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J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.

NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo



This self-learning module has six interactive activities such as:

Let's Try This –This part will help the students prepare their prior knowledge and
experiences in the given tasks and get ready for learning.

Big Idea – This is the main part of the worksheet based on the processing
questions given and the highlight of the discussion.

Keep in Mind – This part will give the lessons that the students need to learn and

You Can Do It – This will help students to apply the lessons learned in the given

What I Have learned – This part will test and evaluate the student's learning.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings – This will help students express their
thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

Let's Explore This – This will guide students towards needed learning.

Make sure to read, think, follow, and enjoy every task you are asked to do.
Have fun! Stay safe and healthy!

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo



Learning Competency and Code:

4. Identify strengths and weaknesses HGSPS-Ie-4
5. Exhibit the importance of oneself in the following aspects: HGSPS-Ie-5
5.1 physical and physiological
5.2 psychological
5.3 intellectual
5.4 spiritual
5.5 social

At the end of the homeroom session, the students should be able to:
• identify your positive traits, characteristics, and accomplishments by exploring
• demonstrate self-worth as you engage in learning activities; and
• appreciate your feelings, thoughts, desires, and values through positive self-talk

Period: Week-1 of Quarter 1

Suggested Total Time Allotment: 1 hour
Materials Needed:
• Permanent Marker or any alternative material if not available
• Bond paper/Intermediate Paper or any alternative clean sheet of paper
• Pen

This module will discuss appropriate ways to improve your self-worth and live up to your
full potentials. It will also help you differentiate self-worth from your self-esteem to
understand better the factors that influence your inner sense of value.
The module will present various activities that will help you develop and strengthen your
self-worth. Thus, it is recommended that you should accomplish every activity.

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo

Let's Try This

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 Minutes
Try to remember that last time you felt valued by others and how you made
others feel valued. Identify the incidents, your thoughts or ideas about the situations,
your feelings, and your behavior or action. Use the templates below to describe those
The last time I felt valued The last time I made others felt valued

When I meet a girl who will

Incident: I brought yolk cake for Incident: ask for money to buy her
my older brother.
What I think about it is why
Thoughts: everyone ignores a poor girl.
I want to make him
Thoughts: happy. Feelings: Who is just a child who has a hard
time finding something to eat.
Feelings: I feel appreciated and Behavior:
loved. Who is just a child who has a
hard time finding something
Behavior: I made it so he had eat.

Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why? It was simple because I had my first experience with
the feelings and behaviors of those I assisted, no matter how insignificantly.

2. What do you notice with your answers? I discovered that every small act of kindness to others
has a significant impact on their lives and can alter them.

3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers? My reaction was positive seeing myself
respond makes me glad because I was able to share a small but priceless moment.

Big Idea: Values drive the attitudes and behaviors that you want to see within your
colleagues based on what you have shown to them. It's important to identify and
understand the workplace values and your team to achieve particular goals and
success in the future.

Keep In Mind
Self-worth and self-esteem are two different things, although they are used
interchangeably. Self-esteem is more concerned with confidence and healthy
admiration of yourself, while self-worth is how you value yourself—an inner sense of
It is you who can determine how outside factors influence your self-worth. These
factors are actions or reactions and judgments of other people. Researchers say that an
individual who validates his/her self-worth from external factors may more likely have
low self-worth. However, individuals who consider their internal aspects tend to develop
a healthy inner sense of value (Nunez, 2015).

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo

How to Improve your Self-worth

• Stop comparing yourself to others. Evaluating yourself based on other people's

standards may lead you to self-destruction or may develop maladaptive behavior.

• Challenge the critical inner self. Find effort to see who you are. Listen to your inner
voice. Start understanding and appreciating your feelings, thoughts, desires, and values.
If you challenge your critical inner voice and stop comparing yourself to others, you can
feel your self-worth.

How to Improve and Raise Your Self-esteem

• Be with people who treat you well. Some people act in ways that tear you down.
Others lift you up by what they say and do. Learn to tell the difference. Choose friends
who help you feel OK about yourself. Find people that you can be yourself with. Be that
type of friend to others.

• Set goals and work toward them. If you want to feel good about yourself, do things
that are good for you. Maybe you want to eat a healthier diet, get more fit, or study better.
Make a goal. Then make a plan on how to do it. Stick with your plan. Track your progress.
Be proud of what you've done so far. Say to yourself, "I've been following my plan to work
out every day for 45 minutes. I feel good about it. I know I can keep it up."

• Give and help. Giving is one of the best ways to build self-esteem. Tutor a classmate,
help clean up your neighborhood, help in a donation drive campaign. Help out at home.
Make it a habit to be kind and fair. Do things that make you proud of the kind of person
you are. When you do things that make a difference (even a small one), your self-esteem
will grow.

You Can Do It

Complete the sentences and write them on one whole sheet of paper with the Self-
Affirmation Exercise.
Self-Affirmation Exercise

1. My proudest moment was to graduate and honors students specialy words of God.

2. My strengths are family and friends.

3. My source of joy is my family of course as a helpful friend.

4. My friends really appreciate me as a I will achieve my goals because I am always thinking of my

family and never stop studying to achieve my goals.

5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because I believe that God is always by my side,
assisting me when I am on the verge of giving up.

6. I will reach my dreams because I can reach my dreams someday because my parents will always
support me, and God will always be there for me, so I can achieve my goals.

