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OTC 4165


by Paul Kaplan, Chen-Wen Jiang and

James Bentson, Hydromechanics, Inc.

OCopyright 1981 Offshore Technology Conference

This paper waa presented at the 13th Annual OTC in Houston, TX, May 4-7, 1981. The material is subject to correction by the author. Per-
mission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words.

ABSTRACT information can be used for proper design

This PaPer-describes the application of of support structures on the barge that will
ship motio; ;nalysis to predict the motions hold the jacket adequately so as to insure
and accelerations of a platform jacket mounted the ultimate safety of the transport operatio
on a barge for transport to its installation out to the desired platform location.
location. Calculations were made for both The present paper describes the pro-
regular and irregular_ sea. condit.ioq? for cedures and analysis used in determining the
various headings of tkvessel-platform com- specific information described above when a
bination relative to the seaway. Conventional jacket is towed on a barge through charac-
linear frequency response methods via strip teristic environmental seaway distrubances.
theory are used, augmented by inclusion of Model test data and analysis procedures for
nonlinear roll damping, for the motion pre- this type of operation are also described,
dictions. A time domain simulation for ir- together with some limited correlation be-
regular beam seas was also carried out, from tween these two approaches.
which the occurrence of impact loads on the
outboard jacket legs is indicated, and a deter- VESSEL CHARACTERISTICS AND OPERATING CCNDITION
mination is made of the total impact loads and The particular barge studied here had th(
their distribution along the immersed leg. following characteristics:
Model test results. for the motions and ac- Length = 160 m.
celerations are also described, together with Breadth = 42 m.
a comparison between the test data and Depth = 10.7 m.
theoretical predictions. The operatin~ condition considered for the
barge-jacket combination corresponded to a
INTRODUCTION midship draft of 6.21 m. with the vessel
In the course of erecting an offshore trimmed by the stern by 1.28 m. so that the
platform at sea, it is necessary to tow the stern draft was 6.85 m. and the total dis-
jacket structure as a barge cargo from land placement was 40,669 metric tons. The con-
out to the appropriate location prior to figuration analyzed considered the jacket
launching and erection. In order to determine located on the barge with the most forward
the tie-down forces required to support the point approximately 13.7 m. aft of the barge
jacket structure on the barge during storm forward end, with that location being the
conditions, as well as for the overall struc- largest (base) dimension of the jacket. The
ture stress analysis under such conditions, a total displacement of the configuration in-
seakeeping analysis must be carried out. This cluded that of the basic (light ship) barge
analysis determines the motion of the total itself, together with that of the jacket and
system, i.e. barge with platform as the cargo the additional ballast necessary to maintain
element, together with local accelerations, the combination vessel at the desired trim
velocities, etc. as a result of operating in a condition. Other pertinent characteristic
particular seaway. data for this combined vessel configuration
In addition to determining all of the are:
basic motions and accelerations, the probabil- VCG = 16.2 m. above keel
ity of water contact of overhanging elements GM = 11.13 m.
of the jacket with the water surface should This barge-jacket combination vessel was
also be found in order to assess the prospect expected to operate in a particular region
of impact loads occurring due to such im- during the tow operation which has a specific
mersion. Other information will include the set of environmental conditions. These con-
evaluation of the actual impact forces fol- ditions are primarily represented by speci-
lowing such immersion, so that all of the fied storm sea conditions that are charac-
tieferences and illustrations at end of paper. terized by a value of the return period and

