Attendance Management With Face Recognizion

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KHMKP Thilakarathna


Bachelor of Information Technology

Center for Open and Distance Learning

University of Moratuwa

Sri Lanka

November 2020

“I declare that this is my own work and this report does not incorporate without acknowledgement
any material previously submitted for a Degree or Diploma in any other University or institute of
higher learning and to the best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any material
previously published or written by another person except where the acknowledgement is made in
the text. Also, I hereby grant to University of Moratuwa the non-exclusive right to reproduce and
distribute my report, in whole or in part in print, electronic or other medium. I retain the right to
use this content in whole or part in future works.”

Signature: Date: 18.11.2020

The supervisor/s should certify the report with the following


The above candidate has carried out work for the Bachelor of Information Technology Degree
report under my supervision.

Name of the supervisor: Mrs. Dushyanthi Vidanagama

Signature of the supervisor: Date: 22.11.2020


I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude towards Mrs. Dushyanthi
Vidanagama, Senior Lecture Gr. II, Faculty of Computing, Gen. Sir John Kotelawala Defense
University for providing guidance throughout this research as my supervisor. I’m immensely
grateful to her for continuous support and motivation given to us since the very beginning of this
research. I extend our gratitude to all the academic & nonacademic staff of the Faculty of
Information Technology, CODL and colleagues for providing us assistance and insights to make
this research a success.

Table of Content
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgements. ...................................................................................................................... ii
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Problem Statement.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Motivation and Significance of project ......................................................................................... 3
1.4 Aims & Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 4
2. Literature Review ....................................................................................................................5
3. Project Plan and Initial Design. ..............................................................................................9
. 3.1. Components of the System ........................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1. Software Component and Tasks .............................................................................................. 9
3.1.2. Database Component .............................................................................................................. 14
3.1.3. Hardware Component (if any) ............................................................................................... 14
3.2. Proposed Methodology ................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Technologies Adapted ................................................................................................................... 16
3.4. Test and Deployment Plan ........................................................................................................... 16
4. References - IEEE guidelines ................................................................................................18
5. Appendix ...................................................................................................................................19
Appendix A 5.1. Timeline - Gantt chart............................................................................................. 19
Appendix B 5.2. SRS ............................................................................................................................ 20
Appendix C 5.3. Use Case Diagrams .................................................................................................. 42
Appendix D 5.4. Activity Diagrams .................................................................................................... 43
Appendix E 5.5. ERD ........................................................................................................................... 46

Table of Figures.

Figure 1 : Experimental Setup ...................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: An example of how the three steps work on an input image. (a) The input image and the result
of face detection (the red rectangle) (b) The extracted face patch (c) The feature vector after feature
extraction (d) Comparing the input vector with the stored ......................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Input and output images of SVM system ....................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 : Top-level architecture of proposed system ................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Employee Attendance view UI (for Employee ) ......................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Employee Attendance view UI (for Manager) ............................................................................ 12
Figure 7: Heat Map view UI ....................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: UI for view performance ............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9: UI for Visitor Details ................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10: Project Plan................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 26 : Activity Diagram for Attendance marking. .............................................................................. 43
Figure 27: Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Manager Role .................................................... 43
Figure 28: Activity Diagram for Visitor Details., Manager and Security role............................................ 44
Figure 29: Activity Diagram for View Heat Map. ...................................................................................... 44
Figure 30: Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Employee Role .................................................. 44
Figure 31: Login Activity Diagram. ........................................................................................................... 45
Figure 32: User Sign up Activity Diagram. ................................................................................................ 45


With considering 21st century, everything becomes easier to do with technologies. Nowadays daily
tasks are continuously becoming computerized operations. Many peoples are willing to do their
needs and their works electronically in the digital world then we can use and access worldwide
many resources from anywhere using internet.

Face recognition system is a computerized automated system that will help to ensure any
organization attendance and identify peoples on a specific area without any manual workflow
which is operating by the peoples. Manual attendance marking process will lead to many
inconvenience and time consuming as well as inefficient slowness.

Therefor I’m going to interduce software system which has facial recognition technic and it will
able to identify peoples accurately using digital image or video. Because of that, this attendance
management system will able to mitigate above mention inefficacies in traditional system. Then
system can take record using outside cameras and attendances are stored on time in the data bases
and management can check weather of the all the attendance of the company. It is more accurate
and easily generate result for the users and security can checkout unauthorize attendance of the

As technologies mainly OpenCV, Python, Django, MySQL and React Framework are expected to
be used to develop this system. This system will clearly helpful any for their human resource

1.1. Background

With considering 21st century, everything becomes easier to do with technologies. Nowadays daily
tasks are continuously becoming computerized operations. Many peoples are willing to do their
needs and their works electronically in the digital world then we can use and access worldwide
many resources from anywhere using internet.

