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Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my favorite book.

Its name I see

yellow flowers on green grass. The book has written by Nguyen Nhat Anh- a
person who is the author of hilarious(hờ lé ri ợt s) childhood stories. The story is
interesting in children and adults. There are two main reasons: attractive, and
educative. The story revolves(rèo vó s) around three main characters, Thiều,
Tường and Mận. Thiều and Tường are brothers, Mận is their neighbour. They
play together, go to school and grow together. Then, Thiều realized he had
feelings for Mận. Mận is pretty and fond, but she doesn't study very well because
she has to take care of her sick father. One day, a fire made the whole Mận’s
family fell into trouble, so Mận had to go to Thiều's house to stay. Instead of
being close and playing with Thiều, Mận prefers to play with Tường because he is
gentle and kind to her. Since then, the hateful and negative thoughts that made
Thiều do wrong actions began to hurt his own younger brother – Tường. In a
misunderstanding, Thieu accidentally his brother to be seriously injured, he can’t
go anymore. When the flood season comes, the whole Thieu’s village is
submerged( sợp mớt ) in the water, when it recedes, it brings many problems such
as famine( fa mần t) and crop failure(fe li ờ). While Tường was sick, Nhi, the girl
with lost memory, played with him and made him very happy. One day, when
Tường saw Nhi being teased by the children in the village, Tường ran with his
feet to protect Nhi, miraculously( mờ rá kiu rớt ly) this action made her
remembered everything and came normal. Critics say it’s a must-read, I agree
because the book is so funny and great. I love this meaningful book that teach me
a lot of valuable(vờ lúy ờ bồ) life lessons. Go and read if you can.l
Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my my picture. This is a picture about
a family is perparing for Tet in the yard. The house is being decorated by a pot of
apricot blossom and a pot of yellow daisy. The house has been cleaned to
welcome the new year. On the pot of apricot blossom there are some red couplets
and envelopes. In the centre, a women and her daughter are packing Bánh Chưng
with many ingredient such as banana leaf, pork, green been and sticky rice, On
the left of picture there is a man is boiling Bánh Chưng and I also can see the son
is excited to wait New year Eve with his family. From the picture, I can see in Tet
festival, everyone is very happy because family can gather together, make bánh
Chưng, bánh tét and welcome new year.

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my favorite sport. It is badminton. For
me, badminton is my all-time favorite sport. It also is the sport that I am
practicing to keep my healthy during the social distance. I usually play with my
mom in the afternoon. To play it you just need two rackets, a shuttlecock.It so
easy, I first knew it when I was a little kid. It will help me to develop my body,
good for my health. This is not only a sport or a physical exercise but also an
ideal way for me to relax and feel comfortable.

Hello everyone, my name is Thy. Today I will tell you about how to cook
zucchini soup. The ingredients that we need are:
- A zucchini
- 200 gram Shrimp
- Scallion, coriander
- salt, sugar, pepper, fish sauce, seasoning powder
Step 1, peel the zucchini, rinse it with water, then cut it into small pieces.
Step 2, remove the peel of shrimp and shrimp head. Cut into pieces, after that, we
put half a teaspoon of salt, sugar, a little pepper, a teaspoon of seasoning powder.
Then mix it well.
Step 3, put a pot on the stove, pour a little oil in, wait for it to hot, fry some
onions, then add the shrimp and stir fry it. When the shrimp is cooked we add
some water in the right amount. Cook until the water boils, put the zucchini in,
put a teaspoon of salt, sugar, a spoon of fish sauce, half a teaspoon of seasoning
powder. Finally, cut some Scallion, coriander into small pieces and put them in.
So that I have finished a dish, it so delicious, you can try to cook it at home.
Thanks for your listening.

Hello everyone, my name is Thy. Today I will tell you about how to make a
recycled - plastic pen box. It is made from:
 A plastic bottle
 Color markers, a scissors
 Watercolor
To make it, I have to use a marker to draw the shape of the pen box you want to
create on the plastic bottle like cat, dog, panda. Then Cut according to the shape
that I have just drawn. It will be more beautiful if you paint the watercolors on the
pen box. After that, paint some marker according to the animal you want to create
on the pen box. And that is all the step I want to tell you to make a recycled -
plastic pen box. I hope you will like my video and you can try to make it. Thanks
for your watching
Hello everyone, my name is Thy. Today I will tell you about kitchen utensils I
have seen and I want to introduce them to you.
1. This is a stove. It is used for cooking
2. This is a microwave. We can use it to save time to reheat and defrost food
3. This is a rice cooker. It is used for cooking rice
4. This is a fridge and we can use it to food preservation
5. This is a glass. It is used for drinking water or juice
6. These are knife and kitchen shears. They are used for cutting some food like
vegetable, shrimp, meat
7. That is kitchen roll. We can use it to clean our kitchen or some kitchen
8. This is a apron. It is used for protecting our clothes from stains
9. That is a blender. We can use it to grind meat or fruit
10. This is a pot. It is used for cooking soup.
11. This is a frying pan. It is used for frying food
12. And This is a colander. We use it to wash food or for emptying food into
when it has been cooked in water
And that is all kitchen untensils I tell you. The kitchen utensils are very diversity
so how about you? I hope you like this video. Thanks for your watching.

I haven’t got any brother or sister. But I think if I have any brother or sister I will
get on well with him/her. I can be good to be an only child, I will have a lot of
attention from my parents, I can have independent life... Besides, I feel a little bit
of lonely but it doesn’t mind with me. I‘d like to be the youngest because I will
receive the love from my family. I wouldn’t like to be a twin because some
people may find it hard to distinguish between I and my twin, I think I would be
compared to her a lot and we would be expected to be the same person and I don’t
think I would like that and lots of other disadvantages too.

My mom called’s Thuong. She’s 43 years old but she always beautiful in my
eyes. She is my best friend, I usually share many stories with her. My mother is
gentle and considerate. For instance, every morning, she wakes up at 6 and a half
to prepare breakfast for the rest of us; and when we all leave for work or school;
she starts to do the house chores as well as cooks lunch. Mom always cheers me
up when I have problem at school or with my friends. In her free time she will
plant flowers and take care of them. I also really like the flowers my mother
planted. Besides, she can cooks very well. At the weekend, we usually cook
many new dishes together, it really happy and food is delicous too. Every things I
can say that “ I love mom”. And she is the most important in my life.

About lifestyle
Dear Carlos,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. How are you? I hope you’re
fine. Your lifestyle sounds really interesting! I think your sailing course is very
intersting I ‘d love to try it. About my lifestyle, I think I’m quite healthy too. I
sleep for about 8 or 9 hours. I often eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I also plays
badminton with my family every afternoon. Last month, I started a swimming
course. I met some friendly people. That course was very interesting. I hope you
can visit me soon. I can’t wait to see you.
See you soon!

Many students will change school once in their life. So, does change school have good or bad
effects on students?
On the one hand, In my view changing school can be very good. You can have new friends and
meet new people. If you change school, you can learn in a good school to learn with excellent
teachers and it can be near your home.
On the other hand, I think changing school can take long time to get along with new people in the
new school. Even though you may meet some new good friends, you will miss your old friends.
Also, it can not as good as the other friends in studying.
In conclusion, although I realize that changing school there are both advantages and
disadvantages. In my opinion, changing school is an advantage because I will have a better living
environment and better conditions for learning.

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