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Software Requirements

Project No-23

Ask Your Doctor

Prepared by

Akash Anil Gawande – 220351920006

Narayanpure Ankush Mahesh- 220351920054
Narkhede Kimaya Suresh - 2203519220055
Nishant Gaurav -220351920058
Omkar Suresh Narkhedkar-220351920060

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Bangalore March 2022

Ask Your Doctor...!

Software Requirements Specification for Ask Your Doctor Page ii

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ............................................................................. 1
1.4 Product Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.5 References ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Product Functions ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ................................................................................................. 2
2.4 Operating Environment ............................................................................................................... 2
2.4.1 Software requirements ............................................................................................................ 2
2.4.2 Hardware Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies .................................................................................................. 3
2.6 Communications Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 3
3. External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................4
3.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 4
4. System Features........................................................................................................................7
4.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................. 7
4.1.1 Registration ............................................................................................................................. 7
4.1.2 Login ....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Use Cases .................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Patient...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.2 Doctor...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.3 Admin ...................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Technologies Used ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 User Classes .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.5 General Constraints ................................................................................................................... 10
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .....................................................................................11
5.1 Performance Requirements ....................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Safety Requirements .................................................................................................................. 11
5.3 Security Requirements .............................................................................................................. 11
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ...................................................................................................... 11

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

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Software Requirements Specification for Ask Your Doctor Page 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to enlist the software requirements and specifications for
the ‘Ask Your Doctor’ which will be a new great feature to breach the gap between doctors and

1.2 Document Conventions

The document is prepared using Microsoft Word 2010 and has used the font type
‘Times New Roman'. The fixed font size that has been used to type this document is 12pt with 1.5
lines pacing. It has used the bold property to set the headings of the document. All pages except the
cover page are numbered, the numbers appear on the lower right hand corner of the page. Every
image and data table are numbered and referred to the in the main text

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Ask Your Doctor is a web application that can be used by anyone anywhere whenever they
fell sick and are in need of medical treatment or just wants to get a routine checkup. This service is
also a boon for those young doctors who just started their practice. The application provides a user-
friendly interface to search for doctors of different specializations in the user’s proximity.

1.4 Product Scope

The purpose of our Project “Ask Your Doctor” is to automate the process of getting
medical treatment and health checkup in a way that saves both time and effort. It manages all the
information of patient and doctors. The project is developed at administrative end and thus only the
administrator is guaranteed to have access to everything. The purpose of this project is to create a
web application that reduces the manual efforts of looking for a doctor and booking appointments.

1.5 References


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2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

It is a web based system implementing client-server model. System provides simple

mechanism for users to get the details of the specialize doctor within various cities, so that he can
take appointment of any doctor whatever he wants and wherever he wants and also user can get
details of blood donor with respect to his blood group.

2.2 Product Functions

User can perform following operations

 Search details of various Doctor of any city by their specialization.
 Use the functionality of software in any city and can get treatment.
 Remotely can book appointment for any doctor for his family members or any other.
 And also get blood donor details if there is need of blood.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

2.3.1 Admin: Admin can add or remove both doctors and blood donors; additionally, admin can
remove patients as well. He/she also maintains the overall system.

2.3.2 Patient: Patients can pick a time slot of their convenience and book appointments with
doctors nearby. Patients can view their appointment history as well.

2.3.3 Doctor: Doctor can receive appointment details of patient. Doctors can create appointment
time slots as per their convenience. A doctor can also cancel his/her appointment with a patient in
case of emergency.

2.4 Operating Environment

2.4.1 Software requirements

 Windows 7 or above operating system

 JRE 1.8
 MySQL server

2.4.2 Hardware Requirements

 Core i5 processor
 4GB Ram
 20GB of hard disk space in terminal machines
 1TB hard disk space in Server Machine
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2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

 Each user must have a valid user id and password

 Server must be running for the system to function
 Users must log in to the system to access any record.
 Only the Administrator can delete records. Communications Interfaces

2.6 Communications Interfaces

 Web browser for communicate with the system.

