Resistivity Logs1

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Resistivity Log

•Electric log
•Measures the bulk resistivity of the formation. Resistivity is
defined as the degree to which a substance resists the flow of electric
current. Resistivity is a function of porosity and pore fluid in a rock.
•Porous rock containing conductive fluid (such as saline water) will
have low resistivity. A non-porous rock or hydrocarbon-bearing
formation has high resistivity. This log is very useful for determining
the type of fluids in formations and is frequently used as an indicator
of formation lithology.
•Often three resistivity curves collected at once.
•Important because one of the only logs that measures several
feet into the rock beyond the borehole.
•Collected by sending a current of known intensity between two
electrodes - one in the hole and the other either at the surface or at
a distance in the hole.
•ohm-meter2/meter (ohm-m)
•higher values on right
•slightly more difficult to
interpret than SP in general is
mirror image, but depends on
Electrode Resistivity Tools

‫سجالت المقاومة‬
Cased holes Open holes
Principal uses of open hole wireline logs

‫مقاومة التكوينات لمرور التيارات الكهربائية‬

‫تعتمد علي‪-:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬مقاومة الماء الموجود بتلك التكوينات‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬كمية الماء الموجود بها‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬أماكن تواجد قنوات تجمع الماء‪.‬‬

‫عوامل يجب أخذها في االعتبار مثل‪:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬نوعية السوائل في البئر‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬الطبقات أو التكوينات المجاورة للبئر‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬مقدار تأثير كالً من ‪ Rxo‬علي ‪ Rt‬في‬
‫القياس والعكس بالعكس‬
Principle of Measurement

1. Water conducts principle

 Oil and gas are insulators
 The rock matrix is an insulator
2. Exceptions
 Fresh water
 Conductive rock matrix
True Resistivity Determination

Rm Rxo
Objective: Rt


Resistivity Logs are used to determine Water saturation,

Sw and hydrocarbon zone.
Resistivity Log
• Basics about the Resistivity:

• Resistivity measures the electric properties of the

• Resistivity is measured as, R in W per m,
• Resistivity is the inverse of conductivity,
• The ability to conduct electric current depends upon:
• The Volume of water,
• The Temperature of the formation,
• The Salinity of the formation

• The Resistivity Log:

Resistivity logs measure the ability of rocks to
• conduct electrical current and are scaled in units of

• The Usage:
Resistivity logs are electric logs which are used to:
• Determine Hydrocarbon versus Water-bearing zones,
• Determine Resistivity Porosity.
‫العالقة بين مقاومة التوصيل والمقاومة‬

‫حيث قانون أوم ينص علي إن مقدار التيار المار‬

‫(‪ )I‬خالل مقاومة معينة ( ‪ ) r‬يكون متناسبا ً عكس ً‬
‫مع مقدار أو شدة التيار (‪ . ) E‬وهذا يعنى إن‬
‫المقاومة تعتمد على أبعاد ونوع المقومة التي‬
‫استعملت بها‪.‬‬
Resistivity Theory

 The resistivity of a substance is a measure of its ability

to impede the flow of electrical current.
 Resistivity is the key to hydrocarbon saturation
 Porosity gives the volume of fluids but does not indicate
which fluid is occupying that pore space.
Basic Measurements
So Let’s Define Resistivity:
Resistivity is the measure
of a material’s resistance to
the flow of an electrical



Resistivity are the one of the basic measurements

taken by logging tools in a wellbore.
Assume a 100% water-bearing formation...
…filled with water of resistivity Rw

Water is a conductor
Rock is an insulator
Current travels along
the path of least
Physical measurement
provided is

Now add oil to that formation...

Oil is an insulator
Current travels along
the path of least
resistance Rt
Current path now
longer because of oil
Resistivity is
In a hydrocarbon-bearing rock, this is
referred to as TRUE resistivity (Rt)
Typical hydrocarbon/water on resistivity log



Typically Ohm’s law refers to

extrinsic property resistance.
In the oil industry we more
commonly use the intrinsic
resistivity expressed in ohm-
meters2- the resistance
measured between opposite
faces of a cubic meter of a
‫العالقة بين مقاومة‬
‫التوصيل والمقاومة‬
‫(قانون أوم)‬
Resistivity Logs

Sw, water saturation can be estimated from a resistivity

measurement using the Archie Equation, an empirical
relationship derived from experiments done by G.E.
Archie in 1942.
R0 is the resistivity of rock 100% saturated by water, and
Rt is resistivity of same rock with formation fluids.
Archie saturation exponent
only from core
tortuosity factor
usually =1
Water resistivity
Equation usually= 2
chemistry , SP, Rwa

a Rw
Sw  n 
m Rt

sonic, density,
true resistivity
deep resistivity log
preferably invasion corrected

