Hand Test, HTP

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Date of Report: June 29, 2022

I. Identifying Information
o Name of client: Mari Grace
o Sex: Female
o Age: 23
o Birthdate: January 16, 1996
o Educational Attainment: Bachelor’s degree
o Profession/Occupation: office staff

II. Background Information

Mari Grace is a 26-year-old Batangueña. She graduated from the University of

Batangas with a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Information Technology and she is
currently working in Manila for 3 years now since then, she’s been living in Manila. Mari
Grace is the bread-winner of her family. She is the middle child and the only girl.

III. Behavioral Information (During the Examination)

Mari Grace arrived at the testing session in comfortable attire (trousers and a tee-
shirt) and appeared to have good hygiene. She is of average height and weight, with a
medium build. She wrote and drew with her right hand. She remained attentive and alert
throughout the entire testing session and seemed to understand the tasks and directions.
She was cooperative throughout the evaluation and gives her best effort to all of the tasks.
No unusual mannerisms were noted and there was no evidence of any hallucinations or
delusions, and she seems fully oriented at all times. Her motivation for testing was good,
therefore, the tests are considered a valid assessment of her psychological functioning.

IV. Test Administered Date Administered:

1. House-Tree-Person June 26, 2022

2. Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test June 26, 2022
3. Hand Test June 26, 2022

V. Personality Evaluation and Finding (Test Interpretation)

1. House-Tree-Person

 Chromatic

Mari Grace mostly used color on her house is yellow which may imply
hostile attitudes and intense hostility towards home and this hostile behaviour
may be used as an ego defense mechanism. Generally, the number of the colors
that she used is well adjusted, neither less than two nor more than five colors.

 Achromatic

Mari Grace’s first drawing is a house, it was very small and lack of details.
The house was placed on the higher point, right side of the paper which may
implies that Mari Grace is striving strongly and her goal is relatively unattainable.
It has a small chimney on roof which reflects her warmth with her relationship.
The door was placed in front and is very small that may suggest that Mari Grace
is reluctant to permit access to herself and she has a feeling of inadequacy and her
hesitancy in relative to social situations. Her drawing is almost bare which may
imply that Mari Grace behaves bluntly and directly. Mari Grace mentioned that
this house is her dream house for her own, a minimalists and single-floor house.
She wants it to be her safe place and only her grandmother is allowed to enter that
house because she is her most trusted person.

Mari Grace first drew a figure of a female that generally holds themes that
relate to the person’s ideal self and someone she likes to be. The figure was
described to be age of 16 years old which indicate that Mari Grace may want to
go back on that age. First, the arms were held behind her back which may imply
her reluctance to meet people halfway and the need to control her expression of
aggressiveness. The arms were also very short that may represent the castration
feelings. The ears where hidden and the eyes were drawn as a hollow sockets
which may implies her hostility towards others. The feet were drawn pointing in
opposite directions and the hair is unshaded that also suggests her hostility
towards other. Lastly, the female figure was clothed carefully. Mari Grace
mentioned that the figure was very happy and thinking about her friends. And she
described the figure as her own self or rather her old self. She said that during that
time, the responsibility is not that heavy and a happy-go-lucky kind of teenager.

Lastly, Mari Grace drew a coconut tree. She mentioned that coconut tree is
first thing that came into her mind also, ginataan is her favourite food. The tree
was placed on their house yard or in a farm. Mari Grace also mentioned that the
coconut tree was look more of a woman because according to her “matatatag kasi
ang mga babae, parang ako”. The tree also facing the subject and describe as a
woman which may indicate that she feels accepted by her mother. The tree is said
to be by itself and Mari Grace may feel or experience social isolation among her
peers. Mari Grace also said that tree needs the most are “matabang lupa, para
mas magkaroon ng sustansiyang bunga, lalong tumagal at hindi basta bassta
masisira” which may represent her own needs.

2. Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test

Based on the result, Mari Grace has no indication of visual-motor difficulties.
However, she turns the card and her paper multiple times and it may imply that Mari Grace
has an emotional instability and/or acting out and negativistic tendencies. The arrangement
was logically ordered and it may indicate that Mari Grace may logically approach her
everyday problems and adequate problems. Also, there is no major or significant
disturbances were observed during the assessment.

3. Hand Test

The test results show that most of the responses and the majority of Mari Grace’s
behavioral tendencies are contributed and concerned by interpersonal factors which included
affection, dependence, communication, and direction. Affection being the highest, it could be
perceived that Mari Grace is friendly and warm-hearted. Since the client scored the highest in
this sub-category, it could be assumed that this is what Mari Grace shows to other people and
how she handles her interpersonal relationship. Followed by direction, it could be also
assumed that the client has a dominating personality that could lead or influence other
people. Mari Grace also scored in dependence and communication.

Under the environmental category, Mari Grace got scored in both Passive and
Acquisition, which may imply that Mari Grace do not take action but instead she let things
happen to her, at the same time Mari Grace may also tend to set her sights high and pursue
even greater accomplishments than what she has already achieved. Lastly, Mari Grace got
scored in the Tension subcategory of Maladjustment. This subcategory would perceive how
the client would act in different situations. From the result of the client, it could be said that it
may take a while for her to express her feelings and she would rather keep it to herself.

VI. Summary

Mari Grace is a 23-year-old breadwinner of the family, she is the middle child and the
only girl. Her performance on the House-Tree-Person test shows the continuing themes of
hostility towards other people. During the post-drawing interrogation, she mostly mentioned
about her wishes to have her own safe place and to be her old self. The results of the tests
may indicate that Mari Grace may feel hostile towards other people, at the same time she was
warm-hearted to her relationship. She may be aloof and hesitant to social situations it may
have something to do with her current situation as the breadwinner and the only girl on her
family. However, based on the Hand test results Mari Grace may be shown as someone who
rather keep her feelings and emotions to herself, but she is someone who is friendly and

VII. Recommendations
o Assessment of risks needs for other tests or consultation with other specialists.
o Possible Treatment

1. It is recommended to Mari Grace to take another battery of tests to further verify the
consistency of the result.
2. Psychotherapy
 Interpersonal Psychotherapy will also be recommended to further address the
hostility attitudes tendency of Mari Grace as it may have something to do with her
current situation. Also, it would be a big help for her as she is on the adjustment
of being the primary breadwinner of her family considering her age. This will
be helpful for Mari Grace to be more open about her feelings and emotions.

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