Di Distric Di: Acosisoneofthe7 Distric of Acomayo

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About Acos city

hello, name is Jackelyn, my favorite city is

Acos. Acos is one of the 7
distric of Acomayo
distric di
province; in the
departament of
- Acos is a small and traditional city - its streets are wide and safe.
of Two thousand peoples.
Stri..its waid seif

- It is very clean and relaxing place.

- Its nickname is “The Spring Valley
Klin relaksing pleis
Di Sprin Valy
- All the Peoples are really friendly.
of the Ñustas” for its warm
. OL
ñiustas worm
weather every years.
weder ebry yirs

Acos is famous for: First, is the birthplace of the heroine

feimus Bertpleis de Jeroen


en import..unt

precursor of the independence of our

Prikursur di independens awor

Second, for its majestic celebration of the Third, for those who like hekking, nature
Meyestik Dirtd tous ju jaiking neichur
and aventure, Acos is the perfect place to
Virgin Nativity that lasts all week. The avantuur. Pleis
viryi nariviri dat lastsss OL wik visit.
central day is 8th of september, that day
eif In Acos you will find a fantastic
many tourists come to see the tipical faind Fantastik
turests kam to siii di tipical archaeological fortress name
dances. arkie…logiko fortresss

Waqrapukara is a Quechua Word meaning

"horn shaped fortress". To get there, you
Joind sheit fortresss
have to walk 4 hours. I
wuak four aguors

loved visiting this magical place.

Lovd viziring mayikol pleis

Finally, Acos is an interesting city and a fun place to visit!

Fainaly, interisting fan pleis

Acos is one of the 7 distric the Acomayo province; in the department of Cusco, Peru. Acos
is a small and traditional city of Two thousand peoples. Its nickname is “The Spring Valley
of the Ñustas” for its warm weather every years. its streets are wide and safe. It is very
clean and relaxing place. All the Peoples are really friendly.

Acos is famous for:

First, is the birthplace of the heroine TOMASA TTITO CONDEMAYTA, an important
precursor of the independence of our country.

Second, for its majestic celebration of the Virgin Nativity that lasts all week. The central day
is 8th of september, that day many tourists come to see the tipical dances.

Third, for those who like hekking, nature and aventure, Acos is the perfect place to visit. In
Acos you will find a fantastic archaeological fortress name Waqrapukara. Waqrapukara is a
Quechua Word meaning "horn shaped fortress". To get there, you have to walk 4 hours. I
loved visiting this magical place.

Finally, Acos is an interesting city and a fun place to visit!

Acos is one of the 7 distric the Acomayo province; it is located in the city of Cusco, Peru.
Di distric di provins loukired
Acos is a small and traditional city of Two thousand peoples. Its nickname is “The Spring
touzend Di Sprin
Valley of the Ñustas” for its warm weather every years. its streets are wide and safe. It is
Valy ñiustas worm weder evry yirs. Stri..its waid seif
very clean and relaxing place. All the Peoples are really friendly.
Klin relaksing pleis. OL
Acos is famous for:
First, is the birthplace of the heroine TOMASA TTITO CONDEMAYTA, an important
Bertpleis de Jeroen en import..unt
precursor of the independence of our country.
Prikursur di independens awor
Second, for its majestic celebration of the Virgin Nativity that lasts all week. The central day
Meyestik viryi nariviri dat latsss OL wik. Di dey
is 8th of september, that day many tourists come to see the tipical dances.
eif turests kam to siii di tipical dancis

Third, for those who like hekking, nature and aventure, Acos is the perfect place to visit.
Dirtd tous ju jaiking neichur avantuur. Pleis

In Acos There is a fantastic archaeological fortress name Waqrapukara. Waqrapukara is a

Fantastik arkie…logiko fortresss
Quechua Word meaning "horn shaped fortress". To get there, you have to walk 4 hours. I
Mining Joind sheit fortresss wuak aguors

loved visiting this magical place.

Lovd viziring magicol pleis
Finally, Acos is an interesting city and a fun place to visit!
Fainaly, interisting pleis

Acos is one of the 7 distric the Acomayo province; it is located in the city of Cusco, Peru.
Acos is a small and traditional city of Two thousand peoples. Its nickname is “The Spring
Valley of the Ñustas” for its warm weather every years. its streets are wide and safe. It is
very clean and relaxing place. All the Peoples are really friendly.

Acos is famous for:

First, is the birthplace of the heroine TOMASA TTITO CONDEMAYTA, an important
precursor of the independence of our country.

Second, for its majestic celebration of the Virgin Nativity that lasts all week. The central day
is 8th of september, that day many tourists come to see the tipical dances.

Third, for those who like hekking, nature and aventure, Acos is the perfect place to visit. In
Acos There is a fantastic archaeological fortress name Waqrapukara. Waqrapukara is a
Quechua Word meaning "horn shaped fortress". To get there, you have to walk 4 hours. I
loved visiting this magical place.

Finally, Acos is an interesting city and a fun place to visit!

Acos es uno de los 7 distritos de la provincia de Acomayo, localizada en la ciudad del Cuzco-
Peru. Es un pueblo pequeño y antiguo pero muy acogedor, con 2000 habitantes. Es conocida
como el Valle Primaveral de las Ñustas por su clima cálido todo el año.
Acos es famosa por:


precursora de la independencia de nuestro país.

Segundo, por su majestuosa celebracion a la virgen Natividad que dura toda la semana. El
dia central es el 8 de setiembre, ese dia vienen muchos turistas a ver las comparsas, es
una celebracion única e incomparable.

Tercero, para los amantes del senderismo y de la naturaleza; Acos tiene una fantástica
fortaleza arqueológica llamada Complejo Arqueologico Waqrapukara. Waqrapukara es una
palabra en quechua que significa “fortaleza en forma de cuerno”. Para llegar alli hay que
caminar 4 horas. A mi me encanto visitar este mágico lugar.

Finalmente, Acos es una ciudad interesante y un lugar divertido para visitar!

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