Face recognition system is a computerized automated system that will help to ensure any
organization attendance and identify peoples on a specific area without any manual workflow
which is operating by the peoples. Manual attendance marking process will lead to many
inconvenience and time consuming as well as inefficient slowness.

Therefor I’m going to interduce software system which has facial recognition technique, and it
will be able to identify peoples accurately using digital image or video. Because of that, this
attendance management system will able to mitigate above mention inefficacies in traditional
system. Then system can take record using outside cameras and attendances are stored on time in
the data bases and management can check weather of the all the attendance of the company. It is
more accurate and easily generate result for the users and security can checkout unauthorize
attendance of the company.

In Sri Lanka generally organizations are using figure print and traditional manual signing method
for attendance marking. In traditional signing marking system, there are many inefficiencies and
loopholes, so that employees can perform fraudulent actions. `which will make troubles to the

For an example: employees can adjust the time in a way that they have reported to the duty asper
the rules. Even though that employee really hasn’t reported to the duty on time. Sometimes this
kind of employees keep blank spaces above the time that employee should reported to duty, so that
his colleague can fill the blanks with arbitrary time even he is late for the work. Because of these
kinds of fraudulent actions this traditional attendance marking system is inefficient. Even though
to mitigate these problem figure print methods has been introduced, it is also not efficient as

For examples: with the time figure print of the person can be changed or damaged due to different
reasons which may lead to unexpected issues in the system. As well as figure print system it can
record only one person at a time. It wastes the time and make long que.

Because of these things, there is a need for attendance marking system with new technologies.

1.2. Problem Statement

Now adays organizations use different attendance marking systems such as the manual and finger
print system. But these systems are not efficient and only provide few features therefore
developing a system with a facial recognition based attendance management system with more
features like report generation, Heat map for employee behavior will help organizations to
overcome problems they have with current system and they can have a better system with more
useful features.

1.3. Motivation and Significance of project

As we discussed previous Section there are many inefficiencies and problems in traditional signing
attendance marking system and finger print attendance marking system. Because of that
organizations are unable to analyze efficiently attendance marking data of employees.

For an example: organization management need to manually analyze who are the people available
for work in a particular day and who are the peoples absent of a day which will be time consuming.
As well as for each employee organizations need to generate attendance report for a month in order
to calculate salary and to analyze employee performance. If this is done manually by organizations,
it will be time consuming and much harder process to be done for the organizations.

if we discuss more about performance analysis, organizations are usually tend to calculate number
of dates for a particular employee reported to work on time, number of dates that persons reported
to work late, number of dates the particular employee leave from work early and total leave days
for a month.

If organizations take this information manually, they will need more employees for do these things
because, these calculations must be done for each and every employee in the organization which
will leads to lot of work as discussed above. As you can see this is time consuming inefficient
process which will waste resources of the organization in vain.

In organization not only marking attendance of employees. but also, it is needed to record
attendance of the visitors to the organizations as well. For an example: if one of company’s asset
is gone missing, company need to not only looking to employees who are available on that day.
But also, they should look to visitors who came to the company on that day. There for maintaining
record of visitors will be very important for the company.

When it comes to monitoring the behaviors of employees it is quite difficult task for the
organization. But with help of face recognition technologies, a heat map can be created to analyze
where the employees stays mostly inside the organization premises.

With considering above mentioned problems, there is a need for proper attendance marking system
which can mitigate those problems.

1.4 Aims & Objectives

• Aim

The aims of this research project are to develop a novel attendance marking system using computer
vision data base technologies. This system will detect and recognize people and generate relevant
records for salary calculations, performance evaluations and security purpose.

• Objectives

The objectives of this research project are,

✓ Identify the problems in current attendance marking system

✓ Identify suitable technologies to overcome the issues
✓ Design and Develop the system
✓ Test and Evaluate the system

2. Literature Review

Traditional attendance management system is less efficient and even the modern systems only
provide few features to manage attendance. Therefore, using face recognition technologies we
can have a better and efficient system not only for mark attendance but also track employee’s
behavior. First it is better to look at face recognition technologies available.

