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PEPSI Screening

Gabriella Chay

College of Southern Nevada



This is a PEPSI analysis for an adolescent at the age of 12. The purpose is to see where

she is according to what is considered normal for her age group. This method helps people

around this adolescent have a better understanding of her, so they are able to better assist and

guide her.

PEPSI Screening

The patient was bon orn March 2, 2010, in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is the 4th chils and

has 3 other siblings. Her mother is half Hispanic and half Caucasian born in California, her father

was also born in California. She is entering middle school for a magnet program in Las Vegas,

Nevada. She is a very nice young lady, compassionate and outgoing. Other kids are often

attached to her because of her nurturing qualities. Some of the negative qualities that they pose

are that she is not very organized, forgetful, and has a short attention span, mostly due to her

ADHD. Her mother and stepmother have been taking care of all her needs up until now.

Cooking, cleaning, and other responsibilities fell onto either her sister or her mothers due to her

age. She is still very dependent on others for basic needs, such as cooking and cleaning but in the

process of learning to do this on her own. At school, she is very popular with teachers because

she’s nice, funny and outgoing. However, she also has a terrible time focusing. She does not seek

to do her very best, and does not take others' opinions so nicely, this is one of the reasons why

she struggles in school. Her main focus in school seems to be making friends rather than

completing her assignments. Some teachers reported that she has a very tough time focusing and

completing assignments. During her free time, she spends most of her time singing and dancing.

Her parents always encourage her to read a book, she seems to be happy cruising by and any

conversation regarding schoolwork or cleaning she tends to not really take into consideration.

She does mention that she would like to become a singer when she gets older. They have the

potential to do better in all aspects but only focus on what is going on in everyone else’s life.

Everyone around her encourages her to believe in what makes her happy.

Physical Development

In this stage of development adolescence experiences many changes. They start to

experience growth with sexual maturity. The topic the most people think about when talking

about physical development is puberty But there are other stages just as important to change as

well. The way adolescents tend to eat also starts to change, males consume more food while girls

decrease their food intake. The subject seems to be a little over the normal level of physical state.

She started her menstrual cycle at the age of 11 and has continued to grow into a young

adolescent. “The onset of puberty typically occurs at the age of 10 or 11…”(Boundless, 2016).

The subject is already showing more of an adult-like figure for a woman. She’s 5’1 and weighs

150 pounds. The patient's eating habits are normal, at times she does overindulge, but it is due to

boredom. She’s not very active but does enjoy doing anything that involves sports and being

outside. At this stage, kids begin to change on the inside as well. Lungs and heart change during

this time, growing due to physical activity. The brain is also something that continues to develop

during their stages of life as well. Behavioral changes can be affected by the fact that the brain is

still developing.

Emotional Development

At a very young age emotional learning begins, children discover a variety of

emotions as they grow. The stage is identity versus role confusion for young children. During

this stage, adolescence is still trying to understand how to control their emotions probably. The

stage the subject is currently in is the normal level of emotional development. Her moods can be

unpredictable. And she is easily overwhelmed when it comes to completing tasks, specifically

being told what to do. Shakira compares herself to her other siblings, saying that why is she

being told to do things that her siblings aren’t told to do? This subject does show different

personality traits when she’s surrounded by friends. While observing her while she spends time

with her friend, she’s confident it seems to have everything together. She does not hide a lot of

her opinions or emotions when it comes to her friends' opinions. She rarely displays that

behavior when surrounded by family members. I believe she does this to not create an

environment that involves disagreements. The subject is not one to discriminate, what I mean by

this is that the subject is open to being emotional and romantically involved with both genders,

boys and girls. At her age, how do you think it is normal for her to feel this way due to her being

at the age where she is discovering who she is and what type of person she wants to be? Her

emotional development has been a problem with her parents, but she needs to learn how to better

explain her emotions.

