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Neurochemical Research


Melatonergic Receptors (Mt1/Mt2) as a Potential Additional Target

of Novel Drugs for Depression
Dmytro I. Boiko1 · Anastasiia D. Shkodina2,3 · Mohammad Mehedi Hasan4 · Mainak Bardhan5 · Syeda Kanza Kazmi6 ·
Hitesh Chopra7   · Prerna Bhutra8 · Atif Amin Baig9 · Andrii M. Skrypnikov1

Received: 3 November 2021 / Revised: 21 May 2022 / Accepted: 25 May 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

A complex pathogenesis involving several physiological systems is theorized to underline the development of depressive
disorders. Depression is accompanied by circadian regulation disruption and interaction with the functioning of both central
and peripheral oscillators. Many aspects of melatonin function unite these systems. The use of drugs for circadian rhythm
disorders could inspire a potential treatment strategy for depression. Melatonin plays an essential role in the regulation of
circadian rhythms. It exerts effect by activating two types of melatonin receptors, type 1A (MT1) and 1B (MT2). These are
G-protein-coupled receptors, predominantly located in the central nervous system. MT1/MT2 agonists could be a useful
treatment approach according to all three prevalent theories of the pathogenesis of depression involving either monoamines,
synaptic remodeling, or immune/inflammatory events. MT1/MT2 receptors can be a potential target for novel antidepressants
with impact on concentrations of neurotrophins or neurotransmitters, and reducing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
There is an interesting cross-talk mediated via the physical association of melatonin and serotonin receptors into functional
heteromers. The antidepressive and neurogenetic effects of MT1/MT2 agonists can also be caused by the inhibition of
the acid sphingomyelinase, leading to reduced ceramide, or increasing monoamine oxidase A levels in the hippocampus.
Compounds targeting MT1 and MT2 receptors could have potential for new anti-depressants that may improve the quality
of therapeutic interventions in treating depression and relieving symptoms. In particular, a combined effect on MT1 and/
or MT2 receptors and neurotransmitter systems may be useful, since the normalization of the circadian rhythm through the
melatonergic system will probably contribute to improved treatment. In this review, we discuss melatonergic receptors as a
potential additional target for novel drugs for depression.

Keywords  Depression · Melatonin · Receptors · Clock genes · Neurogenesis · Circadian rhythm

Introduction mechanism coordinates biochemical, physiological, and

behavioral processes to maintain synchronization with light,
The neurohormone melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy- temperature, and nutrient intake cycles. In mammals, includ-
tryptamine), which plays an important role in the circadian ing humans, circadian rhythms are regulated by a tempo-
clock system, is primarily synthesized in the pineal gland. rary control system consisting of the primary pacemaker
The disturbances of the diurnal cycle are reflected in mel- in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus
atonin’s circulating levels. The circadian clock is an evo- and peripheral oscillators located throughout the body. Inde-
lutionarily highly conservative feature of bacteria, plants, pendent circadian oscillators exist in every cell of any tissue
and animals, allowing organisms to adapt physiological and organ [1].
processes to the time of day. This internal synchronization Melatonin mainly controls the sleep–wake cycle, regu-
lates the immune system in mammals (pro- and anti-inflam-
matory states), and energy metabolism [2]. Melatonin exerts
* Hitesh Chopra its effect by acting primarily on activating two types of high-
affinity rhodopsin transmembrane melatonin receptors type
* Atif Amin Baig 1A (MT1) and 1B (MT2) [3–7]. MT1 and MT2 receptors are
predominantly located in the central nervous system (CNS),
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

Neurochemical Research

being more in areas that belong to the brain’s dopaminergic many underlying mechanisms associated with its pathogen-
system, purveying a correlation between the monoaminer- esis, of which impairment in the central monoaminergic
gic and melatonergic receptors pathways [8]. MT1 recep- system remains the most acknowledged [18]. The relation
tors are distributed more frequently outside the CNS, while between MT1/MT2 activation and monoaminergic pathways
MT2s are predominantly in the CNS [3]. Interestingly, the may suggest its role in the pathophysiology of MDD. One of
expression of both of these receptors exhibits photo-regu- the classic symptoms of MDD is mood decline in the morn-
lation since it was seen that there is an augmentation in the ing, and this time-linked symptom has encouraged proposals
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression of MT1 about the role of the circadian oscillator in its development
receptors in rodents during daytime [9]. Therefore, mela- [19]. Literature suggests that MDD is not a disturbance of
tonin forms a basis for exploring various neuropsychiatric a particular rhythm, but a deterioration in the function of
conditions by playing a significant role in maintaining the the central circadian clock [20], which causes a decrease in
sleep–wake cycle and its association with monoaminergic the amplitude of core body temperature, thyroid and gluco-
pathways [10]. corticosteroid hormonal status, and motor activity in MDD
The treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders has recently [21]. The correlations mentioned above provide substantial
gained particular importance due to the coronavirus disease evidence for avenues of clinical interventions and research
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Many researchers note that on chronotherapy as one of the novel drug therapies for
mental health has deteriorated sharply due to the pandemic. depression.
The most common mental disorders are mood disorders, Given the complex multifactorial pathophysiology of
especially depression and anxiety, circadian rhythm, and MDD, new antidepressants should have targets that simul-
sleep disorders. The last meta-analysis showed that pooled taneously affect several pathogenesis pathways. The purpose
prevalence of depression was 45% in patients after COVID- of this article is to describe how melatonergic receptor ago-
19 [11]. It is assumed that the development of mental dis- nists could act as a potential additional target of novel drugs
turbances may be associated with biorhythmology. The for depression by elucidating the role of melatonin, circadian
most studied is the relationship between the development of rhythm, clock genes, and their relationships with the mono-
mental illness and circadian dysregulation, which can self- aminergic system, neuronal remodeling, and inflammation
regulate and is very sensitive to any stressful influences [12]. in the pathophysiology of depression.
Depression is one of the most common mood disorders
in the world. The absolute number of new cases of depres-
sion worldwide increased by almost 50% from 1990 to 2017 Melatonin Production
[13]. Despite the constant stream of research on mood dis-
orders and the emergence of new antidepressants, depres- Melatonin is an endogenous hormone of the human organ-
sion remains a severe problem. Depression affects a per- ism, initially discovered in 1958 [22]. The molecular struc-
son’s well-being and behavior. According to the American ture of melatonin is derived from tryptamine, rendering it
Psychiatric Association, every 15th inhabitant of our planet similar to 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) in structure. Chemi-
suffers from depression every year, and every 6th person cally, it can be classified as an acetamide or indolamine.
feels depression at least once in their life [14]. The patho- Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland located centrally
genesis of the development of depression is multicomponent in the neuroendocrine system of the brain and secreted into
and complex because it includes changes at various stages the circulation exerting numerous effects on the body. Mela-
of the body’s functioning, from the genome to metabolic tonin receptors are found on many tissues throughout the
processes. Depression is associated with multiple neurobio- body, where the hormone exerts its effect. The biosynthesis
logical targets, from altered neuroplasticity to disturbances of melatonin involves various steps, resulting in its precursor
in the body’s circadian rhythms [15]. This is due to genetic, tryptophan being processed into serotonin, N-acetyl seroto-
physiological, psychological, and social factors. In depres- nin, and finally, into melatonin [23] (Fig. 1). Synthesis of
sion, symptoms range from loss of motivation and energy melatonin is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of
to suicidal thoughts. Moreover, with depression, there may the anterior hypothalamus, through multi-synaptic descend-
also be changes in the sleep–wake cycle and the circadian ing pathways, which releases norepinephrine (NE) [24]
rhythms of hormonal secretion [16]. and entails photoperiodic variation [25]; this results in the
The relationship between major depressive disorders modulation of N-acetyl transferase activity which transforms
(MDD) and melatonergic pathways is complex, as is shown serotonin (5-HT) into melatonin [26]. The neurohormone
by disparity in the measured melatonin levels in depressed is implicated in the circadian rhythm as a key regulator for
individuals. Most studies indicate MDD as a low melatonin the sleep–wake- cycle. Additionally, melatonin participates
syndrome, thus conceptualizing inadequate melatonin secre- in immunity processes, hemostasis regulation, aging, and
tion as a biological marker for depression [17]. MDD has stress. The effects of melatonin are harnessed in therapeutic