According to Handbook of Face Recognition[1], the Face recognition is visual face patten
recognition process that can illustrate face as a three-dimensional object. A face recognition
process can consist with four steps as the detection, alignment, feature extraction and matching.

Face detection segments the face area from the background. In the case of video, the detected
faces may need to be tracked across multiple frames using a face tracking component. While
face detection provides a coarse estimate of the location and scale of the face, face landmarking
localizes facial landmarks (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth, and facial outline). This may be
accomplished by a landmarking module or face alignment module.

Face normalization is performed to normalize the face geometrically and photometrically.

This is necessary because state-of-the-art recognition methods are expected to recognize face
images with varying pose and illumination. The geometrical normalization process transforms
the face into a standard frame by face cropping. Warping or morphing may be used for more
elaborate geometric normalization. The photometric normalization process normalizes the face
based on properties such as illumination and gray scale. [1]

Face feature extraction is performed on the normalized face to extract salient information that
is useful for distinguishing faces of different persons and is robust with respect to the geometric
and photometric variations. The extracted face features are used for face matching.

In face matching the extracted features from the input face are matched against one or many
of the enrolled faces in the database. The matcher outputs ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for 1:1 verification; for
1:N identification, the output is the identity of the input face when the top match is found with
sufficient confidence or unknown when the tip match score is below a threshold. The main
challenge in this stage of face recognition is to find a suitable similarity metric for comparing
facial features. The accuracy of face recognition systems highly depends on the features that

are extracted to represent the face which, in turn, depend on correct face localization and
normalization. While face recognition still remains a challenging pattern recognition problem,
it may be analyzed from the viewpoint of face subspaces or manifolds, as follows. [1]

N. Khan, M.H. Yousaf, W. Ahamad, and M.I. Baig proposed a system that has consist with a
camera and it can take images and send to the image enhancement module. After enhancement
the image send to the face detection and recognition modules and then attendance is marked
on the database tables.

Figure 1 : Experimental Setup

Their algorithm consists with the image acquisition, histogram normalization, noise removal, skin
classification, face detection, face recognition and making attendance as well.

Wei-Lun Chao has described [3] face recognition in order to take automatic recognition, a face is
required to build. Camera can take several images and can extracted, store in the data base. Then

input images detected again, then system will perform face detection, feature extraction and
compare its features with each face database. Here we can identify two main application of the
face recognition, as the identification and verification.

Face identification means need to identify same vector objects using previous data and after it can
verify particular person as well. We need to confirm true or false about the guess object.

Figure 2: An example of how the three steps work on an input image. (a) The input image and the result of face
detection (the red rectangle) (b) The extracted face patch (c) The feature vector after feature extraction (d)
Comparing the input vector with the stored

Then we need to minimize difference between sample picture and detect object. Trained data
model will able to select same object. [3] Wei-Lun Chao has first classify characterize pixels into
skin shading or non-skin shading, and afterward discover applicant face districts dependent on
associated segment calculation. We dispose of little areas with less skin-shading pixels and check
the remained districts dependent on the most fitted oval.

Areas have higher covering with its fitted oval are stayed for additional confirmation. Significant
and invariant facial highlights (ex. Eyes nose, mouths) are extricated from every up-and-comer
face locale, and we test the connection among these element focuses just as their group of stars
and direction against the face locale.

At last, those up-and-comer districts pass our heuristic testing methodology are resolved as
identified appearances with following steps,

B. Heisele, T. Serre, M. Pontil, and T. Poggio, proposed Face detection algorithm consisting of a
two-level hierarchy of SVM (support vector machine). The algorithm will be consisting with two
level hierarchy of the SVM. Then it will able to check geometrical configuration of the detected
objects in the images matches a geometrical model of a face.

Figure 3 Input and output images of SVM system

The linear SVM classifiers are trained to detect and identify each component. The authors
proposed an automatic algorithm to check components based on their discriminative power ad
their robustness against pose and illumination changes of the object face. The algorithm starts with
rectangular parts located around a pre-selected location in the face

In the paper called A survey of face detection, extraction and recognition, it presents a critical
survey of existing literatures on human face recognition in the recent past. This depicts the rapid
growth of research in this area and demand for the applications such as s static matching of
controlled photographs as in mug shots matching, credit card verification to surveillance video
images, identification for law enforcement and authentication for banking and security system
access, advances in signal analysis techniques, such as wavelets and neural networks, are also
important catalysts.[5] Face detection is a necessary first-step in face recognition systems, with the
purpose of localizing and extracting the face region from the background. It has presented feature
based and holistic face detection algorithms.

