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The EAGLE Method™ Fast Fluency

Why You’re STILL Not Fluent Despite Trying Everything

Jesse Sweed

Table of Contents
Section 1 - The Overview 3
Introduction 4
Three Layers of Depth 5
Necessary Foundation 6

Section 2 - The Laws 7

Law #1 - Input Before Output 8
Law #2 - Make It Meaningful 9
Law #3 - Consistency Is Key 12

Section 3 - The Difference Makers 13

Structure and accountability 14
Four Pillars of Fluency 15
Final Homework and Implementation 16
Notes Organizer 17
Four Pillars of Fluency Chart 18

Section I

The Overview

Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn these three laws for mastering English. If you take
these laws to heart and set your goal to speak clearly and confidently in English, you will begin
noticing growth in your English.

Warning: It may feel at first like these are too simple and obvious (because they ARE). In my
experience, the BIGGEST CHANGES in my life have happened from finally UNDERSTANDING
simple things that I already ‘knew’.

Watch the Video Tutorial

Before we list the laws, let’s look at what a law is in general:

By definition, a law is a rule defining correct procedure or behavior.

In this sense, following laws is a SYSTEM of behavior that leads to a desired outcome in the
fastest and most efficient way possible.

This does NOT mean that this is a magic pill. It does NOT mean that people haven’t learned in
other ways. It does NOT mean that once you know these, you’ll “have the answer”.

So, what does this mean?

Once you follow these laws and implement them, you will unlock a part of your mind that you
hadn’t realized was closed.

Do you ever feel like this?

You have a lot of English knowledge, and you can understand almost everything in English, but
it feels like there is a traffic jam keeping it stuck in your head?

If so, you’re not alone. Over 80% of non-native English speakers feel this way. Awareness of
this feeling is the first step toward getting unstuck.

Do you want to feel free?

After doing the Action Steps in this playbook, you will be able to:

1. Feel in control of your English progress. (Confidence)

2. Break fossilized errors. (Fluency)

3. Have a command of English grammar. (Mastery)

The principles covered in this book are rooted in the three layers of profoundly learning

This is NOT only when it comes to language learning, but true learning and

In order to have TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING, the information you receive has to dig into
these three layers and be acted upon.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer

In order for anything that we cover in this book to work, you must believe that you have the
potential inside you to become the English speaker that you want to be.

In order to manage our self-beliefs, we must first become aware of what we truly believe about
our potential and where our certain blocks are.

Let’s look at some specific blocks and beliefs you have about your English learning journey. If I
ask you, “What do you see or think about when you think about English?”


1. Take 2 pieces of paper. On one paper, write the words “I see”, and write all of the things
that you see when you think of you and English. It’s important to write the words, “I see”
for each sentence.

(For example: “I see I can’t use phrasal verbs.” “I see I get nervous in English-speaking
situations.” “I see I have trouble finding the right words.” “I see my career is stuck
because of my English.”)

Do you believe in yourself?

2. After you’ve finished writing down your entire list, cross out all of the beginning “I see” for
each sentence and replace it with “I believe…” (I see I believe I get nervous.) Because
our limits are our own self-beliefs about what we see in our situations.

Let’s become aware of your beliefs and control them.

3. On the second paper, write down the direct opposite of what you wrote on the first piece
of paper. Begin these sentences with, “I believe”.

(For example: “I believe I can use phrasal verbs naturally and confidently.” I see I feel
powerful and charismatic in English-speaking situations.” “I see I have a command over
the words that I use.”)

I see… I believe…

Read each sentence out loud.

4. Do the same thing as before and cross out each “I believe”, and replace it with an
emotionally-charged, positive sentence in the PRESENT TENSE.

(For example: “I am so grateful now that…” or “I am so happy and grateful now that…” or
“I am thrilled now that…” Use any positive way that will elicit emotions for you. Again,
write them in the present tense.)

Read each sentence out loud with emotion.

5. Schedule Your Consultation to share your new beliefs and get guidance for your next
steps toward English fluency.

Now, let’s get started with the Three Laws Of Mastering A Language

Section II

The Laws

Law #1 - Input before output
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
Mark Twain

Let’s be honest… Many people don’t regularly work on their English for a variety of reasons:
they don’t have a teacher, they don’t have enough time, they don’t want to spend time studying,
they don’t know how, etc.

Put all of those excuses aside.

You don’t need grammar books. (If you have them, close them and don’t open them again
except for a reference tool.)

Open YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Showtime, HBO, podcasts, music, blogs,
newsletters, email lists or any other place where you can consume English content.

Focus on ONE thing as you watch your content. -Awareness- We teach a technique in The
EAGLE Method called ‘hunting’. Hunting is a way of observing how your target language is used
in different contexts and becoming aware of how the language works.

This gives you unbelievable control.

Focus on hunting regular expressions you hear, new vocabulary that sound interesting, ways we
speak, pronunciation and intonation, and language patterns.

Become a sponge, and absorb what you hear. (No, it’s not only for kids.)

