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Wants, Needs, Wounds...

Created @May 3, 2022 8:04 AM




April 29, 2022


How to introduce the character. what to keep in mind when we are seeing them for the
first time.

Action is character.

Introducing the character.

the want should be insurmountable.

raiders of the lost arc

kramer vs kramer

you have got a mail

Movie clip : and justice for all

Exposition and Character

he doesnt belong there.

Wants, Needs, Wounds... 1

he doesnt make fun of the guy.
tolerant, empathetic.

not scared of the authority.

what your character decide to do and not to do.





top lawyer








Common between all 3 clips.

conquering something


Wants, Needs, Wounds... 2

in the resolution post climax, the wounds are healed.

action(want) creates the character.

character is revealed by how they negotiate the situations. what they do and what
they choose not to do says a lot about them.

when the need is addressed, thats a satisfying end.

themes in the films.

May 1, 2022

if the external want doesn’t convert into internal want, the script loses its power.

films are always about people. their wants, needs and wounds.

make sure there aren’t any wasted words in the script. - Alex
Each scene should be connected to each other so that taking out any one of them and
the whole wall will fall down.

Ask yourself for each sentence:

is it thematic?

is it developing the character?

is it pushing the story forward?

is it related to want?

if i remove this scene, will my film come crumbling down?

Movie Clips : BIRDMAN

street walking scene— bar scene— father daughter scene.

Wants, Needs, Wounds... 3

Finding plot points [has to be buried in conflict]

we see critic for the first time - stakes are higher - her word will matter. linch pin.

using the key to enter. [set up and pay off]

conflict is about worldview and not bickering.

Theme of Birdman



Oneliner of Birdman

Riggan thomson is trying to put up a play to feel relevant.

Riggan’s Want & Need

Want - put up a play

Need - mends relationship with his daughter

May 2, 2022

the character should be the architect of his own misery.


Index cards write up.

Wants, Needs, Wounds... 4

bar scene

introduce tabitha dickinson.[critic]

hollywood vs broadway. [opp. worldview]

Scene with Daughter

Questions for ACR

Who has the Action?

What is the action?

something comes in the way? Conflict.

What happens if he doesnt get it?

Why Now?

State of the mind of Riggan during the bar scene


self doubt

Index card for father daughter scene.

daughter doesn’t give the validation Riggan seeks.

easy way to get into conflict. - bickering.

Stay away from bickering.

example of Bickering

Riggan - you are like your mother. ganging up against me. drug addict.
Daughter - you were not there for me in my childhood.

Wants, Needs, Wounds... 5

Take Aways

In the argument, both parties have to be right.

all our actions come from wounds only.

All roads lead back to the theme.

Don’t forget the state of mind of the character. A character always enter and exist
the scene feeling something. What they are coming from into the scene.

Reversals doesn’t have to be a major or drastic. doesnt have to be shocker too. It

should always open a new card. ask new question. Reversal of expectations.

biggest critic of yourself is an honest version of yourself.

plot points are the output of the decisions made by the protagonist.

Wants, Needs, Wounds... 6

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