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 Faye Glenn Abdellah was born on March 13, 1919, in

New York City
 Educational achievements In 1942, Abdellah earned a
nursing diploma from Fitkin Memorial Hospital's
School of Nursing New Jersey (now Ann May School
of Nursing).
 She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in 1945, a
Master of Arts degree in 1947 and Doctor of
Education in Teacher’s College, Columbia University.
In 1947 she also took Master of Arts Degree in
 Abdellah’s patient - centred approach to nursing was
developed inductively from her practice and is
considered a human needs theory.

The theory was created to assist with nursing education and is
 Physical, sociological, and emotional needs of
most applicable to the education of nurses.

 Types of interpersonal relationships between the

nurse and patient

 care
 Nursing is a helping profession Nursing care is doing something to or for the person or providing information to the
person with the goals of meeting needs, increasing or restoring self-help ability, or alleviating impairment. Nursing
to be comprehensive service.

Abdellah describes people as having physical, emotional, and sociological needs. Patient is described as the only
justification for the existence of nursing. Individuals (and families) are the recipients of nursing Health, or
achieving of it, is the purpose of nursing services.

In Patient–Centered Approaches to Nursing, Abdellah describes health as a state mutually exclusive of illness.
Although Abdellah does not give a definition of health, she speaks to “total health needs” and “a healthy state of
mind and body” in her description of nursing as a comprehensive service.

Society is included in “planning for optimum health on local, state, national, and international levels”. However, as
she further delineated her ideas, the focus of nursing service is clearly the individual. The environment is the home
or community from which patient comes.

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