Neurochemical Research

acetylserotonin-O-methyltransferase are key melatonin level

regulation factors. The onset of neural stimulation triggers
these steps to melatonin synthesis [29].
Secretion of melatonin follows into the peripheral cir-
culation from the pineal gland, which lies externally to the
blood–brain barrier. It is distributed in the body, taking
on several regulatory roles in peripheral tissues. Interest-
ingly, melatonin also reaches the suprachiasmatic nuclei of
the hypothalamus, which control the rhythm of melatonin
secretion, leading to auto-regulation and synchronization of
production of the hormone. Melatonin is metabolized by
the liver; its primary metabolite being sulfatoxymelatonin,
is excreted through the renal route [29, 30].
In the sleep–wake cycle secretion of melatonin occurs
in a rhythm termed nycthohemeral rhythm. Melatonin pro-
duction is directly linked to the amount of light perceived
through the eyes. Thus, melatonin plays an important inter-
mediary and coordination role between the body’s state and
the body’s organs’ functions and could give it an impor-
tant coordination role. It is routinely produced during the
night or at dark, whereas light negatively influences pro-
duction. Changes in the sleep–wake cycle (or light–dark
cycle) can change melatonin secretion patterns and regulate
its secretion. Similar effects can be perceived through sea-
sonal changes. Melatonin is subject to a complex biological
regulatory system. Systems that play a role in regulating
production and secretion can be found both in the central
Fig. 1  Scheme of Melatonin metabolism. TPH, tryphtophan hydroxy-
lase; AAAD, aromatic amino-acid decarboxylase; SNAT, serotonin and autonomic nervous systems [30]. The secretion rhythm
N-acetyltransferase; ASMT, N-acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase; depends on stimuli from the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the
Cyt C, cytochrome C; Cyt P450, cytochrome P450; MPO, myelop- hypothalamus, termed the body’s biological clock. These
eroxidase; HPO, horseradish peroxidase; EPO, eosinophil per-
nuclei receive direct information on light and dark through
oxidase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RNS, reactive nitrogen spe-
cies; AFMK, N ­1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine; AMK, the retinohypothalamic tract, a monosynaptic neural pathway
­N -Acetyl-5-Methoxykynuramine; AMNK, N-Acetyl-5-Methoxy- leading from the retina to the hypothalamus. The primary
3-nitrokynuramine neurotransmitters of this tract have been proposed to be glu-
tamate and adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide, which
create the sensation of light when present. Neural pathways
melatonin, which is often taken to promote sleep. Further, from the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus then
therapeutic usage of melatonin has been used in treatment project toward the pineal gland, where the received input is
attempts for depression, which has an essential link to mel- transmitted toward melatonin synthesis [31]. The regulation
atonin-related pathology [27]. of melatonin production at the pineal gland mainly depends
Production and secretion of melatonin occur in the pin- on sympathetic, beta-adrenergic receptor input, resulting
eal gland, though it can also be synthesized in peripheral from noradrenaline stimulation. The subsequent elevation of
tissues throughout the body. It is also found in plants and intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate activates the
other organisms such as bacteria. Melatonin production aforementioned enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase,
decreases in aged people, and structural changes in the pin- triggering melatonin production in the pineal gland cells
eal gland can be associated with calcification [28]. The syn- [29]. Due to its complex regulation and various functions
thesis of melatonin is based on the structure of serotonin, a in the body, disturbance thereof can be an essential patho-
related neurohormone, which derives its configuration from physiological finding [30]. Melatonin’s implication in the
the amino acid tryptophan. The chemical reaction follows sleep–wake cycle makes it a critical therapeutic hormone.
several steps from 5-HT to the intermediate N-acetylser- Several neuropsychiatric illnesses have been implicated in
otonin by the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, melatonin dysfunction, including sleep disturbances, schizo-
converted to melatonin by the enzyme hydroxyl-indole- phrenia, and depression. Specifically, mood disorders are
O-methyltransferase. Serotonin, N-acetylserotonin, and highly relevant with the link to this pathology. The vital

