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English Class – Level 4


Task 4.
Complete the sentences with “used to” or “did use to” to make true sentences.
1. 20 years ago, internet service didn’t use to be as fast as today.
2. Women used to go to school in the 1930s in some countries.
3. Pompey used to be a very active city before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
4. Michael Jackson didn’t use to wear a mask to protect his sensible skin from
the sun rays.
5. Ancient Egyptian women like Cleopatra used to shave their heads.
6. In the early 70s people didn’t use to make international calls because
telephone services were very expensive.
7. People used to hunt for meat 2 million years ago. Today people go shopping
8. First Coca Cola used to be green.
9. Nintendo in 1889 didn’t use to be a video game company.
10. First television sets used to be very expensive. Only rich people could
afford them.

Complete the answer for the questions in the passive voice according to the sample
below. Use the prompts in the parenthesis.

1. Who discovered radium?

Radium was discovered by Marie Curie.
2. Who invented the electric light bulb?
Electric light bulb was invented by Edison.
3. Who design buildings and houses?
Buildings and houses are design by architects.
4. Who Wrote Yesterday?
Yesterday was wrote by Lennon and McCartney.
5. Who teaches the children in a school?
Children are educated by a teacher.
6. Who created Mickey Mouse?
Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney

Correct answers: / 15 = (TOTAL SCORE)

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