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Samuel vow

Standing here today, in this altar, with you infront of me. Still feels surreal. Mainly because I never
really imagined that I’d be this in this moment with you right now. If someone told me years ago, that
I’d end up marrying someone like you, I’d laugh at them. Who wouldn’t laugh if someone says that a
Marquise would fall for a waiter, and that they’d live happily ever after.

But I am here now, we are here. The first time I met you, I never imagined we’d be friends. Let alone
you’ll remember my name. For a while we barely talked, actually we never talked. Up until a tragedy
happened which led me to be close to you.

I remember the second time that we really had a talk the night of the red party. I saw a different side
of you. Someone I never knew existed. Or someone no one knew existed. Everyone knew you as the
ice queen of Las Encinas. But that night, I saw a piece of you. The real Carla Roson Caleruega. If I’m
going to be completely honest, that was the first time that I fell in love with you.

The first time because I know that the more I got to know you, the more I fell for you. And everyday
I’m still falling in love with you. I remember one morning, I woke up with you still in my arms and I
held your hand while you were still asleep. I just stared at you and I felt like something was missing.
But then it hit me, you are already the one I want to spend my life with. What’s missing is a ring and
to ask you to marry me.

From being strangers, to being enemies, to falling in love, breaking up and meeting again, then falling
madly in love with you all over again. This feeling right now, this is more than anything I’ve felt before.
You’re everything that I want, but I didn’t think I’d find. You’re someone who’s worth the wait, of all
the years of my heart break, but I know now I’ve found the one I love. The only person I’ll ever love.

Before this day, we would always complain about how one of us have to go home. Because it’s
already late, especially when we were still hiding. But starting today, we don’t have to worry about
staying up late together because we’d be going home together, everyday. Starting today I know I’ll
always look forward to coming home. Because I know you’ll be there. Because I know I’ll always go
home to you. You are my home.

Thank you for making me the luckiest guy in the world. Because I get to walk this earth knowing that
I’m the only person you come home to. The first person you see in the morning, the last face you see
before you sleep. The only guy who gets to lie beside you everyday and every night. The only guy you
call your husband and I’m the only person in the world who get to call you my wife.

Thank you for loving me, for choosing to spend the rest of your life with me. I promise to always stand
by your side, to always listen and never get tired of you. To only make you cry because of happiness. I
promise to be the best husband I can be and to always feed you my disgusting macaroni.

I know I always say that I don’t want us to have an ending. So we won’t make one. I love you Carla
and only you, forever. My wife.
Carla Vow

My love, I want to thank you for loving this spoiled marquise. For seeing right through my shield.
Thank you because you saw right through me. Love of my life, I wanna call you that forever. I tried to
find someone like you in the back of my mind and here you are in front of me the whole time. But like
you said, if someone told me before that I’d marry you right now, I wouldn’t believe them. But not
because of what you do, but because I thought I didn’t deserve you.

That night at the red party, I didn’t even notice that I was letting my guard down. I never realized how
comfortable I felt with you. How every hug felt more of a shield and how safe I felt when I’m in your
arms. But that wasn’t the first time that I felt safe when I’m with you, the first time was when you
stood against my father, no one ever stood up to him before but you did. I guess it was easy for me
before to let you see who I really was than who I’m trying to be.

But who knew that something as casual as what we have before now turned into this. Before I met
you, I didn’t really know how to define being in love. I didn’t know how to act like a real girlfriend and
you showed me how. But for me, I just fall in love with you everyday. I fall in love with you everytime
you look at me with a smile on your face. With every hug and every kiss. Everytime we hold hands, to
assure me that everything is okay.

Thank you for making me feel like I am loved. For making me realize that I am capable of love. For
everything that I’ve done, thank you for still letting me love you, for forgiving me with every awful
thing that I’ve done. If you’re the luckiest guy then I’m more lucky, because despite everything, I’m
the one you chose. I’m the one you asked to marry. The one you chose to be with to spend the rest of
your life.

Starting today, I finally get to call you my husband. Every night, I’d go home with you there waiting for
me, or I’ll wait for you to get home. Samuel, thank you for loving me, even when I’m more stubborn
than you. I promise to be the best wife I can be. To listen to you as well. To learn how to cook with

Thank you for teaching me how to love. Thank you for loving me even during those times when all I
do was hurt you, for loving me even when I didn’t deserve it. For forgiving me through every awful
thing I’ve done. Thank you for not giving up on me. Up until today, I still think that I don’t deserve
you. I still believe that you are too good for me. But when we’re together, it just feels right. It makes
me think that even though you are more than what I deserve, you make me better. You change me,
challenge me to be better.

I may not be perfect, and you’re far more closer to that than me. But just by being with you, it makes
me feel like the things I want to do seems unimportant. I guess it’s true that when you fall in love, you
lose yourself. But it’s okay, because I know, you’ll find me and make me better.

I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Ready to fall more madly in love with you. Now you
don’t have to be afraid that I might be gone when you wake up. Because I’m not going anywhere
without you. This right here is my forever.

You’re right, we don’t have an ending, but I’m ready to go through all the ups and downs with you.
Cause you my love, you are worth it. And I love you, only you. Forever.

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