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We at Privateer Press are very excited that Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Kings,
Nations, and Gods releases later this year. We’re celebrating with a series of free weekly RPG content we call Full
Metal Fridays! You’ll be able to download new careers, equipment, monsters, and more on Full Metal Fridays. Each
month will showcase a different theme and will culminate in an event Game Masters can drop right into games.
This time around, we take a closer look at something that has played a critical role in shaping the Iron Kingdoms,
the art of alchemy.
Check back every Full Metal Friday for new Iron Kingdoms RPG content!

Installment 2, Week 1:
The Art of Synthesis
By Matt Goetz • Art by Brian Snoddy

The world of alchemy is one of constant change and

experimentation. Although most research is conducted
within the stable conditions of the laboratory,
occasionally an alchemist must work on the fly, tailoring
compounds to suit the needs of the situation. A great
deal of advancement in this discipline is the product of
field alchemy, spontaneous experimentation that yields
immediate results.


Field Alchemy Firestifle

Description: Firestifle generates an expanding cloud of
Alkalic Fluid foam that quickly smothers flames. Alchemists often keep
Description: A quick concoction meant to counteract the the ingredients for this compound on hand so that they
adverse effects of alchemical acids, alkalic fluid has saved can use it to prevent accidental fires from spreading out of
the lives and possessions of many clumsy alchemists. control within their labs.

Special Rules: The moment the ingredients are combined, Special Rules: The moment the ingredients are combined,
select a friendly character in base contact with the alchemist place a 3˝ AOE in base contact with the alchemist. Fire
suffering the Corrosion continuous effect. The continuous continuous effects on characters in the AOE immediately
effect immediately expires. expire and open flames in the AOE are extinguished.

Brewing Requirements: Alchemy Brewing Requirements: Alchemy

Ingredients: 1 unit alchemical waste (liquid), 1 unit mineral Ingredients: 1 unit alchemical waste (liquid), 1 unit mineral
crystals crystals

Total Material Cost: 4 gc Total Material Cost: 4 gc

Alchemical Formula: Creating alkalic fluid can be done Alchemical Formula: Creating firestifle can be done
without an alchemy lab and requires a character to mix without an alchemy lab and requires a character to drop
mineral crystals into a vial of alchemical waste. A character mineral crystals into a vial of alchemical waste. A character
must spend a quick action to combine the ingredients and must spend a quick action to combine the ingredients and
then makes an INT + Alchemy roll against a target number then makes an INT + Alchemy roll against a target number
of 12. If the roll succeeds, the character creates one unit of of 12. If the roll succeeds, place the firestifle AOE in base
alkalic fluid. If the roll fails, the ingredients are lost. contact with the alchemist. If the roll fails, the ingredients
are lost.
Description: Blackbond is a thick, tarlike substance prized
for its adhesive properties. Description: Glasseater is thick blue-green grease that
dissolves glass into an acrid vapor immediately upon
Special Rules: The moment the ingredients are combined, contact.
they create a few ounces of this thick, gummy substance.
An object coated with blackbond sticks wherever it Special Rules: The moment the ingredients are combined,
makes contact and remains stuck for d3 hours. Sand, soot, any glass surface the compound is spread over dissolves
and similar substances coating a target surface prevent into a pale vapor. One unit of glasseater can dissolve three
blackbond from adhering—it sticks to the grime rather than square feet of glass up to a quarter-inch thick.
the intended surface. To remove a stuck object, a character Brewing Requirements: Alchemy
must make a STR roll against a target number of 10.
Ingredients: 1 unit arcane minerals,1 unit mineral acid.
Brewing Requirements: Alchemy
Total Material Cost: 9 gc
Ingredients: 1 unit alchemical stone, 1 unit organic oil
Alchemical Formula: Creating glasseater can be done
Total Material Cost: 2 gc without an alchemy lab and requires a character to combine
Alchemical Formula: Creating blackbond can be done powdered arcane minerals with a vial of mineral acid on a
without an alchemy lab and requires a character to surface. A character must spend a quick action to combine
combine a vial of organic oil with powdered alchemical the ingredients and then makes an INT + Alchemy roll
stone. A character must spend a quick action to combine against a target number of 12. If the roll succeeds, the
the ingredients and then makes an INT + Alchemy roll character creates one unit of glasseater. If the roll fails, the
against a target number of 12. If the roll succeeds, the ingredients are lost.
character creates one unit of blackbond. If the roll fails, the
ingredients are lost.

Copyright 2001–2013 Privateer Press, inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer

Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, Full Metal Fantasy, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador,
Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, Circle
Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood,
warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos are trademarks of
Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies
for personal, non-commercial use only.

