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CHE1011 Optimization of Chemical Processes L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite MAT3003 Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. Provide an overview of state-of-the-art optimization algorithms
2. Impart the theoretical knowledge of chemical engineering principles that underpin
optimization techniques.
3. Enhance the modelling skills to describe and formulate optimization problems and their use
for solving several types of practically relevant optimization problems in Chemical
Course Outcomes (CO):
1. Demonstrate the basic principles of Chemical Engineering Systems
2. Recognize the different types of optimization problems for process engineering
3. Evaluate single and multivariable optimization chemical engineering problems
4. Execute the complex chemical engineering processes using software tools
5. Identify the different types of hypotheses for the model equations chemical system
6. Solve the Optimal Control and Dynamic optimization problems
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,7
Module:1 Formulation of Optimization Problems 6 hours
Nature and Organization of Optimization problem; Mathematical concepts of optimization;
Developing model for optimization; Taylor expansion; Gradient and Hessian matrix; Convex
functions and sets; Gaussian elimination method
Module:2 Models for Optimization 5 hours
Selection of function; Degrees of freedom; Classification of models; factorial experimental
design; constraints in model; Optimality conditions for a single-variable and multi-variable
Module:3 Linear and Nonlinear Least square problems 6 hours
One-dimensional search - Methods requiring derivatives (Newton, Quasi Newton, Secant
method); Region elimination methods (Interval halving, Fibonacci search, Golden section);
Module:4 Multivariable Optimization-I 6 hours
Unconstrained multivariable optimization - Graphical visualization (contour plots, 3D plots);
Gradient based methods Steepest descent, conjugate direction, and Newton methods
Module:5 Multivariable Optimization-II 6 hours
Linear programming (LP) - Graphical solution - Simplex Method; Test for optimality Barrier
methods - Sensitivity analysis; Concept of duality; Introduction to interior-point method
Module:6 Nonlinear Programming 7 hours
Nonlinear programming (NLP) with constraints; Lagrange multipliers - Graphical illustration of
NLP problems - KKT necessary and sufficient conditions; Quadratic programming -
Successive linear and quadratic programming; Penalty function method; Integer and mixed
integer programming. (IP and MIP) - Graphical solution - Branch and bound methods
Module:7 Dynamic Programming 7 hours
Dynamic programming - Minimum cost routing problems - Solution of separable nonlinear
programming problems; Global optimization problems; Introduction to multi objective
optimization problems- Pareto optimal solutions (graphical illustration)
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Total Lecture hours 45 hours
Text Books
1. Edger T.F., Himmelblau D.M., Lasdon L.S., Optimization of Chemical Processes, 2nd ed.,
McGraw-Hill, USA, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Hillier F.S., Lieberman G. J., Introduction to Operations Research, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill,
USA, 2001.
2. Rao S.S., Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
USA, 2009.
Mode of evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Assignments, Final Assessment Test
Recommended by Board of Studies 15.04.2019
Approved by Academic Council 55 Date 13.06.2019

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