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SPECIFICATION FOR GALVANIZED COATINGS ON WIRE BS 443 : 1969 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER BRITISH STANDARDS HOUSE, 2 PARK ST., LONDON, W.! TELEGRAMS: STANDARDS LONDON Wi TELEPHONE: 01-625 UDC 669.58:669.14-425 BS 443 : 1969 Tins Brrosn STANDARD, having been approved by the ron and Steel Industry Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive Board on 20 January, 1969. SBN: 580 00443 0 . 1932 won, over.ber, ii. Second revision, January, 190}. ‘The Institution desires to cail atieation to the fact that ius British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. In order to keep abreast of progress in the industries concemed, British Standards are subject to periodical review. Suggestions for improvements will be recorded and in due course brought to the notice of the committees charged with the revision of the standards to which they refer. A compicie list of British Standards, numbering ose 5 fui jeved and with 2 note of the contents of each, will be found.n the British Standards Yearbook. Tpe BS Yearbook may be consulted in many publip ‘libraries and similar institutions. - This sancard makes reference to the following British Standard: : BS 3436, Ingot zinc. ~ British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either of ers » slips or of revised editions. It is importan +. stish Standards should ascertain that they are + of the latest amendments or editions. ‘The following BSI refercoces relate to the work on this standard: Commitee reference ISE/26. Draft for comment 67/272 43. 2 BS 443 : 1969 CO-OPERATING ORGANIZATIONS ‘The Iron and Stee! Industry Standards Commitice, under whose supervision this British Standard was prepared, consists of represeatatives from the following Government departments Alloy Steels Association Board of Trade Rritish Cast fron Research Aswociation on torers’ Associanon *Bntish Steel Industry Setish Ironfounders’ Association British Mechanica! Enpacetinc Cusfedsration Bosh Rattways Board ‘Beitush Steel Castings Research: Association ‘Council of Ironfoundry Associations Council of iron Producers Grown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations Department of Employment & Productivity (H.M. Factory Inspectorate) Engincering Equipment Users’ Association Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors ‘Ynstieate Of British Foundrymen *Institate of Iron and Steci Wire Manufacturers Institaae of Marine Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers Institation of Mechanical Cnginecrs (Automobile Division) Insitation of Production Fremecrs Yastimtion of Structural Engineers ror und Steci Roard fron end Stee: Jasutute Joim Leos Councit Loogd's Register of Shipping Minisiry of Defence, Army Department Ministry of Defence. Navy Department National Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers National Physica! Laboratory (Minstsy of Technology) Oil Companies Materizls Association Royal lastitute of British Architects Stipbuilders & Repairers National Federation Society of British Acrospace Companies Lid. “Society of Motor Manufacturers and Tradexs Lid. Stainless Stool Deveiopment Association — scientific and industria! in the above list, together stented on the committee crt British Standard: The Govemmcs: J-partments organizations marked with an ast with the following, were directly emtrested with the preparation o! Alloy and Stainless Steel Conferen BS 443: BRITISH STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR GALVANIZED COATINGS ON WIRE _* ROREWORD ‘Thitledition of BS 443 is penerally very similar to the previous edition, but the © sy the metic dimensions bs sof measurement In the unity has been wken i) adjust some of the relationships re oa ht of coating and wire size ic take account of ISO R.¥5, * Ship bulling de: on galvanized stec! wire for ropes *. necifies @ coptinuous suc coming of good quality intended for wide variety of wire applications in which medium/long term protection of the stee! against corrosion is desired. It must be emphasized that the protec- tiog afforded by the zinc is sacrificial and the duration of the protection is fore dependeat upon the conditions in which the galvanized wire will be expected to function. Therefore, while the requirements of this standard have bedh proved over many years of experience they are not intended to prejudice purchasers against negotizting more severe requirements with manufactures frect special conditions. Such amendments would apply only to the coating iu:rements and not to the methods of testing. ip test 16 not an indirect measurement of the weight of coat. It is cignded only to reveal a serious covenin of coat leading to f ion of the circumference, even though the total weight of coa ac¢ordance with the