 Message formatting to get an appointment alert or details on his mobile
 E-mail to contact with the system in case of any query

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3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces


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4. System Features
The main feature of this system is that the users can book an appointment from doctors nearby. This
is beneficial for both patient and doctor as it saves their precious time & efforts. Users can also look
for blood donors.

4.1 Functional Requirements

4.1.1 Registration

 All Users needs to register themselves first to get the access of login credentials.

4.1.2 Login

 Admin:
Admin can lookout through all of the actions of all other users and can change into
the schedule.

 For Doctor:
Doctors can create appointment date, time as per his/her availability.

 For Patient:
Patient can find doctors as per city preference and specialization after successfully
get registered

 Blood Donor:
Blood donor can book their slot as per the availability.

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4.2 Use Cases

4.2.1 Patient

Name Add Patient’s appointment

Description This function get details of a patient and add an
appointment of doctor as per the availability and
requirement of the doctors as their preference

Pre-Condition User needs to register and login first with their

Main flow of Events 1. User selects book appointment from login
2. Fill the appointment form.
3. User needs to enter data to required fields
4. “Appointment added successfully” message
5. System generated appointment id status for
the patient
Post -Condition Patient can view his/her appointment through
appointment history

4.2.2 Doctor

Name Create Doctor’s Appointment

Description This function get details of a Doctor and create
an appointment for patient and also to view
appointments of patients

Pre-Condition User needs to register and login first with their

Main flow of Events 1. User selects create appointment slot from
login page
2. Fill the appointment form.
3. User needs to enter data to required fields
4. “Appointment created successfully” message

Post -Condition Doctors can view his/her appointments through

active appointments for his/her current
appointments and appointment history for past

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4.2.3 Admin

Name Create Admin’s Profile

Description This function get details of a Admin afterwards
admin can access through all data required to
Pre-Condition User needs to register and login first with their
account as admin
Main flow of Events 1. Admin can add Doctors in their
management list after doctor registered
themselves in it from login page
2. Admin can also add Donor from login
3. User needs to enter data to required

Post -Condition Admin can view doctor’s list, patient list, donor
list from login page

4.3 Technologies Used

 J2EE
 Spring Boot

 Front End
 React JS (version 4.4.3)
 Bootstrap (version 5)

 Database
 MySQL (8.0)

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4.4 User Classes

There are three types of user to this system:

 Admin: Admin can add or remove both doctors and blood donors, additionally admin can
remove patients as well. He/she also maintains the overall system.
 Patient: Patients can pick a time slot of their convenience and book appointments with
doctors nearby. Patients can view their appointment history as well.
 Doctor: Doctor can receive appointment details of patient. Doctors can create appointment
time slots as per their convenience. A doctor can also cancel his/her appointment with a
patient in case of emergency.

4.5 General Constraints

 The “Ask Your Doctor” application should run on all desktop computers having a web
browser with stable internet connection.
 User interface is only in English. No other language option is available.
 Users can log-in only with his registered email and password.
 Limited to HTTPS.

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5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The system should store all the database records of each user properly and the application should be
available for use 24*7 through the server. The system should authenticate and register users properly
in a secured manner. Also, the application should be user friendly with a proper user interface which
makes it easy for the user to understand. All the options should be present in properly accessible
places for user convenience.

5.2 Safety Requirements

All Login-Ids of the users should be protected for privacy using whatever constraints required in the
database or the application. User records are to be backed up securely across database servers.
Incase database is hacked by someone and data is deleted a backup server should be present for such

5.3 Security Requirements

All passwords of the users should be protected for privacy using whatever constraints required in the
database or the application. The database should be protected from attacks and unauthorized access.
The interface should be protected from attacks. All passwords should be encrypted and stored.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

 Availability
The system should run on a variety of operating systems that support the JavaScript
language. The system should run on a variety of hardware.
 Accessibility
The software will be accessible to admin, doctor and patient.
 Compatibility
The software will be compatible with multiple platforms.
 Durability
The software will be tested for working with multiple users.
 Effectiveness
The software will be made to handle operations effectively.
 Maintainability
The system should be easy to maintain. There should be a clear separation between the
interface and the business logic code. There should be a clear separation between the data
access objects that map the database and the business logic code.

Ask Your Doctor...!

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