Once you pick up this skill, you will be able to learn real life English in everything you hear, and
then you will be able to produce it. This is how we effortlessly learned our first language.

1. Decide what you want to be able to do in English. Write it down on the lines below.

NOTE: This goal should not be a vague goal like, “I want to be fluent.” The more clear
your goal is, the easier it will be to achieve it.

Something like, “I want to be able to confidently and clearly talk with clients on sales
calls.” or “I want to be able to clearly communicate to my international team without

hesitation and doubt.” or “I want to be able to tell great stories and make good
impressions in English.”

2. Repeat your goal from #1, except write it in the present tense or present perfect tense
form as if it had already happened. You are living from the place of your goal. Include
how you feel now that it has been done. Begin your sentence with, “I am so happy and
grateful now that…”

Example: “I am so happy and grateful now that I can clearly and confidently lead team meetings
and share great ideas in English, and it feels amazing.”

Law #2 - Make it meaningful

“If I’m not interested, I’m not going to learn.”


The only way for your goal to become a part of you is if it reaches your emotions.

With many traditional methods of studying English, you’ve probably studied like this:

Grammar/ Vocab -> Meaningless examples/practice -> Exam

You’ve probably found this to be frustrating, boring, and ineffective.

We learn something more deeply and more permanently if it is meaningful to us. So many
people seek a way to improve their grammar first, and they end up giving up very shortly
because the material they use to improve their English isn’t inspiring or motivating.

In other words, without motivation, they see no reason to improve their English.

This is why The EAGLE Method teaches hunting to layer your learning so it will develop
consistency while you’re learning something else or consuming content that you love.

This means you’re going to naturally become more comfortable with the language, which leads
to you being noticeably more confident when you’re in English speaking situations.


There are two main ways that our language learning is meaningful for us; internally and

1. Internal meaning with our language simply means the personal satisfaction within
ourselves. Simply put, the strength of our goal.

2. External meaning comes with the material or content that we use to improve. Simply
put, finding things that will keep you engaged.

Note both forms of motivation are pointing to

the heart. The higher emotional attachment
or sincere interest you have in your material,
the easier and faster it will enter in your mind
to stay.

This is a beautiful thing because once you understand this on an emotional level, it will make
learning anything much easier, faster, and more effective.


Here are a few questions you can ask yourself as you’re searching content on YouTube,
Spotify, blogs…

a. What do you enjoy watching or listening to in your language?

b. What new thing would you like to learn about (in general)?
c. What topic(s) do you like to think about?
d. What things would you like to learn, but you just can’t justify taking the time
to invest in it?

This is a concept called Layering Your Learning. Searching for these types of topics in a
foreign language during your English Time will do a couple things:

1) Give you good justification to listen to something you previously couldn’t find time for.

2) Bring this foreign language to life inside your own mind and interest.

I recommend not using English learning

YouTube channels or podcasts for this. Use
real material where you can hear natural
language used in a natural way.

If you’re still with me in this Fast Fluency Playbook, congratulate yourself! In case you want to
learn deeper hunting or have a chance to practice, you’re welcome to join the English
Mastery Lab.

In the Lab, we use awesome material that will help you grow in many more ways than just
English, teach you some crazy new things, or challenge you in different ways, plus we have
open discussions to share opinions and ideas.


1. Write a list of 4 or 5 things that you will use as your go-to list of material that you will use
as your English Time. These things should be interesting to you and keep you engaged.
(These can be topical, names of programs, types of podcasts, names of YouTube
channels, etc.)


Law #3 - Consistency is key

“If you don’t make time, you’ll never have time.”

Jesse Sweed

This is probably the most difficult law to act upon because it’s not a one-and-done action. I’m not
going to lie to you, being consistent takes a certain level of discipline and hard work… at first.
There are ways to hack your mind.

Studies show it takes an average of 21 consecutive days for an action to become a habit.

If you haven’t been consistent with your English study, that doesn’t mean something is wrong
with you.

It simply means you haven’t built the habit to make it a consistent part of your week.


A. Consistent contact with your target language

Learning one new expression a day, one new pronunciation observation, one new
grammar observation, one new useful idiom, or one new language tool a day will build
your language tool box exponentially without you realizing what has happened.

You will suddenly notice yourself managing the language more naturally and words and
expressions will flow to you like never before.

B. Form a habit

By regularly practicing hunting your target language, finding expressions or interesting

pronunciation observations will eventually become second-nature.

Your language learning will turn into a lifestyle.

Shadowing these expressions as you hear them will make the learning even more

Remember, 10 minutes of concentrated practice a day will give you AN HOUR of extra English
practice in a week (taking off Sunday).

10 minutes a day is BETTER THAN 90 minutes only once a week.

How to Break Fossilized Errors

What are fossilized errors? _______________________________________

Being aware of this will help you notice your bad habits next time they come up, and then the
next step is to change the habit and replace it with something else.

1. Write a time of day that you will use as your English Time. (Recommended 10-30

If 30 minutes seems too intimidating, start with 10 minutes a day, if that’s too much, start
with 2 minutes a day, and then you can gradually increase the time until you’ve found
your “sweet spot”.

