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Zorayda Becerra

EDU 280
July 30, 2022
Artifact #2
Artifact #2 Multicultural Lesson Activity
1. Lesson Objectives:

● Subject observable objective: Third grade social studies lesson plan.

○ Students will develop a summary of research to explain different cultural
● Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide): Develop an educational environment
that promotes respect for differences.
○ Students will demonstrate appreciation of different cultures by discovering new
information and preparing a presentation for the class.

2. All Lesson Materials:

● Using the following websites, students will explore a specific country and gather
information relating to culture in order to conduct a research paper and presentation.
● Note cards (2 per group)

3. Instruction- learning Process-

Create a detailed outline explaining the multicultural activity following the teaching design

● Do First: (5 minutes.) -
○ Read: What’s the difference? by Doyin Richards
● Mini-lesson: (15 minutes) -
○ Divide students into groups of 2. (20 total students)
○ Insert 10 country names in a cup.
■ Afghanistan
■ Argentina
■ Australia
■ Belgium
■ Botswana
■ Cameroon
■ Chile
■ China
■ Croatia
■ Cuba
○ Have students draw a name per group.
○ Have students research their selected country on both websites provided. Allow
students to work together to gather interesting facts to share with the class. Facts
should be about the country’s culture and what makes us all different.
● Guided Practice: (10 minutes) Demonstrate an example of the assignment
requirements by presenting “Croatia” cultural differences.
○ “Croatia is a country located in Europe. The primary language is Croatian. The
type of money used in this country is called Kuna. Croatia’s largest ethnic group
are the Croats. The Serbs are the largest minority group in Croatia. Croatian food
has influences of Italian, Austrian, Hungarian and Turkish cultures. The most
popular sport in Croatia is football. Croatia has a diverse history. Novels and
poetry are an important part of theCroatian culture. Croatia’s main religion is
Roman Catholic.”
● Independent Practice: (20 min.) Allow students time to complete research on their
selected country. Students will then gather facts and compose a short paragraph.
Students will then write down five interesting facts to share with the classroom.
● Exit Slip: (5 minutes) Students will present the 5 facts in front of the class. Each
student should participate for full credit.

4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.

● Countries for kids

● National Geographic Kids

5. Reflection:

● Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.

○ This activity allows students to learn about other cultures around the world. The
United States of America is made up of people from all over the world. Students
will be able to learn facts and understand how cultures can differ.
● What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?
○ Research was the main concept taught by researching websites for information.
Writing was taught by allowing students to compose a paragraph with the
research found. Oral communications was taught by the students presenting the
information acquired in front of the class.
● What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?
○ Knowing that everyone is different and that makes us all the same. Students have
gained knowledge of other cultures by listening to their classmates present the
information from the countries they researched.
● List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan
○ Some strengths for this plan are research, writing, listening, and communicating
skills. A weakness for this plan is the short time provided. If more time was
allotted, I would have students compose a poster board with pictures of the
cultures researched.

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