Neurochemical Research

link between disease pathology and the neurohormone is receptor nuclear translocator-like 1 (Bmal1) gene encode for
the disturbance of the circadian rhythm [16]. Depression is BMAL1 [41]. Their heterodimer activates the transcription
linked explicitly to melatonin dysfunction, where disrup- of three periods (PER1, 2, and 3) and two cryptochromes
tion of hormone secretion is seen in the context of circadian (CRY1, 2) genes [42]. The Period and cryptochrome move
rhythm alterations. This pathological change can cause sleep to the cytoplasm, where they get translated to respective
disturbances and changes in a daily rhythm, and the loss of heterodimers. The neuronal PAS domain protein 2 acts as
motivation and mood disturbances seen in the disease. New an alternative dimer partner for BMAL1, responsible for
antidepressants targeting this system, such as therapeutic circadian rhythmicity [43, 44]. Multiple interlocking tran-
melatonin and melatonin analogs, have shown promising scriptional and translational loops contain both positive and
effects in symptom relief of depression [16, 32]. negative transcription factors that help adjust the rhythms to
the 24-h cycle [45]. The phosphorylation process is carried
out by the casein kinase I epsilon [46]. The ubiquitinase
Circadian Rhythms and Depression complex degrades F-Box and Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein
3, which regulates the period of circadian oscillation, thus
Circadian clocks, present in almost all multicellular organ- controlling the accumulation and translocation of Period and
isms, control many biological processes and regulatory cryptochrome genes [47, 48]. Polymorphism observed in
mechanisms. Studies have found the organization of the human CLOCK genes causes alteration in the sleep–wake
circadian clocks to be hierarchical, with SCN being the cycle [49]. The presence of one or more copies of the
master clock controlling all other oscillators in mammals CLOCK 31 11C allele causes an increase in eveningness and
[33]. Chronobiologists later discovered circadian rhythms reduction in morningness, while the presence of 3111 T/T
in tissues other than SCN, called peripheral oscillators [34]. causes a reversal mechanism. The Japanese population has
Scientific investigations have revealed the self-autonomous reported that the 31111C/C genotype causes a delay in sleep-
nature of peripheral oscillators. For instance, a study con- ing timing [51] and more significant daytime sleepiness in
ducted using cultured Drosophila body segments where a the Japanese population [50]. The association of CRY1
clock gene per promoter was fused to luciferase reported rs2287161 and CRY2 rs10838524 polymorphisms has been
reporter gene expression throughout all body parts. Moreo- investigated in relation to depression symptoms in patients
ver, this study reported bioluminescence to be rhythmic [35]. with Parkinson’s disease[52]. In the case of patients with
In contrast, another study found the rhythms of peripheral bipolar disorders and schizoaffective patients, more evening-
tissues to dampen over time in vitro compared to the robust ness scores by Horne-Ostberg’s Morningness-Eveningness
rhythmic activity of SCN, which questions the self-sustaina- scale are observed. The bipolar patients showed an evening-
bility of the peripheral tissues [36]. However, several factors ness score probably based on age, while schizoaffective
could have influenced these findings. This could be due to a patients showed eveningness in all age groups [53]. The cir-
molecular defect in the oscillator or only some cells partially cadian phototransduction process involves the photosensi-
dampened due to in vitro conditions. Additionally, it is also tive retinal cells known as intrinsically photosensitive retinal
possible that the rhythms of these peripheral oscillators are ganglion cells. Though they are pretty low, their expression
no longer synchronized after a certain period, leading to a of melanopsin makes them photosensitive. Melanopsin is a
drop-in amplitude as they cancel each other out. A study retinal photopigment that is not involved in image formation,
using Rat-1 fibroblasts revealed that peripheral tissues and but rather may mediate non-visual photoreceptive tasks such
SCN neurons in vitro could become out-of-phase and have as regulation of circadian rhythms and suppression of mela-
different oscillation periods [34, 37]. Considering such lit- tonin secretion. The visible blue light stimulates the light
erature findings, one can be conclude that even though the intensely, while the red light has minimal stimulatory power
possibility of peripheral oscillators being self-sustaining [54, 55]. The sensitivity spectrum of melanopsin depends on
cannot be ruled out, more in-depth analysis accounting for the natural solar cycle, and its disruption causes an altera-
various factors needs to be done to better understand the tion in circadian rhythm [56]. The cells transfer the neural
properties of peripheral oscillators. impulses using the retinohypothalamic tract and later to the
Clock genes are responsible and involved directly in regu- circadian master clock in the hypothalamus. The release of
lating circadian rhythm. These genes have their expression an amino acid called glutamate conveys this information.
and outcome loop system that directs the levels of mRNAs Activation of the suprachiasmatic nucleus causes the influx
and proteins [38, 39]. These mRNAs can be in the SCN of Ca2 + ions and activates the intracellular signaling path-
in the hypothalamus region, master clock, and other brain way [57]. This complete process causes the expression of
regions [40]. With mammals, the circadian locomotor out- Period genes and sets the molecular clock. With depressed
put cycles kaput (Clock) gene encoding for the transcription patients, the increase in mean core temperature and decrease
factor CLOCK, and the brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon in amplitude of circadian changes are observed. Change in

