PAYS Instructions For New Subscribers V6

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Pay As You Sail


We have activated your ‘Pay As You Sail’ subscription, this will provide your vessel
with access to all the available ENCs worldwide. More information on PAYS is
available in the OneOcean User Guide in section 9.7.
Your PAYS permit files will be available in OneOcean after you obtain the latest
Prior to loading your PAYS subscription in your ECDIS systems, please remove your
previous AVCS subscription.
The process to load this PAYS subscription is the same as loading a standard ENC

A few notes before you proceed with this installation:

 The below procedures are meant to be used with OneOcean version 2021.1.2 or later.

 Unlike standard ENCs, the ENC (PAYS) outfit will contain approximately 17,500 cells.
To prevent excessive data collection, all cells are automatically placed in a sleeping
state, except for any active cells in your original outfit, which will remain active when you
subscribe to OneOcean PAYS. As with other OneOcean outfit related data service, any
chart / cell / folio that is sleeping will not collect data.
 When OneOcean collects ENC updates, including chart updates, cancellations and new
editions, it automatically updates your ENC outfit with these changes.
 If you haven't entered any filter criteria or loaded any passages, OneOcean lists all the
ENCs in your outfit for the selected supplier.

Important Note: If your vessel travels to Asia, you will likely require Non-PAYS
coverage. Note that the coverage held in your previous AVCS subscription was
merged into your PAYS subscription, therefore you may already hold the coverage
required. The following areas are considered non-PAYS coverage: Myanmar (Burma),
Hong Kong (including Pearl River delta), India, Malacca and Singapore Straits, and
Please refer to the Addenda - Ordering Non-PAYS coverage below.

1 PAYS / Version 6.0 / 02/03/2022

Pay As You Sail

Activating the ENCs you need for your voyage

The two recommend methods of activating ENC cells are:

1. Recommended - Filter by route (requires an existing route in OneOcean)

2. Alternate - Filter by area (Drawing a coverage (operational) area)

Method 1 ‐ Recommended: Filter by route

1. In OneOcean, go to the ENC Module

2. Click the Outfit tab
3. In the Display Filters panel, enable the “Filter by Route” option, and set the route buffer
to your preferred value using the cursor or by typing in the value (0 to 50nm)


4. Using the Drop-down selection box, choose your route from a list of existing routes so that
OneOcean only lists ENCs that the route passes through

5. Click on the Products Total displayed to select all the cells 5

in your route

6. Once selected, hold your mouse over the Manage Active Cells button, and then click

7. OneOcean asks you to confirm that you want to activate the selected ENCs. Click Yes.

8. You can also select additional Individual ENCs you want to activate, either from the outfit
listing or by selecting cells from the map, until you've activated all the ENCs you need for
your voyage.
Outfit listing selection Select from map

2 PAYS / Version 6.0 / 02/03/2022

Pay As You Sail

Method 2 ‐ Alternate: Drawing a coverage (operational) area

From time to time it may be easier to collect your ENC updates within a specific area. This
process still requires the required cells to become active. Selecting an area of cells can be
performed from the Outfit view.

Important Note: Drawing a large area can add a very large quantity of ENC cells to your
Active Folio. This will result in larger downloads on a weekly basis, and longer load times on
your ECDIS systems.

1. Use the mouse wheel or map control buttons to zoom into the required location, hold the
control key (on the keyboard) and then draw a box whilst keeping the left mouse button
2. Release both the control key and left mouse button for the selection box to become
3. The cells covering the area will then be selected and the Multi Select Mode view will
become available. Any cells that are not required can be removed from the list by
holding down the control key and then selecting the relevant cell from the map.
4. Selecting the Activate button will place the cells from the sleeping to active state so
updates can be collected.
Tip: Multiple and smaller coverage areas can be drawn consecutively, rather than a
larger overall coverage area. To use this feature, the same process of drawing an
individual coverage area is required and when complete all cells can be set to active
by selecting the Activate button.

3 PAYS / Version 6.0 / 02/03/2022

Pay As You Sail

Loading your PAYS subscription in your ECDIS

The below procedure should be followed when you load your PAYS subscription in your
ECDIS for the first time, and every time there is a change to your Active Cells. This could be
following reception of a weekly ENC update or when you prepare for a new voyage.

On a weekly basis, OneOcean is designed to add all new ENC cells or replacement cells to
your Active cells. This is to ensure that any new cells that have been released and that may
be part of your current passage will be highlighted to be made part of your Active cells to
insure these are available on your ECDIS.

This is one of the main advantages of defining your Active cells using the filter by route
option (Method 1), as an active passage can be reloaded at any time to make sure all the
latest ENC content for this passage is made available in your ECDIS.

We recommend loading the new PAYS License In your Backup ECDIS first, to ensure there
are no issues that will affect the Main ECDIS.

1. Define your Active ENC cells by loading your Active passage as described in Method 1
2. Collect the required updates for your Active ENC cells.
3. Export ENC data from OneOcean by pressing the "Export ENC Updates" button. Note
that this step will also export your PAYS Permits at the same time.
4. Load your new PAYS permits in your ECDIS.
5. Load the corresponding ENC data files in your ECDIS.
6. Remove any ENC data and permits loaded on your ECDIS that is no longer held in your
active portfolio (If this process is not carried out automatically by the ECDIS)

4 PAYS / Version 6.0 / 02/03/2022

\ Pay As You Sail

Addenda ‐ Ordering Non‐PAYS coverage

As a ENC PAYS Subscriber, if you need permits for any cells in areas that aren't covered
by ENCs PAYS, you will first need to create a route (1.) or load an existing route (2.) in
the Voyage Planner Module and overlay it with products (ENC.

The ENC module no longer allows you to add cells directly to the basket.

After the products have been overlayed, select Not in Outfit in the ENC panel, then select
any additional cells you require before selecting
Add to Basket.

Once the order has been submitted to OneOcean, a new ENC permit file will be provided.
One the permit is loaded In OneOcean, you will be able to collect the required updates
(Make sur the new coverage is added to your Active Cells).

Then follow the usual process to Loading your PAYS subscription in your ECDIS (refer to
above section).

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