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This is an image of several files from my Board Training and Development Package, which was
my final project for MSC 531, Nonprofit Leadership. This was an individual final project,
meaning I worked on it alone. It was produced throughout all of Winter Quarter, as it was a
quarter long project we worked on, then presented them on the last day of class. The
assignment was to create a mock training and development package for a non-profit
organization; we were taking the role of a consultant and could choose a certain area or
problem to train the board members on. I chose fundraising, so my project focused on how to
gain more donors and how to keep them. The project is intended to show a knowledge and
synthesis of all the different materials and concepts we learnt about throughout the quarter.
Similarly, it shows an application of this knowledge in a real-life scenario. I learnt how to
synthesize different concepts by completing this assignment, and I also learnt about time
management as it took so many weeks working on to complete!

This assignment was the final project for Understanding and Leveraging Networks. The project
was to analyse our own network, including people who are not currently within it, yet we would
like them to be, to understand how networks function. For example, we could map out a chain
reaction – who we know, who they know, and how we can connect. This was a solo assignment,
so I worked on it alone. It was produced partially halfway through the winter quarter, and
partially at the end, however we were thinking of who was on our “board of directors”
throughout the whole quarter. It was produced so we could analyse and understand how our
own personal network functions and how we can tailor it. It is intended to show an
understanding of the course materials, and also so demonstrate we have a knowledge of how
networks function, what our own networks look like, and how we can change things around in
our networks. I learnt how to really examine my own network beyond people I would normally
think of through this assignment, and discovered just how vast and useful personal networks
can be.

This assignment was my final paper for MSC 529, Dialogic Decision-Making. It was a solo
project, and was completed near the end of the fall quarter. The assignment was a
dysfunctional dialogue analysis, and looked at an organisation we had worked for, and try and
utilise dialogue to try and fix an issue we identified within the organisation. The assignment was
intended to show an understanding of what we had learnt in class, and how to apply this to real
life examples. I learnt how to use the sources and readings from class in a very specific way for
this paper. I also learnt how to reasonably use these skills to help an organisation; rather than
just saying a theory will work in practice, I had to analyse how effectively it would work
depending on the context and situation.

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