Neurochemical Research

temperature causes the release of thyroid-stimulating hor- [63]. The pathophysiological basis of this theory has been
mones and melatonin [58]. elucidated empirically using effective antidepressants that
In people with MDD, circadian regulation disturbances act on these neurotransmitters [64]. Recent studies argue
are noted, manifest by internal desynchronosis, disturbances that a deficiency in serotonergic activity increases vulner-
in daily functioning and metabolic disorders. These circa- ability to MDD. Disorders of both peripheral and central
dian rhythm disruptions often return to normal after an epi- 5-HT metabolism play an essential role in the pathogenesis
sode of depression. Modulation of the 5-HT system is one of MDD. While abnormality of the one monoamine cannot
of the possible ways through which the circadian regulation sufficiently explain the pathophysiological process of MDD,
system affects susceptibility to depression. Some circadian 5-HT is probably the most significant of these. Disorders of
rhythm-based treatment strategies for depression alter circa- the 5-HT system in depressive patients can occur at different
dian rhythm, improve mood, and maybe effective as SSRIs levels, for example, decreased availability of L-tryptophan,
[59]. The pacemaker centers affect the serotonergic nuclei impaired synthesis, release, reuptake or metabolism of 5-HT,
arranged to direct push reactions and neuroimmunological and abnormalities of 5-HT receptors [65].
capacities. The course and the level of the chronobiological Biological changes in patients with depression are caused
desynchronization may well be utterly dissimilar in the case by as physiopathology as morphology modifications.. Post-
of the distinctive emotional disarranges. Distinctive chrono- mortem studies of the brains of depressed suicide victims
biological intercessions are required subsequently within the and platelets in depressed patients have shown a decrease
case of progressed and deferred rest disarranges. Resting in the density of α2-adrenergic receptors [66]. Depletion
disarranges are considered the earliest recognized signs of studies provide some of the most convincing evidence that a
chronobiological desynchronization in misery, still, these deficiency of catecholamines is directly linked to depressive
indications are as if they were the tip of the iceberg since symptoms. The studies show that rapid α-methyl-p-tyrosine-
other chronobiological side effects might be displayed due induced depletion of catecholamines in antidepressant-free
to the covered-up physiological anomalies [22, 60]. The use euthymic subjects with a history of MDD results in a rapid
of melatonin in mice with bipolar affective disorder altered relapse into depression. In contrast, catecholamine depletion
the expression of genes for serotonergic neurotransmis- in psychiatrically normal subjects does not elicit depressive
sion in the dorsal suture and the content of serotonin in the symptoms [67, 68].
amygdala. Melatonin treatment showed modest changes in Dysfunction of DA systems is also associated with the
the amplitude and phase of transcriptional oscillators in the pathogenesis of depressive symptoms. Many symptoms
SCN, which may explain the association with the effects of depression, such as anhedonia and lack of motivation,
observed in the brain’s serotonergic system and an improve- are more consistently associated with dysfunction of the
ment in depressive-like behavior [61]. dopaminergic system. Anhedonia, one of the most difficult
Autopsy histological peculiarities additionally show depressive symptoms to treat, is associated with dysfunc-
the potential role of the circadian clock within the patho- tions in the reward system, especially the DA system. The
physiology of depression within the SCN of the depressive dopaminergic system regulates the processes of motivational
population. An appealing aspect is the recognition of the excitation and responses to conditioned stimuli. Depres-
commonality between circadian oscillator genes and ones sion and anhedonia are associated with decreased striatal
that increase the risk of mood disorders. For example, Per3 response to reward. We also found lower DA transporter
polymorphisms have been associated with age at onset of binding in depressed patients compared to healthy subjects.
mood disorders (bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression), This suggests downregulation of DA concentrations, as pre-
response to treatment, and diurnal mood variations. Research vious studies show lower DA transporter density when DA
is underway to see if the same genetic factors that predict is chronically depleted [69, 70].
response to anti-depressants can also predict response to
specific chronotherapy [62]. Neuronal/Synaptic Remodeling Theories

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a growth factor

Pathogenesis Theories of Depression that affects neuronal maturation, synaptic plasticity, synapse
formation, and neurogenesis. There is a hypothesis that a
Monoaminergic Theories decrease in BDNF concentration directly participates in
the pathophysiology of depression, and its recovery reflects
Monoaminergic theories associate the development of the effectiveness of anti-depressant treatment [71]. BDNF
depression with a decrease in monoamines in the brain, pri- has a high affinity for the tropomyosin receptor kinase B
marily 5-HT, NE, and dopamine (DA). The catecholamine (TrkB) receptor and regulates neurotransmitter transmission
theory arose about 50 years ago and has not lost its relevance and postsynaptic transmission. Its interaction with TrkB

