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Abrencillo, Ericka Jane A. Prof. Leah Z. Guerra

1. Cite war or invasion where United Nations military alliances had protected the victims of

The United Nation was become a peacekeeper they protected all the civilian against the
warriors. They are actively preventing conflict, reduce violence’s, strengthen security, and
empower national securities. The conflict between the two country (Arad and Israel) was
started on May 15,1948 it results the involvement of United Nation military to protect the
people. The United Nation hired military personnel to peace operation during the war of the
two-country happened.

2. Research on how United Nations have acted to campaign in the protection of the
environment around the world.

The United Nation protected the global issues such as the ozone layer depletion, toxic
waste, loss of forest, species, and air and water pollution. The United Nation helps by giving
knowledge about on how to protect the environment like to reduce reuse and recycle the wastes
that they collect. Planting trees, choose sustainable things, use what only needed and
conducting a clean up drive mission to have a clean and healthy environment.

3. Name a country and illustrate how United Nation acted on the human right violations
which caused the collapsed and downfall of a government;

The North Korea was one have a record of human rights violations has been globally
condemned when the United Nation. The Unite Nation human rights council create the Commission of
Inquiry on Human Rights of North Korea it mandates to took into a systematic, widespread, and grave
violations of freedom of expression, violations of freedom of movement, discrimination, torture, and
human treatment and other. For the fourth consecutive year, the UN security council put North Korea
human rights violations on its formal agenda as a threat to international peace and security to their

4. How economic issues were solved by UN?

The United Nation the issues by supporting every country about economic problem.
The UN aims is to provide a solution in every conflict that helps to every country. Their goals
are to establish the framework of international justice, protect the human rights, to make sure
that every country has a peace and security and, they are promoting economic progress. The
UN give a necessary assistance for every country who need global support.

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