Cementation exponent
1.7-2 for sandstones
from core or calculated
from wet zone
Resistivity Tool

Radius of

0’ Investigation 10’

Aarray Ind. or
Array Laterolog
True Resistivity

Rm Rxo
Objective: Rt

Focused vs Unfocused
The Normal Tool

1. For the short normal the objective is the

invaded zone resistivity (Rxo ).
2. For the long normal the objective is true
resistivity value Rt.
3. Geological correlation work, with short
normal because it responds to lithology.
4. Tops and bottoms of formations showing
sharp resistivity contrasts.
Normal Electrode A constant current is
Configuration passed between a
current electrode A
and one on the
surface B while the
potential difference is
0 2 4 6 8 омм
measured between N
and M. The tool
spacing (the effective
measurement zone) is
the AM spacing.
Spacings of 64 and 16
inches were common,
with longer spacings
reading deeper into
the formation.
Normal Electrode Configuration

0 2 4 6 8 омм


i G
9 2


50 10

5 N
t=18 8

Equipment A 32
AM 16

“A” 16 in normal’ “ B”
‫تقسيم المعدات حسب السعة‬

‫ وضع عادي قصير‬

L=16 in ( 0.4 m)
Short Normal
‫ وضع عادي عميق‬
L= 64 in ( 1.6 m)
Long Normal ( deeper investigation)
Limitations of Normal

The curves cannot be used if :

1. Borehole fluid is nonconductive.
2. Borehole is cased.
3. Bed thickness is equal to or less than the spacing.
4. When Rt/Rm is high since the current distortion becomes
too large to adequately correct Ra.
‫العوامل المؤثره علي تسجيل سرود الوضع العادي‬

‫‪ .1‬تأثير ضروف البئر من خالل‬

‫‪ ‬قطر البئرالمسرود‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬مقاومة سوائل الحفر المستعمله‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬تأثير مقاومة الطبقات المجاورة للبئر‬
‫‪ .3‬سمك الطبقات المجاورة للمعدات التسجيل وعالقتها مع‬
‫طول (‪.) L‬‬
‫‪ .4‬سمك الطبقات المغزوة ومقاومتها ( ‪) Rmf, Di, Rxo‬‬
a- Electric log of set of normal curves recorded opposite water

b- Electric log of set of normal curves varying spacing

recorded opposite an oil bearing sand
Old Elog

Sharp resistivity break

mapped as an oil - water
Resistivity Measurement

The Lateral Curves

True Resistivity Determination

Rm Rxo
Objective: Rt

Objective and Property Measured

The Lateral device used the same principle of normal

device but:-
 The difference is in electrode configuration and spacing.
 Problems came from "thin beds" when the signature of
the curve was used to try and find the true resistivity.
The lateral curve was typically used as a deep
Lateral reading device. A current is passed from an A and B
electrode and the potential is measured between
Configuration electrodes M and N. The measured point is halfway
between electrodes with the spacing designated as
AO (18 feet 8inches). The resulting curve is
0 2 4 6 8 омм
‫قيمة الجهد الناتج‬
‫يتناسب مع مقدار‬
‫الشحنة المتكونة‬
‫بين القطبين ‪M‬‬
‫‪ ، & N‬والمسافة‬
‫بين النقطتين ‪A‬‬
Principle of Measurement
‫وتقسم المعدات حسب السعة ‪L or AO‬‬

‫الطول او السعة‬ ‫الوضع‬

‫)‪Short Normal L=16 in ( 0.4 m‬‬ ‫وضع عادي قصير‬
‫)‪Long Normal ( deeper) L= 64 in ( 1.6 m‬‬ ‫وضع عادي عميق‬
‫)‪Short Lateral spacing 6 ft ( 1.8 m‬‬ ‫الوضع الجانبي القصير‬

‫) ‪Long Lateral spacing 18 ft 8 in (5.7 m‬‬ ‫الوضع الجانبي الطويل‬

Limitations of Lateral Measurements

The lateral curves cannot be used if :

1. Borehole fluid is nonconductive.
2. Borehole is cased.
3. Bed thickness between approximately 10 and 24ft.
4. Series of thin beds (5-10 ft thick) such that the response
is a complex combination of thin bed responses.
‫تحليل السرود في حالة الوضع الجانبي‬

‫أن منحني الوضع الجانبي يستطيع تعيين مقاومة الطبقات التي يمكن اختراقها بجانب‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫البئر‪ ،‬ولكن مقدرته علي تحديد الحدود لطبقات ليس بأالمر السهل‬
‫يمكن ان يحدد الحدود السفلية لتكوينات بسهوله اذا كانت وضعية االقطاب ( ‪AMN‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ومن ثم اذا اخذنا المعكوس في الوضع ‪ NMA‬نستطيع تعيين الحدود السطحية لتكوينات‬
‫تحليل السرود في حالة الوضع الجانبي‬