Neurochemical Research

regulates the intracellular pathways of the following messen- depression is demonstrated in either experimental animals
gers: protein kinase C, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and or depressed individuals. Pro-inflammatory cytokines can
phosphatidylinositol-3’OH-kinase. Some anti-depressants induce depressive-like behavior, while antidepressants can
mediate their effects through TrkB. Phosphorylation of TrkB reduce their levels [81, 82].
increases with chronic anti-depressant treatment, resulting There is contradictory evidence of increased IL-6 and
in increased activity in the hippocampus and anterior cingu- IL-1 in patients with MDD. Macrophages and monocytes
late cortex, suggesting that BDNF-TrkB signaling in these synthesize IL-6 in response to a molecular pathogen.
brain regions is significant for mediating anti-depressant Increased concentration in the periphery is associated with
effects. Antidepressants also interfere with BDNF intracel- decreased BDNF concentration and alterations in synaptic
lular signaling via monoamines, as their depletion prevents neurotransmission in depressed patients. It is also clearly
TrkB activation [72, 73]. established that pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6
Data on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) con- stimulate the indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, which may leads
centration in MDD patients is inconsistent. Analysis of 8 to decrease in the central availability of tryptophan for 5-HT
studies has shown increasing VEGF levels in the plasma synthesis, which confirms the role of a decrease in the cen-
or serum of depressed patients compared to the control tral activity of 5-HT in depression [83]. A depressive-like
group; however, there are five other studies demonstrating behavior can be induced by chronic light deprivation, which
decreased plasma or serum VEGF levels or the absence leads to the activation of NF-B signaling and an increase in
of significant differences between depressed patients and the concentration of IL-6 [84, 85].
healthy people [74]. While some researchers suggest high Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) is a transcription fac-
VEGF levels in MDD patients, there is no clarity about the tor with various immune and metabolic effects. The NF-κB
reflection of neurotrophins’ brain level by blood or serum pathway is considered the major pro-inflammatory signal-
concentration. However, selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors- ing pathway, mainly based on the activation of NF-κB by
treated MDD showed higher VEGF-mediated neurogenesis pro-inflammatory cytokines followed by transcriptional acti-
in the hippocampus. This factor also plays a vital role in the vation of sensitive genes [86]. MDD is associated with an
proliferation of hippocampal nerve cells following electro- imbalance between several components regulating NF-kB,
convulsive therapy treatment and in the therapeutic effects such as high nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species, lead-
of antidepressants [75]. ing to oxidative stress [87]. It is supposed that NF-κB regu-
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is lates BDNF expression and that BDNF can induce NF-κB
widely recognized as a survival factor for dopaminergic activation. This mechanism can be used to implement anti-
neurons. Still, GDNF has also been shown to promote the depressant effects through increased neurogenesis, plasticity,
development, differentiation, and protection of other central and, as a result, the restoration of synaptic transmission [88].
nervous system neurons and to play an essential role in vari- Another pro-inflammatory cytokine, IL-1β crosses the
ous neuropsychiatric disorders. It is one of the recognized blood–brain barrier and is a significant risk factor for the
vital mediators of structural plasticity with a supporting role development of MDD. An increase in its level in the blood
in depression. Many studies have been conducted on the reduces the reuptake of 5-HT from the synaptic cleft. The
decreases observed in plasma and blood GDNF levels and administration of IL-1β in animal models caused depres-
mRNA expression in MDD [75], which is also confirmed sive behavior and neuroinflammation [84, 89]. Maturation
by a recent meta-analysis [76]. In contrast, treatment with of IL-1β activates inflammasomes containing cryopyrin. The
antidepressants or electroconvulsive therapy increases its increased co-location of cryopyrin and the protein expres-
expression [77]. sion of ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 suggests
that microglia in glial cells are the main contributors to the
Immune and Inflammation Theories activation of the cryopyrin inflammasome in rats. These
changes suggest a new therapeutic target for antidepressants
Neuroinflammation is associated with synaptic neuroplasti- [90].
city and depression via pro-inflammatory cytokines. Acti- Depression can develop as a consequence of morphofunc-
vation of the immune system associated with cell prolif- tional changes provoked by TNF-α. It is part of the 5-HT
eration, neurogenesis, gliogenesis, and apoptosis plays an metabolic pathway, which is recognized as a vital compo-
essential role in the pathogenesis of MDD. Recent studies nent of the pathophysiology of MDD. TNF-α stimulates the
demonstrate the antidepressant effects of anti-inflammatory uptake of 5-HT in synaptosomes, can reduce its bioavailabil-
drugs. Potential biomarkers of MDD are interleukin-6 (IL- ity and activity of the neuronal transporter of 5-HT and DA,
6), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha which leads to symptoms of depression [91]. New studies
(TNF-α) [78], which is confirmed by several meta-analyses link the increase in TNF-α concentration to disturbances in
[79, 80]. The association between neuroinflammation and tryptophan metabolism. In MDD, tryptophan metabolism

Neurochemical Research

changes from 5-HT to kynurenine pathways [92]. The an important place in the pathogenesis of depression, which
immune system links the three theories discussed in this can also decrease against the background of inflammatory
section, because both neurotrophin and monoamine levels reactions and an imbalance of neurotrophic brain factors.
decrease in response to an increase in pro-inflammatory
One of the main players in MDD development are micro- Melatonergic Receptors and Their Functions
glia—immune cells of the nervous system. Microglia dys-
function is associated with many neuropsychiatric disorders, Melatonin regulates a variety of physiological functions
commonly referred to as microgliopathies. Patients with through interacting with intracellular proteins and activating
MDD have a chronic inflammatory response. Previous stud- MT1 and MT2 [98]. MT1 and MT2 receptors are localized
ies indicate a relationship between the severity of a depres- mostly in the CNS, but their anatomical distributions are dif-
sive episode and microglia activation in different brain areas, ferent. Animal studies show that the MT1 receptors are pre-
such as the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex sent in the hippocampus, the SCN, the substantia nigra pars
[93, 94]. In studies of animal models of depression, hyper- compacta, the dorsal raphe nucleus, and the pars tuberalis
activation of microglia with a high level of pro-inflamma- of the pituitary gland. On the other hand, the MT2 receptor
tory cytokines was established [95, 96], inhibition of which is localized as in the CNS, namely in the hippocampus, the
reduces the severity of symptoms [97]. To sum up these reticular thalamic nucleus, the supraoptic nucleus, the infe-
three different pathways of the pathogenesis of depression, rior colliculus, the substantia nigra pars reticulata, and the
we can schematically create pathological circles, which are ventrolateral periaqueductal gray [99] as inretina, kidney,
shown in Fig. 2. and heart tissue [100]. Both melatoninergic receptors are
As discussed above, immune imbalance and the inflam- observed in the retina, brown and white adipose tissue, pan-
matory process play an important role in the pathogenesis of creatic alpha and beta cells, granulosa cells, myometrium,
depression, and may also affect the concentration of mono- and testis [101, 102].
amines, which form the basis of another theory of its patho- MT1 and MT2 receptors pertain to class A of G-protein-
genesis. At the same time, neuronal remodeling occupies coupled receptors (GPCR) located in the SCN and cardiac

Fig. 2  Pathological circles of interactions between three main theories of depression pathogenesis

