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Faking It

This is not 100% original plot. There are just a couple of things that I’d retain from the original story.

1. ) Marina will still be with Samuel and will cheat with his brother.
2. ) Carla will still be with Polo and still break up with him because of Christian.


Carla Roson and Samuel Garcia have known each other for years. They have the same group of friends
but they barely talk. Samuel has been dating Marina for a couple of months now and Carla has been
dating Polo since the end of their freshmen year. But things change. As Carla confided in Marina and
Lu, she finds out accidentally about Marina’s affair with Samuel’s brother.

Burdened by that knowledge, Samuel on the other hand , finds out about Polo’s secret.

With the both of them keeping secrets, how are they going to handle it?

NOTE: There will be additional characters. Santiago, Samuel and Nano’s father. Elena, Samuel and
Nano’s sister and the middle child.


Samuel Garcia Dominguez

Carla Roson Caleruega

Guzman Nunier Osuna

Marina Nunier Osuna

Lucrecia Montesinos Hendrich

Valerio Montesinos Rojas

Nadia Shanaa
Omar Shanaa

Ander Munoz
Cayetana Grajera Pando
Christian Varela
Rebeka Avalos
Polo Benavent
Nano Garcia Dominguez

NOTE: I won’t write explicit sexual scenes just for the reason that I don’t really know how to write it
and I’m a little uncomfortable to do it.

Since this is like mostly original story, I’ll be changing up the personality of the characters. So if
there are characteristics that you don’t really recognize it’s probably my idea.
Chapter 01

As far as tradition goes every start of the school year, Carla’s group of friends have always gathered
by the stairs before going in to their classroom together. Honestly it doesn’t bother her. Not one bit.
Actually she likes to do it because it kind of gives her an excuse not to walk beside her boyfriend. They
were by the stairs waiting for one more person to show up. And that’s Samuel. He was never late. But
given the fact the he actually spent his summer with his father in the US to learn the ropes of their
company and that he came in only last night, they let it slide.

Carla was usually the late one but not today. When Samuel finally pulled up in the parking lot, the
guys immediately greeted him and his hands full of paper bags. He’s the type of friend that’s generous
and thoughtful. Everytime he goes on a trip out of the country, he’d always, always have something to
give everyone when he comes home. But their group of friends, although rich, they also are really
materialistic or users. It’s just the way Samuel is and they love that about him. All of them have their
own family businesses. Guzman and Marina’s family owns Nunier S.A. A construction company. Polo’s
mothers are known as the most powerful lesbian of Spain and they run the biggest and most
influential magazine in Spain. Lu and Valerio are the children of the Ambassador, Carla’s family owns
the biggest and most known wine in all of Spain. And Samuel, well his family is the most influential
family in all of Spain and arguably the world. Their business is also global that’s why his father would
take him abroad to learn the ropes of the business since Nano and his sister hasn’t really shown any
interest in running their business. That’s why when Nano and Elena, their sister, turned 18, their
father asked what they wanted to do.

Nano said he wants to venture on managing restaurants as with their mother. Elena wanted to be in
the fashion industry. Both are successful. Their father is supportive enough to invest on them and
they didn’t disappoint. So now the fate of the company falls on Samuel’s hands.

When he was finally infront of them he handed out the paper bags. For Lu, it’s the limited edition
Louis Vuitton hand bag, for Polo, a shirt from his favorite designer. He gave Guzman a pair of shoes
from his favorite brand. For Ander, a limited edition hoodie. And for Carla, a $1000 aged wine he
picked out from the wine tasting that he did when he took a short trip in Australia.

Carla was surprised at his choice of gift to her. She expected it to be a bag or jewelry because they
don’t really talk much to know stuff about her. Carla thought that maybe because she’s a marquise
and her family owned a winery, he’d think that she would like it. But for Samuel, he just thought that
Carla really isn’t one to be easily swayed by such things. Sometimes he noticed is that whenever they
go out to the club, and the girls order wine, she’d order something different. Not because she didn’t
like wine. But because she wanted to drink other alcohol and not just wine all the time. The others
find it odd, but Samuel understood. Because Guzman’s business is a steakhouse and somehow when
they eat out, he doesn’t really want to order steak at all.

They had a level of understanding towards each other. Like an unspoken bond but neither of them are
aware of it. Even their friends aren’t really aware of it because of how rarely they talk given that they
both are in the same group of friends. Carla isn’t really keen on people just giving her gifts like bags or
jewelry or anything close. Actually Polo does it and she hates it. They’ve been dating for quite a while
but somehow Carla’s feelings have changed. In fact she’s trying to distance herself already but Polo
can’t seem to take the hint. Meanwhile, Samuel and Marina started to see each other about 2 months
ago. Although out of everyone, he didn’t seem to get something for Marina. And that’s because she
already got one last night when she spend the night at Samuel’s apartment.

Yes he has his own apartment. Actually apartment building. This was a gift from his father on his 16 th
birthday. Something that he manages. His brother and sister has one building each too. Not far from
each other’s place. They choose to stay on their own apartment during the weekdays and go to their
house on weekends. But since their father is rarely home because of the current expansion in the US
thanks to Samuel closing on a deal before going home, he’s busy and he’s planning to stay there for a
while and oversee the whole expansion in itself. But it’s not just that, the Nunier’s construction firm is
the one who managed to win the bid on that project. So Marina and Guzman’s father will also be
based in the US for a while.

Although Marina spent the night with Samuel, she didn’t come to school today. She told Samuel that
she was going home because she wasn’t feeling well. So he let it slide and just went to school alone.
When they were about to go in, Lu noticed a girl waiting by the entrance. She is wearing a hijab that
ofcourse Lu being famous for her sense of observation, noticed. Then a guy walked up to the girl. He
was about Ander’s height but a little larger built.

Lu: They look new and lost. Especially that girl.

