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Chapter 5


This chapter is the last chapter of the thesis and concludes three sections. In the first
section, findings and discussion are presented based on the analysis of surveys data. In the
second section, suggestions and recommendations are also presented based on findings. In the
last section of the chapter need for further research is described.

5.1 Findings and Discussion

In this study, 227 employees are collected who are currently working at Alliance
Microfinance company in Sagaing Region. As an Alliance Microfinance company, it is found
that most of employees are client officer because microfinance is a banking service provided to
unemployed or low-income individuals. As a result of demographic analysis, most of employees
are female, between 20 and 25 years old. According to marital status analysis, most of employees
are unmarried. In education level, most of employees are graduate level. It can be concluded that

Regarding with training and development practices, it is found that design of training is
the most influencing factor on training and development practices. It can be concluded that the
company determine a fair system to select the employees for training. And then the second
highest influencing factor is to analyze the training needs because the company provided training
program that helps employees to get needed skills and knowledge for their current job. In
addition, implement the training is the third highest influencing factor of training and
development practices. It can be concluded that trainers use attractive teaching methods to
interest the training program. The fourth influencing factor is to evaluate the training which
means that most of employees could be seen their improvement after training. Moreover,
develop the training plan is the fifth influencing factor because trainers always test the
instructional tools before the training start.

In the analysis of the effect of training and development practices on employee

engagement, all training and development practices (analyze the training needs, design the
training, develop the training plan, implement the training and evaluate the training) have the
positive effects on employee engagement. Among them, evaluate the training is the most positive
effect on employee engagement. It can be concluded that employees obtained knowledge and
skills that are consistent with the learning objectives. Employees perform the tasks and duties
very well after receiving training. The company has the follow up program to maintain and
develop the results. And then trainers are effective in teaching and they provide the good
presentation. In addition, the company create the training that meet the expectations of
employees and the organization.

Concerning with the effect of employee engagement on employee performance, it is

found that employee engagement has the positive effect on employee performance. It can be
concluded that this organization give them enough recognition for work that is well done and
motivates employees to give the best whenever they at work. And the colleagues treat each other
with respect. The leaders of the company really know what they’re doing to reach company’s
objectives. Training programs could increase job satisfaction of employees due to the relevant
skills, knowledge and attitude. Because of the knowledge, skills and attitude that received from
the training, employees can accomplish activities and duties without waste and to attain the
organizational objectives. Training has helped employees to improve their performance. And the
trained employees get better performance in their work because of training program. Employees
also get the creative solutions to new problems due to the training programs.

5.2 Suggestions and Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, designing the training plan is the highest influence
factor in training and development practices. In order training to play a positive role in the
organization, the policies about training and development should be communicated to the
employees. The organization is needed to design the training course in accordance with training
needs analysis. In addition, the organization should prepare the training tools for employees and
should define the duration time of training. Therefore, the organization more emphasizes on
designing the training program that supports the training and development practices.

In the analysis of the effect of training and development practices on employee

engagement, evaluating the training has the most positive effect on employee engagement.
Organization needed to evaluate the trained employees because trained employees assist the
organization to cope with anything changes in the business environment. When the trainers edit
the training methods to get employees’ attention, employees are more engaged in their
workplace. Organization should carry out the evaluation of the training that is relevant to
employee needs. Moreover, organization should also follow up program to maintain the results.

Concerning with analyzing the training needs, organization should analyze the training
needs for employees’ improvement. In addition, the organization should give the effective
training course due to training need analysis by employees and should examine the business
problems that concerned with mission, goals, and objectives. The organization should consider
the training as part of the organizational strategy. Strategies should be developed pertain to
training and development of employees in an organization before carrying out the training

In the analysis of the effect of employee engagement on employee performance,

employee engagement has positive effect on employee performance in the organization. By
improving work policies HR practices, employees’ engagement and performance also improve
substantially. When employees are engaged, they are aware of their responsibilities in
organizational goals and motivate their co-workers for the achievement of the objectives.
Employee engagement is a positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization and
its working culture. Therefore, organization should actively look forward to fulfil employee’s
expectations and create an impact on the performance of employees, which directly effects the
organization’s performance.