Neurochemical Research

vessels. The MT1 receptor is coupled with Gαi2, Gαi3, heteromers is discussed in recent research. The MT2 receptor
insensitive Gq/11 G proteins and encoded by melatonin can allosterically transactivate 5‐HT2c‐dependent Gq signal-
receptor 1A gene on chromosome 4q35.1. It increases potas- ing and form the heterodimer MT2/5-HT2c that amplifies the
sium conductance through Kir inwardly rectifying chan- 5-HT-mediated Gq/phospholipase C response [116]. The anti-
nels. MT1 regulates the rhythmic expression of the clock depressive and neurogenic effects of MT1/MT2 agonists also
genes, such as Per1, Per 2, Bmal1 and Cry1 [103]. MT1 can be caused by the inhibition of the acid sphingomyelinase,
receptor has anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and antioxi- leading to reduced ceramide or increasing monoamine oxidase
dative effects through sirtuin-mediated impact on nuclear A levels in the hippocampus [117]. In mice with deletion of
factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 or NF-kB, etc. There is MT1 and/or MT2 receptors, there are increased mood distur-
increased neuronal survival and, as a result, adult neuro- bances [118]. As known also, patients with depression often
genesis. Melatonin shows an anti-inflammatory effect in suffer from circadian rhythm disruption that can be caused by
different tissues. It reduces neuroinflammation and releases increasing MT1, but not MT2, receptors in SCN during the
the inflammatory factors IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α in the nervous disease. It contributes to the possibility that MT1/MT2 will
system by both MT1 and MT2 receptors [104–108]. target new anti-depressants [119].
The MT2 receptor is coupled with Gi/o‐type proteins and Electrophysiological recordings in MT1 receptor knockout
encoded by the melatonin receptor 1B gene on chromosome mice have shown decreased impulse activity of locus coeruleus
11q21‐q22. It inhibits cyclic guanosine monophosphate for- NE neurons during the dark phase and the elimination of cir-
mation and decreases calcium-dependent dopamine release cadian oscillations of spontaneous impulse activity of both
in the retina [103, 109]. Melatonin receptors are studied as NE and 5-HT neurons dorsal suture. It has been suggested
neuroprotective drug targets. Melatonin has a neurogenic that the MT1 receptor may induce melancholic depression
effect also through MT2 receptors [110]. Both receptors and be a potential pharmacological target for this mental state
activate protein kinase C in the SCN and increase phospho- [120]. MT1 activation may induce the expression of GDNF in
rylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, which regu- neural stem cells [121]. Therefore, both MT1 and MT2 recep-
lates dendritogenesis [111] and transcription of clock gene tors have links with different theories of depression patho-
expression, such as PER1, and inhibit forskolin-stimulated genesis, as highlighted in Table 1. This may point to potential
cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. pharmacological targets for melatonergic drugs in depression
MT1 and MT2 are both GPCRs receptors. The interac- pathophysiology.
tion of these receptors with melatonin involves different Interestingly it is clear that luzindole, despite its mela-
secondary messengers. The MT1 complex linked Gq subu- tonin antagonism, exerts antidepressant-like activity through
nits to PLC, IP3 and intracellular accumulation of Ca + 2 actions at the MT2 receptor. Chronic luzindole administration
which phosphorylates both PKC and ERK1/2. PKC activa- increases hippocampal neurogenesis in mice. It is suggested
tion leads to activation of nELAV proteins and, as a result, that the rapid MT2 receptor desensitization kinetics could
mRNAs stabilization that provides synaptic plasticity and facilitate melatonin-mediated antidepressant-like effects fol-
neuronal remodeling. The Gαi subunit of MT1 decreases lowing therapy with an MT1/MT2 receptor agonist [128].
level of cAMP and causes inactivation of phosphorylation Research has shown that the absence of MT2 but not MT1
of CREB. Melatonin activation of Gβγ subunit of MT1 receptors enables melatonin to increase cerebellar and cerebel-
leads to activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway. Modulation lar granule cells’ BDNF content. Nanomolar melatonin con-
of neuronal action potential is mediated by activation Kir3 centration was neuroprotective in MT2-knockout mice [129].
channels and inhibition Cav2.2 channels. Activation of MT2 At the same time MT2 genetic inactivation impacts 5-HT neu-
receptors triggers Gαi-dependent activation of cAMP and rotransmission and interferes with mood disorders and social
PKA acting through membrane adenyl cyclase and following interactions [130, 131]. The selective knocking out of MT2
inactivation of phosphorylation of CREB too; cGMP levels caused cognitive impairments and elevation anxiety levels,
are reduced, that is caused lower activity of PKG because together with induced depression-like behaviors[132]. It was
of interaction with guanylyl cyclase. Melatonin-dependent discovered that genetic deletion of the MT1 and/or MT2 recep-
activation of MT2 impacts PKC and ERK1/2 complexes. tors is associated with depression- and anxiety-like behaviors
ERK1/2 and CREB pathways converge onto transcription in mice [118].
of clock genes and neurotrophic factors genes (e.g. BDNF,
GDNF) [108, 112–114] (Fig. 3).
Recent studies have demonstrated that GPCRs can assem-
ble into heteromeric complexes. Several GPCRs heteromers
are associated with psychiatric and neurological disorders
[115]. The cross-talk mediated via the physical association
of melatonin MT2 and 5-HT2c receptors into functional

Neurochemical Research

Fig. 3  Receptor transduction mechanisms for melatonin. MT1, mela- element binding protein; PLC: phospholipase C; IP3, inositol tri-
tonergic receptor 1; MT 2, melatonergic receptor 2; Cav2.2, voltage- sphosphate; Akt, serine/threonine-specific protein kinases; PI3K,
gated calcium channel; Kir3, G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying phosphoinositide 3-kinase; PDK, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase;
potassium channel; sGC, soluble guanylate cyclase, AC, membrane nELAV, neuronal embryonic lethal abnormal vision; ERK1/2, extra-
adenylate cyclase; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; cGMP, cellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic
cyclic guanosine monophosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; PKA, acid; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; GDNF, Glial cell
protein kinase A; PKG, protein kinase G; CREB, cAMP-responsive derived neurotrophic factor

Table 1  Roles of MT1/2 receptors in theories of depression pathogenesis

Type of theories of depression pathogenesis Type of melatonergic receptors


Monoaminergic theories Knockout leads to decrease in dorsal raphe nucleus Capacity to assemble into functional
5-HT and locus coeruleus NE neuronal bursts activity heteromers with 5-HT2C receptors
[122] [122, 123]
Agonists increase monoamine oxidase A levels [124]
Neuronal/synaptic remodeling theories Activation may induce the expression of GDNF [121] Activation enhances neurogenesis [110]
Immune and inflammation theories Reduces neuroinflammation and releases IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α [108, 125–127]