Guzman: Nice observation Lu. But anyone know who they are?

Carla: Aren’t they the scholars for this year?

Samuel: They are. And they are in our class.

Carla: How do you know?

Samuel: Because my father forced me to process their papers here.

Ander: That guy gives me the creeps.

Polo: Well as long as he doesn’t look at my girl we should be fine.

Polo hung his arm over Carla in which she removed right away. She wasn’t really fond of being in
public with Polo. Something about it makes her feel uncomfortable. Her parents and Polo’s mothers
asked them before the school year started, if they wanted a place together. Carla adamantly said no.
Instead she told her mother that she wanted to have a place of her own. To try and live
independently. Well that’s when her mom went to Samuel and asked if he has a vacant room in his
apartment building. And he said yes. Carla moved in after a week. Polo insisted that he would come
over and help her out. She couldn’t stop him so she asked Guzman and the others to help her out.
Sometimes she confides in Lu. Though most of the time she has her attention full on Guzman. As soon
as Carla removed Polo’s arm on her, she walked fast and aimed to walk beside Samuel instead. Well
since, Lu is beside Guzman and Ander is already beside Polo, that leaves Samuel walking alone in

Their group is known to be the Elite group. Mainly because their families are well known throughout
the country. But not only that, they are also the most popular students and the top students. All of
them are always in the top 10 ranking of their class. Basically the students have this unconscious
thought that they are untouchable and what they say goes.

Once they arrived in their classroom, everyone took their seats. But with Carla still annoyed at Polo,
she chose to sat beside Samuel who’s sitting behind Guzman and Lu. This got Samuel questioning her
motives. Why the sudden changes between Polo and Carla? Sure they were friends but they weren’t
close to a point where they even talk outside group conversations.

Samuel: Any reasons why you’re not sitting next to your boyfriend?

Carla: Why? Can’t I just sit next to you? Is Marina gonna get jealous?

Samuel: You can and Marina doesn’t get jealous. I’m just curious as to why.

Carla: Why what?

Samuel: Why do I feel like you’re avoiding Polo? You two seemed inseparable last year.

Carla: Nothing. Just, things change.

Samuel: Like?

Carla: Me. But we’re not yet close enough for you to know and understand that.

Samuel: Okay. No need to get worked out.

Deep down Carla felt guilty using that tone on Samuel. But in her mind she can’t help it because
Samuel and Polo are kind of close. At this point, Carla is just trying to figure her feelings out. And it
certainly doesn’t help her mood when the new guy kept eyeing her every minute. Polo was getting
annoyed by him too. During class the new students tried to show off. The girl, Nadia showed that she
isn’t just a scholar kid, but that she has brains. But the new guy, Christian was just all talk. At lunch,
while everyone was just sitting and talking about their summer and how Samuel missed out on some
of the events and nights out they had, all of a sudden Christian sat in between Carla and Samuel. Carla
was really not having it today. Samuel seemed annoyed but he’s very patient at times.

Christian: What are we talking about? Summer happenings?

Samuel: Business actually.

Christian: I don’t believe that. You guys seem happy about your topic.

Carla: True. But nothing makes us happy than talking about our businesses that we’re going to take
over soon.

Guzman: So unless you have a company that you manage and you can share your input, then by all
means. Stay.

Lu: And if not, you need to leave.

Christian: Okay, okay. We’ll hang out next time.

Lu: As if there will be a next time.

Christian walked back to him and Nadia’s table and they went back on their real topic. Talking about
Samuel’s supposed vacation. The mood was slightly off after Christian left. But Samuel wanted to go
out and grab something to drink. He told the others to go back to the classroom and that he’d follow
later. But surprisingly Carla joined him. While they were just sitting by the quad, Carla can’t help but
stare at Samuel quietly drinking his coffee and looking at his phone, reading business news.

Samuel: Do you want to say something?

Carla: What?

Samuel: You’ve been staring at me for minutes. So if you want to ask or say anything go ahead.

Carla: How did you decide what to give me?

Samuel: I’m not really sure. But when I see wine, I remember you. I know that you do like wine even
though you despise drinking it when we go to the club.
Carla: Why do you think that?

Samuel: Because I think that you like to drink your wine someplace quiet. You know like a chill night.

Carla: We rarely talk and yet you know why I don’t drink wine at a club. Which is more than what I can
say for Polo.

Samuel: Ah so we’re going there. Tell me, why are you so cold towards Polo? Did something happen?

Carla: Just a couple things.

Samuel: Well we got 20 minutes so lay it on me.

Carla: I’m not really sure if I should tell you. You’re his friend.

Samuel: I can keep a secret. I promise.

Carla: Fine. I’m scared of Polo being so obsessive.

Samuel: Obsessive? How?

Carla: On our 1st year anniversary, he told me to wait at his room because he wanted to give me a gift.
When I came in, he has a huge picture of just me, that he took on one side of his wall.

Samuel: Is it like gigantic? Floor to ceiling type?

Carla: Almost. But it was really big and I don’t like it. Maybe a small picture frame on his desk but not

Samuel: So that’s it? That’s why you’re avoiding him?

Carla: It’s not just that. I know it might not seem like a big deal to you but we don’t fight. Not an
argument or a little disagreement.

Samuel: No I get that. I mean, I’m kind of like that too in a way with Marina.

Carla: Like Polo? Or Like me?

Samuel: Maybe like you. I don’t know. I just don’t have the energy to make an effort.

Carla: But you made the first move right?

Samuel: Yeah but, lately it’s like I’m not even dating her.

Carla: You two literally spent the night together.

Samuel: Yeah, playing around.

Carla: In bed?

Samuel: With video games. And I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not really into playing video

Carla: I noticed. You’d rather read a book. Doesn’t it bore you? What you do everyday?
Samuel: Not really. As boring as it may sound, but I kind of enjoy working. I mean not when I’m
hanging out with you guys but maybe it’s just me.
Carla: You know what, maybe we do have a lot in common than we realize. Because I like what I do in
the wineries too. Which begs me to question why were you in a winery in Australia?