We at Privateer Press are very excited that Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Kings,
Nations, and Gods releases later this year. We’re celebrating with a series of free weekly RPG content we call Full
Metal Fridays! You’ll be able to download new careers, equipment, monsters, and more on Full Metal Fridays. Each
month will showcase a different theme and will culminate in an event Game Masters can drop right into games.
This time around, we take a closer look at something that has played a critical role in shaping the Iron Kingdoms,
the art of alchemy.
Check back every Full Metal Friday for new Iron Kingdoms RPG content!

Installment 2, Week 2:
Clever Concoctions
By Matt Goetz

New formulas are constantly being tested and uncontrollably. The gas causes a deep, hysterical laugh
refined in alchemist’s workshops throughout western akin to those most often heard from the cells of a
Immoren. Some are tailor-made to the specifications lunatic asylum. Individuals under the effects of the gas
of a single client, while others are the result of an find most actions extremely difficult while they are
alchemist identifying and attempting to address a wracked with fits of cackling.
common problem. Once a stable alchemical compound
Special Rules: Vials of laughing gas can be used as
has been carefully documented, it is a simple matter for
improvised thrown weapons, but due the inaccuracy of
others to reproduce it.
thrown glassware and the low cost of reliable grenade
housings (see Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Core
Alchemical Items Rules, p. 297), laughing gas bombs are the preferred
delivery method for the substance.
Laughing Gas
Laughing gas is a gas effect that causes no damage.
Cost: 21 gc When a character is exposed to laughing gas, he must
Description: Those wishing to incapacitate a large make a PHY roll against a target number of 12. If the
number of individuals without doing them any roll succeeds, nothing happens. If the roll fails, the
physical harm can employ this gaseous compound. character is affected by the gas and begins laughing
When inhaled, the vapor causes its victim to laugh uncontrollably. The character suffers –1 on his attack

Clever Concoctions

and skill rolls. During each of his Maintenance Phases,

the character must make an additional PHY roll. If Alchemical
he passes three of these PHY rolls, the gas has run its
course and its effects end. Equipment
Brewing Requirements: Alchemy Injection Pistol
Ingredients: 1 unit alchemical stone, 1 unit arcane Cost: 125 gc
extract, 1 unit organic oil Ammo: 1 (injector)
Total Material Cost: 7 gc Effective Range: 4˝ (24 feet)
Alchemical Formula: Brewing laughing gas requires Extreme Range: —
an alchemy lab and two hours of labor spent
combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients. Skill: Pistol
At the end of this time, the alchemist makes an INT + Attack Modifier: –2
Alchemy skill roll against a target number of 14. If the
roll succeeds, the character creates one dose of laughing POW: 8
gas. If the roll fails, he creates one unit of alchemical AOE: —
waste (liquid).
Description: This complicated brass pistol uses a small
Umbroculant Drops vial of true air, the alchemical compound used in
Cost: 27 gc concussion grenades, to propel an injection dart into a
target at range. The injection pistol provides a means of
Description: This dark, syrupy liquid is dropped long-range delivery for an alchemist’s creations but is
directly into the eyes, coating the corneas with a difficult to use and has a very short range.
glassy black sheen. Those under the effects of the
substance have a temporarily increased ability to see Special Rules: This weapon deals no damage. A damage
in low-light conditions. roll in excess of a target’s ARM indicates that the injector
had sufficient force to puncture armor and deliver the
Special Rules: Administering a dose of this substance compound contained within it. The target is immediately
requires an eyedropper. A living character exposed to subject to the effect of the alchemical compound.
umbroculant drops treats light conditions as one step
brighter than normal. For a character under its effects, An injector can be loaded with any injectable alchemical
complete darkness is treated as dim light and dim light compound. To be injectable, an alchemical compound
is treated as bright light. A dose of umbroculant drops must be described as a liquid or contain organic oil,
lasts for one hour. organic acid, or organic toxin in its ingredients.

Brewing Requirements: Alchemy If a target is hit by an unloaded injector, nothing

Ingredients: 1 unit mutagenic extract, 1 unit organic oil
It costs 5 gc for a dart and propellant for a single shot.
Total Material Cost: 9 gc The alchemical compound must be acquired separately.
Alchemical Formula: Brewing umbroculant drops
requires an alchemy lab and one hour of labor spent
combining, cooking, and stabilizing the ingredients.
At the end of this time, the alchemist makes an INT
+ Alchemy skill roll against a target number of 14. If
the roll succeeds, the character creates one dose of
umbroculant. If the roll fails, he creates one unit of
alchemical waste (liquid).