‫وضعية االقطاب‬
‫( ‪ AMN‬ومن‬
‫ثم اذا اخذنا‬
‫المعكوس في‬
‫الوضع ‪NMA‬‬
‫تحليل السرود في حالة الوضع الجانبي‬
Typical lateral The resultant curve is difficult to interpret as
most depths do not read the correct value and it
responses is critical to know the bed thickness.
Laterolog Applications

 Measures Rt.
 Standard Resistivity in high Resistivity environments.
 Usable in medium-to-high salinity muds.
 Good results in high contrast Rt/Rm.
 Fair vertical resolution (same as porosity tools).
Old Elog
Dual Laterologs

•Consists of deep reading (Rt) and

shallow reading (Ri) resistivity
•Deep and shallow measurements
are made simultaneously, at two
different frequencies
•Usually run with a Rxo measurement
(MSFL) attached to the lower portion
of the tool
Dual Laterolog
Principal Applications

 True resistivity and flushed zone resistivity

 Invasion profiles
 Correlation
 Quick-look hydrocarbon detection
 Depth control
 Indication of moved hydrocarbons
Choice of Resistivity

Laterolog Induction
OBM no yes
Salt water mud yes possible in small
Holes Fresh mud no** yes
High resistivity yes no
Air-filled hole no yes
Low resistivity possible*** yes
Rt < Rxo Induction preferred
Rt > Rxo Laterolog preferred

Separation of curves of
different resistivities
generally indicates
invasion. However no
separation could mean
no invasion or very
deep invasion.
Dual Induction
Focused Log
Measures deep resistivity of the
formation or close to the true
resistivity (Rt)

Measures the medium resistivity of

the formation or resistivity of the
invaded zone(Ri)

Shallow focused laterolog

measures the shallow resistivity
of the formation or the resistivity
of the flushed zone (Rxo)
Resistivity Tools
Various electrode logs and depth of measurement:

Flushed Zone Invaded Zone Un-invaded Zone

Microlog (ML) Short Normal (SN) Long Normal (LN)

Microlaterolog (MLL) Laterolog8 (LL8) Lateral Log

Proximity Log (PL) Spherically Focused Deep Laterolog (LLD)

Log (SFL)
Microspherically Shallow Laterolog Laterolog 3 (LL3)
Focused Log (MSFL) (LLs)
Laterolog 7 (LL7)
The Micro-focused Logs

1. Resistivity of flushed zone(Rxo).

2. Location of porous and
permeable zones
3. Movable
4. Caliper.
MSFL Principle
C b

(a) and (b) Views of expanded “MicroLog” device. (c) View

of subsurface powered “Minilog” equipment.

•Consists of two short-

spaced devices mounted
on the same pad
•Provides resistivity
measurements for very
small volume of mudcake
and formation
immediately adjacent to
the borehole
Micro Spherically
Focused Log (MSFL)

•It is the micro-analog of the

short spaced laterolog called SFL
•It is a pad device and has
rectangular electrodes
•It is the most frequently used Rxo
•Gives reasonable values of Rxo
as long as the mudcake
thickness is < 3/4 in.
•Has a very high degree of
vertical resolution
The Micro-focused Logs

1. Resistivity of flushed zone(Rxo).

2. Location of porous and
permeable zones
3. Movable
4. Caliper.
Uses and Limits

 Uses:
1. Rxo measurement in water- based muds.
2. Correction for deep resistivity tools.
3. Sxo determination.
-:‫ومن اهم فوائده كذلك‬
) Permeable zone( ‫تحديد التكوينات المسامية‬
) Thin beds ( ‫تحديد حدود الطبقات الرقيقة‬
.) Rxo & Rmc ( ‫ايجاد قيمة كالً من‬

•Used as a
•Separation between
the two curves with
deep reading higher
indicates mudcake,
and therefore
‫أعطيت سجل كهرابئي حيتوي علي عدة منحنيات للمقاومة واحلث الذايت‬
‫(كما هو مبني ابلرسم )‪ ،‬أجريت يف تكوين حجر جريي نقي ‪Limestone‬‬
‫)) فإذا علمت أن ‪-:‬‬
‫‪Rmf = 0. 21 m65 @  F,Tmax= 160 F m = n = 2,‬‬
‫‪average Φ = 17%‬‬
‫أحسب كالً من اخلواص التالية‪ {Rw, F, Rt, & Sw } -:‬عند كل عمق‬
‫من األعماق التالية ‪:‬ـ‬
‫‪5870 ، 5880 ، 5890، 5914 ، 5930‬‬
Thank you and Well Done
Induction Principle
Induction Principle

