Final Lecture Chapter 3 Part 2 1 Welcome To Assembly Language

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Chapter Three

Part Two


Presented by: Mr. Amanuel G

2 Outline

– Welcome to assembly language

– Relation of Assembly language
– Objective of Assembly Language
– Assembly Languages Rules & Applications
– Additional Notes of Assembly Languages
– Steps involved in Programming
– Assembly language Programming Tips
– Timing & Delay
– Programming in Assembler
– Some Assembly Language Example Programs
– DOS & BIOS Interrupts

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

3 Welcome to assembly language

– oldest programming language

– It provides direct access to computer hardware,
– requiring you to understand much about your computer’s architecture and
operating system.
– Background you should have
– High level programming language knowledge of how to use IF statements,
arrays, and functions to solve programming problems.

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

4 Welcome to assembly language

– An assembler is a utility program that converts source code

programs from assembly language into machine language
– A linker is a utility program that combines individual files created
by an assembler into a single executable program
– Debugger lets you to step through a program while it’s running
and examine registers and memory

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

5 Welcome to assembly language

– How Does Assembly Language Relate to Machine Language?

– Machine language is a numeric language specifically understood by a
computer’s processor (the CPU)
– Assembly language consists of statements written with short mnemonics such as
– Assembly language has a one-to-one relationship with machine language
– Most people cannot read raw machine code, so we will use its closest relative,
assembly language

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

6 Welcome to assembly language

– How Do C++ and Java Relate to Assembly Language?

– High-level languages such as C++ and Java have a one-to-many relationship with
assembly language and machine language
– A single statement in C++ expands into multiple assembly language or machine
– Example:Assume X and Y are integers:
– int Y;
– int X = (Y + 4) * 3;

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

7 Welcome to assembly language

– How Do C++ and Java Relate to Assembly Language?...

– the corresponding assembly language for the above c++ code is
mov Ax,Y ; move Y to the AX register
add Ax,4 ; add 4 to the AX register
mov Bx,3 ; move 3 to the EBX register
imul Bx ; multiply AX by BX
mov X,Ax ; move AX to X

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

8 Welcome to assembly language

– Is Assembly Language Portable?

– A language whose source programs can be compiled and run on
a wide variety of computer systems is said to be portable
– Assembly language is not portable because it is designed for a
specific processor family: Motorola 68x00, x86, SUN Sparc, Vax,
and IBM-370
– If the assembly language doesn’t directly match the computer
architecture: they can be translated using microcode interpreter
Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT
9 Welcome to assembly language

– Why Learn Assembly Language?

– As a computer Engineer you are likely to write embedded program:
Assembly language is an ideal tool for writing embedded programs
because of its economical use of memory
– Real-time applications dealing with simulation and hardware
monitoring require precise timing and responses
– Computer game consoles require their software to be highly
optimized for small code size and fast execution: permits direct access
to computer hardware, and code can be hand optimized for speed
Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT
10 Welcome to assembly language

– Why Learn Assembly Language?

– Assembly language helps you to gain an overall understanding of the
interaction between computer hardware, operating systems, and
application programs.
– Some high-level languages abstract their data representation to the point that it
becomes awkward to perform low-level tasks such as bit manipulation
– Hardware manufacturers create device drivers for the equipment they sell

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

11 Welcome to assembly language

– Are There Rules in Assembly Language?

– Most rules in assembly language are based on physical limitations of the target
processor and its machine language.
– Assembly language has fewer rules than C++ or Java because the latter use
syntax rules to reduce unintended logic errors at the expense of low-level data
– Assembly language programmers spend a lot of time debugging!

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

12 Welcome to assembly language

– Assembly Language Applications

– In the early days of programming, most applications were written partially or
entirely in assembly language
– Large application programs rarely developed by assembly language rather is
used to optimize certain sections of application programs for speed and to
access computer hardware

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

13 Welcome to assembly language

– Assembly language consists four fields

[label] mnemonic [operand] ;comment
– Label: refer to a line of code by name
– Mnemonic and operand : perform the real work of program =>
instruction plus data
– Comment : at the end of line or on a line by itself

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

14 Welcome to assembly language

– Assembly Language Applications

– In the early days of programming, most applications were written partially or
entirely in assembly language
– Large application programs rarely developed by assembly language rather is
used to optimize certain sections of application programs for speed and to
access computer hardware

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

15 Welcome to assembly language

– Segment definition

Eg .stack 64 : reserves 64 bytes of stack

Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT


Prepared by : Amanuel G ECE DEPARTEMENT

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