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Research Paper Analysis

Research Problem/ Issue/Questions

Williams and Cotton's (2019) article addresses the representation of African American

athletes by the media. The author observes that the media have been portraying African

American athletes from tribal lines, which negatively [portrays black athletes. The author notices

that the limited portrayal of African American athletes positively hinders them from inspiring

other African Americans who might be talented but lack the power or resources to overcome

their stereotypes and work towards living their dreams (Williams and Cotton 206). To address

these issues, the authors create three major research questions that offer a guide to the study.

They include:

1. "Do LaVar Ball's media messages follow Lang and Lang's (1983) six-step process of

agenda building when promoting Lonzo, LiAngelo, and LaMelo Ball?" (Williams and

Cotton 207)

2. “How does LaVar Ball use his media interviews to discuss inequities facing Black

athletes in sports?”(Williams and Cotton 207)

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3. “Does LaVar Ball offer a positive counter stereotype to historic media representations of

Black fathers in media interviews?”( Williams and Cotton 207)

Method and/or Theories

The primary method used in the study is a critical discourses analysis of LaVar Ball's

interviews. This method acknowledges language’s power and ways it could contribute to

oppression and be utilized for liberation (Williams and Cotton 208). This method enabled the

authors to have an observational role in analyzing LaVar’s media potential agendas and

messages, focusing on prevailing storylines and themes within various media texts, and

analyzing his different notions regarding race, class, and gender.

The study utilized the criterion sampling strategy, which allowed researchers to

comprehensively comprehend the phenomenon by stating explicit exclusion and inclusion

criteria. The use sampling technique selects particular sport televised networks and television

networks focusing on LaMello Ball, LiAngelo, and Lonzo and LaVar. The inclusion criteria

included: the interviews should have been on ESPN, CNN, CBS sports or Fox Sports: LaVar

Ball had to be featured in the interviews; the interview lasted for a minimum of 120 seconds, and

the interview must be between 24th November 2016 and 31st December 2017 (Williams and

Cotton 208).

The researchers utilized qualitative deductive thematic analysis to evaluate the interview

themes, allowing them to identify the significant themes of describing the studied notions. The

thematic analysis entailed six steps highlighted experts: familiarization with data and pointing

out terms of interest; generation of initial codes, conducting a search for themes; making reviews
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of potential themes; definitions and the naming of themes and production of a report. The

researchers also utilized different frequencies for declaring the major themes. Themes were

considered central in case they manifested in 50% of the studied interviews.

Findings, Conclusions, and Insights

A significant finding is that. LaVar's description of Lonzo during interviews was highly

significant. His focus on describing Lonzo’s physical and personal attributes challenged the

brains versus brawn racial descriptions employed by journalists when describing white and black

athletes in the media. LaVar’s also followed the 2 and 6th steps of Lang's agenda-developing

process, creating salience via the integration of popular and high profile athletes’ questioning

their athletic ability, which led to different reactions from the athletes and their fans(Williams

and Cotton 2016 ). LaVar also shared his goals of promoting Lonzo and utilized a particular

language to frame them via referencing his urge to establish a BNBA legacy utilizing The Big

Baller Brand. In half of his interviews, LaVar also criticized the economic exploitation of

African American athletes by sports companies like Under Armour and Nike. He also addressed

the issue of parenting, citing that the media focused on black mothers intending to exploit sons

and silence fathers. Through such silencing, the press managed to demonize fathers making them

less inclined to play a role in the athletic career of their children.

The researchers concluded that LaVar significantly promoted his son's abilities by

making comparisons of their ability to those of known celebrities. Additionally, he also took

advantage and addressed various social inequalities that black athletes face (Williams and Cotton

222). The authors consider him to be self-reflexive and agree to the existence of a harsh or dark
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side of the athletic world characterized by exploiting policies, unjust endorsement, and limitation

of black athletes' entrepreneurial efforts.

According to the authors, LaVar’s media interviews had a significant impact in tackling

racial and class inequalities. It pointed out how African Americans are still hindered from

growing hence raising awareness about institutional racism enhanced through sports companies

and media. However, the interviews, too, have proven to be of significant effect in tackling the

issue of racism and such forms of inequality in sports.


This paper raises awareness on the existence of a significant social issue of inequality in

the American community. However, it shows how persistence in addressing such matters would

aid in raising awareness about social injustices, leading to changes in discriminative policies and

efforts that aim to bar particular cultural groups from prospering. The article shows that LaVar

utilized the media to fight false misrepresentations of African American athletes and address

how different issues in the athletic world disadvantage the African American growing athlete.

Work Cited
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Williams, Melvin and Cotton, Mathew, Better Than Steph Curry and More Profitable Than

LeBron James: An Analysis of LaVar Ball’s Agenda Building of the Ball Brothers,

Journal of Sports Media, Volume 14, Numbers 1-2, Spring-Fall 2019

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