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Briefly explain three common indicators of the existence of ergonomic problems.

Common indicators of the existence of ergonomic problems include the following: trends in accidents
and injuries, incidence of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), absenteeism, high turnover rates,
employee complaints, employee-generated changes, poor quality, and high incidence of manual
material handling.

Define the term CTD, Describe the most common types.

A cumulative trauma disorder, also known as CTD, is defined as the excessive wear and tear on tendons,
muscles and sensitive nerve tissue caused by continuous use over an extended period of time. CTDs can
develop from improper work positioning, repetition or force

Explain three stages of human reaction to stress

There are three stages to stress: the alarm reaction stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion
stage. The alarm stage is when the central nervous system is awakened, causing your body's defenses to
assemble. This SOS stage results in a fight-or-flight response.

Discuss how shift work causes workplace stress. Give suggestions for minimizing workplace stress from
shift work.

Shift work entails switching between two or three separate starting times that can differ by up to eight
hours. A change in work shift is perceived as stressful by the body.

• To alleviate the tension that comes with shift work: Regular exercise promotes sleep and relieves
stress; avoid caffeine, alcohol, and other medications that can disrupt sleep; use melatonin or other
natural sleep inducers instead of sleeping tablets that contain synthetic chemicals that can create stress.

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