5.3 Needs for Further Research

This study is only focus on training and development practices, employee engagement
and employee performance of Alliance Microfinance in Sagaing Region. There are many
practices about training and development. In this study, training and development practices are
analyzed by using analyzing the training needs, designing the training plan, developing the
training plan, implementing the training and evaluating the training. However, this study
excludes other practices that influence on training and development. Therefore, further study
should observe more practices to investigate the significance of their effects on training and
development, employee engagement and employee performance. And further study can be
extended to other industries throughout the country.
 Monywa - (S – 40, N – 38)
 Myinmu - 28
 Sagaing - 33
 Shwe Bo - 33
 Ye U - 33
 Kantblu - 22
 Kawling - 22
 Wetlet - 15
 Sadaung - 10
 Yinmarbin - 21
 Chaung U - 18
Sagaing, Monywa South, Monywa North, Myinmu, Shwe Bo, Ye U, Kawlin and Kambalu
There are many microfinance companies. Among them, I choose the Alliance
Microfinance. Alliance Microfinance is one of the most popular microfinance companies.
Alliance Microfinance was set-up in 2014 with a mission to promote financial inclusion by
providing cutting-edge technology and innovative products and services to low-income
households, businesses and farmers. Having received its deposit-taking microfinance license and
starting operations in October 2014 in Mandalay and presently operates 26 branches and 16
outlets with more than 234,700 clients. Alliance aims to rapidly scale up and expand its
operations to become a leading MFI over the next 5 years. To become a leading MFI among
other companies, training and development are essential part to get competitive advantages.
Alliance Microfinance pay a lot of training for their staffs. The company emphasizes training and
development practices to become skill-full employees. Employees are the key point to get
successful of the organization. So, employee performances are very important in the
organization. The more they do lot of training and development, the more they get employee
performance. That's why this study is to analyze the effect of training and development practices
on employee performance of Alliance Microfinance. This study also will explore to study why
the training and development are important employee performance.

It provides financial services for low-income like farmers, small business owners and
households which cannot borrow the money from the banks. Therefore, Alliance for
Microfinance is good for the poor. The company mission is for responsibly offers a wide range
of client-oriented financial services and financial education to unbanked entrepreneurs,
particularly women entrepreneurs, to strengthen their businesses and family welfare. The
company provides the customers to dream come true. The company provides financial service
and allow the customers for saving their moneys.
Alliance Microfinance Companies, based in Mandalay, has been operating in Mandalay Region
since 2014. It is one of the largest microfinance companies in Myanmar. There are 33 branches
and 18 sub-branches in Mandalay Division, Magway Division, Shan State, Sagaing Division and
Kayar State serving more than 218,000 members.
Alliance Microfinance Company is a company that does not have access to banks. The
company provides a wide range of financial services, including financial education methods,
with the aim of improving the lives of women entrepreneurs, especially in villages and towns.
Alliance provides financial services for the villages which have more than 140,000
people. Company provides financial services up to over 77,000 in Urban and Neighborhood. In
addition, company support maternity allowance for members, distributes stationery to students
from primary and high schools conduct other social activities (victims of fire, flood and
pandemic (COVID-19), etc.) We provide timely assistance.
Alliance Microfinance Company continue to provide financial services to existing
members as well as try to get new clients in the future. Through savings services, company strive
to improve the desire of members.

i. Vision
Alliance Microfinance Company provides services to entrepreneurs who do not have
access to financial services from banks; we provide responsible services through a variety of
financial services and financial education methods that prioritize the interests of our member to
enhance women’s business and family life.

ii. Mission
Alliance Microfinance Company must be able to stand as a leading microfinance
company in providing financial services and social services to Myanmar’s rural low-income
iii. Goal of Alliance Microfinance
Gold of Alliance Microfinance is to increase family income and achieving better living
condition through sustainable credit service with a reasonable interest rate and terms-fulfilling
capital requirement of the economically poor households. Alliance Microfinance is the promise
of a better tomorrow. The promise is a healthy life, a decent livelihood, sustainable nature
resources that benefit communities.

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