Samuel: Business trip. My wants to venture out or invest in a winery. I was looking out options.

Carla: I think you weren’t aware but your friend here is a heir to one.

Samuel: I know, but those were outside of Spain. Talking business here is easy because I don’t have to
leave the country.

Carla: It’s almost time. We should head back in.

Samuel: Yeah. We should hang out sometime. Not that your place is far from mine.

When they got back to the classroom, they sat next to each other again. Polo was getting worried
because Carla hasn’t really talked to him since this morning. So after class, he went after Carla and
tried to talk to her. But Carla’s mood wasn’t exactly something that Polo likes. In fact, Polo never gets
mad at her because he’s scared. But more so to the fact that he actually worships Carla. Whenever
they have a disagreement, Polo would take the hit and just say that he agrees with her. That’s one
thing that rubbed Carla the wrong way. She was in a relationship with him but he makes her feel that
they aren’t in a romantic one. Like Polo wants to be Carla’s slave. Ever since that day that she saw his
room, in Carla’s mind, she either wanted to confront him about it and maybe he’ll change his ways,
but in another thought, she just wanted to break up with him. It’s not really a haste decision. She’s
been thinking about it ever since that day. Carla took the break to think things over. Actually she’s
trying to decide now whether to break it off completely or just take a pause. But talking to Samuel
gave her kind of a little clarity.

So when Polo wanted to pull her aside, she also decided to pause their relationship.

Polo: You’ve been avoiding me all morning. Is something wrong?

Carla: Yeah Polo. Something is wrong.

Polo: What is it?

Carla: Our relationship. I want to take a break.

Polo: What? Why? Did I do anything wrong?

Carla: It’s not just you, it’s the both of us.

Polo: I don’t understand. What is happening?

Carla: We don’t fight! We don’t have arguments and when we have little disagreements, you wouldn’t
even fight for your own opinion and I don’t want that kind of relationship.

Polo: I can change. I can do better just give me a chance.

Carla: This is me giving you a chance Polo. But I also need time and space to think about us. And I
can’t do that if we’re still together.
Carla walked away and headed straight to the parking lot. She wasn’t crying but that decision was still
hard on her. But at the back of her mind, she made the right decision. Not just for herself but also for
the sake of their relationship. As she walked by the parking lot, Carla took a pause to just breathe.
Unfortunately she didn’t bring a car today so she was about to book a cab when Samuel saw her.

Samuel: Hey, you look so down. What’s up?

Carla: I told Polo we needed to take a break.

Samuel: How did he take it?

Carla: He said he’d change, but I told him that I needed space.

Samuel: So are you headed home?

Carla: Yeah. You can go though, thanks for checking up on me.

Samuel: No problem. But do you want to ride with me? I mean I’m kind of uncomfortable leaving you
here like this.

Carla: Are you sure? I mean you don’t have to.

Samuel: Yeah, though I just have to drop by Marina’s to give her some food.

Carla: That’s fine.

They walked to his car then to drove to a fast food drive thru. It wasn’t really that long before they
reached the Nunier’s house. Guzman wasn’t home yet since he is with Lu so the maid was the one
who answered the door. Although the maid told him that Marina wasn’t home. Samuel was confused
by this and just went back to his car. Carla also questioned why the food was still with him and if
Marina rejected it or something.

Samuel: So Marina isn’t home. Do you want to just eat with me?

Carla: I thought you said she’s sick.

Samuel: That’s what she told me.

Carla: Did you drop her off here before you went to school?

Samuel: Yeah, she said she’s just going to sleep it off.

Carla: That is weird. Although that is a shame to be thrown off.

This day seemed weird to them, but for some reason it’s also very comfortable. Although they have
been friends for years, they’ve been distant. So this casual conversation they have going on, even
though it’s very unusual. Neither of them question their situation because it doesn’t really feel wrong.
When they got to Samuel’s apartment, Carla was surprised at how clean his place looks. Compared to
Guzman and Polo. His place looks like it’s cleaned by a maid everyday. Carla praised at how clean it is
and Samuel asked her what it was supposed to look like. Carla just said that it’s really a surprise that
everything is so neat. Even his office area, his living room. She didn’t dare to look at his bedroom
though. Samuel gave her permission to look around but she wasn’t really going in there out of
curiosity of the place. Especially since they aren’t really that close yet.
They ate the burgers Samuel bought earlier for Marina. Up until that moment, the fact that she
wasn’t home bugs him. Marina told him that she’s sick but then when he went there, she wasn’t even
home let alone got home. He was sure that he dropped her in front of their house and yet she didn’t
even went inside and left. Samuel being the most patient person in their group, didn’t even message
Marina to ask where she is. No, he just let it slide once again. Though Carla was bothered by it so she
messaged Marina without telling Samuel.

Carla: Hey! Samuel said you were sick. Are you okay?

Marina: Yeah. Just a little fever. But I’m fine now.

Fever? Carla thought. She wasn’t even home and she has fever? At this point Carla was curious, even
questioning her friend as to why she is lying even to her. After they ate, she said thanks to Samuel and
told him that she’s going to her place and they both said good night.

Curiosity got the best of Carla so she called Lu. Fortunately she answered right away and Carla went
straight to the point. She asked her if she was in Guzman’s house. Lu said yes and asked if Marina was
home. She still wasn’t. Which also got Lu to thinking because she was there when Samuel said that
Marina was not feeling well. Lu asked Guzman if he knows where Marina is. He said that she texted
him that she was just going to get her purse that she left at Samuel’s place and that she was there at
the moment. At that point, Lu decided to go to Carla’s apartment and find out why she was curious as
to where Marina was. Since Carla never really told her why she was asking. When Lu finally arrived at
Carla’s apartment, she came storming in.