Section III

The Difference Makers


STRUCTURE and ACCOUNTABILITY are two things that are necessary if you’re looking to get
past a certain level.

You can build a very strong level of English fluency just by implementing the laws above and
staying consistent (yes, I realize that’s actually law #3).

Having structure in your English practice is hugely important. Without knowing what you need to
improve, it can feel like you’re studying and studying and studying with no real progress.

Sound familiar?

This is probably because you didn’t have a system and structure to track your progress during
your English Time.

How do you structure your English Time?

A big key to finding the right structure is knowing your weaknesses, and having a system where
you can strengthen them. Do this exercise to identify your weaknesses so you know what to
work on during your English Time.

This exercise should help you identify your next step toward reaching your English goal.

1. Take a piece of paper and draw two tables like you see below. (Give yourself a lot of space
to write.) Table A is how you see your English ability. Table B is how you want to see your
English ability in the future. (This is your goal.)

2. Take some time and thoroughly write down your honest assessment of your English ability,
for now and for the future. (The future description is your goal for each area.)

3. Watch this video lesson explaining this assignment more in-depth.


Confidence and Clarity - Knowing where you’re going and having a path to get there.
Vocabulary and Expressions - Learn vocabulary 1) in groups and 2) in context.
Pronunciation and Intonation - How you say a word and how you communicate your
Grammar and Style - Saying sentences correctly and adding your individual voice.

A. How I see my English ability.

Confidence and Clarity

Vocabulary and

Pronunciation and

Grammar and Style

B. How I want to see my English ability in the future.

Confidence and Clarity

Vocabulary and

Pronunciation and

Grammar and Style

When you have a proper structure and a system in place, your learning will become automatic.

But, you will hit a plateau.

Your plateau might be higher than others, but you will hit it.

This is the same with anything else. It’s not necessarily what you know, it’s who you know that
can get you to where you want to be.

If you are stuck at your current level of English fluency, and you feel that you could use a
structure to guide you to fluency, let’s talk and create that structure for you.

Fill out the brainstorming application and then sign up for a time on my calendar.

Are you on Facebook? Come into the English Speaking Mastery Facebook Group and take
the Language Breakdown course in the Units.


Of course, all of the information in the world will not make you a better speaker. YOU have to
actually take ACTION and begin implementing these principles into your daily life.

Our objective is to turn language learning and observation into a lifestyle. Once you understand
and use The EAGLE Method regularly, you will never see languages the same.

Below are some ideas for you to begin making your English progress (or any progress) a priority
in your life, so that you can finally realize that you can speak English the way you want.

Simple hacks to implement:

a. Plan it into your day. (start small)

b. Write it down in your calendar or on your ‘to be completed’ list.
c. Challenge yourself to look for specific things.
d. Write a journal or diary
e. Create a checklist to work from so that it feels good when you check off
your tasks


1. Watch this video of the 3-6-9 Vision Homework and write down a detailed description of
what you want and who you want to be in 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. Include how
you FEEL when you’ve accomplished these things.

This vision can include what you want your life to look like in:

Giving and charity

In 30 days:

In 60 days:

In 90 days:

2. Read your vision EVERY DAY for at least 21 days. (Yes, even Saturdays and Sundays.
Yes, on days when you are hung over. Yes, on days when you feel like it’s fake. Yes,
every day without fail.)

After reading EACH PARAGRAPH, close your eyes and imagine how you feel when this
happens. (Examples: I feel free. I feel proud. I feel loved. I feel amazing. I feel

3. Mark Day 1 on your calendar on the day that you begin reading your vision. You may
miss a day in the beginning. This is normal because you are creating a new habit, which
means you are removing old habits.

PRO TIPS: It’s recommended to do this practice first thing in the morning or at night just before
going to bed.

If you miss a day in your consistency, start again at Day 1.

Thank you for working through The Fast Fluency Playbook. It means a lot that you took your
time to invest in yourself, and you trusted us to help you. Thank you.


Go through the The Fast Fluency Playbook again. Do the 6 Action Steps again, and starting
tomorrow and see what differences you observe.

To help hold yourself accountable, sign this:

I, __________________, decide to work through this Fast Fluency Playbook again to observe
how I’ve changed, how I’ve stayed the same, and how I’ve grown in my English confidence.

I am implementing what I promised myself in the Action Steps. Thank you.

Your name: ______________________

Here is some bonus material for you to enjoy and begin your English Mastery journey. If you’d
like to work with Jesse and get guidance to get results as fast and thorough as possible, Book a
Consultation and let’s create a plan.


Familiar Expressions New Expressions

They’re familiar, but I don’t use them yet. New Expressions I didn’t know before

Questions What I will use

Ask a teacher, native speaker friend, or I will use…
Facebook group.
Expressions that are very useful to learn

Expressions that really resonate with you.

Book a Consultation if
the methodology
resonates with you and
you’d like to go deeper!


Join The English Mastery

Lab and start learning


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