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Merupakan salah satu tugas untuk mata kuliah “Kurikulum dan


Dibimbing Oleh

Prof. Dr. Usman Kasim, M.Ed

By Nabilah Zulfa Nibras (2006102020092)

Undergraduate Program English Language Education

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education




Praise and gratitude I pray to God Almighty because of His blessings, mercy, and
guidance, I was able to complete this paper entitled "Konsep Dasar Pembelajaran” or “Basic
Concepts of Learning". This paper is prepared to fulfill the final task of the “Kurikulum dan
Pembelajaran” or “Curriculum and Learning” course.

I thank the lecturer Prof. Dr. Usman Kasim, M.Ed; because he has given me the
opportunity to compile this paper report. We also thank our parents who always pray for us,
and other parties who have helped in the preparation of this paper report so that it can be
enjoyed by other students.

Finally, I am willing to accept both criticism and suggestions that can build both
writers and readers so that they can work even better. In addition, I apologize if there are
shortcomings in this paper. Hopefully this paper is useful for the future. Thank you.

Banda Aceh, May 16th 2022


CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................................4
A. Background of The Paper................................................................................................4
B. Problem’s Formula..........................................................................................................4
C. Purpose............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................6
A. The Basic of Concept of Learning..................................................................................6
B. The Meaning of Nature of Learning and Learning.........................................................6
1. The Nature of Learning (Belajar)................................................................................6
2. The Nature Learning (Pembelajaran)..........................................................................7
C. The Basis for The Concept of Learning.............................................................................7
D. How is The Learning Process.........................................................................................8
E. The Learning Outcomes from Learning..........................................................................9
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................................11
A. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................11
B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................................11



1. Background of The Paper

Often the assumptions underlying educational programs are not in line with the
basic concepts and principles of learning. The world of education, more specifically
the world of learning, is approached with a paradigm that is not able to describe the
basic concepts and principles of learning comprehensively.

Educational and learning practices are heavily colored by inaccurate theoretical

and conceptual foundations. Education and learning so far only glorify the formation
of uniform behavior, with the hope that it will produce order, order, and certainty.
This formation was carried out with a uniform policy on various things in schools.
The educational paradigm that glorifies uniformity has succeeded in teaching children
to ignore diversity/difference.

2. Problem’s Formula

1. What is the basic concept of learning?

2. What is the meaning of the nature of learning and learning?
3. What is the basis for the concept of learning?
4. How is the learning process?
5. What are the expected outcomes of learning outcomes from learning?

3. Purpose

1. To know how the basic concepts of learning.

2. To know what is the essence of learning and learning.
3. To know what is the basis of the learning concept.
4. To know how the learning process.
5. To know how the learning outcomes from learning are expected.



A. The Basic of Concept of Learning

The meaning of the concept will usually be related to the theory, while the theory
will be related to something that is viewed scientifically. If the theory is related to the
concept, the description of the basic concepts of learning will focus on the scientific
basis of learning. In learning there is what is called the learning process. The learning
process is an effort made by a teacher or educator to teach students who are learning.
Therefore, the teacher should play a role in facilitating the mental emotional process
of the student so that learning progress can be achieved in the learning process.
After experiencing the learning process there is what is called learning outcomes
as something that is determined by one's efforts in carrying out learning activities.
Basically, this learning outcome is characterized by a change in overall behaviour,
both in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. And learning outcomes are
influenced by several factors in achieving its goals, both internal factors and external
factors. In the learning process there must be things that can be used as motivation or
encouragement that arises in a person consciously or unconsciously to take an action
to achieve a certain goal.

B. The Meaning of Nature of Learning and Learning

4. The Nature of Learning (Belajar)

Learning, in essence, is a process of interaction with all situations that exist
around the individual. Learning can be seen as a goal-directed process and a process
of acting through various experiences. Learning is a deliberate activity carried out by
individuals in order to change their abilities. Learning according to Gagne (1984), is a
process of changing behavior as a result of experience. Some understandings of
learning in view of the goals and processes of various experiences include:
a. Learning is a process, which is a continuous activity that begins at birth and
continues throughout life.
b. In learning there is a change in behavior that is relatively permanent.
c. Learning outcomes are indicated by overall behavioral activities.
d. The role of personality in the learning process includes aspects of motivation,
emotion, attitude, and so on.
From this understanding, there are three main elements in learning, namely
process, behavior change, and experience.

5. The Nature Learning (Pembelajaran)

The term learning is a development of the term teaching, and the term teaching
and learning that we can debate, or just ignore the important meaning of the three.
Learning is an effort made by a teacher or educator to teach students who are learning.
Learning in schools is growing, from traditional teaching to modern system learning.
The definition of learning by Gagne and Briggs (1979:3), Learning is a system
that aims to help the student learning process, which contains a series of events that
are designed, arranged in such a way as to influence and support the occurrence of
internal student learning processes.
In other words, learning is a conscious effort from the teacher to make students
learn as a result of behavioral changes in students who learn by gaining new abilities
that apply in a relatively long time because of the effort. Learning activities are no
longer just activities, but also prepare teaching and carry out teaching procedures in
face-to-face learning.