3. Project Plan and Initial Design.

This system consists of four functional modules, which are Face recognition module,
Attendance management module, Heat map module and Visitor management module. Each of
these modules have a separate interface and there will be login and registration interfaces as well.
According to the user’s role interfaces they can access will be restricted. Below figure depicts the
top-level architecture of the proposed system.

Figure 4 : Top-level architecture of proposed system

. 3.1. Components of the System

3.1.1. Software Component and Tasks

System Login feature.

All users of the system should need to log in to the system using a secured interface. Mainly it
consists of two main fields, they are Username (employee number) and password fields.

This process will allow users to log in to the system by authenticating process. During user
registration process, will provide separate username and password for each and every user. Then
users can easily access the system using this detail. When they access the system, according their
user type and access privileges may change by enabling and disabling features from the users.

When user enters correct username and password, according to user type and user privileges login
screen will redirect to dashboard screen. If user forgets to enter any field either username or
password, it will pop-up an error message top of each row. Not only that when user tries to access
the system using invalid username and password fields more than 03 attempts system will
automatically block that entry. Any account blocked or expired will also display an error message
to the user. When user forgets his password, forgot password option would be available in the
system to reconnect user to the stem in secured manner. An email sent relevant user to authenticate
his identity.

Face Recognition.

This will do the face identification and recognition. then using that system will record employee
attendance and create visitor details. This will use for Heat map generation as well. In this
process, first faces in the video stream will be identified (from front door cameras) and then
faces will be recognized with the help of face images of the employees. Then attendance will be
recorded with the date and time. If system detect unrecognized face, then system will record
them as visitors. Employee has to stand up in front of the camera and then system will identify
and recognize the face. Then system will record the attendance with date and time. If face is not
recognized then the image of the person, date and time will be recoded as a visitor.

Attendance Management.

In this process view attendance, view employee performance, generating reports are included.
Using the recorded data from the face recognition module to the database, users able to retrieve
the records accordingly. As well as user able to see monthly performance of employee with
graphical interpretations. User can generate reports as well. If user log in as a manager then under
attendance management, he can enter the employee number, year and month and then retrieve the
attendance details for that month of that employee. He can view the employee performance with
graphs. As well as he can generate reports as well. But if user logged in as an employee then under
attendance management, he is able to view his attendance records for a selected month. Under
view performance he is able to view his performance for a selected month with graphs. Report
generation is not available for him.

View Heat Map.

With the help of face recognition module and special map of the premises this heat map will depicts
the behavior of an employee on the premises. Frequency of appearance will be shown using a color
grade. Can enter the employee Id and generate the heat map for that employee. After entering
employee Id and by clicking generate button user is able to create heat map for that employee and
frequency of appearance on a particular location will be shown using a color grade.

Visitor Management.

Under this user is able to view visitor record for particular day. As mentioned earlier Unrecognized
faces will be saved with an image and time stamp. In this view user is able to retrieve those record
by selecting the date. This should only be available for Security person and manger. Can enter the
date and view the visitor details for that selected day.

Figure 5: Employee Attendance view UI (for Employee)

Figure 6: Employee Attendance view UI (for Manager)

Figure 7: Heat Map view UI

Figure 8: UI for view performance

Figure 9: UI for Visitor Details

3.1.2. Database Component

This system needs a database to save the attendance records, employee details, face recognition
details, visitor details etc. The entities of the system are employee, role, attendance, leave, login,
face recognition details and visitor. ER diagram of this system is attached in the appendix.

3.1.3. Hardware Component (if any)

Since the system is a web-based application and require internet, all the hardware which will
require to connect inside the company (PC’s, Switches, LAN, Network Cables, etc.) will be
hardware interfaces. As well as since system needs video streams CCTV cameras will be needed.
Other than that, there won’t be any Specific hardware to implement.

3.2. Proposed Methodology
This attendance marking system will mark the attendance with the help of facial recognition
techniques will produce needed reports for performance evaluation of the employee. In the first
step video stream will be taken as in input to the system. Then face detection will be done with the
help of neural networks. After detected faces will be stored as vector graphical data and then it
will be compared with already stored employee’s facial data and try to find a match in order to
recognize face as a face of employee. If it is recognized as employee, it will be record attendance
with the time stamp which include time and the date. Using this technique arrival and departure
time of the employee will be recoded. With these systems is able to get the time a particular
employee reported the work and the time that employee leave from the work.

