1 Periodical Examination Science Multiple Choice Direction: Read Each Question Carefully. Select The Letter of The Most Appropriate Answer

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
St. Louis de Marillac College of Sorsogon
Sorsogon City

1st Periodical Examination


Multiple Choice

Direction: Read each question carefully. Select the letter of the most appropriate answer.

1. What do you call the smallest living unit of the body?

a) Organ
b) Tissue
c) Cell
d) Organ System
2. What do you call a long flat bone at the middle of the chest?
a) Ribs
b) Breastbone
c) Collarbones
d) Spinal Column
3. Cartilage is an important part of the skeletal system since it acts as a cushion between two
bones and helps the bones move. In line with this, what is the function of the cartilage?
a) It acts as a connection to the bones
b) It acts as a shield that protects the bone from injury
c) It acts as a shock absorber
d) It helps bending and for limited movement
4. Cardiac muscles are involuntary muscles present only in the heart. They move
rhythmically, contracting and relaxing alternately. How important is this function in the
human body?
a) It helps the body survive by helping the blood circulate throughout the body.
b) It helps releasing harmful chemicals out of the body.
c) It helps in releasing the carbon dioxide and oxygen stored inside the body.
d) It helps in digesting the food inside the body.
5. What is the difference between the voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles in the
human body?
a) Voluntary muscles are muscles that cannot be controlled consciously while
involuntary muscles are muscles that can be controlled consciously.
b) Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be controlled consciously, while involuntary
muscles are muscles that cannot be controlled consciously.
c) There’s no particular difference between the two and they are both muscles that can
be controlled consciously.
d) There’s no particular difference between the two and they are both muscles that
cannot be controlled consciously.
6. Cardiac muscles are muscles that move rhythmically, contracting and relaxing alternately
and an example of involuntary muscle. Which of the following is an example of cardiac
a) Brain
b) Hand
c) Thigh
d) Heart
7. Sunlight is good for the skin. It activates the vitamin D in the body. However, too much
exposure to sun can be harmful. Which of the following advice should be followed to
protect your skin?
a) Wear dark colored shirts
b) Apply sunscreen or use protective clothing
c) Drink too much water
d) Take a bath before going to sunlight
8. How would you maintain the cleanliness of your nails properly to avoid infection?
a) Trimming regularly
b) Applying too much cosmetics
c) Let it grow longer
d) Cut it only once every year.
9. When does a person experience goosebumps?
a) The skin bumps on a hard surface
b) He or she is surprised
c) Someone has phobia of geese
d) The small muscle in the skin pulls the hair making it erect.
10. During eating, how did the food we eat break down making it easier to swallow?
a) Because the stomach releases gas that helps the breaking down of food easier.
b) Because saliva is release by the salivary glands and helps in moistening the food.
c) Because our teeth secrete acids that melts the food into smaller pieces
d) Because our tongue helps in moistening and breaking down of food.
11. Which is NOT true in the following statement?
a) The primary function of respiratory system is to allow the exchange of gases in the
b) It is the system that allows the distribution of carbon dioxide throughout the body and
releasing oxygen out of the body.
c) The upper tract of the respiratory system is consist of larynx, trachea, bronchial, and
d) During inhalation, the ribs and the diaphragm relaxes while during exhalation, the
ribs and the diaphragm contracts.
12. Arrange the following organs from the urinary system from the uppermost to the
Urethra, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Kidneys
a) Ureters, Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Urethra
b) Kidneys, Urethra, Ureters, Urinary Bladder
c) Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urethra
d) Urinary Bladder, Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Urethra
13. What is the most common characteristic among the vertebrates?
a) They are all warm- blooded animals
b) They all live in land
c) Presence of backbone
d) They are all four- legged animals
14. Fishes are vertebrates that live in water in water. Which of the following characteristic of
fish help them live in the bodies of water?
a) Shiny skin which helps in locomotion
b) Hard scale for protection from predators
c) Gills for breathing
d) Wings used for fast movement
15. The word amphibia is used to refer to animals that are ___________.
a) Able to live both land and water
b) Warm- blooded
c) Fast swimmers
d) Able to fly.
16. Reptiles are also able to live in both land and water, although they are more adopted and
can live on land for long periods of time. What is reason behind that?
a) Because they are covered with dry skin and hard scales
b) Because they are warm-blooded animals
c) Because their eyes can see more well in land than water
d) Because they have developed lungs and body structures that enable them to fully live
on land.
17. Most birds have very light bodies which consist of hollow bones. What is the use of this
a) Laying eggs for reproduction
b) Flying
c) Catching prey
d) Regulating body temperature
18. Mammals are the only group of animals with mammary glands. What can infer from this
a) They can reproduce more offspring from other animals
b) They can reproduce rapidly compared to other animals
c) They can produce milk to nourish their child
d) They can regulate their internal temperature which helps in survival.
19. Sponges have structures called collar cells which obtain nutrients by filtering the water
that passes through the sponge’s pores. What does this suggest?