Lu: Okay what is up with the sudden curiosity about Marina?

Carla: Remember what Samuel said earlier?

Lu: That she was sick so she stayed at home.

Carla: Yeah, and Samuel even dropped her off in front of their house.

Lu: Okay and?

Carla: I went to ride with Samuel and he was dropping off some food for Marina because he thinks
she’s sick. But the maid told him the she hasn’t even been home since yesterday.

Lu: Okay? She said she’s with Samuel right now.

Carla: That’s the thing Lu, I was with Samuel. We ate the food he bought for Marina because she
wasn’t home. I was home for only a couple of minutes when you said she’s with Samuel.

Lu: So you’re saying she’s lying?

Carla: I don’t know. But Samuel seems oblivious about what’s happening.

Lu: Well he is gone most of the summer. We don’t really know what happened to Marina since she’s
rarely going out with us.

Carla: That’s true. But she doesn’t really seem depressed when we see her.

Lu: Now I’m curious to know what she is up to.

Carla: Yeah. Do you want to do anything about it?
Lu: I do. Cause if she’s doing something shady, Guzman and Samuel needs to know.

Carla: So what are we going to do?

Lu and Carla talked about talking about how to find out what Marina is up to. But they want to be as
subtle as possible. After all this is the first lie that they found out so they thought it wasn’t really that
concerning to them. Just curious as to why she’s lying where she really is. Lu went home and they
agreed to lightly stalk Marina when she’s alone. It’s not really ideal to do it, it’s just that they all think
that Samuel is really a good friend to everyone he’s close to. Although Carla admits that they aren’t
really that close, she still sees him as a good friend.

The next day, Marina finally went back to school. Of course she told everyone that she was finally
feeling better. Carla and Lu became more and more suspicious, especially Carla caught her in a lie.
They kept watch on her when she was alone and Carla even sat beside her during lunch. Just to see
her phone. Not that it’s mandatory to put a couple’s photo as a phone lockscreen. Carla did it for a
while. At the beginning of her and Polo’s relationship but eventually she stopped. Same goes for Lu.
Samuel wasn’t really a fan of it, but Marina was really known to be public about their relationship. But
even she doesn’t put hers and Samuel’s photo on her phone. As far as spying goes, the only thing that
they noticed is that Samuel’s name on Marina’s phone is just as simple as it gets. Nothing to special
about it which is weird for the both of them. Samuel texted her earlier saying that he won’t be joining
in for lunch because he has a video meeting at the same time.

After class, Carla was walking towards the parking lot when she saw a glimpse of what looks like
Marina and Samuel arguing. She didn’t dare to go near them. But her car was beside Samuel’s. She
waited for them to finish talking or arguing before even walking towards that direction. Samuel
eventually stormed off and drove away. From the looks of it, he’s pissed and so is she. As soon as
Carla walked near Marina, she tried to get some information and maybe comfort her if that is even

Carla: Hey, everything okay with you and Samuel?

Marina: I don’t know. We didn’t even finish our conversation.

Carla: Why? What did he do?

Marina: He kept bugging me about where I was last night. I told him I went to a friends’ house.

Carla: Okay? So he doesn’t believe you?

Marina: Yeah. Kind of. It’s just annoying that he doesn’t even trust me.

Carla thought that he’s kind of right not to trust you on this. Considering she got a front row seat of
her lie from yesterday. Dumbfounded at what she was hearing, Marina said goodbye to Carla and got
in a cab and left. Right there, she called Lu to follow her low key. Carla followed Lu after about 30

But unfortunately she lost her along the way. They were near Samuel’s apartment building and gave
up and assumed that she was at his place. So they just decided to go to Nano’s restaurant and Cafe
just near the place and hang out. Samuel’s friends are always welcome at Nano’s restaurant.
Considering that his mother also works there sometimes. They were having coffee at the veranda of
the cafe. Just talking about things.
Lu: So how are you so far?

Carla: Lu, it’s only been 2 days since we went back to school.

Lu: That’s not what I meant. What happened with you and Polo?

Carla: Honestly Lu, after our anniversary, I don’t really feel safe around Polo.

Lu: He’s your boyfriend. What do you mean you don’t feel safe? Is he too spontaneous?

Carla: Not that safe. I mean, he’s showing signs of obsession towards me. He even has a huge portrait
of me on his wall. And that just creeped me out.

Lu: We’ve known him for years. How come no one noticed something like that?

Carla: He hides it very well. He seems all so composed when we’re in public. But when it’s just the two
of us, he wants everything to be about me.

Lu: So what did you do about it? I mean at some point you did like him. Right?

Carla: I did Lu. That’s why I just told him that we should take a break. I need space to figure things out.
Frankly, I think I don’t like him that way anymore.

Lu: With the way he is when you’re together, you feel like you’re suffocated.

Carla: Sadly yes. And it’s not normal to feel like that when you’re supposed to be with the one you’re
in a relationship with.

Lu: Then you made the right call. At least avoid him for now. But on to another topic. You and Samuel
are talking now? You two are barely friends.

Carla: Yeah I don’t even know how it started. It’s just, I saw a side of him that I never really noticed

Lu: What is?

Carla: The fact that he knows when to ask if you’re okay and he’s so good at listening.

Lu: You know, he and Marina have been going through a rough patch.

Carla: What do you mean? I thought they were okay.

Lu: They are. But Marina has been trying to get Samuel off work during break.

Carla: Samuel said something about closing some important deals for their company over the break.
That’s why he was in Australia. Where he bought me the wine.

Lu: Yeah. I get why Samuel is working hard. What I don’t get is why Marina doesn’t. I mean I’d rather
my boyfriend get busy with business than other things.

Carla: In some ways, I relate to Samuel.

Lu: Cause you’re like that with the wineries too. Samuel is looking into investing in a winery.

