A-10 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
EARTHFAULT Earth Fault An earth fault event occurred 265
266 266 Reserved for future use 266
267 267 Reserved for future use 267
268 268 Reserved for future use 268
269 269 Reserved for future use 269
270 270 Reserved for future use 270
271 271 Reserved for future use 271
272 272 Reserved for future use 272
273 273 Reserved for future use 273
274 274 Reserved for future use 274
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298 298 Reserved for future use 298
299 299 Reserved for future use 299
EXTERNAL External event An external event occurred 300
PH IOC 50P: An instantaneous phase overcurrent (IEEE standard, 301
Instantaneous device function number 50P) event occurred
IG IOC 50G: An instantaneous ground overcurrent (IEEE standard, 302
Instantaneous device function number 50G) event occurred

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-11

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
IN IOC 50N: An instantaneous neutral overcurrent (IEEE standard, 303
Instantaneous device function number 50N) event occurred
IR IOC 50R: An instantaneous residual overcurrent (IEEE standard, 304
Instantaneous device function number 50R) event occurred
PH TOC 51P: Inverse An inverse time phase overcurrent (IEEE standard, 305
Time Phase device function number 51P) event occurred
IG TOC 51G: Inverse An inverse time ground overcurrent (IEEE standard, 306
Time Ground device function number 51G) event occurred
IN TOC 51N: Inverse An inverse time neutral overcurrent (IEEE standard, 307
Time Neutral device function number 51N) event occurred
IR TOC 51R: Inverse An inverse time residual overcurrent (IEEE standard, 308
Time Residual device function number 51R) event occurred
OV 59: Over Voltage An over voltage (IEEE standard, device function number 309
59) event occurred
UV 27: Under An under voltage (IEEE standard, device function 310
Voltage number 27) event occurred
AUX OV 59A: Auxiliary An auxiliary over voltage (IEEE standard, device 311
Over Voltage function number 59A) event occurred
AUX UV 27A: Auxiliary An auxiliary under voltage (IEEE standard, device 312
Under Voltage function number 27A) event occurred
UFREQ 81U: Under An under frequency (IEEE standard, device function 313
Frequency number 81U) event occurred
OFREQ 81O: Over An over frequency (IEEE standard, device function 314
Frequency number 81O) event occurred
I UNBAL 46: Current A current unbalance (IEEE standard, device function 315
Unbalance number 46) event occurred
V UNBAL 47: Voltage A voltage unbalance (IEEE standard, device function 316
Unbalance number 47) event occurred
APP PF 55A: Apparent An apparent power factor (IEEE standard, device 317
Power Factor function number 55A) event occurred
DISP PF 55D: Disp Power A displacement power factor (IEEE standard, device 318
Factor function number 55D) event occurred
LOW BATT Low Battery: The device's battery is low, so you should save all log 319
Save all log data data
320 320 Reserved for future use 320
321 321 Reserved for future use 321
322 322 Reserved for future use 322
323 323 Reserved for future use 323
324 324 Reserved for future use 324
325 325 Reserved for future use 325
326 326 Reserved for future use 326
327 327 Reserved for future use 327

A-12 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
328 328 Reserved for future use 328
329 329 Reserved for future use 329
330 330 Reserved for future use 330
331 331 Reserved for future use 331
332 332 Reserved for future use 332
334 334 Reserved for future use 334
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366 366 Reserved for future use 366
367 367 Reserved for future use 367
368 368 Reserved for future use 368
369 369 Reserved for future use 369
370 370 Reserved for future use 370

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-13

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
371 371 Reserved for future use 371
372 372 Reserved for future use 372
373 373 Reserved for future use 373
374 374 Reserved for future use 374
375 375 Reserved for future use 375
376 376 Reserved for future use 376
377 377 Reserved for future use 377
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384 384 Reserved for future use 384
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399 399 Reserved for future use 399
EXTERNAL External External condition #1 is present 400
Condition #1
PH IOC Instantaneous An instantaneous phase overcurrent event occurred 401
IG IOC Instantaneous An instantaneous ground overcurrent event occurred 402
IN IOC Instantaneous An instantaneous neutral overcurrent event occurred 403
IR IOC Instantaneous An instantaneous residual overcurrent event occurred 404

