Lilibeth M. Ortega

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Scenario #1 (The Unfaithful Friend): I will tell my friend about the truth as nicest way as possible. But
before doing it, I should think about their mentality. They must be calm before saying the truth to lessen
the possible damages might happened. Our friendship is very important for me but I can't just afford to
keep secrets that may ruin my friend in the near future so at least I can help him/her by telling them the

Scenario #2 (A Difficult Choice): Knowing that my daughter is a good swimmer, my niece needed my
help more than my daughter since she can save her own life. I will thoroughly check my daughter’s
condition after I saved my niece.

Scenario #3 (An Office Theft): I will likely to let our friendship get the best of me and not the respect
towards my supervisor, hence I will tell my friend that I am suspicious towards him/her as my guts is
telling me that she/he is pocketing the company money. I will buy time for her/him to pay the money
he/she stole from the company without the supervisor’s knowledge about the wrong doings that he/she
have done.

Scenario #4 (Midnight Death): I will do nothing as I cannot imagine living with myself if I terminate my
Dad’s life as he willingly spent his whole life bringing and giving me the best life that I have ever lived. I
will make myself successful in my own terms and not through the use of my Dad’s insurance or money
inherited from his death.

Scenario #5 (Get Rich): Things may get blurry as I will lose his trust if I don’t fully cooperate with him but
I will ask him first about the full details on how my money will grow and how he promised me that I
never need to work again after I invest on him. Knowing the background of his investment scheme is the
first step before I fully invest my money on him.

Scenario #6 (Telling a Secret): I feel like I’m not the one who must tell the truth about the crime, hence I
will convince my friend to confess about his wrongdoings. He must muster up the nerves to tell the
authority about his crime as his confession will lessen the sentence of the court towards him.

Scenario #7 (The Life Boat): I will likely put my help into use towards the children who are not
experienced enough how like runs and may be one of them or all of them will have a bright future if I
help them and live the fullest of their lives. Having a moral dilemma such this will determine the logical
reasoning of a person such as myself but I firmly believe that they must be one to be saved.

Scenario #8 (Sarcastic Friend): There are places in all kinds of jokes and picking such jokes that
inappropriately pinpoint one’s imperfections and flaws are never acceptable in today’s society. I will tell
him/her that generating such jokes like those will destroy someone’s self-esteem and confidence if they
continue joking around about someone’s flaws.

Scenario #9 (Him and Run): I will likely to confess about the accident as my conscience will continuously
haunt me if I don’t tell about the thing that I have done unintentionally. There is a law that if I make a
confession about my wrongdoings, it will lessen the sentence that I may receive from the court. It will
help me lessen the emotional burden that I’m lifting even if I have to spend a little time behind the bars
of the jail.

Scenario #10 (Third Strike): As his father who knows and raised him very well according on my own will,
I be there by his side by going to the station and hear what consequences may befall him. At least, the
very thought about being by his side through thick and thin is important but I will never tolerate any
types of wrongdoings that is not being punished by the justice even if the one who will receive the
punishment is related to my blood.

Scenario #11 (Reward a Job Well Done): I’ll go to my co-worker and talk to him/her because it’s not right
to be selfish. He/she needs to correct the situation because the success of the company is also the
success of all the workers.

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