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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

James K. Kimotho
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

2 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to FEA

The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a numerical method for

solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics.

Useful for problems with complicated geometries, loadings,

and material properties where analytical solutions cannot be

Real world Mathematical Discretized
object model (mesh) Model

3 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to FEA

Analytical Solution
– Stress analysis for trusses, beams, and other simple structures
are carried out based on dramatic simplification and idealization
• mass concentrated at the center of gravity
• beam simplified as a line segment (same cross-section)
– Design is based on the calculation results of the idealized
structure and a large safety factor (1.5-3) given by experience

In Engineering Design - FEA

– Design geometry is a lot more complex; and the accuracy
requirement is a lot higher. We need
• To understand the physical behaviors of a complex object (strength,
heat transfer capability, fluid flow, etc.)
• To predict the performance and behavior of the design; to calculate
the safety margin; and to identify the weakness of the design
• To identify the optimal design with confidence
4 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Common FEA Applications

– Mechanical/Aerospace/Civil/Automotive
– Engineering
– Structural/Stress Analysis
• Static/Dynamic
• Linear/Nonlinear
– Fluid Flow
– Heat Transfer
– Electromagnetic Fields
– Soil Mechanics
– Acoustics
– Biomechanics

5 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

– Geometric model is divided into an equivalent system of many
smaller bodies or units (finite elements) interconnected at points
common to two or more elements (nodes or nodal points) and/or
boundary lines and/or surfaces.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Obtain a set of algebraic equations to solve for unknown (first)
nodal quantity (displacement)
Secondary quantities (stresses and strains) are expressed in
terms of nodal values of primary quantity – using interpolating

Object Elements Nodes



7 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Examples of FEA

1D (beams) 2D


8 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

– Construction of the geometric model
– Discretization of the geometry into finite elements connected at
discrete points (nodes) – meshing
– Specification of material properties
– Application of boundary conditions – loads, supports
Methods of preprocessing using CAD systems in conjunction
with CAE systems
a) Direct linkage
• In which the geometric model from the CAD system is imported into
the preprocessing part of the finite element software.
• In this case, some neutral data format such as DXF, STEP or IGES
are used.
b) A preprocessor being present within the CAD software, which will
convert the geometric model into the finite element mesh and
then transmit that data into the preprocessor of the FEM software

9 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

– The data set prepared by the preprocessor is used as input to the
finite element code itself, which constructs and solves a system of
linear or nonlinear algebraic equations,

– 𝑢 are nodal displacements

– 𝑓 are the applied forces at the nodes
– 𝐾 is the stiffness matrix which defines material and geometric
properties of the model
– The set of algebraic equations are solved iteratively for the nodal

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

Methods for solving this system of equations:
– Direct solvers
• Simplest → 𝒖 = 𝑲 −𝟏 𝒇
• Gaussian elimination
• LU decomposition
• Cholesky decompositions
• QR decompositions
– Iterative solver
• starts by assuming an approximate solution for the unknowns 𝐮.
• The solution is iterated upon to reach an “exact” solution.
Limitations of direct solvers - Fails when the stiffness matrix is:
– Very large, for example, in the order of a few million: If the matrix
is of order n, then 𝑛 × 𝑛 × 𝑛 operations are needed to solve the
system using Gaussian elimination.
– Have a lot of zeros (often referred to as sparse matrices): Sparse
matrices have a lot of zeros in the matrix.
– Does not have direct access to the entire matrix at once
11 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022
Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

– A typical post-processor display overlays colored contours
representing stress levels on the model, showing a full-field
picture similar to that of photo-elastic or moire experimental
Interpretation of these post-processed results is the key to
– Areas of potential concern as in weak areas in a model.
– Areas of material waste as in areas of the model bearing little or
no load.
– Valuable information about other model performance
characteristics, such as vibration, that otherwise would not be
known until a physical model is built and tested (prototyped).

12 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

The main inputs in FEA programming are:

– Geometry: geometric model, nodal coordinates, variation of mesh

intensity. This is done by direct entry or from CAD.

– Material properties: Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, density,

coefficient of friction, coefficient of expansion.

– Loading characteristics: Magnitudes, positions, directions of

actions of point loads, pressures, thermal loads, centrifugal loads,
frequency dependent forces.

– Boundary conditions: Positions of supports/fixtures, rotational

axes, frictional resistances, prescribed displacements, contacts.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA Principle Steps

Popular commercial FEA softwares


14 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA in Autodesk Inventor

Stress Analysis in Autodesk Inventor Simulation is an add-on

tool to the Autodesk Inventor assembly, part, and sheet metal
Static Analysis provides the means to simulate stress, strain,
and deformation.
Motion load analysis – derives loading conditions from
dynamic analysis.
Modal Analysis provides means to find natural frequencies of
vibration and mode shapes of mechanical designs.
You can visualize the effects in 3D volume plots, create reports
for any results, and perform parametric studies to refine your

15 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA in Autodesk Inventor

With the stress analysis tools, one can:
– Perform a structural static or modal analysis of a part or assembly.
– Apply a force, pressure, bearing load, moment, or body load to
vertices, faces, or edges of the model, or import a motion load from
dynamic simulation.
– Apply fixed or non-zero displacement constraints to the model.
– Model various mechanical contact conditions between adjacent parts.
– Evaluate the impact of multiple parametric design changes.
– View the analysis results in terms of equivalent stress, minimum and
maximum principal stresses, deformation, safety factor, or modal
– Add or suppress features such as fillets or ribs, re-evaluate the design,
and update the solution.
– Animate the model through various stages of deformation, stress,
safety factor, and frequencies.
– Generate a complete and automatic engineering design report in
HTML, Microsoft word or richtext format.
16 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022
Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA in Autodesk Inventor

Typical Stress Analysis work flow

1. Create Simulations and specify their properties.
2. Exclude components not required for simulation.
3. Assign materials. If you define a modal simulation, you can run it
at this stage. There is enough information to see the natural
4. Add Constraints.
5. Add Loads.
6. Specify contact conditions, an optional step.
7. Specify and preview the mesh, an optional step.
8. Run the simulation.
9. View and Interpret the Results

17 EMG 2504: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis/ 07.06.2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering

FEA in Autodesk Inventor

Importance of performing an analysis of a mechanical part or

assembly in the design phase:
– Determine if the part or assembly is strong enough to withstand
expected loads or vibrations without breaking or deforming
– Gain valuable insight at an early stage when the cost of redesign
is small.
– Determine if the part can be redesigned in a more cost-effective
manner and still perform satisfactorily under expected use.
Limitations of Regular FEA Software
– Unable to handle geometrically nonlinear - large deformation
problems: shells, rubber, etc.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Thank You
Your Kind Attention!
Dr.-Ing. James Kuria Kimotho Department of Mechanical Engineering JKUAT
P.O. Box 62000-00200
Tel: Nairobi

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