the associated significant wave height. For be found at 9 specified locations in each run
purposes of evaluation a representative sig- of the program. Additional locations can be
nificant height of 21 ft. is considered, for treated by means of a shorter calculation with
tihich different wave spectral formulations the program, after the initial number of
can be established. These spectra are the points are evaluated. Representative points
Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, which is only for these 9 locations are 4 points corres-
characterized by the value of the significant pending to the base legs of the jacket, which
height, as well as the two-parameter Bret- are the forward corners located in the forward
schneider spectrum for a specified significant part of the barge~ and the 4 points corres-
height with different values of average Period. pending to the upper end of the legs of the
The method of analysis used in the present jacket (aft corners) in the transport mode, as
investigation is generally appropriate to any well as an additional location which is that
arbitrary sea spectrum, but these particular of the jacket CG.
values were considered appropriate for il- These accelerations at particular loca-
lustrating the application of the results tions involve combinations of the appropriate
of the present analysis. linear accelerations corresponding to that of
the entire barge-jacket system, together
METHOD OF ANALYSIS - FREQUENCY RESPONSE with the effective kinematic contributions of
The computations of ship motion in the the angular accelerations appropriate to
frequency domain were carried out by use of those different locations. All of those
the SCORES II program [1], which is an ex- elements are combined in the basic frequency
tension and improvement of the original SCORES response representation to provide the ap-
program developed for the U.S.Ship Structure propriate combination, including relative
Committee (see [21 and [31). The basic prog- phasingrof all of the constituent elements
ram will calculate both vertical and lateral contributing to the acceleration at each
plane motions, as well as the wave-induced frequency.
loads acting on a ship in waves. The ship can The procedure for determining the re-
be operating at any heading and speed relative sponse for any particular motion or accelera-
to the wave direction with both regular and tion, etc. denoted by the symbol s, involves
irregular wave responses determined, in- solation of the equations of motion in the
eluding the effect of short-crested irregu;;r frequency domain and determination of the
seas (amulti-directional wave spectrum) . - transfer function amplitude or response
lustrations of some applications of this ship operator, which is the amplitude of the
motion theory to offshore vessel motion response per unit amplitude of input wave,
analyses are given in [4]. denoted as
The primary assumption underlying the
method is that the motions are linear, with T Sri(u) = 1:1(0)). . . . . . . . . . (1)
the solution obtained by use of the concept
of “strip theory” where the basic hyd~o– where a is the wave amplitude of the input
dynamic forces (added mass and. wave damping wave. The wave spectrum is represented by
characteristics) are determined for various Sn(~)and the spectrum of the response is given
two-dimensional sections of the vessel. While by
the primary method of analysis is based upon
linear theory, certain aspects of nonlinearity Ss(w) = Tsv(w) Sri(w) . . . . . . (2)
(e.g. quadratic roll damping) are incorporated
into the program, with solutions obtained by The integral of the area under that spectrum
the method of equivalent linearization (see is then the mean square of the response, i.e.
[51). The output information is available -w
in the form of response ‘operators for regular ~z= Ss(u)du . . . . . . . . . . (3)
waves, power spectral densities of responses, s
and also statistics of responses. J o
The basic procedure used to determine the from which the KIM value os iS I_eadilY Ob-
system responses in the frequency domain m.akes ta-ined“
use of linear superposition concepts origi- All of the above operations are approp-
riated in [6] in order to determine the ef- riate to the case where the vessel has zero
fects of different wave spectra. The methods forward speed, with further complications
in the SCORES II program, determine such occurring due to operation at some value of
frequency response information in this manner. forward speed. However results found for the
The output obtained for any particular con- case of zero speed may be considered adequate
dition would then be the six degree of free- representation of vessel responses since the
dom motions (3 linear motions and 3 angular effect of the small forward speed appropriate
motions about the 3 mutually perpendicular to the towing operation of a barge-jacket
axes) , of which the roll and pitch motion out- system in waves would have only a small (and
puts have the greatest interest. These generally negligible) effect on the results.
motions are important because the resultant The preceding analysis represents the
component of weight due to inclination must results for the case when the waves are uni-
be considered as an applied load in the directional long-crested waves approaching
analysis of tie-down forces. In” addition the the ship at some relative heading. The result
~ccelerations in 3 mutually perpendicular obtained for any particular heading are the
Iirectionsr i.e. longitudinal (along the ship basic output for such an incident wave system.
Longitudinal axis) , lateral (along the In order to represent the effects of short-
~thwartship direction) , and the vertical, can crestedness, the wave spectrum has a distri-

