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San Antonio, Mexico, Pampanga
Science 10
Name:______________________________ Date:_________________ Score:____________

Multiple Choices

1. These are all the processes that move, elevate or build up portions of the Earth’s crust.

a. geotropism b. diastrophism c. folding d. faulting

2. It refers to the bending or rock that is responsible to the compressional forces.

a. diastrophism b. geotropism c. faulting d. folding

3. It refers to a crack in the Earth’s crust resulting from the displacement of one side to another.

a. folding b. faulting c. diastrophism d. geotropism

4. It causes strain that stretches rocks in two opposite directions.

a. stressful force b. oceanic fracture c. ring of fire d. subduction zone

5. It refers to a long, narrow, and mountainous submarine lineation that generally separates
ocean-floor ridges.

a. stressful force b. oceanic fracture c. ring of fire d. subduction zone

6. It refers to a place where two lithospheric plates come together and ride over the other.

a. hotspot b. subduction zone c. earthquake belt d. ridge

7. It is in the upper mantle of the earth which hot magma from the lower mantle upwells to melt
through the crust.

a. subduction zone b. hotspot c. ridge d. earthquake belt

8. It refers to a narrow zone on the Earth’s surface where most seismic waves occur.

a. earthquake belt b. ridge c. subduction zone d. hotspot

9. It refers to a lowland region that is formed when Earth’s tectonic plates move apart.

a. ridge b. rift c. spreading zone d. tension

10. It is a geological feature which consists of chain of mountains or hills that forms a continuous
elevated crest at a distance.

a. rift b. ridge c. tension zone d. spreading zone

11. It refers to the movement of a material as energy pass through it.

a. waves b. current c. plume d. flow

12. It refers to a hot molten material beneath the Earth’s crust.

a. mantle b. inner core c. asthenosphere d. outer core

13. It refers to the slow upward and downward motion of the Earth’s mantle caused by changing
temperature from the interior of the Earth’s surface.

a. convection current b. mantle plume c. ridge push d. slab pulls

14. It happens when asthenosphere and the rigid lithosphere have in contact carrying the plates
towards the direction of the force.

a. gravity b. convection c. surge d. friction

15. This theory explains that flow of mantle is generated by series of channels below the Earth’s
crust providing basal friction to the lithosphere.

a. plume tectonics b. surge tectonics c. plate tectonics d. mantle convection

16. It happens when there is a downward pull at the moving plates brought by the frictional

a. surge b. friction c. gravity d. convection

17. This theory states that super plumes from the mantle rises and drives the convection current
in it.

a. surge tectonics b. plate tectonics c. plume tectonics d. mantle-convection

18. It refers to the high elevation of the mid-ocean ridges that causes the gravity to push on the
oceanic crust away from the ridge.

a. slab pull b. ridge push c. convection current d. rift valley

19. This happens when the cooler and dense crust are pulled by the force of gravity down to the
asthenosphere forming the subduction zone.

a. convection current b. slab pulls c. ridge push d. rift valley

20. It refers to a technique for imaging Earth’s sub-surface.

a. seismic tomography b. seismic wave c. seismic topography d. seismic cartography

21. If primary waves can travel through solid and liquid, secondary waves travel through______.

a. liquid but not in solid c. solid but not in liquid

b. liquid and solid d. solid, liquid and gas

22. If Love wave travels side to side motion, Rayleigh wave travels in ________ motion.

a. circular b. vertical c. up and down d. straight

23. If the inner core is made up of solidified iron and nickel, outer core is made of _______

a. solid nickel and liquid iron c. liquid nickel and solid iron
b. solid nickel and iron d. liquefied nickel and iron

24. If the lower mantle is solid, what makes the upper mantle liquid?

a. the heat from the outer core c. the subduction

b. the volcanoes d. the heat on the earth’s crust

25. If the crust and the mantle have borderlines, what do you call these boundaries?

a. Mohorovicic discontinuity c. lehmann’s discontinuity

b. Gutenberg discontinuity d. bullen discontinuity

26.What do you call the borderlines of mantle and core?

a. lehmann’s discontinuity c. Mohorovicic discontinuity

b. bullen discontinuity d. Gutenberg discontinuity

27. If Love and Rayleigh waves fall under surface wave, primary and secondary waves fall____.

a. under Love wave c. under Rayleigh wave

b. under seismic wave d. under body wave

28. Which best describes the mantle?

a. It is the liquid part of the earth. c. It is the second part of the earth.
b. It is the solid part of the earth. d. It is the hottest part of the earth.
29. What is a mantle plume?

a. These are areas where heat and/or rocks in the mantle rise towards the surface.
b. These are areas in the crust where volcanic eruption happens.
c. These are areas in oceanic crust where tsunami begins.
d. These are areas in the crust where new islands are formed.

30. If the Earth’s interior is uniformly solid rock, what would be its effect?

a. Strong earthquakes possibly hit the crust

b. Plenty of tropical cyclone may hit the ground
c. The Earth will not move.
d. The Earth will be destroyed.

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