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0 Introduction

This guide shows you how to use the main features of OneOcean's flagship e-naviga on
and compliance pla orm, OneOcean.
There's a sec on in the guide for each of the main modules of OneOcean. Each sec on is
divided into topics.
Use the content links on the le or the search facility to find the topic you want.
Throughout this guide there are Tips (in green) and Notes (in blue) to advise and warn
about key features of OneOcean.

Where to start
If you're new to using OneOcean there are several topics in this guide that are useful
when you first start using the applica on:
• If you want an overview of what OneOcean can do, see 1.1 Overview of OneOcean
• If you need help ge ng OneOcean set up and configured, see 2.0 Ge ng started
(20Ge ngstarted.html).
• If you already have OneOcean set up and running, but don't know how to start, see
2.7 OneOcean basics (27OneOceanbasics.html).
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