standard. ’ | No requirement in this standard can b¢ regarded as an alternative to any other requirement herein incided To comply with this standard, a wire must ful all the requirements iaid down and not only any one or any two of them. ‘it should not be assumed that every wire size is commercially available gAlbenized in accordance with this standard in any tensile range without res- triction. Reference should be made to the appropriate British Standard for the wire in question. BS 43:5 SPECIFICATION . SCOPE This British Standard applies to tat wire of circular section in diameters from 0-23 mm to 10 mm inclusive and lays down standards for: : (1) Weight of zinc coating. (2) Uniformity of zinc coating. ) Adhesion of zine costing. (A) The methods of testing for these properties. ‘The standard makes no reference to the quality of ie apply to articies made from wire which have been galv>~ Hf, It does not fabrication. 2. QUALITY OF COATING 2.1 General. Metallic zinc used in the reparation of the coating beth shall have a purity of not less than Za The coating shall be continuous and reasonably smooth. I is recognized that the heavy coatings specified in this standard may exhibi: cue surface irregu- larities. e 22 Number and selection of test pieces. The deere of sampling shall be that tf or product fabricated rope). In the see of such a standard the degree of sampling shall be ugreed between the maufaciurer and ihe purchaser. In removing the test pieces from the coil or fabricated product care should be taken to avoid surface damage. Portions which are obviously damaged shall nut de used. 23 Weight of coating. When determined in accordance with one of the methods given in Clause 3, the weight of coating shall not be less than that given in Table 1 for the appropriate wire. If the test piece has been taken from a fabricated product then the minimum (reget coming shall be reduced by ‘ocedure given in 3.4, the wire surface shali not show any bright adherent 1 deposit after the specifed number of dips shown io Tabie I. If the test piece has been taken from a fabricated product then the specified. dips shall be reduced by one half-minute dip. * BS 3436, * Ingot zinc *, 909 1 i oon | ™m sim? | gimt | i 023 | 035 45 | lopotest | 45 | no st O33 040 60 Bo test j; 6 : potest 0-40 046 75 =- 1 m | | 2 - i 0-46 053, 90 1 - 9% »Ri- 053 | .063 105 z — 113 fia j} oss | 075 120 — | » rio O75 085 135 2 4 a6 teed oe | 095 150 ro} a two fk | 1 0-95 1406 170 2 paso toa toa ' ' ! ' ' i 106 118) 185 aj — 160 | i 1B; Ie i RK ‘ 2 po; 1 a j= 132 155 235 2 i; — | 180 24 = iss | 18 230 2 [a 200 2 | = 1a | 2a ~ 240 3 - as § 2 5 = oe, | ame 260 3 — | 20 2.$ 2 2m | 335 m5 4 3 1 240 3] — ys | 355 215 3 1 | go 3 { — 355 425 230 3 1 260 3 | - $ 50 290 3 1 215 3 1 | 80 290 3 1 230 3 1 100 5 4 — | 3% 4] — a ete Refer 1o Appendix A, Table 5 for imperial unit equivalents of Table ! ‘© Tbbar ~ 10°N/m® = 1-019 72 kef/mm*.. BS 443 : 1968 Up to and inciuding 38 | | Over 3-8 . The zinc shall remain firmly adherent to the steel and sha!! not crack or flake to such an extent that any fiakes of zinc can be removed by rubbing with the bare fingers. 3. TEST METHODS FOR WEIGHT AND UNIFORMITY OF COATING 3.1 Determination of weight of coating. The weight of coating may be obtained by cither a gravimetric or volumetric method. The latter has an acceptable degree of accuracy and has the advantage of rapidity. It is therefore the preferred method for routine testing of all the sizes of wire waich can be conveniently accommodated in the measuring apparatus. In any case of dispute, the gravi- metric method shall be accepted as the referee method. 3.2 Gravimetric method. Stripping solution. Ac> * «0% of che antimony chloride solution to every 100 ml hydrochloric acid, < -ecific gravity not less than 1-14. 3.22 Test piece. For wires of u.s..ter 3 mm and larger, the length of the test piece should not be less than 2:0 mm. As a guide to the length for. smaller sizes of wire, this should be suci that the weight in grammes is numerically not Iess than 4 times the diameter in millimetres. After cleaning the test piece in a suitable organic solvent, ¢.g. trichloro- ethylene, the wire should be wiped dry with a clean, soft cloth and weighed to the nearest 0-01 g. c “BS 443 : 1969 3.2.3 Stripping the zinc. The galvanized coating shali be stripped from the steel wire by complete immersion of the test piece in any convenient volume of the ‘stripping solution. The same solution may be repeatedly used, withcut further additions of antimony chloride solution, until the time of stripping becomes _ inconveniently long. The temperature of The stripping solution should not be allowed to exceed 38°C and the number of test pieces immersed at any one.time shall not exceed 3 per 190 mi of solution As soon as the v acuon