Carla: I already told him that. He says he’ll look over it.
Lu: I don’t get the both of you. We’ve known each other for years and somehow you two are still
distant from each other. At least until yesterday. What changed?

Carla: Nothing. Maybe it has something to do with the fact we both thought that we have nothing in
common. Now we just started talking but I don’t know.

Lu: Let me guess, you feel comfortable talking to him.

Carla: Aren’t you all?

Lu: We are. But it’s the why you feel comfortable around him.

Carla: Well I don’t have any reason. Yet.

Lu: You’ll figure it out. Well at least you two aren’t awkward around each other.

Carla: That’s true. But enough about me. What about you and Guzman?

Lu: We’re fine. He’s just a little distant is all.

Carla: Have you tried asking him?

Lu: He won’t tell me anything.

Carla: I don’t know what happened to you guys over the break, but I’m sure Guzman still likes you and
just give him space.

Lu: I know. It’s just that, giving space isn’t really my specialty.

Carla: You’re Lucrecia Montesinos for crying out loud.

Lu: That actually helps a little. But you know what, we should go.

When they got up and gathering their things on the table, Lu noticed a noise from the alley. So
naturally, she looked as to what it is because she was curious as to if anyone needed help. But when
she looked down, she was shocked at what she saw.
Chapter 02

As soon as Lu saw and processed what it is, all she could say was “What the fuck?”. She turned to
Carla with a furious and confused look. Then Carla slowly peeked and saw Nano and Marina making
out by the back door of the restaurant. When they both finally processed what they saw, they rushed
out of the restaurant and headed to Carla’s car and drove as fast as they could back to Carla’s

They both just sat in silence for a couple minutes then Carla got up and took out a wine bottle and
two glasses. Lu followed her to the kitchen and broke the silence.

Lu: I never thought she’d do that. But what are we going to do about it?

Carla: Honestly Lu, I don’t know. At the same time I don’t want to keep it from Samuel.

Lu: He deserves to know.

Carla: I think so too. But what are we supposed to do? We can’t just pull him aside and tell him that.
We don’t have proof.

Lu: Aside from the fact that we both saw it? What else do you need?

Carla: What if he confronts Marina and she denies it? It’s a matter of who Samuel will believe in.

Lu: So you’re saying we need evidence? Like something that Marina can’t deny.

Carla: Or maybe we do something that will make him see it?

Lu: So what’s your plan?

Carla: I don’t have any. But maybe, I’ll spend time with him and ease him away from Marina. Maybe in
time when he sees it, it can help soften the blow.

Lu: I’m not so keen on that but I don’t see another option aside from telling him.

Carla: So do we do this or tell him?

Lu: Darling, it’s up to you. Cause if we invite him out that often as a group, chances are Marina will
join too.

Carla: I guess it gives me the chance to get to know him more.

Lu: Yeah. Well I have to go. I have to decide whether to call my boyfriend or ignore him today,

Carla: Good luck with that.

After Lu left, Carla went to her study to get some of her school work done. A couple of hours later, it
was dinnertime, but she didn’t have anything to eat. Carla thought, maybe it’s a good time to talk to
Samuel. She figured that after the burger that they had, she owes him a dinner in exchange. She was
scrolling through her phone then called him. Samuel answered after a few minutes.

Carla: Hey! Are you busy?

Samuel: Uhm not really. Why?

Carla: I think I owe you dinner after burger no?

Samuel: I think so. What do you have in mind?

Carla: Take out drive?

Samuel: Sure. I’ll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes.

10 minutes wasn’t enough for preparation, but since she hasn’t really took off her make up, it’s was
just enough for her to retouch and change into something more comfortable. It’s not like their going
out to a fancy restaurant. After changing Carla went down and met Samuel by his car. They drove
through a fast food chain once again then she insisted that they drive somewhere to eat. Sure enough
Samuel knows a spot that’s a quick drive but a little secluded. Samuel drove using his pick up truck.
When Carla said a drive, he figured, maybe they can sit on the back and not stay inside.

Samuel: So why the sudden dinner invite?

Carla: I just don’t want to eat alone.

Samuel: Did you and Polo do this all the time?

Carla: Dinner outdoors? No.

Samuel: Let me guess, he likes to take you out on fancy restaurants where you both have to dress up
and somehow it annoys you.

Carla: How do you know? Are you my stalker?

Samuel: Ehhh I took a guess. Plus whenever you two go on a dinner date he tends to overshare

Carla: Don’t get me wrong, I love dressing up on dinner dates but most of the time I just want things
to be as simple as it gets.

Samuel: True. I don’t know what it is about simple things, but it feels more special than going out in
clubs and drinking expensive alcohol.

Carla: I’m curious. What is your ideal date night?

Samuel: You’re going there? Okay, but you have to tell me yours too.

Carla: Deal. Go on, I’m curious.

Samuel: My ideal date night is something similar to this. Except maybe I’ll put on the roof of this pick
up, put a couple of comfy blankets and pull out a projector, watch a movie and have some take outs.

Carla: Simple but sweet. Sounds like my kind of date too.

Samuel: Your turn. What’s your ideal date?

Carla: Maybe like a picnic where we’re sitting on a blanket on the ground. Have some beer or wine.
And like yours, a take out.
Samuel: See? Simple things is actually more fun and romantic than fancy restaurant dates. I can’t even
do something like this with Marina.

Carla: Why not?

Samuel: She doesn’t really like this kind of date. She either likes to just stay at home or go out to any
restaurant or movie. It’s always the same.

Carla: That’s my definition of boring. I like this type of night out better. I’d choose this over an
expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Samuel: Me too. Though it really makes you question why can’t things be simple for us.

Carla: Like everything feels as if it’s staged?

Samuel: Like the people around us expect us to have our life all planned out. I mean yeah sure our
future is set and everything. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that we can’t live our life the way we
want to.