bution of wave energy relative to a pre- above.
dominant direction of the waves. This
distribution is often represented in the form
of a cosine-squared variation, represented by The results obtained from the frequency
the expression domain analysis for any motion or acceleratio~
variable at specified points on the jacket
COS2(6-!3J , include all o% the constituent term; due to
i. ,.,
. . . . . (4) kinematic relations, with appropriate
o otherwise phasing of those different terms properly
where 6P is the pr; dominant wave heading represented. Thus any output such as rms or
angle. The directional spreading is assumed extreme value is a proper value for that
to exist within the range of 290° about the quantity, as listed, but there is no infor-
predominant heading, as indicated above. The mation as to “relative phasing” of any of
these final results with respect to each othez
determination of responses for any particular
predominant heading involves evaluation of For example if the extreme values, for any
particular operating condition, for lateral
results for the range of headings given by
+900 about that particular direction. The and vertical acceleration at some point are
given by the frequency response analysis,
;esultant spectrum in the frequency domain
is then found after a weighted integration there is no information as to the relative
over wave heading angles, with the pro- time of occurrence of these extreme values
e with respect to each other, what the value
cedure similar to tfatdescribed in [61. Ther
are other possible distributions for direc- of lateral acceleration would be when the
tional spreading of waves that can be used vertical is a maximum, or any other similar
and applied with the present analysis. relation involving relative “phasing” or time
In order to obtain a realistic measure sequencing.
of the response expected during the towing A possible way o-f providing such infer-,
operation, some measure of extreme values mation is via time domain simulation, making
(i.e. maximum amplitudes) must be established , use of the information obtained from frequent>
A basic reference for determining extreme response analysis. The procedure for any
values is given in the work of [71 , where irregular sea condition, as specified by a
this extreme value is directly evaluated from particular wave spectrum, initially involves
the response spectrum.. Based on the method decomposing the spectrum into a sum of dif-
ferent sinusoidal waves with appropriate
of order statistics the most probable extreme
value, which is defined as the largest value amplitudes and frequencies to result in a
most likely to occur in a specified ship non-repetitive time history after summation
operation time, is given as a multiple of the of these different sine waves. The selected
rms value. The multiplying factor involves component waves also result in the same
the total ship operating time in the specifie d rms value as that found from the original
sea condition, as well as the second moment wave spectrum. In the presenti study a total
of 32 individual sine waves was used to repre-

of the response spectrum which is defined by
sent the wave spectrum. When considering a
particular desired response, the frequency
m2s =
J o
uzss(w)du . . . . . . . (5) response characteristics (amplitude and phase
relative to the incident wave at each fre-
quency) obtained from the SCORES II outputs
The relation is essentially logarithmic as are used to determine the output at each of
expressed by
/ ..
the incident wave frequencies for each com-
ponent sine wave. These outputs are then

?s= v{ 29.n ~ —

s }
where T = ship operation t~me in hours in the
summed to produce the desired time history
. (6) for such an irregular sea input, with proper
inclusion thereby of relative “phasing” of
the resulting motion output with respect to
specified sea condition. In addition to the the wave. The same is true for all other
most probable extreme value, there is also a motion outputs, so that their time histories
recommended design extreme value given in [7] represent the relative values of each with
which is based upon “the assumption of a par- respect to the others, exactly the same as in
ticular risk factor, a, which is specified a model test or during full scale motions.
in [7] as the value a = .01. The extreme A time domain simulation of this type can
value for this condition is defined by be carried out for the present barge-jacket
arrangement, with a wave spectrum of any
selected form. The particular case of interes
is for beam seas heading in long-crested waves
The system motion variables considered in this
All of these results for the extreme values beam sea time history simulation are heave,
are determined on the basis of a Rayleigh sway and roll, from which all motion and ac-
distribution for the probability density of celeration values can also be determined for
the response amplitudes. the 9 points (or more) of interest on the
Calculations can be carried out wherein jacket.
:he rms values, most probable extreme values, In addition to the motions and accelera-
md design extreme values are determined for tions, a determination of the immersion of the
rarious operating times in any specified sea lower outer legs of the jacket due to the
:ondition by use of the..expressions given system motion relative to the waves can also

