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Sydney Carnival

ABC Community School
Position Paper

In 2020 it became very clear how important it is to incorporate technology in the

classroom. Virtual learning affected the classroom dynamic in many different ways. Although

taking students out of the classroom was scary for many teachers and how education would be

online, virtual learning opened the door for many new possibilities in the teaching world.

Technology is so important to start using in the classroom even at a young age, the more

comfortable students are using technology the easier it will be for them to continue using

technology throughout higher education.

“Technology is everywhere. High-school, college and university. Students have to know

how to use the Internet to complete projects and most importantly, into their future jobs,

technology skills will be required. So, it is very important to bring this technology in the

classroom and also incorporate it into their educational curriculum. Responsible use of

technology also starts in the classroom, and it will prepare the students to be responsible digital

citizens” (Admin 1). Having knowledge about technology is one of the many ways teachers

should be helping their students prepare for a saucerful future. Using technology in the

classroom gives the students and teachers many new learning activities and opportunities that are

unavailable without technology. Not having technology available to students can put them far

behind in an important part of education and students will have to eventually have to catch up

and learn about the technology options available. If you want students to have the best available

resources and the most opportunities to learn technology is important in the classroom.

Admin. (2019, October 2). Why is it important to use technology in the classroom? Critical


Identification of Standards

Using both the Nevada Performance Indicators and National Educational Technology

Standards in the classroom throughout the K-12 grades is very important. Some standards may

be a little too complex for younger students, but there are still many standards that can be used

with both younger students and older students. For example, standard 2.A.2.1 Work in classroom

groups to create and publish digital products in the Nevada Performance Indicators can be used

with younger and older students. With younger grade levels you could collaborate as a class to

create a Powerpoint or any other digital project and with older students you could assign them a

specific project and group to create a digital product of choice.

Nevada Performance Indicators are a little more complex than the National Educational

Technology Standards, a lot of the Nevada Performance Indicators might be harder to put into

lessons for younger students. National Educational Technology Standards are a little simpler and

give more room to allow each standard to be used in all grade levels.

For my lesson plan I used standards 2.B.8.1 Communicate using digital text, images,

sound, and video and 6.B.2.1 Navigate age-appropriate software in the Nevada Performance

Indicators standards.
Lesson Plan
• Name of lesson: Counting by fives

• Grade Level Appropriateness: Second grade

• Technology Content Standard Addressed:  2.B.8.1 Communicate using digital text, images,
sound, and video.

6.B.2.1 Navigate age-appropriate software.

• Other Content Standard Addressed: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.A.2

Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.

• Objective:  Students will be able to count by fives

• Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Projection screen, youtube video about counting by
fives ( ), counting by fives maze, pencil,
Ipads, kahoot (

• Suggested group size:  Whole classroom and individual

• Procedures: (Step by step narrative for implementation of the lesson.) 

1. Teacher will ask students what it means to count by fives and allow a few students to say
what it is or what they think it is.
2. Introduce School House Rock song and play the video for the students.
3. After video plays asks students how confident they feel with counting by fives, if
students are feeling like they don’t understand go over counting by fives on the white
board count from 5-100
4. Handout maze worksheet explain that students will follow the maze by counting by fives,
give students about ten minutes to complete the maze.
5. After maze is complete have each student get assigned Ipad and go onto,
give students game code and help students get onto game.
6. Start game and have students complete Kahoot.

• Assessment: After Kahoot is complete by the students, the results of the quiz will be shown
under the results tabs. With this you can see how much students learned during this lesson.
Instead of a quiz grade for the kahoot and maze assignment, students will be given a
participation grade.

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