Carla: I think that’s a common misconception and we can’t avoid it. Mainly because they don’t know

Samuel: Yeah. But you know, in our world, connections are everything. But it’s still best to keep your
circle small.

Carla: You know what, now I’m asking myself, if we have a lot in common, why haven’t we really hung
out in the past.

Samuel: I don’t know. Literally. We are in the same group of people and yet we barely talked.

Carla: But I’m glad we’re hanging out now.

Samuel: That is true. Though why did you even call me earlier? You could’ve just knocked on my door.

Carla: Well A, I don’t know if you’re home, and if you are, are you alone. And B, if you are home alone,
what if you’re busy. I don’t wanna go upstairs just to be rejected.

Samuel: Good point. Although even if I’m busy, I’ve got time of my own and I can just go out.

Carla: I’ll keep that in mind. How about next time we chill, we drink that wine you gave me.

Samuel: Oh I like that. You know I’ve actually tasted that and I bought one for myself.

Carla: You’re hyping it up. How old is it?

Samuel: It’s a special blend by the owners’ before the one managing it. And it’s 150 years old.

Carla: So basically that wine is older than our grandparents.

Samuel: Great, great grandparents maybe?

Carla: I’m excited to drink that.

There was silence in between them. It wasn’t really awkward. It’s more of a comfortable silence. Carla
turned to look at Samuel. Thinking about what went through Marina’s head that she’s cheating on
him. It’s not like Samuel is even looking at other girls. Samuel has been a very good friend to everyone
since they met him. He was there when Polo didn’t have the courage to talk to me. When Marina was
diagnosed with HIV. When Lu had anxiety attacks, when Ander was depressed and when Guzman lost
himself after Marina’s diagnosis. Carla really think of anything bad that he did. So she can’t
understand why Marina can hurt someone like him. With his brother at that. The main question
runner through her mind is when did it started? Was it when Samuel so busy during the summer for
the company? Or was it even before that? Sooner or Later Samuel will find out about it. Carla is only
worried about how he would handle knowing.

After a couple more minutes of silence and peace, they both agreed to drive home. Carla’s apartment
was below Samuel’s so he walked he to her door before going up to his place.

Samuel: Carla, is everything okay with you?

Carla: Yeah. Why do you ask?

Samuel: I just feel like either you want to ask or tell me something.

Carla: Don’t we all want to have a say on anything?

Samuel: Well whatever it is, I’m always ready to listen. You can either just knock on my door or call

Carla: I’ll keep that in mind.

Samuel: Okay. Good night.

Carla: Good night Samuel.

Once Carla was inside, Samuel also went up to his place. As soon as Carla closed her door, she can’t
help but feel guilty. She knows that Marina is cheating on him and possibly end up hurting Samuel.
But the underlying reason for her guilt is that once Samuel finally knows the truth, what if he gets
mad at her for not saying anything to him. Deep down she was scared that Samuel would avoid her
and she doesn’t want to screw things up with him because they’re just starting to build their
friendship. After Polo, Samuel is the only guy that she really is keen to know.

The next day, Carla was about ready to leave and she was already by the stairs when she heard
screaming at Samuel’s place. Marina rushed downstairs in her school uniform. She was so quick to
leave the apartment that she didn’t even notice Carla. Samuel followed Marina shortly but he wasn’t
chasing after her though he has this annoyed look on his face. Carla was worried but the first thing
Samuel told her as soon as he saw her was an apology. She wanted to comfort him but didn’t have a
clue as to how. So she asked if he wanted to get a coffee on the way to school. At least to blow off a
little steam before their class. But Samuel still insisted to drive. In class, they sat beside each other.
Marina was seated next to Nadia, the new scholar kid. Samuel and Carla sat at the very back of the
room. Both of them really paid no mind to Marina who didn’t even spared them a glance of
curiousity. Carla kept looking at her way to see if she still even care. But no, not a glance. Not even a
slight head turn to their seat. Samuel really wanted to just avoid Marina so Carla didn’t leave his side.
Though avoiding Marina wasn’t as hard as they thought because she didn’t even approach Samuel
during breaks. She was outside and always on her phone.

Carla knew who she was texting or messaging. So does Lu. The longer she keeps it, the harder it is to
hang around Samuel because the guilt is so close to eating Carla alive. She kept on thinking and
thinking about how and what to say to finally open Samuel’s eyes to what is happening around him.
But it wasn’t really that easy because after all, that’s his brother too. That’s what going to hurt more.
The fact that his own brother betrayed him. The more I keep it from him, the more the guilt builds up
inside me. Now I’m just thinking if I or me and Lu confront Marina about it and then she can come
clean to Samuel. The following morning in class, Polo kept bugging me about talking and that he
needs to tell me something. It’s only been 2 days and I asked for space. This isn’t exactly that. Which
is why I said no to him over and over again.

I talked to Lu and suggested the we both talk to Marina about the current situation. Even Lu admits
that we both need to confront her. The guilt is just eating us up. During Lunch, we dragged Marina to
an empty classroom and started to confront her finally.

Marina: What do you both want? Samuel is waiting for me in the cafeteria.

Carla: This is about Samuel. No it’s about the both of you.

Marina: That’s new Carla, since when do you care about Samuel?

Lu: Since he’s also our friend. We dragged you here because we know what you are doing and it
needs to stop.

Marina: What the hell are you talking about?

Carla: We saw you and Nano making out at the back of his restaurant. Plus the other day, you told
Samuel you were sick, but the truth is you weren’t.

Lu: You told Guzman that you went to Samuel’s apartment but even that was a lie.

Marina: And how do you know it’s a lie?

Carla: Because when Lu told me you were at Samuel’s place, I was with him. Eating the burger that he
was supposed to give to you because you are sick.

Marina: What? No you’re lying.