If for a particular employee the time he reported to work for leave isn’t recorded with the system,
system will take it as a leave day for that particular employee. since we have reporting time, leaving
time and leave days for each and every employee are stored in the database. System can generate
relevant reports.

As well as employer can view the list of employees who are available on a particular day and
providing by employee id employer can check attendance of that employee for month wise. As
mentioned earlier the report will be generated which include number of days reported to work,
number of leave days, number of days late for the work and number of days leave from work early
for a particular employee.

If system is unable to find a face match on the database data of the employee’s facial data, then
that face image will be saved to the database separately with the time and the date as a visitor.

Because of this feature organization can retrieve information of visitors who have come to the
organization in a particular day which will be benefited for a security purpose.

With the help of face recognition module and special map of the premises, heat map will depict
the behavior of an employee on the premises. Frequency of appearance will be shown using a color

3.3. Technologies Adapted
As technologies mainly OpenCV and Python for face recognition, Django, MySQL, and
SpringBoot for backend and React Framework for frontend are expected to be used to develop this

3.4. Test and Deployment Plan

• Test Plan
o Login-
Test Case 1: Check results on entering valid User Id & Password
Test Case 2: Check results on entering Invalid User ID & Password
Test Case 3: Check response when a User ID is Empty & Login Button is pressed
Test Case 4: Check response when password is empty and login button is pressed
Test Case 5: Check response when click forgot password option

o Attendance Management-
Test Case 1: Check face identification
Test Case 2: Check face Recognition
Test Case 3: Check attendance marking
Test Case 4: Check results after clicking employee attendance button
Test Case 5: Check results after clicking search button with valid employee ID and
valid month and year
Test Case 6: Check results after clicking search button with invalid employee ID and
invalid month and year
Test Case 7: Check results after clicking search button with empty employee ID
Test Case 8: Check results after clicking search button with invalid month and year
Test Case 9: Check results after clicking view performance button
Test Case 10: Check results after clicking report generation button

o Visitor Management-

Test Case 1: Check results after unrecognized face detection.
Test Case 2: Check results after clicking search button with a valid date.
Test Case 3: Check results after clicking search button with an invalid date.

o Heat map-
Test Case 1: Check results after unrecognized face detection.
Test Case 2: Check results after clicking search button with a valid date.
Test Case 3: Check results after clicking search button with an invalid date.

• Deployment Plan:
This system can be implemented in organizations such as Garments and this can be
introduced for schools as well. For the deployment since this is a web base application
proper internet connection with a PC with Windows operation system is needed. As well
as cameras are needed for the system to function.

4. References
[1] S. Z. Li and A. K. Jain, Handbook of Face Recognition, NY: Springer Science+Business
Media, Inc., 2005.

[2] M. H. Y. N. Khan Balcoh, W.Ahamad and M. Baig, "Algorithm for efficient attendace
management : face recognition based approach," JCSI International Journal of Computer
Science Issues, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1694-0814, 2012.

[3] W.-L. Chao, "Face Recognition," GISE, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2010

[4] B. Heisele, T. serre, M. Pontil and T. Poggio, "Component-besed face detection," IEEE conf.
Computer Visition and Pattern Recognition, pp. 657-662, 2001.

[5] C. Zhong, Z. Sun and T. Tan, "Learning Efficient Codes for 9D Face Recognition," in IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, CA, 2008.

5. Appendix

Appendix A 5.1. Timeline - Gantt chart

Figure 10: Project Plan

Appendix B 5.2. SRS

Software Requirements Specification

for Face Recognition Base Attendance
Management System.
Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by K.H.M.K.P. Thilakarathna - E1741057

University of Moratuwa.

Table of Content.

