Adversity Quotient

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1. The behaviors were caused by an internal authority, the students' desire for dominance was
manifested through their enthusiasm, self-confidence, self-esteem, and ambition. The
behaviors would occur in response to another person's reaction, such as persuasion or force,
and they could have a direct impact on both responsibility and future expectations.

Koonthaisong investigated the mental characteristics associated with adversity quotient

abilities and discovered that the four adversity quotients, which included the abilities in
controlling, solving, confronting problems, and realizing the level of them, influenced the
positive correlation, responsibility, expectation of the future, achievement motivation,
dominance, self-independence, and self-confidence.

Koonthaisong, M. 2003. Some mental features that correlated to the Adversity Quotient.
M.Ed. Thesis. Mahasarakham: Mahasarakham University, Thailand,

2. Even in the face of chaos, it entails remaining stable and maintaining healthy levels of
physical and psychological functions. It can also be viewed as a successful adaptation to
high risk. This has been conceptualized as the result of both individual characteristics and
environmental effects (Markman, 2000; Peak Learning, 2010). Other researchers have
recently demonstrated through the results of their studies that measuring AQ® may be a
better predictor of success than IQ, not only for academic achievement in education, but also
for other related social skills (Zhou, 2009; Williams, 2008; Tantor, 2007).

Markman, G. 2000. Adversity Quotient: The role of personal bounce-back ability in new
venture formation, Human Resousce Management Review, Vol.13(2),2003, pp. 281-301,
Available at:

Zhou, H. 2009. The adversity quotient and academic performance among college students
at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon City, Ph.D Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, Available
at : 105
3. Stoltz (1997) and Pargudtong (2008) considered that individuals can succeed in AQ
development techniques by changing their habits of thinking, which can be created by
uninstalling original visions and intentionally creating a new form of thinking. Furthermore,
studies have shown that AQ development is related to academic achievement development
and promotes emotional stability, adaptation, and stress reduction. Furthermore, it was
discovered that problem-solving ability is not only correlated and positively influences
learning achievement, but it is also positively correlated with work success, social skills, and
self-control (Chailangka, Panomrit, Boonmee, Kaewjaiboon, & Mekloi, 2009; Cornista &
Macasaet, 2013; Saetang, 2012; Santos, 2012).

As a result, the researchers were interested in developing an AQ development program to

reduce stress in Mutthayomsuksa 3 students' AQ development. Because these students were
in the midst of adolescence, they will forge an important identity for future development in
adulthood. They had to adapt to new situations and deal with more stress than other early
Mutthayomsuksa levels. As a result of these factors, they had to prepare for high school
entrance exams, choose a career, and be concerned about adjusting to new friends and
surroundings. There are studies from all over the country, including Bangkok, that confirm
the stress of students in this grade level (Chinapong, 2013; Laohasurayotinom, 2010; Wiset,
Pengsangiam, & Sutthawatnatcha, 2014).

It is consistent with the findings of the researchers from the data collection survey conducted
in the school. It was discovered that Mutthayomsuksa 3 students had high stress levels as a
result of the aforementioned reasons. As a result, solutions to such problems are required.
Recent studies had primarily studied and developed AQ in adults, so the AQ development
program was not appropriate for samples of early adolescences as it should have been.
Furthermore, no direct research on AQ development programs for stress reduction was

There were only studies that looked at the correlation between two variables. As a result, the
researchers believed that the AQ development program, which was directly developed to
solve the problems and be appropriate to the samples, would be one of the solutions to the
previously mentioned stress problems. As a result, the researchers were required to take the
potential of AQ to be adopted for maximum benefit as well as to reduce stress on learning
and living, as well as to be a way to raise a level of success in all life aspects in the future.

Cornista, G. A. L.&Macasaet C. J. A. (2013). Adversity quotient and achievement

motivation of selected third year and fourth year psychology students of DE LA SALLE
LIPA A.Y. 2012-2013

Santos, M. C. J. (2012). Assessing the effectiveness of the adapted adversity quotient

program in a special education school. Researchers World, 3(4), 13
4. It refers to a person's ability to recover from adversity. People with high A.Q have been
found to perform well in the face of adversity, no matter how big or small. These individuals
demonstrate high productivity and capacity by maintaining a high level of morale
(Vakharia,2012). It has been discovered that people with high A.Q levels take greater
responsibility for problem solving and do not blame others for their setbacks. Those who are
unable to cope with adversity may become easily overwhelmed and emotional, at which
point they may withdraw and cease further efforts.

Not only adults, but also children and teenagers, face numerous challenges in their personal
and academic lives. School is a major source of stress and creates a variety of adversities.
Students in school must deal with a stressful environment (Hema and Gupta, 2015). They
must deal with competitions, too many assignments, failures and poor relationships with
other students or lecturers, high pressure to get good grades and perform well in exams, peer
pressure or exclusion, negative remarks from teachers and parents, and other aspects of their
school education. According to Sarita and Sonia (2015), concept-laden curriculum,
inappropriate school timings, a high student-teacher ratio, and a nonconductive physical
environment in classrooms

Stress in the family, such as divorce, intrapersonal conflicts, and maternal depression, causes
stress in adolescents, which impairs functioning (Rex Forehand et al, 1991). Examination-
related stresses were discovered to be a major source of adversity in the form of academic
stress (Shirom, 1986). For students, they have become unavoidable adversities. If students
are unable to cope with these conditions, they may experience a variety of psychological
disturbances that have a direct impact on their physical and mental health, causing them
harm. If the degree of disturbance is too great to be tolerated, such students frequently
commit suicide. Students of all ages face a variety of adverse situations. The Adversity
Quotient has been found to be positively related to school performance and climate.

VakhariaRadhika (2012). A study of secondary school students’ response to adversity in

relation to certain psychological and performance factors, Retrieved from

Hema G.,M. Gupta (2015).Adversity Quotient for Prospective Higher Education. The
International Journal of Indian Psychology ISSN 2348-5396 (e) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (p)
Volume 2, Issue 3. Pp50-64

Sarita and Sonia, (2015). Academic Stress among Students: Role and Responsibilities of
Parents. International Journal of Applied Research 2015; 1(10): 385-388
5. Adversity refers to being exposed to unfavorable or calamitous circumstances such as a
cyclone or an earthquake, as well as difficulties at home or at work. Adversities in society
for students include peer pressure, an unfavorable organizational climate, poor social
relationships at home, gender discrimination, a disordered family environment, loneliness,
and so on (Nikam and Uplane, 2013). Students of all ages are subjected to a variety of
adversities. The level of adversity influences learners' personal and professional lives,
resulting in a variety of outcomes. Higher education is an important milestone for every
individual's success after they have completed their secondary education. During their higher
education, students are exposed to a variety of situations that are vastly different from those
encountered in high school. Youth, college or university students, are the future.

The study was aimed at high school students because high school is the foundation for any
higher education they may pursue in the future. Higher education aims to develop
undergraduates holistically, which necessitates a quality-oriented education. Clearly, the
goal of college efforts was to improve college students' overall literacy. The psychological
quality is an important component of overall quality; that is, whether college students have
good psychological quality, particularly coping ability against adversity or resilience
(returning to normalcy) in adversity. This inability to cope with adversity will have an
impact on their life and future development, as well as whether they can become qualified
builders and trustworthy successors for the cause of society. Higher education, which has the
task of preparing leaders for an uncertain and changing future, must provide their students
with the most fundamental trait of resilience, in order for them to face the inevitable
challenges and adversities found in all professions.

Nikam and Uplane (2013), Adversity Quotient and Defense Mechanism of Secondary
School Students, Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 1 (4), pp. 303-308

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