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of St.

Johns in Pine Meadow

St. Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God. The Rev. Salin Low, Rector July 2011

A time to reflect and prepare

As I write this, I have begun my sabbatical time, more or less. Im finishing up a few things, like this newsletter, and hoping to overcome some technical problems, so that I can attend a teleconferenced course on adult education. My last Sunday sermon at St. Johns talked about the Ascentiontides in our lives, times when our ministry and our lives are getting ready to change. Certainly this sabbatical is a sort of ascentiontide for me. Ive spent the last five years focused on the new addition. While were still working out some of the kinks, the major work is done. Now its on to a time with a different focus. One area of focus will be the church school. We appreciate the hard work of Debi Althen, who led the church school for two years, and we wish her well as she seeks new career options. Now we are looking for new ways of doing church school, especially with new space to shape our time and efforts. Whether or not we have a new director in place by the start of the fall term in September, I want to be involved more directly than in recent years planning a curriculum that suits the patterns and gifts of our teachers and students. Another focus for me will be integrating the ministry of a deacon Denise Adessa who has been with us as a deacon intern and is now expected to return after her ordination in September. Denises ministry, to proclaim the world to the church, offers new possibilities of ways to develop our ministry to the world. It also means that we will have to reorganize the ways we do things. and to think about whether there are better ways to get things done. Sabbatical time is also meant to be time of refreshment, and I am looking forward to being away with my husband Bill for most of the month of July. We are returning to France, seeing some familiar things and some new things. I am looking forward to the change of scenery, both physical and mental. In the meantime I have a list of projects I would like to accomplish, including cleaning out my home office and basement. My last sabbatical involved moving into our condominium seven years ago, and many things have accumulated since that time. I will miss being in frequent touch with you during these months. I will think about you often and keep you in my prayers while I am away. I ask the same of you. I also hope that each of you can find some refreshment during the summer. I am grateful for this chance to rest and to recharge my batteries for the coming years together. It is a gift which I will treat with great care and treasure, both as I am experiencing the time and as I remember it in the future. Blessings and Peace,

Thanks from Denise

It has been my pleasure and privilege in getting to know you and serving among you as your Deacon Intern these past six months. I want to Thank you for all the support you have given me. Youve been so very gracious and welcoming from the first day I arrived. Your warmth and encouragement has helped me to grow in faith and confidence. I feel blessed to have received such an important part of my training here at St. Johns. Ive recently met with Bishop Laura Ahrens about my being assigned as your Deacon in September. The Bishop has agreed and Im very happy about this news! The next step before my being ordained is for the Standing Committee of the Diocese to review my file and put their stamp of approval on me. I may or may not have to meet with them one more time in the next couple of weeks. As Bishop Ahrens has understandably pointed out I am in process until the day she Lays Hands on me at Ordination. Now God willing I will be Ordained on Saturday morning, September 10th at Christ Cathedral at 10:30 a.m.! So please mark your calendars. Its my hope that as many of you who can, will come and stand up for me. Im very much looking forward to supporting your outreach ministries and enabling new ones, growing in faith, fellowship and walking with you as we begin Christs work together in just a couple of months. I also want to give you my heartfelt thanks for the lovely Companion Communion Traveling Set that I received on my last day as your Deacon Intern. I look forward to being able to use it in Christs Name when bringing the Eucharist out to the shut-ins of our Parish community. God Bless you and keep in good health, happiness and love Denise Adessa


Operating Income Operating Expenses $ 17,373 $ 18,350 $ 94,664* $ 94,436 for oper-

Year To Date
Operating Income Operating Expenses ating expenses. We have an opening for a counter on the fourth Sunday of the month. Special thanks to Wendy Penn who recently retired from this volunteer position. Please call me at 860-738-4238 if you would consider filling this vacancy. Please keep your pledges current this summer. Lets give our loyal counters something to count! Sue Bremer, Treasurer Special BequestWe received a check from Jack Spaeth at the Diocese for $3,600 from the Estate of Elmore Terrell. Mr. Terrell established a fund to help with repairs and renovations to churches in Litchfield County. This bequest will help pay for recent repairs to the chimney of the church.

*Includes $25,000 withdrawn from investments

Farmers Market July 8

Well have a table on the green during the New Hartford Farmers Market on Friday, July 8th from 47 pm. Diane Hayes will have new beads and new designs so please stop by. Proceeds support the church budget and outreach projects.

Shopping Cards
An Easy Way to Help When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. Johns, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Order folds are available in the narthex and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.

Prayer Requests Requests will be handled confidentially through the office during the rectors absence. Prayers will continue for a month unless other time periods are specified. Call the office or email prayer requests to

Church School Director Sought

As a result of Debi Althens resignation, we are looking for a Church School Director. The position will involve overseeing the church school, developing material to supplement the curriculum, helping teachers to prepare for Sunday classes, and organizing special events for children through the year. The job should take about six hours per week during the school year and three hours per week during the summer. For a full job description or to submit a resume, contact Sue Bremer and Lucie Martocchio can also answer questions about the position. Spread the word among friends who might be interested in this opportunity.