Carla: Am I? You didn’t even came home that day even though he dropped you in front of your house.

Lu: Just drop the act Marina. You’ve been caught red handed and cheating. I got a photos and a video
of you and Nano making out.

Marina: What do you want from me?

Carla: For you to come clean to Samuel. Tell him everything. Every lie and and every excuse.

Marina: And if I don’t?

Carla: Then we’ll tell him. I can handle hurting him this way knowing that I saved him from getting
hurt by his own family and girlfriend.

Lu: So, are you going to tell him or should we do it instead? It’s up to you. We’re giving you 3 days to
do it.

Carla: I still don’t understand how you even thought of cheating on Samuel.

Marina: You can’t blame me because you’re not in a relationship with him. He bores the hell out of
me. Plus he never really has the time for me. So might as well give my attention to a guy that gives me
the time of day.

Lu: And out of every guy in Madrid, you decided to do it with his brother. HIS BROTHER, MARINA!
Marina: I can’t make an excuse about that. He’s just there. It happened.
Carla: That doesn’t justify cheating. You could’ve just broke up with him.

Marina: Easy for you to say.

Marina left and Carla felt a little guilty. Although she knows that she did the right thing, a part of her
still feels uneasy. But add the fact the way that she justified cheating, it just rubbed Carla and Lu off in
the wrong way. After class, she rushed home. Samuel tried to call her to ride with him but Marina
stopped him so she just went ahead. At her apartment, Carla unconsciously waited for a message
from Samuel. Mainly because of what she and Lu told Marina earlier. But there was none. Carla
finished all her homeworks on time and still no message from him. Starving, she placed a delivery for
some fast food for dinner. But the building requires a keycode for security so Carla had to go down to
get her delivery. Coincidentally, Samuel was also at the door when Carla got her food delivery.

Samuel: You got food delivery?

Carla: Yeah, I was too lazy to cook or go out so, delivery it is. What about you?

Samuel: Marina wanted some ice cream so I went out to get some.

Carla: You two made up.

Samuel: Yeah I guess. Look I know you two are friends, but I don’t know. Her apology felt kind of
insincere. Something about this situation just rubs me off the wrong way.

Carla: Did you try asking her about what the problem really is?

Samuel: No. We just made up. I don’t want to ruin the night.

Carla: I get where you’re coming from. You should go back now, before that ice cream melts.

Samuel: Oh yeah. You too. You don’t want your food to get cold.

Carla: Yeah. Good night Samuel.

Samuel: Good night. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.

Carla went back to her apartment, deep in thought about her conversation with Samuel and how it
looks like Marina isn’t taking her and Lu seriously with what they told her earlier. It’s Samuel’s feelings
that she’s playing around. But from the looks of it, neither of them are happy with their relationship
as of the moment. She got curious as to what’s going on in Marina’s head that she’s ignoring her
warning about telling Samuel about her affair with his brother. In fact it doesn’t even seem to bother
her that much either. The situation just doesn’t feel right for Carla. She started to think that, what if
Samuel already knows and he’s just waiting for her to come clean too but she just doesn’t seem to
realize that she’s already busted.

She even thought of calling Samuel but decided to forget about it because Marina is with him. The
next day in school, Samuel called Carla to join him for lunch but she ended up being quiet most of the
time. That’s when Samuel noticed that something was off with Carla. It’s not that she’s feeling
reserved and shy, but he felt like Carla’s holding something back from him. Though he’s not one to pry

Samuel: You seem quiet. Is there something wrong?

Carla: there is actually.

Samuel: Is there anything I can do to help?

Carla: Hypothetically, you accidentally find something out about your friend and you told them to
come clean and tell the truth and they don’t do it, would you take action instead? Or just let it run it’s

Samuel: Hmm that’s tough. But for me it depends on the situation. If it’s like something that only
involves one person, then yeah let it be. But if it involves more than one person, I’d do something
about it. They have a right to know.

Carla: That’s what I thought so too. It’s still tricky though. I don’t wanna hurt this person.

Samuel: I can’t say that they will understand it, but I know in time they will realize that you did it for

Carla: Yeah. All I can do is hope at this point. It’s so frustrating.

Samuel: Don’t stress too much about it. I’m sure in time, everything will be fine.

Carla: How are you so optimistic at a time like this?

Before Samuel could even answer, Polo sat at their table and insisted that Samuel give them space so
that they could talk. This pissed Carla off, but Polo is Samuel’s friend so he let them be.

Carla: What are you doing here?

Polo: I need to talk to you.

Carla: About what? What about the concept of space don’t you understand?

Polo: It’s been days Carla. How much more time do you need?

Carla: I don’t know. I can’t say that right now. Although now that you are here, maybe it’s best that
we do talk.

Polo: Yes. Let’s talk about us. When are we getting back together?

Carla: That’s the thing Polo. I don’t want to. I wanna break up with you.

Polo: What? Where is this coming from now? I thought the space was for you to fix us?

Carla: I can’t Polo. I can’t explain it to you.

Polo: Then try! Help me understand it.

Carla: Fine, you want to hear it. I feel suffocated when I’m with you. I don’t feel comfortable around
you. I just stopped feeling whatever it is that I’m supposed to feel.

Polo: I can change Carla. For you.

Carla: I don’t want someone to change just for me. That’s why I want to break up with you because I’ll
be unfair to you if I keep dragging this on for a long time.
Polo: So that’s it? No other reasons?

Carla: What makes you think there’s another reason?

Polo: Samuel.

Carla: What does he have to do with this?

Polo: Come on. You don’t think I noticed that you two just magically started to talk? I saw you get in
his car.

Carla: Yeah so is it that big of a deal? I was down and we live in the same building so he offered me to
ride with him.

Polo: Like I’ll believe that bullshit excuse.

Carla: Believe what you want. But that’s the truth.

