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After you have done the interview, you can start with the session.

You follow the same structure as with ‘a journey into the future ‘session.

Guide a client through the grounding, the breathing, the light-connection and the light protection.
When it is time to move to the centrepiece of the session, instead of using the script to go to the
future, you can use this script to guide a client to past lives.

“Imagine yourself walking in a beautiful place. Notice what colours you see, how relaxing it is to walk
in this peaceful place.

You can see there is a path made of crystals. As you follow this path, you can see a large circle of
crystals before you.

As you stand in the middle of this circle you notice the colour of the crystals. It is almost as if the
crystals are alive. Choose one the crystals and put your hands on it.

You can feel how the crystal is inviting you to step inside the crystal.

As you step in the crystal, you can feel the crystal is starting to move. The crystal is moving all the
way up, all the way up. All the way up into the universe. It is flying through time and space. The
crystal is taking you back through time and space. All the way back and back and back through time
and space. It is taking you to the time and place where you can find the healing and information that
you need. It is taking you to the time and place where you can find answers to your questions. Just
enjoy this journey through time and space. Know that you are completely safe and protected.

In a moment I am going to count to three, and at the count of three you will arrive at the time and
place where you can find answers.

One, breath in…

Two, breath out, getting deeper into this experience…

Three, the crystal stops and you can step out.

Just have a look around and tell me what is the first thing that you see?

What do you see when you look around you? Can you see your hands and your feet?

How do they look? What clothes do you wear? Can you see how old you are?

Go ahead and explore your surrounding. See if you can find other people. What are you doing up
there? How does it feel to be there?

As you move ahead, you can move up to another scene. Just gently move up to another important
scene and tell me what is happening.

Know that as you explore this life, your higher self is with you, guiding you and helping you. You may
ask questions to your higher self. Ask your higher self what you need from these scenes. Why are
these memories important? Do you need to heal anything or forgive anyone? How can this scene
help you to improve the quality of your life? How can you raise your awareness? What do you need
to learn from this situation?




When you are ready, you can say goodbye to everyone involved. You can thank your higher self for
showing all this information.

Now step back into the crystal. Notice how the crystal is moving and moving; it is moving all the way
up through time and space. The crystal is bringing you back to the present time, the present place. It
is bringing you all the way to this day, this room. In a moment I am going to count to three, and at
the count of three you will have returned and integrated back into your body completely.

One, integrating back into this body completely.

Two, arriving all the way back in this time and place. Today is; day/month/year

Three, wide awake and feeling completely rested and refreshed.

Copyright© 2019 Patricia Grootjans

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