Muet Essays - Working Part Time

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Muet Past Year Essay Questions (New Format)

During the Teacher’s Day celebration at your school, an

invited speaker made the following statement in his
Session 1 2021 speech:

“Traditional face-to-face classroom promotes better

learning environment”.

Your teacher asked you and your classmates to write

an essay expressing your opinion on the statement.

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pandemic. The following comment was made at the end
Session 2 2021 of the show:

“We become stronger when we faced with difficult

times in life”.

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the


You watched a documentary about the growing concern

on the reliability of online information to the society. The
Session 3 2021 following remark was made in the documentary:

“Online information is deceiving and unreliable”.

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the

Muet on Demand Past Year Essay Questions (New Format)
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“Involvement in Community Service makes one a

good person”
MoD 4 December 2021
Write an essay expressing your opinion on the

“Academic qualification guarantees success for the

MoD 19 December 2021
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“A good career is the key to a successful life”

MoD 12 February 2022
Write an essay expressing your opinion on the
Topic 1:

Students should be encouraged to work part-time from the age of 16.

Stand: Partially agree

Main idea 1: Explanation 1:

instill noble value - gain noble values in workplace - grow up as a
high moral’s person – become more honest and
Explanation 2:
- practise what is learnt theoretically – learn
from colleague’s experience –

Main idea 2: Explanation 1:

Earn pocket money - don’t need to depend on their parents for
pocket money – reduce their parents’ burden –
spend the money earned for personal things
such as books, uniforms and etc.
Explanation 2:
- prepare finance for higher education
- help in emergencies that are always
- learn on how to manage the money

Main idea 3: Explanation 1:

Unable to focus on studies - spending long hours working - insufficient
time as a student - exhausted from work
- too tired to revise / do their homework -
affect their academic performance
Explanation 2:
- give impact to the physical and mental health
such as stress and fatigue
As a country developing, the standard of living 生活水准 citizens increase

as well. So, it is vital 至关重要 for the people including students to earn income

to make a living and bear the cost. According to a study conducted by HSBC

survey, there are nine from ten students in Malaysia working while studying.

One of the reasons commonly because the students need additional money for

their cost of living or for the studying fees. However, there are two sides to a

coin 每件事情都有两方面, it is understandable 可以理解的 that students can gain

benefits from working part-time but there are some consequences 后果 to this

too. In light of this, there are many reasons to this issue namely instill 灌输

noble value 崇高的价值 , earn pocket money and unable to focus on studies.

(Thesis statement)

First and foremost, students who work part time may instill noble values

which are not taught in classroom. (Topic sentence) This noble value is

prominent 突出 especially among the students where they need to have personal

qualities to ensure high moral’s person when they grow up which to become more

honest and generous person. (Explanation 1) In addition, working part time is a

good opportunity to practise what is learnt theoretically about the world by

meeting people from all walks of life 来自各行各业 which open one’s eyes about

others experience. (Explanation 2) For example, we can learn from the

experience of our colleague about particular issue, work or task that has been

assigned to us in the workplace. (Example related to explanation 2) As the

result, by working as a part-timer, it can mould students to be well rounded 全面

and learn to be patient, discipline and independent which is a valuable lesson

that can be instilled among the students. (Concluding sentence)

Furthermore, earn pocket money is one of the reasons students attracted

to work part time which is a benefit gained by the students. (Topic sentence)
This is because they don’t need to depend on their parents for pocket money

which some of the students assume that it will reduce their parents’ burden, as

the money earned can be used to buy personal things such as books, stationaries,

uniforms and others. (Explanation 1) Other than that, the money can be saved

for the future uses which allow them to enjoy greater security. (Explanation 2)

For instance, the money can help them to prepare finance for higher education

or help in emergencies that are always unexpected. As the result, when students

earn their own money, they will learn on how to manage the money which

requires a lot of discipline. (Result) Hence, the students will value their money

and not squander 挥霍 the money for worthless things which may not give

benefit to themselves. (Concluding sentence)

However, this issue may also give some consequences to the students,

which they may be unable to concentrate on their studies. (Topic sentence) As

after classes they need to go to work whereby 由此 spending long hours working

causes them to have insufficient time as a student. They might be exhausted

from work as some of them work until late nights especially those working in

convenience store or even grocery store. (Explanation 1) As the consequence, it

will make them too tired to revise or do their homework which may affect their

academic performance. (Result) In addition, when they are exhausted, it will

also give impact to the physical and mental health such as stress, fatigue,

worsening performance and so forth. (Explanation 2) Therefore, students who

work part time may lead to unfocussed in their studies which lead to poor

academic performance. (Concluding sentence)

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