Exogenous Melatonin and Other medical and surgical conditions [133], including but not
Melatonergic Drugs limited to insomnia, hypertension, metabolic disease,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and inflamma-
Exogenous melatonin has been investigated to treat various tory bowel disease [134]. It has been available in the mar-
ket for more than five decades [134] and has effectively

Neurochemical Research

reduced sleep onset latency, increased total sleep time, treatment significantly reduced oxidative stress and inhibited
and improved sleep quality [135]. It has also shown ben- glial cell activation, suggesting that melatonin can act as an
eficial effects in treating jet lag and shift work symptoms anti-depressant through MT1 and MT2 agonism by rescuing
and neurological and psychiatric conditions like attention neuroinflammation [142].
deficit hyperactivity disorder and MDD [134, 136]. Several melatonin receptor agonists have been intro-
In the United States of America, exogenous melatonin duced, including MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptor ago-
is available as an over-the-counter non-prescription drug, nists. One of such agents, Ramelteon, has been approved
marketed as a nutraceutical supplement, and classified as to treat insomnia;it alters the expression of the circadian
a dietary supplement by the Federal Drug Administration genes, the levels of inflammatory cytokines and neuro-
hence exempted from the need to be subject to the regula- trophins in patients with insomnia comorbid anxiety and
tory processes applied to pharmaceuticals [134, 135]. How- depression [143]. It has been demonstrated that ramelteon
ever, in most European countries, it continues to be sold as can increase the content of the neuronal protein BDNF,
a prescription drug approved for treating primary insomnia GDNF level, and pro-inflammatory cytokine concentrations
in people above 55 [133, 134]. However, off-licensing pre- (IL-6, IL-1b, TNF-ɑ) in patients with a diagnosis of primary
scriptions in dosages ranging from 0.3 to 3 mg have shown insomnia comorbid with depression [143, 144]. Ramelteon
equivalent efficacy in resetting the circadian rhythm [134]. has been shown as effective in maintaining stability also in
Conversely, doses of 10 mg or more have displayed reduced bipolar disorder due to the prevention of depressive phase
effectiveness in treating intrinsic disorders of the light–dark relapse, which is explained by its effect on the normalization
cycle [135]. of circadian rhythms through selective activation of MT1
The known half-life of all melatonin-containing drugs is and MT2 receptors [145, 146]. Its properties may indicate a
about 30–50 min [135]. As a chronobiotic, melatonin, even potential usage for anti-depressant augmentation, which has
at doses as low as 0.5–1 mg maintains supraphysiological been demonstrated as a clinical case [147].
levels in the body and, when administered acutely, decreases Agomelatine, alongside being an agonist of MT1 and
core body temperature, diminishes alertness, and encourages MT2 receptors, is also a serotonin 5-HT2C antagonist and
sleep propensity [22, 137]. Furthermore, in treating sleep has been approved in Europe and Australia to treat depres-
initiation and maintenance disorders, its soporific effects are sion. Agomelatine also restored the diurnal rhythm of motor
utilized; in fact, various studies have reported these effects activity, accompanied by increased MT1 receptor and BDNF
[135]. A recent meta-analysis investigating sleep latency, expression in the hippocampus in rats [148]. It is the only
quality, and sleep time in patients suffering from primary melatonergic drug approved for the treatment of depression
sleep disorders showed improvement in each assessed com- combining the effect of melatonin receptors agonism with
ponent of sleep on exogenous melatonin administration. The antagonism of the serotonergic system, which may indicate a
analysis included 19 randomized placebo-controlled studies new therapeutic target in a combination of substances influ-
(n = 1683), and the patients received melatonin from 7 days encing both the melatonergic system and other neurotrans-
up to 182 days [138]. Moreover, therapeutic administration mitters. Another agent, Tasimelteon, has been on the market
of exogenous melatonin in fully-blind volunteers with desyn- to treat the non-24-h sleep–wake disorder in the USA since
chronized free-running circadian rhythms—has improved 2014 [135]. To the best of our knowledge, presently, there
sleep–wake cycles due to their inability to perceive external appear to be no trials that have been conducted to compare
time cues [137]. In addition to that, studies suggest that mel- one formulation with another in assessing their effects on
atonin might play a “neuroprotective” role in REM-behavior resetting circadian rhythm or improving sleep onset, effi-
disorder [135]. Melatonin also shows antidepressant-like ciency, and total time, respectively. A trial, however, was
effects in a rodent model of depression [139, 140]. performed to determine the impact in totally blind people of
In summary, the physiological functions of endogenous Tasimelteon in non-24-h sleep–wake disorder. The drug was
melatonin can be simulated by low-dose exogenous mela- effective in regulating circadian rhythm. However, its con-
tonin that is carefully administered in a specially timed man- tinuous administration was required to maintain the effect
ner to correct circadian rhythm disturbances. In addition, it [149].
can be used as a soporific agent to treat various sleep disor- Many experimental and clinical studies performed on
ders at higher doses since it does not affect or suppress the infants, children, and adult patients have demonstrated no
normal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or its onset[137, serious adverse effects of administering exogenous mela-
141]. Thus, exogenous melatonin administration can be tonin in low doses. However, minor adverse effects like
beneficial in treating disorders of sleep initiation and main- dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, and nausea have been
tenance and circadian phase abnormalities. Melatonin treat- reported [134, 137]. Following exogenous melatonin admin-
ment significantly inhibited cytokine production and NF-κB istration, no tolerance, dependence, or hangover effects have
activation in the cortex and hippocampus. Further, melatonin been reported. Nevertheless, melatonin has shown impaired