1.0 Introduction 23

1.1 Purpose. 23

1.2 Scope of project. 23

1.3 References 24

2.0 Overall Description 24

2.1 Product Perspective 24

2.2 Product Features 25

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 27

2.4 Operating Environment 28

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 28

2.6 User Documentation. 28

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 29

3.0 System Features. 29

3.1 System Login feature 29

3.1.1 Description and Priority 29

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences. 29

3.1.3 Functional Requirements. 29

3.2 Face Recognition. 30

3.2.1 Description and Priority. 30

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences 30

3.2.3 Functional Requirements. 30

3.3 Attendance Management. 30

3.3.1 Description & priority. 30

3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences. 30

3.3.3 Functional Requirements. 31

3.4 View Heat Map 31

3.4.1 Description and Priority. 31

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences. 31

3.4.3 Functional Requirements. 31

3.5 Visitor Management. 31

3.5.1 Description and Priority. 31

3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences. 32

3.5.3 Functional Requirements. 32

4.0 External Interface Requirements. 32

4.1 User Interfaces. 32

4.2 Hardware Interfaces. 35

4.3 Software Interfaces. 35

4.4 Communication Interfaces. 35

5.0 Other Nonfunctional Requirements. 35

5.1 Performance Requirements. 35

5.2 Safety Requirements. 36

5.3 Security Requirements. 36

5.4 Software Quality Attributes. 36

Appendix A: Glossary 37

Appendix B: Analysis Models. 37

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose.
The main purpose of this document is to implement a detailed description of all the functions and
specifications of the Face recognition base attendance management system. It will explain the
purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what will able to do using
developed system, and as well as the constraints under which it able to operate and how the
system will response to the user request. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and
the designers of the system.

1.2 Scope of project.

This attendance marking system will mark the attendance with the help of facial recognition
techniques will produce needed reports for performance evaluation of the employee.
In the first step video stream will be taken as in input to the system. Then face detection will be
done with the help of neural networks. After detected faces will be stored as vector graphical
data and then it will be compared with already stored employee’s facial data and try to find a
match in order to recognize face as a face of employee.
If it is recognized as employee, it will be record attendance with the time stamp which include
time and the date.
Using this technique arrival and departure time of the employee will be recoded. With these
systems is able to get the time a particular employee reported the work and the time that
employee leave from the work.
If for a particular employee the time he reported to work for leave isn’t recorded with the system,
system will take it as a leave day for that particular employee.
since we have reporting time, leaving time and leave days for each and every employee are
stored in the database. System can generate relevant reports.
As well as employer can view the list of employees who are available on a particular day and
providing by employee id employer can check attendance of that employee for month wise. As
mentioned earlier the report will be generated which include number of days reported to work,
number of leave days, number of days late for the work and number of days leave from work
early for a particular employee.
If system is unable to find a face match on the database data of the employee’s facial data, then
that face image will be saved to the database separately with the time and the date as a visitor.
Because of this feature organization can retrieve information of visitors who have come to the
organization in a particular day which will be benefited for a security purpose.

1.3 References

IEEE. IEEE Std 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specifications. IEEE Computer Society, 1998.

2.0 Overall Description

Now a days most companies use different technologies to mark attendance of their employees.
But with this system the process will be easier and faster than other systems. This section will
describe the overall description of the project.

2.1 Product Perspective.

Main objective of this attendance management system is to mark attendance of employees using
face recognition technologies so that companies can make the process faster. This is an extension
to existing systems with new features. This system can be useful not only for companies but also
for schools as well.
These are the objectives of this project
Identify people appear in the video stream.
Record Recognize people appear in the video stream with facial recognition technics.
Store image of a visitor with relevant details if that person not an employee.
in and out times for the employees.
Generating relevant reports and query results for performance evaluations.
Generating heat maps for map employee behavior inside the company space.
This system consists of four functional modules, which are Face recognition module, Attendance
management module, Heat map module and Visitor management module. Each of these modules
have a separate interface and there will be login and registration interfaces as well. According to
the user’s role interfaces they can access will be restricted.

Figure 11 Modules of the attendance management system.

2.2 Product Features

This section gives a brief description of all the features the product has and how end-user may
perform on the application.

Login page
Sign up:
this function will use to register the user.

Log in:
this function will be responsible for handle registered users to log in to the system by
using username-password verification.

Forgot password:
this function will provide features to reset the password.
Navigation Bar:

Have navigation tabs to access Employee attendance view, visitor details view, heat map and
logout from the system.
Can access profile details via this.

Employee attendance
If the user role is employee, the user can only view User’s attendance details and performance
details only. If it is manager then all below mentioned functions will be available.
Search employee:
Can input employee number and view attendance details of that employee.
Select month & year:
Can select the year and the month user need to view.
View Performance:
Can view overall performance with graphs.
Generate reports:
Can generate reports for a particular employee.

Visitor Details
This function will be only available for user role manager and security.
Select Date:
User can select a particular date and view the records of visitors.

Heat Map.
This function will be only available for user role manager.
Select Date:
Can select the date that user want to view the heat map.
Generate heat map:
By clicking this user can generate the heat map.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
This system has different user and according to their user role the task they can perform in the
system are differ. Below use case diagram depicts the use cases this system has and users of the

Figure 12 Use case diagram of the system.

