English Q

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Complete the expression with MIND

I´m of _ _ _ minds


She _____ out of the window at the pouring rain, thinking of anything but the class
going on around her.

Complete the expression with MIND

Make _ _ _ your mind


Complete the sentence with the appropriate verb of the senses

I don´t like strong perfumes I think they _______ too chemical unnatural


Complete the sentence with the appropriate verb of the senses

You _______ the tension in the air whenever the boss is around

Can hear

Complete the sentence with the appropriate verb of the senses

I love _______ to music when I´m working. It really helps me concentrate


The doctor _____ the X-ray very carefully before speaking


Complete the expression with MIND

Mind your_ _ _ business

Complete the expression with MIND
Great minds think _ _ _


She stood back and _ _ _ _ the scene in the room, happy not to be part of the

He _____ the newspaper, looking for the article they´d just mentioned

Replace the word or phrase in bold with the correct one from the list below.
Our meal was spoiled by the music which played loudly from a loudspeaker above our table

Blared out

Choose the correct sentence

We probably won´t see you tomorrow

Match the correct adjective with this definition

Not organized, not arranged according to a plan


Choose the correct response for this conversation opener

Great party, Isn´t it?

Yes, It really is. I haven´t been to their house before. It´s really nice!

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

He _____ to her for three days. So, he is worried now

Hasn´t spoken
Match the correct adjective with this definition
Cheap and badly made or vurglar


Complete the statement with the correct word or collocation

It was really difficult to _ _ _ the underlying concept

Drone on and on

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

We _____ for over half an hour by the time it finally arrived

Had been waiting

Complete the sentence with the correct word or expression

They finally _ _ _ victory when their team won 3-0


Choose the correct sentence

A cup of tea with a green slice of lemon

Choose the correct adjective order to complete the sentence

My dad bought a _ _ _ car

Wonderful new red Italian

Complete the sentence with the correct noun, verb, adjective, or adverb form
I´m looking for a job where I can _ _ _ my ambition to write


Match the definition with the correct word or collocation

Continues in an easy, natural way

Complete the sentence with the correct word
The restaurant had a very cosmopolitan _ _ _ and a lively atmosphere


Complete the negative and limiting adverbial phrase in the sentence

The teacher told them that on _ _ _ account were they to leave the school premises


Match the correct sentences

Earlier on the day, I had really wanted

My parents to meet my boyfriend

The new bar is very lively with very _ _ _ food and a good selection of drinks

Choose the correct response for this conversation opener

Fancy meeting you here! How are things?

Hi! How are you? You´re looking great!

Choose the correct sentence

A milky coffee served in an enormous mug

Match the definition with the correct word or collocation

Work hard to find

Hunt around

Complete the statement with the correct word or collocation

It helps if there aren´t some people who _ _ _ the conversation all the time

Match the adjective with their opposite


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

Sorry, I can´t find it. I think I might______ it at home! Can you pay this time? Thanks!


Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence

They were hoping______ on time, but they were two hours late

To arrive

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence

Nothing could make her happier than _ _ _ afternoon spent pounding around our local mall,
sifting through racks of clothing, and trying on dresses, shirts, and skirts


Drag and drop the correct word or phrase to complete the paragraph
It is shockingly easy to run up a huge credit card bill these days. Particularly when banks are
constantly offering to lend credit-card holders more and more money. Older people are much
more used to being frugal, whereas many young people simply have no idea how to budget for
regular expenses and save money. So, how can you learn to live within your means and avoid
going into the red every month? First, face up to your problems

Choose the option that replace the word in bold

I have always suspected that Josh would be capable of dishonest behavior

Choose the correct sentence (more informal)
The people with whom I work are delightful!

The people who I work with are delightful

Choose the option that replace the word in bold

Do you think Lisa is so naïve that she would be taken in by someone like Roy?


Choose the correct option to complete the sentence

The government will have to cut _ _ _ spending on education


Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence

Eve _ _ _ about quitting her job when she was offered a promotion

Had been thinking

Select the correct type of story to complete the sentences

In Norse _ _ _ _ _ , Odin is the Father of the Gods. Thor is his son Myths/mythology

Do you know the _ _ _ of the rabbit and the fox? It teaches us not to tell lies Fable

Many _ _ _ _ are about children finding themselves alone in a magical forest Fairy tales

Rick told us a very funny _ _ _ _ about this time he missed the bus Anecdote

Discourse marker in writing

Drag and drop the correct word or phrase to complete the paragraph

Across the many countries of the world and in different cultures. Traditional fairy tales often
share common elements and have similar themes.

So, what are these themes, and what do they mean? The conflict of good and evil, often
embodied by a struggle between a hero or heroine and some darker force recurs in many
tales. In stories for example, the one about Cinderella, this is represented as a bad parent and
in the story of Snow White, it´s a wicked witch. Dangerous creatures, such as snakes, dragons
and wolves, also feature many stories Likewise animals or people that take on a different form
or disguise themselves
Choose the option that replace the word in bold
His story wasn´t really that credible, I didn’t believe it, anyway!

Choose the correct opinion to complete the sentence

Learn to _ _ _ _ with that you have, and only buy things you absolutely need. Then, look at ways
of paying off your debts.
Make do

Complete the sentences with the correct word (Type of Story)

A local _ _ _ says that the king is buried in this hill with 1,000 horses

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence

My girlfriend loves _ _ _ shopping

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence

I was just about _ _ _ off the club when I saw the car
To step

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence

I usually do _ _ _ grocery shopping on my way home from work

Match the sentence endings with the sentences beginnings

I was about to go out when the telephone rang

We all knew that he wouldn´t be coming back
He had planned to retire to the country
She was to have left today, but she decided to extend her stay

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