A-14 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

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Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
PH TOC Inverse Time An inverse time phase overcurrent event occurred 405
IG TOC Inverse Time An inverse time ground overcurrent event occurred 406
IN TOC Inverse Time An inverse time neutral overcurrent event occurred 407
IR TOC Inverse Time An inverse time residual overcurrent event occurred 408
AUX OV Auxiliary Over An auxiliary over voltage event occurred 409
AUX UV Auxiliary Under An auxiliary under voltage event occurred 410
I UNBAL Current A current unbalance event occurred 411
V UNBAL Voltage A voltage unbalance event occurred 412
APP PF Apparent Power An apparent power factor event occurred 413
DISP PF Disp Power A displacement power factor event occurred 414
WATT Watts A Watts event occurred 415
VA VA A VA event occurred 416
Var Var A Var event occurred 417
WATT DMD Power Demand A power demand event occurred 418
VA DEMAND VA Demand A VA demand event occurred 419
Var DEMAND Var Demand A Var demand event occurred 420
CURR DMD Current Demand A current demand event occurred 421
CNT MAINT Contact Contact maintenance 422
COMM Control via Control via communications 423
POLE DISAG Pole Poles disagree 424
BKR FAIL Breaker Failure Breaker failed 425
OP TIMEOUT Operation Time Operation time was exceeded 426
COIL SUPER Coil Supervsion Coil supervision 427
LOGIC Programmable Programmable logic 428
DIAGWARN1 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #1: check unit 429
Warning #1
DIAGFAIL1 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #1: replace unit 430
Failure #1
LOW BATT Low Battery Device battery is low 431
MULTIPLE Multiple Causes There are multiple causes for the device status 432

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-15

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
DIAGWARN2 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #2: check unit 433
Warning #2
DIAGFAIL2 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #2: replace unit 434
Failure #2
DIAGWARN3 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #3: check unit 435
Warning #3
DIAGFAIL3 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #3: replace unit 436
Failure #3
DIAGWARN4 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #4: check unit 437
Warning #4
DIAGFAIL4 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #4: replace unit 438
Failure #4
DIAGWARN5 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #5: check unit 439
Warning #5
DIAGFAIL5 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #5: replace unit 440
Failure #5
DIAGWARN6 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #6: check unit 441
Warning #6
DIAGFAIL6 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #6: replace unit 442
Failure #6
DIAGWARN7 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #7: check unit 443
Warning #7
DIAGFAIL7 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #7: replace unit 444
Failure #7
DIAGWARN8 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #8: check unit 445
Warning #8
DIAGFAIL8 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #8: replace unit 446
Failure #8
DIAGWARN9 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #9: check unit 447
Warning #9
DIAGFAIL9 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #9: replace unit 448
Failure #9
DIAGWARN10 Diagnostic Device diagnostic warning #10: check unit 449
Warning #10
DIAGFAIL10 Diagnostic Device diagnostic failure #10: replace unit 450
Failure #10
LONG DELAY Long Delay A long delay phase overcurrent event occurred 451
SHORT DELA Short Delay A short delay phase overcurrent event occurred 452
FINST #1 Fixed A fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #1 event 453
Instantaneous occurred
Overcurrent #1
REV POW Reverse Power A reverse power event occurred 454
FINST #2 Fixed A fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #2 event 455
Instantaneous occurred
Overcurrent #2

A-16 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

St a t us a nd Re a s on C o d e s

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
REV PHASE Reverse Phase A reverse phase event occurred 456
I NEAR PU Phase Current Phase current near pickup 457
Near Pickup
FINST #3 Fixed A fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #3 event 458
Instantaneous occurred
Overcurrent #3
OVERTEMP Over- Over-temperature 459
LD NEUTRAL Long Delay A long delay neutral overcurrent event occurred 460
EXTERNAL 2 External External condition #2 is present 461
Condition #2
EXTERNAL 3 External External condition #3 is present 462
Condition #3
GND FAULT Ground Fault A ground fault (instantaneous or delay) event occurred 463
(Instantaneous or
EARTH Earth Fault An earth fault (instantaneous or delay) event occurred 464
(Instantaneous or
EXTERNAL 4 External External condition #4 is present 465
Condition #4
EXTERNAL 5 External External condition #5 is present 466
Condition #5
EXTERNAL 6 External External condition #6 is present 467
Condition #6
EXTERNAL 7 External External condition #7 is present 468
Condition #7
EXTERNAL 8 External External condition #8 is present 469
Condition #8
EXTERNAL 9 External External condition #9 is present 470
Condition #9
MULT EXT Multiple External Multiple external conditions are present 471
MOTOR BNG Motor Bearing Motor bearing temperature 472
LOAD BNG Load Bearing Load bearing temperature 473
GND DELAY Time Delayed A time delayed ground overcurrent event occurred 474
VOLT SAG Voltage Sag A voltage sag occurred 475
VOLT SWELL Voltage Swell A voltage swell occurred 476
INTERLOCK Safety Interlock Safety interlock 477
RTC Real-Time Clock Real-time clock 478
TRIP BLOCK Trip Blocked Trip blocked 479
NONE Cause N/A No cause 480

PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater A-17

Status and Reason Codes

Short Long Meaning Status

Description Description Reason
TRANSIENT Voltage A voltage transient event occurred 481
483 483 Reserved for future use 483
484 484 Reserved for future use 484
485 485 Reserved for future use 485

A-18 PowerNet Software Version 3.20 and Greater

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