be carried out. In addition to such a deter- mined from the total system, i.e. ship-jacket
mina’cion of immersion, the evaluation of the combination, motion caused by the waves)
impact forces associated with such immersion together with those due to the waves them-
can also be made by use of the methods des- selves. Thus relative motions, velocities anc
cribed below. accelerations are used, in terms of Zp and
For the beam sea case, the relative iks derivations, as well as the equivalent
vertical motion of any point on the jacket type term for the lateral relative motion.
(denoted by the coordinates xi, yi in the The impact forces are found on elements
horizontal plane) with respect to the local of length Ax of the jacket, in terms of the
wave elevation there is given by particular coordinate locations of the jacket
leg that are immersed and also the local wave
z = z +yilj + ~ (Siyi,t) . . . . . . . (8) and motion conditions at those locations.
Since the jacket structure has varying out-
where z =heave motion, positive down; @ = board distances due to its wider base, which
roll angle, positive starboard down; and ~= is forward, the lower outer leg that would ex-
wave elevation, positive up. With hc = height perience impacts was assumed to be made up of
from calm water surface to the lowest point on 10 different equal leg elements each of which
the jacket element, immersion occurs when is assumed to be parallel to the barge and
zr > hc. Letting lying at specified locations (taken at their
geometric centers) relative to the barge.
-hc=z . . . . . . .(9) Since different portions of the jacket leg
‘h P will impact the water surface at different
immersion occurs when Zp > 0. times, the total impact forces are found as
The jacket outer leg will contact the the sum (with appropriate timing of force
water surface and produce immersion when occurrence considered) of the separate forces
zr~hc. This condition can occur for either on each element.
side, i.e. port or starboard, so that ap- The procedure described above for deter-
propriate account of the occurrence of im- mining the vessel motions and the impact
mersion must include both occurrences through- forces assumes that there is no “feedback”
out any motio-n time history. The probability of the impact forces on the vessel motion per
of immersion is determined on the assumption se. This is due to the relatively short
that the relative motion is a narrow banded impulsive duration of the peak impact force.
Gaussian random process with a Rayleigh Contributions due to any buoyancy changes
probability density for the amplitudes of arising from the immersed jacket legs are alsc
motion. This has generally been found to be ignored in the above treatment, which is
the case when treating motions of ships at thereby an approximate motion representation
sea, especially when roll motion plays an although it does include the primary and
important part in the response of interest. majorant aspects.
Although nonlinear roll damping is presenti,
the system responses in regard to displace- CALCULAT’ION RESULT’S AND COR-
ments are still assumed to satisfy the Ray-
Leigh distribution criteria. On the basis Illustrations of some of the results ob-
~f the possible occurrence of outer side tained in this present study are represented
immersion on both sides of the jacket, the by time histbry outputs for a 10 hour simu-
probability of immersion can be shown to be lation run, where these time histories were
given by analyzed statistically in order to obtain
maximum values. In addition in the maximum
h2 h; value for any single output, the values of all
-— c -— (10) other variables at that particular instant Can
2ci; 2CI; also be determined so that the relative
Probability of =e
Immersion ‘(P)+e ‘(s) phasing of various responses is then known.
This information is useful in order to allow
uhere a~ is the mean square value of the a more accurate assessment of total jacket
relativer motion variable zr and the (p) loading than required tie-down forces, rather
md (s) subscripts represent port and star- than using more conservative or unproven as-
~oard sides, respectively. This expression sumed combinations of variables. The repre-
thereby represents the probabilities for sentative simulation run was carried out for
Zr ? hc for the overhanging outer jacket sides an assumed 21 ft. significant height Pierson-
nder any operating conditions of interest. Moskowitz wave spectrum, with the vessel in
When such immersion occurs, impact forces the beam sea orientation.
me generated on the immersed sections of the Examination of the time histories showed
jacket. Since the jacket element sections that maximum values occurred during different
are circles, an extension of prior analyses separate events, where maximum values for a
of impact forc”es-on-horizontal circular particular acceleration occurred at certain
sections members of an offshore platform (see points and also when maximum vertical and
[8] and [9]) would be a proper method to use lateral impact forces occurred. Illustrations
bo evaluate the vertical and lateral impact of such results are given in Figs. 1 - 3.
forces. The method used accounts for hydro- Fig. 1 shows the time history of barge ac-
iynamic inertial forces, buoyancy, and cross- celerations (at the barge C.G.) during the
51OW drag effects, with the velocities and time when maximum lateral acceleration was
~cceleration used here including the effects found at the jacket C.G. (denoted as event 1) .
>f the motion of the jacket elements (deter- Fig. 2 provides time histories of vertical