He has authority to sign up for the system.
He has authority to view his attendance records.
He has authority to view his performance.

He has authority to access for all the function in the system.

Security Person.
He has Authority to view his attendance records and view his performance.
He has authority to vies visitor details.

2.4 Operating Environment.

Web browser environments
Google chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Operating System Environments
Windows Operating systems above -7
Hardware environments
512 MB RAM,
Pentium P3/P4
20/40 GB Hard disk

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

This attendance management system is based on face recognition technologies and for that this
system uses Opencv and python with ANN technologies. Web application uses Reactjs and
springboots frame works. MySQL is used as Database technology and MySQL workbench use to
create database.
The Interfaces are designed in a less complex manner.
Language used for GUI is very simple and understandable.
All the interfaces and the whole system are implemented using the “English language” as the
medium of communication.

2.6 User Documentation.

The user manual is a simple printed document of size of ‘A4’.All information related to the web
application and the instructions about using the system will be included in the user will
be published in English language.
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies.
This software solution is based on web-based system and it needs a web browser to access.

System Features.

3.1 System Login feature.

All users of the system should need to log in to the system using a secured interface. Mainly it
consists of two main fields, they are Username (employee number) and password fields.

3.1.1 Description and Priority.

Priority Level: High
This process will allow users to log in to the system by authenticating process. During user
registration process, will provide separate username and password for each and every user. Then
users can easily access the system using this detail. When they access the system, according their
user type and access privileges may change by enabling and disabling features from the users.
3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences.

When user enters correct username and password, according to user type and user privileges
login screen will redirect to dashboard screen. If user forgets to enter any field either username
or password, it will pop-up an error message top of each row. Not only that when user tries to
access the system using invalid username and password fields more than 03 attempts system will
automatically block that entry. Any account blocked or expired will also display an error
message to the user. When user forgets his password, forgot password option would be available
in the system to reconnect user to the stem in secured manner. An email sent relevant user to
authenticate his identity.

3.1.3 Functional Requirements.

REQ-1:User need to log in to the system using secured process

REQ-2:Users need privileges according to user level
REQ-3:Password need stored in encrypted manner
REQ-4:Users need to access the relevant dashboard according to user type

3.2 Face Recognition.
This will do the face identification and recognition. then using that system will record employee
attendance and create visitor details. This will use for Heat map generation as well.

3.2.1 Description and Priority.

Priority Level: High

In this process, first faces in the video stream will be identified (from front door
cameras) and then faces will be recognized with the help of face images of the employees. Then
attendance will be recorded with the date and time. If system detect unrecognized face, then
system will record them as visitors.
Stimulus/Response Sequences.
Employee has to stand up in front of the camera and then system will identify and recognize the
face. Then system will record the attendance with date and time. If face is not recognized then
the image of the person, date and time will be recoded as a visitor.
3.2.3 Functional Requirements.

REQ-1:Face identification in video stream.

REQ-2:Face Recognition in video stream.
REQ-3:Record attendance to database with date and time.(Recognized Faces).
REQ-4:Record unrecognized faces with date and time to data base as visitors.
3.3 Attendance Management.
In this process view attendance, view employee performance, generating reports are included.
3.3.1 Description & priority.

Priority level: High.

Using the recorded data from the face recognition module to the database, users able to retrieve
the records accordingly. As well as user able to see monthly performance of employee with
graphical interpretations. User can generate reports as well.
3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences.

If user log in as a manager then under attendance management, he can enter the employee
number, year and month and then retrieve the attendance details for that month of that employee.
He can view the employee performance with graphs. As well as he can generate reports as well.
But if user logged in as an employee then under attendance management, he is able to view his
attendance records for a selected month. Under view performance he is able to view his
performance for a selected month with graphs. Report generation is not available for him.

3.3.3 Functional Requirements.

REQ-1:must able to query and view attendance records by providing employee number, year and
REQ-2:must able to view monthly performance with graphs for given employee.
REQ-3:must able to generate reports.
REQ-4:must able to view his attendance records for a month and performance of that moth with
View Heat Map.
With the help of face recognition module and special map of the premises this heat map will
depicts the behavior of an employee on the premises. Frequency of appearance will be shown
using a color grade.

3.4.1 Description and Priority.

Priority Level: Medium.

Can enter the employee Id and generate the heat map for that employee.

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences.

After entering employee Id and by clicking generate button user is able to create heat map for
that employee and frequency of appearance on a particular location will be shown using a color

3.4.3 Functional Requirements.

REQ-1: must able to generate Heat map for given employee.