has ceased, the wire shall be removed from the acid, washed 8 running water and wiped dry. The dia- of te wire shall then be determined to the nearest 0-02 mm by taking the fe of two measurements «right angles to each othtr. Each piece of stripped wire shali then be weighed to the nearest 0-01 g. 3.2.4 Calculation. The weight of zinc per unit area of the steel surface is derived from the weight of zinc on the test length and the surface area of the steel. By taking into account the density of the steel as 7-85 kg/dm®, the formula can be simplified to the form: Weight of coating per unit area of steel surface = Kdr d ~ diameter of stripped wire, original w ight r= stripped weight 19 STAs Ii the stripped wire diameter (d) is measured'in millimetres then: Weight of coating = 1960 dr g/m’. 4.3 Gas volumetric method SB.R4 Explanation. The volumetrx. method of determining the weight of coating “depends on the fact that a meal dissolved in acid always releases a quantity of hydrogen proportional to the amgunk’ of metal dissolved, i.e. the chemical ‘equivalent of the metal in quests 1 gramme of zinc reicases 0.349 litres of hydrogen at a temperature of 0°C and a pressure of T Bar. With very large wires problewis of iest piece preparation and damage to the lass burette may be introduced. This method of determination is therefore iasually limited to wires of maximum diameter 5 mm, "3.3.2 Reagents. The same reagents as specified for the gravimetric method sh2!! eased (See 3.2.1). BS 443: 1969 3.3.3. Apparatus. The apparatus consists of a 100 ml glass burette fitted with a stopcock at the top and bottom and connected at the bottom with a rubber tube to a reservoir. The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1 set up for the commencement of a test. The 100 ml burette should be graduated to at least 0-5 ml subdivisions. Where small sizes of wire, say less than 1-5 mm diameter, are regularly tested, it may be found useful to have a 50 ml burette of about the same length and graduated to al least 0-2 ml subdivisions 3.3.4 Test pieces. From a straightened and undamaged length of wire, test pieces of the required length are accurately cut (error no more than 1%). The most suitable length of test piece depends upon the size of burette, diameter of wire and expected weight of coating. The lengths indicated in Table 3 will usually be found convenient. DF 7 ‘ABLE 3. LENGTH OF TEST PIECE Galvanized wire diameter Length of test piece Over ‘Up to and for a 100 m! | for a 50 mal including * buretre borette q mm mm mm i mun 045 085 _— ‘20 085 106 200 150 106 18 100 6 is. 36 5 - 36 50 50 _ NOTE. Refer to Appendix A, Table 6 for imperial unit of Table 3. BS 443 : 1969 3.3.5 Procedure. The acid reagent is poured into the reservoir C so that it com- pletely fills the burette leaving a small portion in the reservoir when in the elevated ition. Perhfo carky oot a text the hight of the Psvoir C is mdjesied to that dao eid reagent just fills the burette up to the stopcock A with the bottom stopcock B closed. The test piece cut to the specified length is dropped into the burette and the stopcock A immediately closed. The zinc costing rapidly dissolves and liberates hydrogen and the test is continued ! esorution of hydrogen, but for a few fine bubbles, has ceased. The reservoir is then lifted from its supporting ring and placed alongside the burette unsii the ievels of the acid reagent in the bureite and the reservoir are equal, 9° snown in Fig. 2, when the volume of hydrogen is read off on the burette scale. ‘When the test is concluded stopcock A is opened and all acid reagent drawn from the burette by lowering the resetvoir to a position below stopcock B. Stopcock B is then opened to eject the test piece and closed again after which the procedure given above is repeated for the succeeding test. Where Jong test pieces are necessary, rapid entry into the burette may be difficult and it may be more convenient to drop two short pieces simuitaneously through the stopcock. ‘The stripped wire is washed, wiped dry and the diameter measured. 3.3.6 Calculation. The weight of zinc coating is caleviated from the formula: . . v Weight of coating/unit area of steel surface = a xf where V is the volume of hydrogen evolved in millilitres (ml), d is the stripped wire diameter, and _/ is the length of test piece. Where length and diameter are in millimetres, f = 872, to give a weight of coat in grammes/metre’. 3.3.7 Correct. “+ romperazme and barometric pressure. The facto- ‘" ° been calculated | 2 temperature of 18°C and a barometric pressure 7 If the atmosphe:, >-essare is outside trie range 987-1040 mbar or if t - perature is outs’ range 16°-20°C, apply the appropriate correctio: from Table 4. !