 An induction
tool uses a high
transmitter to
induce a current
in a ground loop
of formation.
‫جدار البئر‬
Induction Limits

 Cannot be used in salt-saturated muds unless in small hole

 Cannot be used in high resistivity formations.
 Poor in thin beds.
 Poor when Rxo < Rt.
 Dipping beds will affect the logs.
Induction Uses

 Measures Rt.
 Ideal in fresh or oil-based environments
 . Ideal for low resistivity measurements and
when Rxo > Rt.
Rmf = 0.785 @105 Fº, Tf
& TD= 2550 f.

The tool has to be corrected for borehole effects.

1) Compute borehole geometrical factor.
2) Find additional signal due to the borehole.
3) Convert log resistivity into conductivity.
4) Remove borehole signal from total signal.
5) Convert result back to resistivity.
Method of Rt Valuation

Device Correction Chart Remarks


Resistivity Porosity Logs

 F=Rmf / Rxo

 F = a / Φm
‫بعض من تشكيل المعدات‬

‫‪ -‬معدات الحث الفردية ( ‪The induction electrical tool -‬‬

‫‪ ) IES-‬ويتكون من‪-:‬‬
‫‪.1‬معدات حث عميقه ( ‪ ) Deep induction - ILD-‬وتعطي‬
‫المقاومة ‪Rild‬‬
‫‪.2‬معدات الوظع العادى ( ‪ ) 16  Normal‬نعطي المقاومة‬
‫‪ .3‬معدات سجل الحث الذاتى (‪ ) SP‬تعطي قراءت ‪SSP‬‬
Choice of Resistivity

Laterolog Induction
OBM no yes
Salt water mud yes possible in small
Holes Fresh mud no** yes
High resistivity yes no
Air-filled hole no yes
Low resistivity possible*** yes
Rt < Rxo Induction preferred
Rt > Rxo Laterolog preferred
‫المعامل الهندسى ‪) Geometrical Factor‬‬

‫أن كثافة او قوة التيارات الدواميه المتكونه عند أي نقطة‬

‫في التكوين خالل البئر تعتمد علي‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬موقعها بنسبه الي المرسل ( ‪) Transmitting Coil‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ومقدار التوصيل لتكوينات نفسها ( ‪Conductivity‬‬
‫‪ ) of the formation‬وهذه العالقه بينهما والتيار‬
‫الدوامي المتكون تسمي المعامل الهندسي (‪.‬‬
‫تأثير منطقة الغزو‪Effect of invasion Zone‬‬

‫المقاومة الحقيقية معتمده بدرجة االولة علي مقاومة منطقة الغزو ومقاومة‬
‫المنطقه غير المغزوه‬
‫أي ان ) ‪Rt =  ( Rxo & Rt‬‬
Thank you and Well Done

‫•قم بتقييم التكوين الحجرى في السجل المرفق على األعماق المبينه في‬
‫بالشكل‪ ،‬وباستخدام متوسط قيم المسامية للباب (‪ )%18‬عند كل االعماق ‪،‬‬
‫ثم اكتب تقرير تبين فيه لمهندس اإلنتاج احسن موقع الحتماالت تواجد‬
‫المواد الهايدروكاربونية التي يجب أن تحثه علي إكمال البئر عندها ؟‬
‫ولماذا ؟‪.‬‬
‫إذا علمت إن )‪(Sw ≤50%, m = n = 2 &a = 1‬‬
‫)‪Rmf =0.057 @ Tf(170‬‬
‫مسيرة الحل‬
‫‪Rt1 = Ωm‬‬
‫‪Rt2 = Ωm‬‬
‫‪Rt3 = Ωm‬‬
‫‪K= -70.7 (460+ 170/ 537) = -‬‬
‫‪SSP = - K Log Rmf / Rw‬‬
‫‪= - K log Rmf + K Log Rw‬‬
‫‪-Log Rw = (- K Log Rmf - SSP) / K‬‬
‫…… ‪-Log Rw = (-…….. Log 0.785 +75) /‬‬
‫……= ‪Log Rw‬‬
‫‪Rw =……… Ωm‬‬

‫‪F = Ф-m = (0.18)-2 = 30.864‬‬

‫(√ = ‪Sw‬‬
‫√ = ‪Sw‬‬
‫(√ = ‪Sw‬‬
‫كما نري من خالل النتائج ان احسن موقع للنتاج هو الموقع االول لما له من خصائص فى المساميه والتشبع المائي‬

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