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GEN006: Applied
Module #1 Student Activity S-ne

Class number: .....;.i_ _

Date: m:·1'.'l ·.,.

Learning Unit: Ethics vs. Morality Learning Materials:

Learning Objectives: Student Activity Sheets (PEN Modules)
At the end of the module, the student should be able to:
1. Recogn ize the nature of the basic units of Ethics and Learning Resources:
Morality, and philosophical reasoning. Mabaquiao, N. (2017). Making Life Worth Living:
2. Differentiate Morality and Ethics. An Introduction to Philosophy of the Human
Person. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Rachels, J. (2004). The Elements of · Moral
Philosophy {4th Edition). McGraw-Hill Publishing.

Quote of the Day:

'"Eat the frog' means tackling the most challenging, or least favorite task, first thing in the day."
- John Furneaux


Welcome to Applied Ethics!
This course will introduce you to various perspectives in analyzing pe·rsonal and moral dilemmas. It aims to mold
you to be become responsible citizens and/or leaders for nation-building. You wili have activities and assessments
to develop your critical decision-making skills in addressing social ethical issues. Make sure to read t he instructions
and concept notes for you to maximize the learnings for each student activity sheet (SAS). Also, expect that the
school and your subject teacher will make necessary adjustments along the way, so do not hesitate to ask.

In this lesson, you will learn the basic conce pts of Ethics and Morality. You should be acquainted with the definition
and nature of ethics and morality for you to identify and understand their differences, as well as their similarities.
This lesson aims to provide a guide for human interaction towards the realization of an ethical, just, and human
society and towards the 'Search for the Ultimate Good'.
Instructions: Answer the following question/sand write your answers in 2-3 sentences only.
1. If our society does not adhere to any moral/ethical standard, what would happen to the kind of leaders we
would have? Elaborate your answer.
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Instructions: Take your time to read and understand all the important information you need to know about th
lesson. Also, please do not forget to highlight important information to help you remember.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

- A ,branch of philosoph:ii that co ns1s
· t s of t he f un damental ·issues of practical ~::~akl,C and Its major
concerns on _the nature of ~ltimate value and the standards.by which hyma~ · can bQt,Pi
or wrong. It 1s concerned with knowing what is right and wrong.
It came from the Greek word, fothos)', which means r;haracter.
D~als with !12!:!!l§ or standards of right and wrong applicable tQ hyman behayjnr
- Aim~: ~1) Addresses questions about morality, (2) Identifies the standards of making moral judgements, (3)
Clarifying \he 111eaning of.moral judgtpents, and (4) Seeks to understarid th,e basis of morals, how they develop
and how they a're ·and1should be followed. ' 1
Branchesi (1) Descriptive Ethics, (2) Normative Ethics, (3) Meta Ethics, and (4) Applied Ethics.
- Frameworks/Theories: (1) Virtue Ethics, (2) Deontological Ethics, and (3) Teleological Ethics.
- At a more fundamental level, it is the method by which we categorize our values and pursue them, It studies
what ought to be done.~nd answers the question, "Do we pursue our own happiness, or do we sacrifice
ourselves to a greater c:a11se?"

"According to Socrates, people will naturally do what is good provided that they know
:~ what is right, and th~t evil or bad actions are purely the resuli of ignorance."

{MORALITY) - \\ i~ ~~ o.~i\CA't-lro ~ ~t \\~'Ole! 'lie~

It refers to the extent to which an action is considered right or wrong. It concerns the recognition of the
inherent value (culture and religion), a value that is not reducible to how others benefit us.
Moral Standards. Refers to norms (rules and values) about the types of actions which are morally ~ e .
the rules people have abowt the kinds of actions they· belie~e are mor~ right, as well as the values_they ..
place on the kinds of object~ they believe are morally good. ~<\~~~'1', f~~~ ~.~f't"l:;¼•~
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\Non-moral Sta/7dards.) Refers- .to norms that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations ~uch as
t ~ _
Jill \\'\'Mb 1nl !t9'! ~\,IN , etiquettes, fas hfon"standards, rules in the game, house rules and legal statutes. A nonmoral act or action is
- ~~ ~ t.s- \it, ~o\~ not subject to moral ·ud ment because morality jsnot taken into consjderatjon (P .g., clothes you wear).
~ ~IISl\\~ \\'I). Im Describes a person or behavior that.conscientiously goes against accepted morals.or the
lffi'"'XSl1i'II proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by most people. It
connotes the intent of evilness or wrongdoing.
_ {Unmoral Standar&s.) Means that there is no moral perception and not influenced or guided by moral
considerations. l:Jrtmoral is used describing nonhuman or inanimate things incapable of understanding right
and wrong (e.g., hurricanes and machines).
_ (Amoral Standards) Defined as having or showing no concern about whethe:r behavior is morally right or
wrong-compendiously, " ~i~hout morals" (e.g., An infant who unlearned in what is right and wrong, and
eo le with mental illness .
Regulates unwanted or liarrmul behavior and to encourae:e wanted or beneficial behavior in society.
Dictated by the values of the culture regarding what is viewed as acceptable nr unacceptable toe
jndjvjduals in a society.
Specific sets of norms of behavior and a prescribed guide for conduct or action useful in guiding and
monitoring the interactions of humans in a society.
Prevent chaos and encoyrae:e ynjforroit¥. Rules also tend to make things fairer and to provide a stable(
environment for humans to co-exist in a society which leads to peace and development.
Encourages order to make members of society.,teel cgmfortable ser;yre ao d safe

"Moral duties or establish laws exist in order for society to survive."

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Instructions: Create a graphic organizer about Ethics and Morality. You can highlight their differences as well as
their similarities. Use a concept definition mop as the format of your output. You can use online editing
applications such as Canva and PPT, then, paste it in the space below. If you don't have access to these
applications, you can draw or doodle your graphic organizer.

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Ell & 5 L a
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
(5 MINS)
s are moral or non-moral standards.
Instru ctions : Determine wheth er the follow ing action
\M'@.\ ():\\"\\ Qr\~O 1. Killing the suspect of the crime.
~\'l\ ~\'ffi\ M't\Q\Ml2. Helping an elderly cross the street.
~, \t'M>\ @N\%\3. Wearing a face mask during a pandemic.
~~ ~\~\ ~\~G\4. Wash ing your hands before eating .
b\~ ,l~"~()Ylli. Posting offens ive words on social media .



on the quality of your work and effort .

Think-Ab91J-t-'leu-r lear~ ake a few minutes to reflect


you think was it challengin

2. What parts were challenging for you to do? Why do ·i\· t
. - · ~


1. What action is considered.ethical?)
as Utilitarianism and Deontology and is a specific
When an action is guided by ethical frameworks such
on one's reflection about the legal and instjtutjonal
and rationa l response to a moral situation based
your hand if you have a question during class).
norms of the group or society a person js in /e.g., raising
The i based on ethical theorjes and/or socjal iostjtutjons,
2. What action is co11sidere moral
right thing to do based on the cultura l values :and
When an action is guided by the belief that it is the
(e.g., pagmamano) . The conce pt of wrong and right
moral principles held by the person doing the action
is based on the personal perceptjon a□ a □ iodil id11al
able and undistinguishable?
3. Why is Morality and Ethics usually interchange
lity), it usually st arts from knowi ng about it (ethics).
Because when we talk about doing what is good (mora

1. Moral Sta ndard
2. Non-M oral St andar d
3. Non-M oral Standard
4. Non-M oral Standard
5. Moral Standard

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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