Philosophical Development

This relates to the study of the principles of knowledge, existence, and reality. During the

emotional development, we observe the adolescent on switch 30 the Kohlberg stages of

reasoning. The change in the philosophical development as the sea appears in a social authority

than their parents. Lessons are in the formal operational stage according to Piggott's spirit. At

this time of development, they acquire new levels of thinking. Characteristics they will have as

an adult form during this stage. The way adolescents deal with issues is better dealt with

compared to younger children. With the time spent observing the subject, I can tell she is a tad

below the normal range of adolescents of her stage. The subject does not fully understand how to

resolve issues, she does not acknowledge what she does wrong and what she could have done to

avoid issues when it comes to her home life. “Don’t cry over spilled milk.” Salvin (2015). This

statement is something adolescents will be able to understand. They are able to think critically

and be able to adapt new concepts to find the solution to any issue.

Social Development

During this stage, adolescence seems to be flustered about who they are and what

war they take part in society. They need to start understanding how to not depend on others and

achieve what interests them. This can be a very difficult time because they are so struggling to

Have independence from their parents. At this stage, they will define their identity and self in

each role. According to my observation, the subject is that the normal level of where an

adolescent should be. She also wants to explore and experience different friend groups and tries

to become less independent of others. Her relationship with her mother has changed due to the

subject idea of not wanting to become just like her sisters. The subject has shifted from being just

like her sisters to trying and being more like her friends. She is going through stages to change

her style and future her peers. She enjoys the attention of her friends and family. She does not

enjoy missing out on things to do with friends or family.


For most girls and boys the world around them or you were right or wrong, good,

or bad. They don’t seem to think beyond the present, which explains why do you don’t consider

the long-term consequences of certain actions. In late adolescence, Their ability to resolve

complicated issues and two see what others are thinking has refined. Due to them not

encountering many experiences, they tend to make choices without thinking about the

consequences. For the formal operation, hope Sunview the possible outcomes and have them all

out one by one. They learn to see how others view past experiment with different walls. They

have their own beliefs and feelings and trait of how they want to be according to the bank they

are in. The subject recently observed where there was an issue that an older sibling mean while

cleaning. The way the dishwasher has to be filled so the dishes can fit correctly is replaced

incorrectly. The subject looked at how they were placed taking up more space and needed at

home things are misplaced. The subject then proceeded to adjust to mistakes by moving the

dishes in the dishwasher to lay appropriately.

Recommendations for All the PEPSI Development

Physical Development

Teaching the subject to introduce new foods like vegetables and fruits into her diet.

Explain to the subject the importance of her health and why it is important and how it will affect

her future. But also teaching the subject it is ok to eat things that are unhealthy as long as you

don’t eat them every day.

Emotional Development

Her parents should have more knowledge about her emotions and explain to her that it is

ok for her to express the way she feels. Explain to the subject the issues that are big now will be

resolved in the future and explain why things happen for a reason so she has a better

understanding. Offering for the child to speak to a specialist can also improve her emotional

development that way she was able to speak to someone about things that she’s not comfortable

speaking to her parents about.

Physiological Development

Having a subject understand that just because there’s an issue now in life that is small that

it will matter in the future. Having the subject stress over small things will not help her improve

if she continues to worry about them.

Social Development

Having her parents gives her a little more freedom so she can be a little more independent

but still have limits that way she’s able to express herself fully. Due to her siblings being older

she can be a bit rebellious but if she feels more understood by not only her siblings and parents

she can help them better understand why she acts certain ways.

Intellectual Development

The subject can do good in activities that challenge her. Having these challenges will not

only be emotionally, academically, or physically it will help her see the different ideas of how

she can think and death more.



Boundless (2016). Boundless Psychology. Retrieved from


Social and emotional exchanges in adolescence. (N.d). Retrieved July 02,2016, from

Snow, J., & McCown, R. (2015). Psychology Applied to Teaching (14th ed.).

Cengage Learning.

Subjects PEPSI Graph

Average Age Level

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