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo

What I Have Learned

Suggested Time Allotment: 5 minutes

Think of our current crisis (Covid-19 Pandemic) situation. Recall a moment

where you have done something that you felt confident and your sense of self-worth
is high. What can you say to yourself in that situation? What have you done? Write
your answers on a sheet of paper.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Suggested Time allotment: 5 minutes

Answer the following questions on a clean sheet of paper.

1. What positive statement would you say to yourself to be reminded of your strengths
and values? Because I am strong and capable, I can do great things. My mistakes and
failures are a part of my learning and growing process; they do not define my future. I am
constantly learning to become a better person, and that is fine.

2. How will you deal with life obstacles or negative feelings? Don't be frightened, and don't sweat
the obstacles; they're all part of the journey, you must prepare yourself for unpleasant emotions
and challenges, develop new skills, and learn lessons from your mistakes, as well as apply those
lessons in your daily life.

3. What would you do to empower yourself? It is entirely up to you to choose to empower yourself.
We must not be swayed by what others say since it will pull us down. We know ourselves better
than they do. We need to focus on the positive thoughts we have. I have to trust myself first
because if I don't believe in myself, I won't believe in anything, and I won't be able to do anything
without it.

4. What are your realizations as to your capability in handling and surviving the current
health crisis right now? Many of us have found ourselves modifying our everyday
routines to take safety precautions to safeguard ourselves, loved ones, and neighbors as
a result of this pandemic. But, in the midst of this global pandemic, we're thinking about
how large-scale systems change in real time. Since the outbreak of the epidemic,
everyone has been in shock and unprepared. No one has considered the implications for
global health response and management.

Closing Lecturette/Summary:

Self-worth differs from self-esteem. It is us who determine how outside factors

can affect our self-worth. So test yourself further and explore life, for you will face many
obstacles and challenges that shape you as a person and the people surrounding you
and your future endeavors.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "Wow, I sure am valuable." Don't look for
someone -- friends, family, significant others -- to tell you how much you are worth. Know
your worth. And own it. Show it. Flaunt it. Because only you have the value that you do.
Valuing yourself first is essential because you are essential (Cook, 2016).

One of the critical contributions of positive psychology is supporting individuals to

reflect on, consider, and identify their core strengths to utilize them to lead a flourishing
life. (Boniwell, 2006)

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo

Let's Explore This

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 Minutes

Think of a person you want to talk to (friend, teacher, guidance counselor, brother,
sister or cousin, parent or guardian). Write his/her name separately on 1/4 size paper
using a permanent marker or a pen. Next, face the mirror, post the name of your chosen
person on the mirror. Imagine that that person is facing you. Talk to yourself in the mirror
and to the person you chose guided by the following instructions.

Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you see yourself.
Please talk to yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are ”
Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror),
please tell your friends that “You should be happy with me because I’m .”
Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the
mirror), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m .”
Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your
brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell them that “You should be happy with me
because I’m .” Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of
your parents/guardian or whom you consider as your parent in the mirror), please
tell them that “You should be proud of me because I’m .”

1. Strong because you put forth your best effort and make me your loved ones happy.
2. I'm one of your friends, and I honestly believe you live a wonderful life.
3. In my studies, I'm giving it my all.
4. I consider you to be my role model. You're one of the people I look up to the most.
5. I am your child, and I am doing everything in my power to make you proud and happy.

Answer the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write your
name, title of the worksheet as the heading of the activity.

Processing Questions:

1. How did you find the activity? Because of my pals' assistance, I'll locate the activity. Despite the
fact that I struggled with several aspects of it, I had a good time learning.

2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family? It's natural to be
concerned about telling someone how you're feeling, yet going it alone might make things worse.
Talking to someone you can trust can make you feel less alone.
o feel surrounded by individuals who care about you
o look for therapy and support options to help you feel better.

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo

3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk?

When I conducted my self-talk, I noticed that it helped me discover that I was capable of making
judgments and thinking about many topics that I hadn't considered previously.
I realized that I can grasp things simply by talking to myself, and that this is not always the case.

4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth? The sense of one's value or worth as a
person, defines self-worth. It's a means of investing so much work into unconditionally loving
ourselves without questioning our own self-esteem and worth. Our attitude toward ourselves
would alter for the better if we knew how to value our own worth. If we learn to love our flaws and
imperfections, we can develop a positive mindset that will help us avoid behaving badly.

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

J.M.J Marist Brothers Name:Jasmine Faith P. Bautista Strand & Section: STEM St.Celement
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject:Homeroom Guidance Date of Submission: 10/04/21
Koronadal City Developed by: Mr. Kiff Elmer Hilado Score:
Ms. Kreen N. Erojo


Ackerman, C. (2020). 18 Self-Esteem Worksheets and Activities for Teens and Adults
(+PDFs). Retrieved October 31, 2020 from

Cook, B. (2016). The importance of valuing oneself first. Retrieved from

Fries, D. (2018). 12 simple activities you can do to start building self-esteem today.
Retrieved August 05, 2020, from

Lyness, D. (2018), How Can I Improve My Self-Esteem? Retrieved on August 2018


Nunez, K. (2015), Four Ways to Start Valuing Yourself Properly. Retrieved on

September 11, 2015, from

… an institution that cares for the environment and humanity.

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