and lateral accelerations at the jacket C.G. determining the roll response characteristics
for two particular events at which certain than from spectral analysis of roll response
maxima were found. The results in Fig. 3 il- since the natural period of roll corresponds
lustrate the time histories of the total to the low frequency end of the wave spectrum,
maximum impact forces. which has only small energy. The comparison
The statistical analysis of the time between theory and experiment for this case
histories also can provide maximum roll angle is shown in Fig. 5, with the results showing
and maximum roll acceleration, with all of the fairly good agreement, although the theoreti-
associated values of accelerations, etc. at cal peak may be about 20% higher than the
that same instant for occurrence of the de- experimental value indicated in the region of
sired maximum value. Other information that the natural period. The major factor .deter-
can be obtained from this time history output mining the nature of the response, which
is the maximum slam load experienced by indicates an amplification significantly less
various segments of the jacket leg, together than what a simple (low) effective linear
with an indication of the time at which such damping value would provide, is due to the. in-
local force maxima occur. This information fluence of the nonlinear roll damping. A
shows that the impact forces are distributed smaller wave amplitude would result in a largs
along any structural element in accordance roll angle per unit wave amplitude, which
with the time at which the element is in the thereby exhibits the major influence’of the
uater, and one can observe the effective nonlinear roll damping.
“propagation” of force development along the As a result of the difference between
jacket leg. The same information can also theory and experiment shown in Fig. 5 for the
be used to obtain a general estimate of peak roll frequency response, the rms responses
loads acting on some of the cross members of in a Pierson-Moskowitz 21 ft. significant
the jacket structure by use of approximations height wave spectrum exhibited differences
that allow for the separate time occurrence between the theoretical prediction and the
~f impact loads on these members. In addition measured value. The rms response from theory
to the analysis for beam seas, the same ap- was 2.4 deg.,while the test result was 1.7 deg
?roach can also be extended to the case of Considering possible differences in proper
following seas in order to estimate the impact modelling of wave spectra in a tank, expecial~
loads on the aft overhanging portion of the in the region of roll resonance at the low “
jacket prior to launching. frequency end of the spectrum, these results
All of the above information is based may still be considered as an acceptable degref
~pon the theoretical analysis procedures of correlation. Other mechanisms in addition
Zescribed in preceding sections. Some to nonlinear roll damping are being investi-
information on the results obtained in model gated in order to improve the roll correlation
tests and their correlation with theory is for both regular and irregular wave conditions
>OW presented. The model tests were carried Another important mode of motion is that
>ut at the Offshore Technology Corp. wave tank of pitch, and a comparison between theoretical
rith a model of about 1:49 scale ratio. Tests calculations of the pitch frequency response
flere carried out in irregular waves over a in head seas with that from the model tests
range of headings extending from head seas is shown in Fig. 6. The experimental values
through beam seas to following seas, in- are obtained by means of spectral analysis
:luding quartering seas. applied to the motion and wave records, which
In order to obtain more detailed charac- can provide a useful value of the pitch
Leristics of roll motion, transient decay response per unit wave amplitude since that
zests from an initial angular displacement response primarily occurs in a region with
vere carried out. The time history trace from significant wave spectral energy. The results
1 10° initial angle, shown in Fig. 4, was in Fig. 6 show fairly good agreement between
malyzed by conventional means to find the theory and experiment, except for a possible
Iamping value. The logarithmic decrement was difference in the region of maximum pitch
lot constant, with a larger value .in the response. A proposed explanation of that
>arlier stage of motion decay and a small value difference may be due to the effect of a
it later stages. A more detailed analysis smaller L/B ratio for this vessel as compared
Lndicated that the damping was composed of a to the usual case of slender ships. An indi-
;ombination of linear and nonlinear (i.e. cation is given in [4] that such effects could
~uadratic) damping, with the linear part (from give rise to a larger theoretical pitch
:he later stages of the transient) indicating response, but no detailed evaluation of that
~bout 1% of critical damping. The nonlinear influence for the present case has been carrie
~amping component was found to be about 85 - out . A preliminary investigation of these
10% of the value found from” theoretical L/B effects for a different case with a
?stimates of nonlinear damping based upon similar barge form has shown an increase in
:ross-flow drag concepts for a rolling barge the peak response region of approximately 15%,
=orm. As shown in Fig. 4 the natural roll which could produce a better degree of agree-
>eriod was about 18.5 sec. , which was quite ment between theory and experiment for pitch
:lose to the theoretical estimate of 18.4 sec. in the present case. The pitch rms value in
~or the tested configuration. the 21 ft. irregular sea state for the
The frequency response results for roll present vessel was found in the model tests to
notion in beam seas were determined experimen- be 1.6 deg., with the theoretical prediction
:ally in regular waves, with each wave system being 1.45 deg. While this result is fairly
:ested corresponding to a 5 m. height. This close, the possibilities of the difference in
ras considered a more reliable method of pitch response due to the effects of the