Polo: So if I ask Samuel right now, that’s the same exact thing that he’ll say?

Carla: Ask whatever you want to ask him. I’m done with this conversation.

Carla stood up and walked out on Polo. She knew this was coming. Polo wasn’t really going to let her
go that easily. But that the last time that she wants to talk about this topic. When Carla came in to
their classroom, she found Samuel at a table alone and signaled her to sit beside him. He knew that
there was no way that she would sit with Polo if by any chance they come in at the same time. Maybe
call it a hunch for Samuel that he felt in advance that Carla and Polo’s talk, didn’t really end well.

As soon as she was seated, Samuel asked her if she was okay, Carla neither nodded yes or no. She just
let out a forced smile and he already knew what it meant. The idea of finally breaking up with Polo
has her doubting about the decisions she’s been making the past week. On the other hand, Carla felt
relief the moment she walked away from him. But there was another issue that got her kind of
nervous. Marina. The whole Marina cheating on Samuel with his own brother has got her restless.
Most especially when Samuel was just beside or around her. With everyday that passes by that she
doesn’t tell him what she knows, feels like his trust is slowly fading towards her. At one point she was
just about to tell him what she knows but she gets interrupted. During chemistry class, she decided to
sit with Lu and Samuel sat with the boys. Most of them consoling Polo. But Carla took this time to talk
to Lu and come up with a plan to let Samuel know about the situation because it was getting harder
and harder for her to hide the truth from him. Especially now that all of a sudden they are growing
more and more close towards each other.

Carla: We have to do something. I can’t in good conscience just let Marina play Samuel like this.

Lu: What do you have in mind? Because even if we tell him, we got no proof to show him.

Carla: We have some undeniable circumstance to tell.

Lu: and then what? Marina will just deny it. Worse case, Samuel believes her and avoids the both of

Carla: So what do we do?

Lu: We need proof. Maybe we can take him to the restaurant if we figure out when she’s there.
Carla: I doubt she’ll do that again. We already told her that we know.

Lu: Then let’s try and see if they still do it. When we see that they still do, then we bring Samuel there.

Carla: When he sees it, we don’t need to explain it.

Lu: This might break him Carla. Are you sure we should do this?

Carla: I’d rather hurt him with the truth than continue to hide this from him.

After that talk, Carla and Lu didn’t waste anymore time and they followed Marina after class. Sure
enough she went to the restaurant and it’s like they never threatened to tell Samuel the truth about
her. She was still making out with Nano. When they witnessed it again, it became clear that they
really should let Samuel know about what was happening behind his back. They need to figure out a
pattern or when they actually do this thing. But the thing is, they were really uncertain on when they
make out at the back of the restaurant. So they made a plan to go to the restaurant with Samuel
tomorrow and make him see it.

They decided to call Samuel and just their luck, he was around the area and in just a few minutes he
already arrived at the restaurant. The situation was very nerve wrecking for Carla. Lu started the
conversation but still neither of them are really ready to tell him, but both of them also knew that this
was for his own good.

Lu: Samuel we asked you to come here because we wanted to show you something.

Samuel: Okay? What is it?

Lu: It’s uhm -

Carla: It’s about Marina. We wanted to show you -

As if on cue, Christian interrupts them. His smug grin annoyed the three of them as he walked
towards them, and with each step, they get more and more annoyed. More so to Lu and Carla seeing
as they were about to tell Samuel, or show him something serious. The annoyance was so obvious in
Samuel’s face the moment he heard Christians’ voice from beside their table, it became even more
apparent when he Samuel finally faced him and Christian took an empty seat from the table beside
them and sat beside Samuel and Carla.

Christian: You don’t mind if I join you right? I just wanted to talk to you about something bro.

Samuel: If it’s still not obvious to you, you’re not welcomed to this table and we’re talking about
something that doesn’t concern you. Now I suggest the you get up and leave. Bro.

Christian: But what I’m about to say is about your girlfriend. I saw her cheating on you with another
dude just around here.

Lu: Get the fuck out of here.

Samuel: What did you say?

Christian: Oh come on. You know I’m telling the truth. Look at their faces. They know.
Samuel: Shut the fuck up and get out of here.

Minutes later, Samuel was still quiet and a little mad at Lu and Carla because they do look guilty right
now and even they don’t know what to say. But Guzman and Ander came in with Polo. Samuel invited
them earlier, thinking that they are there to hang out. But now they seem like they are there to calm
him. When they got close to the table, they immediately noticed the tension and how Samuel, or
everyone’s annoyance towards Christian.

Guzman: I guess you haven’t heard what Samuel said.

Christian: Awww come on. The fun is just starting.

Guzman and Polo were already at the verge of punching Christian to wipe that smirk of his face when
he raised both of his hands as a sign that he’s finally backing off and leaving. But not before he let out
a request that will make Samuel possibly hulk out.

Christian: Before I head out, I suggest that you and Samuel look there by the alley.

He directed to Guzman before finally leaving. Seconds after he’s not insight, they did as he teased and
was in awe with what they all. Of course Lu and Carla already knew this so it wasn’t a shock to them.
When the guys finally processed the information, they leaned back. Except for Samuel and Guzman
who was still in disbelief with what they just witnessed. Guzman shouted Marina’s name at the top of
his lungs while Samuel just remained quiet. Marina looked at them with guilty eyes and she rushed to
where they were along with Nano.

Ander: You two are awfully quiet? Did you knew about this?

Samuel turned his attention to Carla and Lu as Ander questioned them and they remained quiet.
More so, Carla saw the disappointment in Samuel’s eyes and felt really bad for not telling him sooner.
Samuel thought that their friendship was so good and neither of them really expected it but here they
were. She hid this secret from him for weeks all the while hanging out with him which is what Samuel
was mad at.

Marina came rushing to them with Nano in tow. But they didn’t came in just to apologize. They also
came in with their excuses in mind

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