a) They are not hunters, but rather they are filter- feeders
b) They use the nutrients they gather to attract prey
c) They used it for reproduction
d) They used to live on land
20. Most mollusks have shells that protect their soft bodies. Which of the following is an
example of mollusk?
a) Flatworms
b) Jellyfish
c) Clams
d) Starfish
21. Frogs lay huge number of eggs, but due to high mortality rate only 10 out of 1000 eggs
survive to become adult frogs. Frogs can lay 20000 eggs in a year. With given rate, how
many frogs can survive?
a) 2000
b) 200
c) 5000
d) 500
22. All arthropods share a common characteristic that distinguish them from other groups of
animal. They have a covering called exoskeleton. From this information, what can we
a. The presence of exoskeleton help the arthropods survive by providing protection.
b. The presence of exoskeleton help the arthropods for reproduction
c. Exoskeleton is used by the arthropods to catch prey
d. Exoskeleton is used to intimidate possible predators
23. Earth is exerting certain kind of strong attracting force that makes anything that goes up
ultimately goes down. What do you call this force?
a) Friction
b) Magnetic force
c) Electrostatic force
d) Gravity
24. A deliveryman uses a wooden ramp when he delivers thus, packages do not slide off
easily making his work take longer. What would be the best way to make the packages
slide easily?
a) Make his wooden ramp wider
b) Use water on his wooden ramp
c) Use sandpaper to polish and smoothen his ramp
d) Make his wooden ramp narrower
25. The relationship between the object’s mass and the gravitational force exerted to it by the
earth is directly proportional. What does this suggest?
a) Earth will not exert gravitational force on objects with too much mass
b) The greater the mass of the object, the greater its weight and vice versa.
c) Objects will smaller mass has more gravitational force than those of heavier mass.
d) The earth exerts the same gravitational force on all objects, as long as they are on
26. In a fiesta game called “Palosebo”, the contestants had a difficulty climbing the bamboo
pole. In order to make the game easier, you decided to help the contestants. What would
you do to make the game easier?
a) Make the bamboo pole taller
b) Apply oil to the bamboo pole
c) Make the bamboo pole thinner
d) Make the bamboo pole rough to make the friction higher
27. The earth’s mass is directly proportional to the weight of the objects. So if the mass of the
earth is doubled, how much increase would the weight of the objects on earth would be?
a) halved
b) doubled
c) it will make the objects weightless
d) remains the same
28. During rainy season, the friction between the road and the vehicles become lower,
making it dangerous for the drivers. In order to avoid accidents, what should the driver do
to make his driving safer?
a) Drive faster
b) Stop every once in a while
c) Drive slowly
d) Add more passengers
29. Swimming resorts do not allow people to run beside the pool. Why is it so?
a) Because the friction is low in that area, making slippery a common accident to
b) Because the water will make you run faster
c) Because there are many people and you cannot avoid bumping in other people
d) Because it will disturb the peaceful scenery in the pool
30. Friction is always present in everything on earth. Take example, a moving car. When the
driver wants to stop the car, he or she steps on the brakes. How does friction play an
important role in stopping the car?
a) The brakes apply force on tires, causing friction to slow down and stop the tires.
b) The brakes apply force on the ground, making the friction go up, thus stopping the
c) The friction is generated by the brakes on the ground, making the car stop fully.
d) The friction will go up once the driver step on brakes, making the tire rough in order
to stop the car.
31. A deliveryman observes that using smooth wooden ramp for delivering large parcels is
efficient than using a rough one, thus making his work easier. Is the observation correct?
a) Yes, because smoother wooden ramp has lower friction, making it easier to slide the
b) Yes, because smoother wooden ramp has higher friction, making it easier to slide the
c) No, because there’s no relationship on what type of wooden ramp you use on the time
of delivering parcel.
d) No, because smoother wooden ramp makes the parcel harder to slide down compared
to rough wooden ramp.
32. Sound is produced by ____________?
a) Movement of tiny particles of light
b) Adding all the energies produce by moving molecules
c) Vibrating objects
d) Transfer of energy from an object to object.
33. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from an object of high temperature to object with
low temperature. When you dip a metal spoon into a cup of hot coffee, heat from the
water is transfer to the spoon. How did the process happen?
a) As the spoon absorbs the heat, the particles vibrate slower causing the transfer of
b) As the spoon absorbs the heat, the particles rearrange themselves causing the spoon to
become hot.
c) As the spoon absorbs the heat, the particles scatter around, thus making the spoon
d) As the spoon absorbs the heat, the particles vibrate faster and increases their energies.
34. Conduction is a process of heat transfer through a substance by direct contact. Solids
have compact particles, making the energy to travel faster, while gases have scattered
particles. With this information, which conduction process will happen the fastest?
a) Solid- gas
b) Liquid-solid
c) Liquid-liquid
d) Solid-solid
35. Radiation is the transfer of energy in waves through space. Which of the following is an
example of radiation process?
a) Heating fork from the fire
b) Receiving heat from the sun
c) Formation of clouds
d) Melting of metal
36. In some hydropower plants, dams are built to hold the water in artificial lakes. The water
is released gradually like artificial waterfall. The gravitational potential energy of water is
converted into kinetic energy, which then turns the turbines. What happen next?
