Individual Sports Team Sports

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Week 11:

Nature of Sports

What is Sports?

It is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individual or teams compete under a set of rules.


☼ Individual Sports

-played by one participant on each competing side.

☼ Dual Sports

-played by two competing pairs.

☼ Team Sports

-played by three or more players.


Individual sports foster a higher Team sports have various variables to
amount of discipline, self- confidence, consider in determining success or
focus, and passion. The individual failure of the team. A team’s
players are solely responsible for performance or success depends on
winning or losing the game. collective effort of its players.


• History

• Court Dimension/Venue

• Equipment and Gear

• Technical and Tactic skills

• Rules of the game


How can sports help us manage our stress?

Help moderate stress. About 75% to 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Sports help you manage stress.
Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. It also reduces
the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline.
Help with depression. Sports help treat depression. Studies show that exercise improves symptoms of depression and
reduces the risk of relapse. Exercise was found to be as effective as standard antidepressant treatment in one study,
with modest amounts of exercise helping to improve depression.

-end of week 11-

Week 12-14:



-is one of the known sports in physical activities. Just like other activities, this sport develops the whole being of an
individual. It develops coordination, strength, endurance, and even critical thinking skill.


The exact origin of Table Tennis is not known, but the game became popular in England and United States in the late
19th century. Commercial interest in England and United States popularized it under the Trade name “Ping Pong”, and in
the early 20th century the game became sensationally popular.

-When a web-covered ball was used, the game was also called “whiff-whaff” and “gossima”.

-The racket originally was a somewhat clumsy, paddle-shaped frame with a drumhead skin stretched tightly across it.

-In 1926, the International Table Tennis Federation was organized.

-Before 1937, certain players used to combine the effects of the “fingerspin” service with their sponge rackets to
produce some surprising results in leading competitions.



• Table tennis players toss a coin to determine who serves first.

• The server places the ball on the palm of the hand, throws it up vertically, and hits it with the racket. When
throwing the ball, the server must keep the fingers straight and together, and the thumb extended.

• For a good return, a player must hit the ball after one bounce, so that it clears the net and bounces on the
opponent’s court.

• When a player fails to make a good serve or a good return, the opponent scores a point.

• After every two points, the other player serves.

A rally shall be a let if:

1. In serving the ball, in passing over or around the net assembly, touches it provided service is otherwise good or the
ball is obstructed by the receiver or his/her partner.

2. The service is delivered when the receiving player or pair is not ready, provided that neither the receiver nor his/her
partner attempts to strike the ball.
3. Failure to make a good service or a good return or otherwise to comply with the laws is due to a disturbance outside
the control of the player.

4. Play is interrupted by the umpire or assistant umpire.

Unless the rally is a let, a player shall lose a point:

1. If he/she fails to make a good service.

2. If he/she fails to make a good return.

3. If he/she strikes the ball twice successively.

4. If he/she strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade which surface does not comply with the requirements.

5. If he/she, or anything he/she wears or carries, touches the net assembly.

6. If in doubles, except in serving or receiving, he/she strikes the ball out of proper sequence.

7. If, under the expedite system, he/she serves and the receiving player or pair makes 13 successive good returns.

8. If the umpire awards a penalty point against him/her.

9. If he/she, or anything he/she wears or carries, moves the playing surface.

The Choice of Serving, Receiving and Ends

A match shall consist of the best of 3 or 5 games.

1. When one player or pair has chosen to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end, the other player or pair
shall have the other choice.

2. After 5 points have been scored the receiving player or pair shall become the serving player or pair and so on the end
of the game, unless both players or pairs have scored 20 points or expedite system is in operation, when the sequences
of serving and receiving shall be in the same but each player shall serve for only 1 point in turn.



1. Establish an overall understanding of how Table Tennis can be used to enrich one’s personal life.

2. Learn mental strategies of Table Tennis that can be used in everyday life and work.


1. Learn the social rules, manners, and etiquette in Table Tennis that can be applied in daily life.
2. Learn to work and communicate with partners and opponents in gym setting.


