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1. Human Capital can only be implemented successfully in a developed country

(America,  Britain, Japan, etc.}

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?


The implementation of the human resource improvement program certainly cannot be done
in developed countries, although it must be admitted that these countries have advantages over
other countries. So, I disagree to the statement. In economics, “capital” refers to all of the assets
a business needs to produce the goods and services it sells. In this sense, capital includes
equipment, land, buildings, money, and, of course, people—human capital.
In a deeper sense, however, human capital is more than simply the physical labor of the
people who work for an organization. It is the entire set of intangible qualities those people bring
to the organization that might help it succeed. A few of these include education, skill,
experience, creativity, personality, good health, and moral character. Developed countries do
have advantages that can facilitate efforts to improve the quality of existing human resources,

 a relatively high level of welfare

 an education system that is always adjusted to the circumstances, not a regular curriculum
 facilities and infrastructure that have been supported and quite evenly distributed
 social inequality is not that great
 governments that are more committed to the issue and rarely involved in corruption in the
education and employment sectors.
The key to improving the quality of human resources is the continuous improvement of the
quality of education without corruption and collusion practices in it. This can be done with the
government's commitment to educational reform without the interference of parties who
deliberately take advantage. This can be done outside the group of developed countries. Some
examples are Finland, Singapore and South Korea. However, it is true that a country that has
succeeded in improving the quality of its human resources evenly can increase the level of
progress of its nation.

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