vessel L/B ratio are indicated by this com- 4. Kaplan, P. and Sargent, T.P. : “The Ap-
parison. plication and Extension of Ship Motion
CONCLUDING REMARKS Theory to Prediction of Motions and
Loads of Various Types of Offshore
The results of this investigation have
Platforms, “ OTC Paper 2284, 7th Annual
shown a good capability in predicting the
Offshore Tech. Conf., Texas 1975.
motions of a barge-jacket combination vessel
in waves. The important angular motions of 5. Kaplan, P. : “Lecture Notes on Nonlinear
roll and pitch are predicted reasonably well, Theory of Ship Roll Motion in a Random
with the importance of nonlinear roll damping Seaway,” Proceedings llth Int. Towing
exhibited for the case of roll motion. Other Tank Conf., Tokyo 1966.
effect~ that could improve the prediction of 6. St. Denis, M. and Pierson, W.J. Jr. : “On
roll and pitch motion, such as the influence the Motions of Ships in Confused Seas,”
of the small L/B ratio and certain additional Trans. SNAME 1953.
nonlinear phenomena in the case of roll, will 7. Ochi, M.D.: “Wave Statistics for the
be investigated as a future task. The Design of Ships and Ocean Structures,”
capability of predicting impact forces on the Trans. SNAME vol. 86, 1978.
overhanging legs of the transported jacket is
also illustrated, by extension of results pre- 8. Kaplan, P. and Silbert, M.N.: “Impact
viously obtained for stationary horizontal Forces on Platform Horizontal Members
members of an offshore platform. in the Splash Zone,” Paper No. OTC 2498,
Proc. Offshore Technology Conf., May
1. “User’s Manual for SCORES II Program,”
9. Kaplan, P.: “Impact Forces on Horizontal
Hydromechanics, Inc. Rpt. 79-02, June
1979. Members,” Proc. of ASCE Civil Eng. in
the Oceans IV Conf., San Francisco,
2. Kaplan, P. and Raff, A.I.: “Evaluation
Calif., Sept. 1979.
and Verification of Computer Calcula-
tions of Wave-Induced Ship Structural
Responser” Ship Structure Committee Rpt.
SSC-229, JU~y 1972.
3. Raff, A.I.: “Program Scores - Ship
Structural Response in Waves,” Ship
Structure Committee Rpt. SSC-230, 1972.
z, 1 “ DOWN

t, sec.
I Heave Acceleration


1 -

t, sec.
-1 - PORT DO

Roll Acceleration

.. 1 - STBD

-1 PORT t, sec.
Sway Acceleration
Fig. 1 Time History of Barge Accelerations During
Maximum ’Lateral Acceleration at Jacket C.G. (EVENT 1)
● = maximum

m/see? ~ 1 I

t, sec.

aY ‘ 1 STBD
I 1 8 ,
PORT t, sec.

a , ,
m/see? ~
2 8 10 20 22 \4
UP t, sec.
-1 EVENT 2

1 “
aY ‘

PORT t, sec.
-1 -

Fig. 2 Time Histories of Vertical and Lateral Inertial

Accelerations at Jacket C.G.
60 Gf-
Fz ,
tons UP
40C -

30C -

200 -

100 -

I I ,
1 2 3 4
t, sec.

400 -

F, 300 - PORT
tons 200 -

100 -

1 2 3
100 - STBD sec.

200 -

Fig. 3 Time Histories for Maximum Impact

Force Occurrence, Starboard Leg

10 \


I A A A n A A A

-5 -

I 1 1 I
1 I I I I I II I I
1 I I
o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325

Time, sec.
Fig. 4 Transient Roll Decay Time History

a’ experiment

Roll Angle
Wave Slope

I I I I 1 I 1 i
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Wave Period, sec.

Fig. 5 Roll Frequency Response in Beam Seas, Theory

and Experiment

— theory

1. a experiment

,Pitch Angle
Wave Amp. ,


‘8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Wave Period, sec.

Fig. 6 Pitch Frequency Response in Head Seas, Theory

and Experiment

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