C. The Basis for The Concept of Learning

a. Philosophy
The learning process basically involves an essential effort in shaping and
perfecting the human personality with various demands in life.
Philosophically, learning means reminding humans about the meaning of life
which can be passed through the process of imitating, understanding,
observing, feeling, studying, doing, and believing in a truth so that everything
makes it easy to achieve everything that humans aspire to.
b. Psychology
Human behavior can change due to learning, but whether humans
understand their own behavior, or realize what kind of behavior they are

thirsty for, or are faced with different situations and conditions. So the
behavior that is still being sought can be linked to the study of psychology.
c. Sociology
Humans are social and individual creatures. Through learning,
individuals can learn about socializing opponents, friends living together and
being able to build society up to the state and nation. This sociological
foundation is very important in accompanying the development of learning
innovations which are heavily influenced by the increasingly hedonistic
changing times.
d. Communication
Education and communication are like three money strings, one gives
meaning to the other. In practice the learning or learning process will produce
a condition where individuals, in this case students and teachers, students with
students or even complex interactions, will certainly find a communication

6. How is The Learning Process

If all paradigms of the higher education community have a good understanding of

the process of active learning, learning how to learn, the preparation of resources has
been well regulated, and lesson plans that have properly regulated the mechanism of
the learning process, the learning process will run more easily.
Learning (instruction) is an accumulation of the concept of teaching (teaching)
and the concept of learning (learning). The emphasis lies on the combination of the
two, namely the growth of student activity. Meier (2012:103) argues that all human
learning essentially has four elements, namely preparation, delivery, training and the
appearance of results.
a. Preparation
The preparatory stage relates to preparing students for learning. Without
preparation, learning will be slow and can even stop. However, this stage is
often neglected because they are too eager to get the material, thus interfering
with good learning.
b. Presentation

This stage is intended to bring together students with learning materials
to start the learning process in a positive and interesting way. This stage aims
to help students find new learning material in a way that is interesting, fun,
relevant, involves the senses and is suitable for all learning styles.
c. Practice
This stage in the learning cycle affects 70% or more of the overall
learning experience. It is at this stage that the real learning takes place. The
purpose of the training phase is to help participants learn to integrate and
absorb new knowledge and skills in various ways.
d. Performance
Learning is the process of turning experience into knowledge,
knowledge into knowledge, knowledge into understanding, understanding
into wisdom, and wisdom into action. The value of any learning program is
revealed only in this stage. But many ignore this stage. Even though it is very
important to realize that this stage is an integral part of the whole learning
process. The purpose of the output stage is to help participants learn to apply
and extend their new skills to the job so that learning outcomes will stick and
final performance will improve.

7. The Learning Outcomes from Learning

a. Learning Outcomes
In general, student learning outcomes are influenced by internal factors
and external factors. Included in the internal factors are:
1) Individual physiological or physical factors, both congenital and
obtained by seeing, hearing, body structure, body defects and so
2) Psychological factors, both congenital and hereditary, which
a) Intellectual factors consist of:
 Potential factors, namely intelligence and talent.
 Actual factors, namely real skills and

b) Non-intellectual factors, namely certain personality
components such as attitudes, interests, habits,
motivations, needs, self-concept, and so on.
3) Factors of both physical and psychological maturity. Which are
classified as external factors are:
a) Social factors consisting of:
 Potential Family Environment Factor
 School environment factors
 Community environmental factors
 Group factor

b) Cultural factors such as customs, science and technology,

arts and so on.
c) Physical environmental factors, such as home facilities,
study facilities, climate and so on.
d) Spiritual factors or religious environment.
b. Motivating Towards Learning Process Results
According to the type, motifs are divided into primary and secondary
motifs, as quoted by Syamsudin (1990), cited by Subhana, distinguishes the
following motifs:
1) Primary motives (primary motives) or basic motives (basic
motives) refer to motives that are not learned (unlearned motives)
which are often used as drives.
2) Secondary motives (secondary motives) refer to the motives that
develop within the individual due to experience, and are learned
(conditioning and reinforcement). Into this group include:
a) Learning fears.
b) Social motives (want to be accepted, valued, conformity,
affiliation, approval, status, feeling safe, and so on).
c) Motives - objective and interest motives (exploration,
manipulation, interest).
d) Purposes and aspirations.
e) Achievement motives.

In accordance with the problems studied in this study, the concept of
both motives is used, both primary and secondary motifs. The study in terms
of large and small influence on the results of learning English.



A. Conclusion

The thing that must be realized at this time is the importance of learning the
concept of something. The concept referred to here is none other than the categories
that we give from the stimulus or stimuli that exist in our environment. The concepts
in the individual's cognitive structure are the result of the experiences he has gained.
If this is the case, some of the concepts that individuals have are the result of the
learning process in which the process results from this learning process will become
the foundation (building blocks) in the structure of individual thinking. This concept
is used as the basis by someone in solving problems, knowing the relevant rules, and
other things that have to do with what the individual must do.
Learning is interaction. The interactions that occur between students and their
learning environment, be it with educators, friends, tutors, learning media, and/or
other learning resources. While other characteristics of this learning relate to the
components of the learning itself. In learning there will be the following components:
educational objectives, students, educators, materials or subject matter, approaches
and methods, media or tools, learning resources and evaluation. All these components
are interrelated or related to realize an effective and efficient learning process. The
components of the learning as a whole system and mutually support each other.

B. Suggestion

In writing this paper, there are so many things that must be considered, for
example, in the world of education, what should be applied that must be considered is
that the first is an educational program, because this is where we can find out what

every school has to do to implement an educational program. so that the goal is to get
good quality students and have competitive values in the world of education.
We really hope from various parties to provide support or participation so that the
world of education will continue to run along with the current time in pursuit of
rational knowledge. The role of the government to improve the quality of education
that is moral and highly knowledgeable is highly expected by society in general.


Darmawan, Deni, Modul -1 Konsep Dasar Pembelajaran, Kurikulum



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