Neurochemical Research

glucose tolerance at higher doses (5 mg and more). Addi- and interaction with the functioning of both central and
tionally, it might affect prepubertal development in children peripheral oscillators. To date, melatonin receptor agonists
and is classified as unsafe to be consumed during pregnancy are presented in the form of 4 drugs: melatonin, ramelteon,
and breastfeeding. In overdose, however, it is not life-threat- tasimelteon, and agomelatine. Among them, the antidepres-
ening [135]. sant effect has been proven in melatonin and agomelatine. At
There is little evidence regarding the effects of long- the same time, there is not enough research that discusses the
term use of exogenous melatonin. A trial that spanned over possibility of the influence of ramelteon or tasimelteon on
6 months and studied the daily use of melatonin in human depressive-like behavior. The issue of melatonin and depres-
subjects reported no adverse effects or withdrawal [150]. sion is unclear, as there are not enough findings relating to
Similarly, another study that assessed the outcomes of the the effectiveness of researched MT1 and MT2 agonists in
use of melatonin 2 mg 1–2 h before bedtime orally in older depression. Studies often have a low sample size and differ-
patients (> 55 years) suffering from primary insomnia con- ent results among them.
cluded improved quality of sleep and remarkable tolerance We can distinguish main possible ways of the effect of
of melatonin for up to 13–14 weeks [151]. However, large melatonergic drugs on depression. The normalization of
doses of melatonin administered over a more extended sleep and circadian rhythm, leads to a decrease in the sever-
period can have drug-to-drug interactions and suppress ity of clinical signs, and the impact on various points in the
reproductive hormones [135]. Melatonin acts as a neuro- pathogenesis of depression. The simultaneous influence of
protective agent that abolishes lipopolysaccharide effects on melatoninergic drugs on three theories of the pathogenesis
oxidative stress, NF-κB activation, redox-sensitive signal- of depression provides opportunities for further research in
ing, and depressive-like behaviors in a receptor-dependent this area. This is due to the melatonin agonists increasing
manner [106]. the concentration of BDNF and necessary neurotransmit-
Studies assessing the interactions of exogenous melatonin ters, especially NE and 5-HT, and reducing the release of
with other drugs in humans have documented an increment pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-
in the plasma levels of drugs metabolized by CYP liver α. By the way, we should consider that these theories are
enzymes, including fluvoxamine, caffeine, and oral contra- related. The inflammatory theory acts as a link between the
ceptives following the administration of melatonin. Accord- others because both neurotrophin and monoamine levels
ing to Andersen et al., non-published data [133] suggest decrease in response to an increase in the concentration of
that drugs like psoralen and cimetidine may raise plasma pro-inflammatory cytokines.
melatonin levels; however, others like carbamazepine and At the same time, there is an interesting cross-talk medi-
rifampicin may drop levels of plasma melatonin. Interest- ated via the physical association of melatonin MT2 and
ingly, smoking has been depicted to increase the levels of 5-HT2c receptors into functional heteromers. The antide-
plasma melatonin. However, there is no documented clini- pressive and neurogenic effects of MT1/MT2 agonists can
cal impact of these variations of plasma levels on the risk also be caused by the inhibition of the acid sphingomyeli-
of precipitating adverse effects. Nevertheless, additive nase, leading to reduced ceramide or increasing monoamine
adverse effects such as psychomotor impairment and mem- oxidase A levels in the hippocampus. More clinical research
ory changes are reported when melatonin is administered in is needed on the potential effect of melatoninergic drugs on
combination with hypnotics. Due to its easy availability as depressive-like behavior, as this could open new horizons for
an over-the-counter drug in many countries, the authorities the pharmacological treatment of depression. In particular, a
do not routinely monitor good manufacturing practices. This combined effect on MT1 and/or MT2 receptors and neuro-
raises a concern for an increment in the risk of diminished or transmitter systems may be useful, since the normalization
variable product quality and potential contamination [133]. of the circadian rhythm through the melatonergic system
will probably contribute to improved treatment.

Conclusion and Perspectives Acknowledgements  Research in the authors’ laboratories in Ukraine

was supported by Poltava State Medical University (research project
No. 0121U108235). The authors sincerely acknowledge the intellectual
Melatonergic receptors play an essential role regulating the support by the Prof. Dr. Ihor P. Kaidashev.
circadian rhythm, which affects many human body func-
tions. Considering circadian regulation is important in trying Author Contributions  Conceptualization, DIB. and ADS; methodol-
to understand any of the three prevailing concepts of the ogy, DIB., ADS. and MMH; validation, DIB, ADS and AAB; investi-
gation, DIB, ADS and MMH; resources, DIB, ADS, MMH and AAB;
pathogenesis of depression, whether it is the widely accepted data curation, DIB and ADS; writing—original draft preparation, DIB,
theory involving monoamines, or the neurotrophic remod- ADS, MMH, MB, SKK, HC, PB; writing—review and editing, DIB,
eling concept, or the immune/inflammatory theory. Depres- ADS, AMS, MMH and AAB; visualization, DIB and ADS; supervi-
sion is accompanied by disorders of circadian regulation sion, DIB, ADS, AMS, MMH and AAB; project administration, DIB,

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Authors and Affiliations

Dmytro I. Boiko1 · Anastasiia D. Shkodina2,3 · Mohammad Mehedi Hasan4 · Mainak Bardhan5 · Syeda Kanza Kazmi6 ·

Hitesh Chopra7   · Prerna Bhutra8 · Atif Amin Baig9 · Andrii M. Skrypnikov1
Dmytro I. Boiko Department of Nervous Diseases with Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics, Poltava State Medical University,
Poltava, Ukraine
Anastasiia D. Shkodina
3 Neurological Department, Municipal Enterprise “1 City
Clinical Hospital of Poltava City Council”, Poltava, Ukraine
Mohammad Mehedi Hasan
4 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty
of Life Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology
Mainak Bardhan
University, Tangail, Bangladesh
Department of Neurology, National Institute of Mental
Syeda Kanza Kazmi
Health And Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, India
Dow Medical College, Dow University of Health Sciences,
Prerna Bhutra
Karachi, Pakistan
Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Punjab,
Andrii M. Skrypnikov
GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Sola, Ahmedabad,
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Gujarat, India
Psychology, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, 9
Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,
Terengganu, Malaysia


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