Copyright 2001–2013 Privateer Press, inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer

Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, Full Metal Fantasy, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador,
Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, Circle
Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood,
warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos are trademarks of
Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies
for personal, non-commercial use only.

We at Privateer Press are very excited that Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Kings,
Nations, and Gods releases later this year. We’re celebrating with a series of free weekly RPG content we call Full
Metal Fridays! You’ll be able to download new careers, equipment, monsters, and more on Full Metal Fridays. Each
month will showcase a different theme and will culminate in an event Game Masters can drop right into games.
This time around, we take a closer look at something that has played a critical role in shaping the Iron Kingdoms,
the art of alchemy.
Check back every Full Metal Friday for new Iron Kingdoms RPG content!

Installment 2, Week 3:
Unsafe Working Conditions
By Matt Goetz

The interior of an alchemist’s workshop can be identifiable distillates presents a danger to everyone in
disconcerting—if not outright terrifying—to those the room.
unfamiliar with the art. Exotic ingredients cover
The following list of potential hazards can be added
every available surface, bubbling vats of nauseatingly
to any encounter that takes place in an alchemist’s
colors occasionally flare with brilliantly colored flame,
workshop. These rules can also be applied in
and great clouds of choking chemicals swirl around
marketplaces, warehouses, the lair of Thamarite cultists,
the rafters and floorboards, sometimes combining in
and anywhere else alchemical compounds can be bought
unpredictable or even catastrophic ways.
or are regularly used or stored.
Fighting in an alchemist’s workshop is doubly dangerous.
Alongside the normal risks present in any battle, such as
being shot, stabbed, and concussed, combat in the lab
can end with any number of unintended consequences.
Stray rounds can impart the necessary shock to detonate
Workshop Hazards
a volatile compound, and a careless sweep of the sword Crucible
might mix dozens of different solutions together. True
Description: Fundamentally, crucibles are vessels
alchemy requires great care and complex calculation;
that can withstand extreme temperatures. In practice,
the accidental combination of acids, poisons, and less-
though, they are much more. A crucible stands at the

Unsafe Working Conditions

heart of an alchemist’s lab, stoked by a hot fire beneath 50 gc. It costs 10 gc for the housing and sufficient oil for
it. Inside the crucible, ingredients are broken down and an extra reservoir.
recombined, touched with arcane energies that convert
Special Rules: Using a tar candle as a weapon requires
them from simple parts into a useful whole.
an extra quick action to spin the pressure valve fully
To outsiders who hold the crucible in slightly less esteem, open. A tar candle has the following profile:
the crucible can still serve a useful function. It is, after
Ammo: —
all, still a giant vat of boiling chemicals.
Effective Range: 18 feet (3˝)
Special Rules: A crucible is represented by a small-, Extreme Range: —
medium-, or large-based model. A character engaged Skill: Thrown
with an enemy within 1˝ of the crucible can attempt Attack Modifier: –2
to push his opponent into it. Doing so requires the POW: 10
character first grapple his target (Iron Kingdoms Full Metal AOE: —
Fantasy Core Rules, p. 210). After successfully grappling
Special Rules: This weapon deals fire damage. On a
his target, a character can use a full action to attempt
critical hit, targets suffer the Fire continuous effect.
to force his target into the crucible. The characters then
make contested STR + Unarmed Combat rolls. If the Toxic Cloud
attacker wins, the character being grappled is pushed
1˝ toward the crucible. If he contacts the crucible, the Description: Caustic or poisonous clouds often fill the
character suffers a POW  14 corrosion damage roll and workplace of an alchemist, the noxious byproducts of
the Fire continuous effect. If the grappled character wins their craft. Most alchemists wear gas masks to protect
or draws, he is not forced into the crucible, although he themselves against these gases. Those who don’t take
remains grappled. such precautions have short-lived careers marked by
consumptive lung diseases and early death.
Dangerous Miss Special Rules: A toxic cloud can be represented by a 3˝,
Description: Attacks in the workshop must be 4˝, or 5˝ AOE centered over an alchemist’s workbench
carefully aimed to guard against causing unintended or some other sufficiently extraordinary piece of
chemical reactions. The larger and more elaborate an equipment. The AOE is a cloud and gas effect that
alchemist’s workshop, the more likely an errant shot remains in play unless acted on by an outside force, such
or careless close combat attack will have unintended as a Wind Blast spell or a strong cross-breeze blowing
consequences. Bullets might pass through dozens of through a broken window. A character must succeed on
bottles before hitting a wall, and broad strikes can clear a Willpower roll against a target number of 12 to enter
entire workbenches of their contents. the AOE. A character who enters or ends his activation
in the cloud suffers d3 damage points.
Special Rules: If an attack roll misses while fighting in
a lab, roll a d6. On a roll of 3 or higher, nothing happens;
either the attack miraculously avoided striking any
supplies, or it simply hit those that are nonreactive when
combined. On a roll of 1 or 2, a critical combination has
occurred. Roll deviation for one 3˝ AOE centered over
the character who missed the attack. The AOE is a cloud
effect that stays in play for one round. Characters who
enter or end their turns in the AOE suffer a POW  8
corrosion damage roll.