3.5 Visitor Management.

Under this user is able to view visitor record for particular day.

3.5.1 Description and Priority.

Priority Level: High

As mentioned earlier Unrecognized faces will be saved with an image and time stamp. In this
view user is able to retrieve those record by selecting the date. This should only be available for
Security person and manger.

3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences.

Can enter the date and view the visitor details for that selected day.
3.5.3 Functional Requirements.

REQ-1: must be able to view visitor details for a particular day. (Should not be available for if
logged in as employee)

4.0 External Interface Requirements.

4.1 User Interfaces.

Figure 13 UI for employee attendance view for manager

Figure 14 UI for employee attendance view for employee.

Figure 15 UI for view performance.

Figure 16 UI for visitor detail view.

Figure 17 UI for heat map view.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces.
Since the system is a web-based application and require internet, all the hardware which will
require to connect inside the company (PC’s, Switches, LAN, Network Cables, etc.) will be
hardware interfaces. As well as since system needs video streams CCTV cameras will be needed.

4.3 Software Interfaces.

The system will be implemented using Reactjs, Springboot and python. The system will run on
any Microsoft Windows based operating system (Windows 7 or Higher). And the system will
communicate with MS SQL Server database to store all the data.
They will need to communicate with XAMP server.

4.4 Communication Interfaces.

This web-based system requires an internet connection to function all the pagers correctly.
However, this system use HTTP connection.

5.0 Other Nonfunctional Requirements.

Non-functional requirements are requirements that specifies the criteria that can be used to judge
the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be contrasted with
functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions. Nonfunctional requirements
define the needs in terms of performance, safety requirements, security requirements, software
quality attributes and business rules.

5.1 Performance Requirements.

This web-based system needs to run smoothly with the support of the above mention operating
systems environments and the web browsers.
Proper internet connection must need to perform the system.
Performance is characterized by the amount if useful work accomplished by the computer system
compared to the time and resources used.
Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality.
The loading time for user interface screens will take no longer than two seconds.
User login information can be verified within five seconds.

Queries shall return results within five seconds
It took less than 3 seconds to load dashboard screen once user enters their username and
password details.

5.2 Safety Requirements.

Safety requirements are requirements of the system that address the issue of system conducting
any unplanned activity. They are requirements that basically make sure that system is at stable
state at all times of the system life cycle. Also, safety requirements include requirements that the
system handles itself from unstable state to the stable state if any kind of system failure occurs.
This attendance management software needs a good backup system to back up all the necessary
Data from the database will never be transmitted to unauthenticated sources.
End-users should not use the application while doing other work in any other situation in which
the end-user`s focus is imperative.
Data backup will be scheduled to run monthly.
5.3 Security Requirements.
Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable
This attendance management system uses username password verification and, password should
need to be encrypted. Information transmission should be securely transmitted to the server
without any changes in information. The personnel detail must be secured from the unauthorized
access and must ensure data protection policies.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes.

Software quality attributes are nonfunctional requirements used to evaluate the performance of a
This Attendance management system must available 24*7 since It should monitor the in and out
of the employees and the behavior of employees inside the premises.
system functionalities should be correct. We assume that the data entered by user is correct. As
well as face recognition must be accurate.

the system is easy to be maintained in order to isolate or correct defects or their cause and
prevent unexpected breakdowns.
The system is reliable with respect to the delivery of data to the intended recipient(s).
the system is easy to use and learn.

Appendix A: Glossary

ANN-Artificial Neural Network.

Appendix B: Analysis Models.

Figure 18 ER Diagram of the System.

Activity Diagrams of The System.

Figure 19 User Sign up Activity Diagram.

Figure 20 Login Activity Diagram.

Figure 21 Activity Diagram for Attendance marking.

Figure 22 Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Manager Role.

Figure 23 Activity Diagram for Visitor Details., Manager and Security role.

Figure 24 Activity Diagram for View Heat Map.

Figure 25 Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Employee Role.

Appendix C 5.3. Use Case Diagrams

Appendix D 5.4. Activity Diagrams

Figure 26 : Activity Diagram for Attendance marking.

Figure 27: Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Manager Role

Figure 28: Activity Diagram for Visitor Details., Manager and Security role.

Figure 29: Activity Diagram for View Heat Map.

Figure 30: Activity Diagram for Employee Attendance, Employee Role

Figure 31: Login Activity Diagram.

Figure 32: User Sign up Activity Diagram.

Appendix E 5.5. ERD


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