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India is ath Sovereign,

w·th d• •
Socialist, Secula r, Democratic, Republic
e a ~ption. 0 ~ th e Constitution, India became a Sovereign Socialist, Secular and
~mocratic Republic. India ts empowered to act with complete freedom and independence bo~h
mtemally and externally and take decisions. The words Socialist and Secular are included only 10
197~_(wi~ 4~nd Amendment). This signifying the role of the State in securing Social, Economic and
Political Justice to all its people and end all forms of exploitation. It strives to provide freedom to
people with fundamental rights and hence it believes in Democracy. India continues to be a ReJ>Ublic
with an elected Head of State who wields power for a fixed term. Likewise, Indian Constitution
provides its citizens the Freedom of Relgion and gives equal respect to all religions which has a
Secular character. ·
3. Noble aims and Objectives
Indian Constituion has noble aims and objectives. The Indian Constituion seem-es to all its
citizens, Justice - social, economic and political matters. It also provides all its Citizens, Liberty of
thought, expression, belief, faith arid worship. Further the constitution of India promotes among all
people the equality of status and opportunity.Likewise it strives for Fraternity by assuring the dignity
of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.
4. Combination of Rigidity and Flexibility
The Constitution of India can be amended with Rigid and Flexible methods. The U~ion
Parliament can amend soine parts of the Constitution by a simple majority. For example, the
formation of new States, changing the boundaries of States, Rules regarding citizenship etc., can be
amended with simple majority. Some matters related to Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
can be amended through 2;3n1 lJlajority method in Parl'iament. Some other matters require a special
majority method of 213n1 majority in both the houses of the Parliament and acceptance of at least
500/o of State Legislatures which is veiy difficult. Hence, the Constitution has a combination of Rigid
and Flexible methods to amend the Constitution.
5. Un.itary and Federal Features
. The Constitution of India describes India as a Union of States and provides for a federal
structure with unitary spirit. It prescribed unitary system in emergencies and federal system on

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