Tar Candle
Cost: 5 gc
Description: A common implement in the workshops
of upper-echelon alchemists, a tar candle is a long metal
housing attached to a compressed reservoir of refined oil,
most commonly whale oil. Refined oil is viscous and a
deep black color, giving the tar candle its name. A valve
controls the expulsion of oil up the housing to a pilot
wick, and while open the reservoir provides enough
hot flame for hours of work. The tar candle is useful for Copyright 2001–2013 Privateer Press, inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer
speeding up the process of alchemical distillation, but Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, Full Metal Fantasy, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador,
Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, Circle
one used irresponsibly can throw out gouts of intensely Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood,
warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos are trademarks of
hot, if short-lived, fire. A new, fully fueled tar candle costs Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies
for personal, non-commercial use only.

We at Privateer Press are very excited that Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Kings,
Nations, and Gods releases later this year. We’re celebrating with a series of free weekly RPG content we call Full
Metal Fridays! You’ll be able to download new careers, equipment, monsters, and more on Full Metal Fridays. Each
month will showcase a different theme and will culminate in an event Game Masters can drop right into games.
This time around, we take a closer look at something that has played a critical role in shaping the Iron Kingdoms,
the art of alchemy.
Check back every Full Metal Friday for new Iron Kingdoms RPG content!

Installment 2, Week 4:
Alchemical Imbalance
By Matt Goetz • Art by Damon Westenhofer and Thorsten Denk

The musty, crumbling building is filled with stacked crates to provide for the needs of his community, using the
of glassware and complex apparatuses of twisted copper and coins he earned to fund his passion: the study of ancient
steel. Deep within the labyrinth of disorganized ingredients alchemies, particularly from pages purported to contain
and equipment, a foul stink of ammonia and sulfur creates
information copied from the Crucibilus Synthetatus. Di
choking fumes that thicken the air. Floating amid the swirling
Cavour hoped to find a key to a means of alchemically
fog is a translucent figure dressed in the attire of an alchemist,
flasks and vials orbiting its outstretched hands like the moons extending natural life within the scrawled pages.
of Caen. Suddenly it notices you amid the clutter, glassy eyes Tragically, di Cavour’s work was cut short. He was
snapping down to pin you in place. Behind you the door to this betrayed and murdered by his apprentice for his
place—the only door—slams shut with a sound of finality, and notebooks, which contained a significant number of
the specter begins to drift closer.
proprietary alchemical preparations. In the aftermath of
his violent death, di Cavour’s spirit lingered on in his
For the Game laboratory, each passing year fracturing his memories
and twisting his once-gentle personality into something
Master more clinical and cruel. With his great work unfinished,
the specter of di Cavour is caught in a perpetual cycle of
In life, Victor di Cavour was an accomplished alchemist of attempting to complete his impossible masterpiece.
Corvis. He produced alchemical reagents and restoratives

Alchemical Imbalance

The specter of di Cavour retains some of the alchemist’s

living memories, but they are fragmented and tainted
with a bitter desire for revenge. He does not have a specific
target for his revenge; memories of the person responsible
for his murder are among those he lost in death. Instead di
Cavour lashes out against anyone he feels presents a threat
to him or his work. Several refugees new to Corvis have
already fallen victim to his wrath, and he has controlled
others with his deathly powers to function as assistants and
harvesters of supplies. Though it has taken several months,
di Cavour’s former home has once again been stocked with
all the materials he needs to practice the art of alchemy.

The Order of the Golden Crucible has heard some rather

disturbing rumors regarding di Cavour’s recent resurgence.
Unwilling to dedicate resources to the investigation the
organization has extended the opportunity to mercenaries
and investigators in the region. Dealing with di Cavour
is one way for unaffiliated alchemists seeking the order’s
attention to make their name known — and those simply
seeking gold know that the pockets of the order run deep.