July Worship Assistance

July 3 AcolytesRon Dufour, Kevin Case ReaderGordon Ross Greeters Nancy Butler & Tom Chappell July 10 AcolytesMichael Welch, Jill Smith ReaderBrad Bremer Greeter Rose Osborne July 17 AcolytesZak Phillips, Donna Colavecchio ReaderBrian Jones Greeter Mary Hoag July 24 AcolytesCaitlin Doyle, Stan Moraski ReaderGray Horn Lucie & Louis Martocchio July 31 AcolytesTeddy Bremer, Barbara Douglass ReaderDel Springer Greeters Jill Smith & Joan Rock

Many thanks to Debi Althen and the church school teachers and assistants who helped with Awards Sunday. Thanks also to everyone who provided food and helped with the picnic. Many thanks to Bruce Wearne for repairs to the lights in the church. Special thanks to Peter Freigant & the hospitality committee for the June 19th brunch to welcome the Rev. David Owen. Thanks to Tom & Peter Hinman for mowing the church lawn. Thanks to the Stan Moraski Family for taking the meal to Peters Retreat on June 25th

(Broadly Defined)
The register is broadly defined, because there are events in the lives of parishioners and their families which are not recorded in St. Johns register. High School Graduates Caitlin Doyle Lydia Harden Sasha Moraski College Graduates Michael Hayes Brittany Atwood Kendall Moraski Sam Read Ashley Jakubowski Masters Degree Luke Nelson Bobby Phillips Births Jake Bernard Levesque (Son of Kim & Jay Levesque) (Grandson of Laura & Bruce Wearne) Deaths Naomi Kellogg (Aunt of Nancy Butler)

Gill Memorial Garden Summer Schedule

Week Beginning July 4 Jill Smith Week Beginning July 11 ?? Week Beginning July 18 ?? Week Beginning July 25 Laura Wearne Thanks to Anne Atwood for Spring plantings and to all the garden workers. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers.

Going Once, Going Twice

Auction Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 Brodie Park

Mark your calendars for a fun-filled evening which will raise money for St. John's and for community outreach. There will be something for everyone, including jazz music. If you are looking for ideas on goods or services to donate, how about?

Join the party! Jazz, Fun, Food, Great Desserts. Contact Jill Smith (379-4920) or Sue Hall (379-1943) for more information.

Flowers or bulbs planted at winners home Babysitting (several evenings or a weekend) Handyman for 6-8 hours Tickets to the theater or a concert A catered brunch (donor decides # of people) Baked goodsmonthly or quarterly Wine

P. O. Box 27 Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church Were Here For You

Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. July & August
Wednesday 7:30 pm

News From

Church School

Stay tuned for July activities!

Remember there is a childrens corner in the back of the church. Activity bags and picture Bibles are available in that area and in the nursery for bored folks of all ages. Were looking for teachers for the class teams in the fall. Contact Lucie Martocchio (379-0629) or Sue Bremer (738-4238.)

Worship Schedule July & August

Sunday at 9 am & Wednesday at 7:30 pm
(Good when youre away weekends in the summer)

A new liner was installed in the furnace chimney.

On June 5 we celebrated the church school year, students and teachers.

On June 12 we said goodbye to our deacon intern Denise. Read her thank you note on page 2.

High School Grads Honored June 12

Check out for updated pix and information about parish activities.

July 2011
St. Johns ChurchCalendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics






Molly Read & Tom Fritch Laura & Bruce Wearne


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist

Office Closed

7:30 PM Holy Eucharist


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Jessica & Peter Hinman



7:30 PM Holy Eucharist


Dick & Eileen Bartram


David & Ellen Childs


Louis & Lucie Martocchio


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist John & Peggy Budny



7:30 PM Holy Eucharist


Paul & Barbara Patch


Blake & Sue Hall


Peters Retreat


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Luke & Christine Nelson



Carol & Mac Wilson 6:00 PM Auction Committee

7:30 PM Holy Eucharist




Frank & Joanne Hohmeister


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Doris Bryant & Del Springer Debbie & Wally Truss July Birthdays 7/4 7/8 7/8 7/10 Gary Colavecchio Candy Flaherty Chris Osborne Teddy Bremer 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/15 7/15 7/16 Ken Kimmerle John Gargiulo Miranda Grustas Peter Stull Doris Bryant Don Phillips 7/17 7/19 7/19 7/22 7/23 7/23 Colin Coates Ron Caine Kevin Case Gray Horn Maggie Dougan Gwen Moraski 7/27 7/30 7/30 7/31 Russ Martocchio Brooke Nelson Caitlin Doyle Wally Truss

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