1. Develop a tough mind for potential hard life in the future.

2. Develop the ability to push yourself to reach your life goals.

3. Release stress in unharmed way.


1. Develop self-confidence and spirit for self-actualization.

2. Develop competitive spirit that is needed in competitive society.

-end of week 12-14-

Week 17-18:

Introduction to Frisbee


 The most popular choice is the 175g Ultra-Star by Discraft – official size and weight for Ultimate Frisbee.

 For juniors (age 9-12) with good ability, the Daredevil 140g Junior Ultimate Disc is recommended.

 For beginners learning the skills and playing Ultimate Frisbee for the first few times, everyone loves
the Aerobie Superdisc.


 Each team then stands along their end-zone line. The disc is flipped to decide which team will make the first

 The elected thrower will hold up the disc to signal to the other team that they are ready to begin and wait for
a reply signal from the opposition before making the throw, known as the ‘Pull’.

 Once the disc is released all players may cross their goal lines.

 The receiving team automatically gains possession of the disc by either picking it up from where it landed or
catching it.

 If a player makes contact with the disc before it lands, but fails to catch, then possession is turned over to the
other team (outdoor rule only).

 If the pull lands outside the pitch, then the receiving team starts on the sideline where the disc crossed the

 If the pull goes long over the back, then the receiving team can bring the disc forward 1/3 of the playing area,
known as the ‘brick point’, before recommencing play.

 After catching the disc, a player must come to a stop as soon as they can and establish a pivot foot.

 Passes can be made in any direction – there is no ‘off-side’ rule in Ultimate Frisbee.

 The lines are out in Ultimate Frisbee, so the catcher needs to have their foot clearly inside the lines to keep
possession and inside the end-zone lines to score a point.

 A game can be decided by the first team to a set number of points or by running a clock.

 The defensive team should try and get in the way of the oppositions’ passes and make interceptions, but they
may not snatch the disc from a player in possession or make any contact.
 When a disc crosses into an end-zone and is caught by one of the defensive players, they can bring the disc
forward to the place where the disc entered the end-zone and take possession from there.


The main objective is to catch the disc in the end-zone by passing the disc to progress up the pitch.

• You cannot walk or run with the disc.

• Points are scored when the disc is caught inside the end-zone.

• If the disc hits the ground, regardless of who touches it last, the other team gain possession.

• The disc can also be intercepted or caught outside the pitch to cause a turnover of possession.

• The teams change ends after each point.

• Play resumes by the scoring team from the previous point ‘pulling’ the disc to their opposition.

• Unlimited rolling substitutions can be made at the end of each point.


• 776 BC-Ancient Greeks threw discuses made from unwrought bronze and iron. These weighed about five pounds
and were part of the first Olympic Games.

• 1871-The Frisbee Pie Company served their delicious slices in these aluminum tins. The pies were well-loved by
Yale students as they could be both study snacks and a fun way to spend time on campus.

• Walter Fredrick Morrison and his future wife Lucile had fun tossing a popcorn can lid after a Thanksgiving Day
dinner in 1937. They soon discovered a market for a light-duty flying disc when they were offered 25 cents for a
cake pan that they were tossing back and forth on a beach near Los Angeles, California, United States"That got
the wheels turning, because you could buy a cake pan for five cents, and if people on the beach were willing to
pay a quarter for it, well—there was a business," Morrison told



-Sandwich the Frisbee between two hands.


-Use the thumb and fingers of one hand to squeeze the disc.



-Curl your arm around the disc and tuck into your body, straighten it, and then throw.


-Flick your wrist forward while keeping the frisbee parallel to the ground as it moves towards your opponent.

The Field

• A rectangular shape with endzones, 25 yards deep. A regulation field is 70 yards by 40 yards.

Initiate Play

• Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective endzone line.


• Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense’s endzone, the offense scores a point.

Movement of the Disc

• The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the
disc. The person with the disc has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower counts out
the stall count.

Change of Possession

• When a pass is not completed, the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.


-No physical contact is allowed between players.


-When a player initiates contact on another player, a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if
the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.


-Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes.

Spirit of the game

-Ultimate stresses sportsmanship.


Godbless! :3

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