The Specter of Alchemy
Hero-Level Encounter

Encounter Points: 23

Adversary: Victor di Cavour

Additional Factors: Alchemical hazards

Description: This encounter involves the characters

entering the former home of Victor di Cavour, either
at the behest of the Order of the Golden Crucible or
to investigate rumors of unnatural activity they have
heard on the streets of Corvis. The encounter begins
the moment all the PCs enter di Cavour’s home. The
specter psychokinetically closes and seals the doors
behind the characters before beginning the attack.

The main floor of di Cavour’s home is made up of four

smaller rooms and one large laboratory. Each room is
filled with alchemical equipment. Shelves covered in
bottled solutions create a maze of cover, and dozens of
alchemical devices litter the building. Each room of di
Cavour’s home is, in effect, a fully stocked alchemical
workshop. Each contains several crucibles, stockpiles of
supplies, and compounds in the process of refinement.

Special Rules/Tactics: This encounter uses the

rules for alchemical hazards presented last week.

Full Metal Fridays 2.3

Player characters and di Cavour alike can use the

ingredients found in the five rooms to create any field
alchemy compound they desire. Di Cavour also has several

Alchemical Imbalance

shelves of charred books and notes related to his research Victor di Cavour
that give clues to his obsessive yet impossible undertaking.
Victor di Cavour is the specter of a Llaelese alchemist and
Di Cavour fights by using his psychokinetic abilities currently haunts his former Corvis home.
for field alchemy or to hurl alchemical items such as
vitriolic fire, acid, and rust agent. There are d3 prepared
alchemical items in each of the rooms. Di Cavour distrusts
other alchemists due to the nature of his murder, and he Willpower Initiative Detect Sneak
focuses attacks on them first. During the encounter he
shouts at the characters to leave him to his work, warning ABILITIES
them that they will not steal the formulae from him.
Skills (stat already included)
Di Cavour phases from room to room within the laboratory Dark Influence – During his turn, di Cavour can use a quick action to control
to avoid anyone engaging him or to gather a fresh supply a living character in his command range. Di Cavour can attempt to control a
character only once per turn. If the target is in di Cavour’s command range,
of items he can use to attack. If he exhausts his supply of di Cavour makes a contested Willpower roll against him. If the target wins,
alchemical items, di Cavour uses Dark Influence to make nothing happens. If di Cavour wins, he takes control of the character. Di
Cavour immediately causes the affected character to make a full advance
player characters attack each other as often as possible. followed by a quick action or a melee or ranged attack.

Because di Cavour is a specter, he presents the player Feat Point – Di Cavour starts each encounter with 1 feat point. He is
allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of his turns. Di Cavour can have only
characters with a much greater challenge if they have up to 1 feat point at a time.
no means of dealing with his incorporeality. If they
Incorporeal – Di Cavour can move through rough terrain, solid objects, and
do not already have Ashes of Urcaen prepared, they other characters. Blessed weapons affect him normally. Spells and other
have a chance to discover a dose of the item within magical weapons can damage di Cavour but roll one fewer die on damage
rolls. No other weapons can harm him.
the workshop—likely a dust-covered bottle of the
Obsession – Di Cavour is obsessed with the manufacture of alchemical
compound refined before di Cavour found himself in
substances, in particular the impossible task of replicating recipes from the
his present state. A character can spend a full action to Crucibilus Synthetatus. Convincing him of the impossibility of this endeavor
search for a bottle of Ashes of Urcaen. The character is a key to laying his spirit to rest.

makes a Detection skill roll against a target number of Phase – Di Cavour can spend a quick action to immediately be placed
anywhere within thirty feet (5˝) of his current location.
15. If the character is an Alchemist, he gains +2 to his
Psychokinesis – Di Cavour can manipulate small objects by manifesting
roll. If he succeeds, he discovers the Ashes of Urcaen.
psychokinetic energy. He can pick up unattended objects within his command
If he fails, he does not discover anything in that room. range weighing five pounds or less and move them up to 8˝ as a quick action.
The characters can attempt to search each room once. He cannot use complex objects (such as the trigger on a gun), but he can break
glass, rattle doors, and hurl small objects with surprising force by spending
an attack action and making a ranged attack roll. On a hit, di Cavour inflicts
damage equal to his STR plus the POW of the object hurled if a weapon in the
thrown weapon category, or simply STR + POW 2 for a mundane object.
Terror – Di Cavour causes Terror [16].
Undead – Di Cavour is an undead creature and never flees.

Command Range 6
Base Size Small
Encounter Points 9







5 I

Copyright 2001–2013 Privateer Press, inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer

Press®, Iron Kingdoms®, Immoren, Full Metal Fantasy, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador,
Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, Circle
Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood,
warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos are trademarks of
Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies
for personal, non-commercial use only.

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