a) Turbine converts the mechanical energy of its rotation into electrical energy. Thus,
producing electricity.
b) Turbines converts the mechanical energy into sound energy. The sound produced is
then used to create electricity.
c) Turbines spinning turns the kinetic energy of water into light energy, which is then
used in running the plants.
d) Turbines spinning turns the sound produced by the artificial waterfall into electrical
37. What do you call the outermost layer of the solid earth?
a) Mantle
b) Inner Core
c) Crust
d) Outer Core
38. Despite being located in the innermost layer of the earth where temperature is the highest,
the inner core is in solid state. What is other factor affecting to this phenomenon?
a) Distance from the sun
b) Pressure
c) Surrounding layers
d) Amount of rocks available
39. In the previous item, what do you call this phenomenon?
a) Pressure Freezing
b) Distance freezing
c) Core Freezing
d) Intermolecular Freezing
40. As the plates move, some part of the earth’s crust are pushed toward or away from each
other. This movement causes nearby rocks to move as well. When rocks move, some are
break and some past on each other. The breaking of rocks releases huge amount of energy
that runs through the earth. What are the possible outcomes of this phenomenon?
a) Typhoons
b) Earthquakes and Tsunamis
c) Volcanic Eruption
d) Flashfloods
41. What is it that refers to the amount of energy released by an earthquake from its focus?
a) Epicenter
b) Intensity
c) Magnitude
d) Tidal Code
42. The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where it is an area where the crustal
plates are weak. What can you conclude about this information?
a) Always hit by the Typhoons
b) Always hot all year round
c) An archipelago.
d) Prone to earthquake and Volcanic Eruptions
43. The PHIVOLCS (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology) uses an
Earthquake Intensity Scale in measuring the earthquake’s intensity. After recording, the
PHIVOLCS announces that the magnitude of an earthquake is at 7.9. what does this
suggest and should you do?
a) The earthquake is weak and there’s no need for paying it attention.
b) The earthquake is strong but my house can handle that. There’s no need to worry.
c) The earthquake is strong and we should follow the guidelines by the government.
Evacuating to a safe place is a must.
d) The earthquake is not that strong. All should we do is to stay calm and relax.
44. Where does an earthquake originates?
a) Focus
b) Intensity
c) Magnitude
d) Epicenter
45. You learned in your science class that volcanic eruption is not all destruction. It can also
be beneficial in some other ways. Some of this is by making the soil fertile. After an
eruption, what should we expect from crops and vegetables supply and quality?
a) There is an abundance in supply of crops and vegetables
b) The quality of the crops are half-good.
c) The supply will be lacking since some plants will wither
d) There’s no concrete relation between the two.
46. What do you call to the opening of a volcano?
a) Magma
b) Lava
c) Cone
d) Crater
47. Supposedly, you work in the PHIVOLCS and you learned that an earthquake happens in
an area near the sea. Based on this knowledge, what should you do immediately to avoid
further accidents?
a) Announce to the residents to evacuate to high grounds and avoid going to seas.
Tsunami might follow after the earthquake.
b) Advise them to stay at home and prepare.
c) Tell them to watch the movement of the water from the sea.
d) Ignore them
48. how are the earthquakes and tsunamis are related?
a) When these tectonic plates slip over, under, or past each other at the fault lines where
they meet, energy builds up and is released as an earthquake. Undersea earthquakes
sometimes cause ocean waves called tsunamis.
b) The energy generated by the tsunami is absorb the earth and sometimes, it causes an
c) Tsunami happens when an earthquake is happened underwater and the plates move
sideways with one another.
d) There’s no concrete evidence that tsunami and earthquake are related to one another.
49. One of your classmates observe that before the tsunami happens, the water began to
move backwards and large numbers of marine creatures are found near the shore.
Supposedly you are to judge whether your classmate’s observation is correct, is it correct
or not?
a) The answer is incorrect. The movement of water backwards and the occurrence of
Tsunami is not related to each other.
b) The answer is correct. The movement of water backwards is the result of the increase
in altitude of the surrounding land, making tremendous amount of energy and
creating a tsunami.
c) The answer is incorrect. The movement of water backgrounds and appearance of
marine creature near the shore are caused by the disturbance in the seafloor during the
d) The answer is correct. One of the signs of an impending tsunami is the receding of
water in the ocean. This is because as a tsunami wave approaches shallower waters
along the coast, the leading edge of the wave begins to slow down while the rest of
the wave begins to “pile up” behind it — causing it to grow in height while
maintaining its strength.
50. Supposedly you are to be ask if we are able to harness the tremendous energy released by
the earthquake, do you think we can do it?
a) Yes, I think that it is possible to harness the energy generated by the earthquakes.
And we should start harnessing it now.
b) Yes, it is theoretically possible to harness the energy by the earthquake, however
pulling it off from a practical standpoint would be a real logistical challenge—not to
mention prohibitively expensive compared to harnessing other forms of energy,
renewable or otherwise.
c) No, energy generated by the earthquake is too much to handle with our current
d) No, that energy is tremendous and even if we succeed in harnessing it, it would too
much for us to handle. It could also lead to conflict.

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