< :he combination of pressure and temperature resu!': > 2 correction, factor within £0-02 of unity (see outlined zone in Table 4), thea the factor need not be applied. : Where the test result is within 5 g/m? of the specified minimum value, it is desirable to check the atmospheric Pressure and temperature, in case a negative ‘correction is necessary. nh oo | oa | ou | ore | ote. S86-0 | 096:0 SAO 6060 | 2660] L960! «160! 9160 | ' (26-0 826-0 ve60 600] 956-0 ' ©} 096-0 0 Lsot | ors | vtor | 286086 © Byun ‘aayoworeg Jo 148}994 ons | ons | on9 | ors | 0:0 09 | ons | ons | one | ore | - pomp pat Z£L:0 | 80L-0 | 289-0 159.0; 884-9) £10 | 189-0) 19.0 1 | i | 658-0 | ££8-0 | BOF-0 TBLO LSLO 98-0 | 628-0 vI8O 66L)' 9L-0 88-0 168-0 ! j 2eu0 | LU-0| 169.0 9990: BVL-0 | 221-0; 969-0 | 019-0! 2640 | 2240 | 004-0! 619-0, 1 i 898.0 CHB0 MRO 6BL0) COLO | LEL-O| OLD visO | 8490 | 228-0 S640 991-0) ZHLO | SILO 2 206-0 | L480 | (58-0 Sza-0 | 08-0 | SLL-0 968 ‘| TL8-0 | G80 618-0 ¥6L-9 694-0 8060 | 288-0 0 | Of8-0 | 508-0; BLL:O sect | SOL-0 | 649-0 +890 | 699-0) S160 688-0 T26:0 | S680 126:0 | 106.0 | 806-0 | 088-0 | $59.0 2280. 008-0 046-0 | VIED | 988-0 098-0 | £280 | 9080 L060 | 0260 | 268-0 | 98-0 68) 1180 - 4 i ia ey | 406 | ose es8 Lee (008 i #96:0 LL:0 | LbL-O | 02h 6L4:0 | 2SL-0 | $2 dwqun ‘oanssaad a}s04dsour y aUNssadd GNV IUNLVUsdWAL UOT NOLLOAWAOD "vy ATAVL isxe2 gs | gee 12 BS 443: 1969 Where climate or aititude affect the test conditions a permancat correction should be applied to the factor. At high altitudes it will be found convenient to have a burette of greater capacity than 50 ml or 100 ml. Table 4 gives a list of corrections for temperature and pressure. 3.4 Test for uniformity of coating: Preece dip method 3.4.1 Reagents. The following reagent shall he used: Copper sulphate solution, made dy dissolving approximately 36 g of crystalline copper sulphate (CuS04.5H,0) in each 100 mi of distilled water. The water may be heated to aid solution of the crystals; but if heated, the solution shouid be allowed ta cool before neutralizing For neutralization, the solution shall be shaken with an excess of cupric hydr- oxide (about 1 g/litre of solution) and allowed to stand. preferably for at least 24 hours, before filtering or decanting the solution from the sediment. About 0:7 g/litre of cupric oxide may be used in place of the hydroxide, provided the solu- tion is allowed to stand at least 48 hours before filtering from the sediment. The specific gravity of the test solution shall be 1-186 at 18°C. Adjustment may be made by adding distilled water or solution of higher specific gravity, as appropriate. The solution shall be discarded and replaced with fresh solution after six samples have been tested. 3.4.2 Apparatus, The following apparatus is required: A glass container of interna! diameter not less than 50 mm for wires of 2°8 mm diameter and smaller, or 75 mm for larger wires should be filled with the copper sulphate solution to a depth of at least 100 mm. 3.4.3 Test pieces. The test piece should be not less than 150 mm in length and shall be undamaged as far-as may be possible. The test piece may be hand straightened and shall be cleaned with a volatile organic solvent and then wiped dry with a clean soft cloth. 3.4.4, Temperature. At the commencement, and during the progress of the test, the temperature of the test pieces and of the solution shall not vary outside the limits of 18 + 2°C, 3.4.5 Procedure. It is preferable that not more than three test pieces be immerse in the solution at one time. The test pieces shall not touch one another. During the immersion the test pieces shall not be disturbed, and the solution shall not be agitated. 13 BS 443: 1969 : : ‘The test picce or test pieces shall be subjected to successive dips of exactly ‘one minute. After each dip the sample shall be removed and immediately rinsed in clean running water and wiped dry with a clean soft cloth. Lf running water is not available, the rinse water shall be changed frequently so that there is no obvious contamination with copper sulphate solution. Hialf-minute dips, whitre specified, shall be given after the completion of all the one-minute dips. 344.6 Examination. After the specified aumbe: of sips, the final rinsing and wiping dry, the test piece shali not show any adherent bright deposit of metallic copper on the steel. Any depos:t of metallic copper within 25 mm of the cut end shali be disregarded. APPENDIX A CONVERSION FACTORS From: 5 To” Multiply by | 305152 0-001 69 in ©-1407 microns TABLE 5. IMPERIAL UNIT EQUIVALENTS OF TABLE 1 BS 443 : 1969 ‘Wire of tensile strength Wire of tensile strength Nomina! diameter below 35 tonf/in® 35 toaf/in? and abore ‘of coated wire (approx.) Number of dips Nember of dips Weight ‘Weight i of cost of cost : © Up to snd Half Hatt oa ‘peloding i Minote | mainate | | Mioste mince i i | in ozift? oz/ftt | soe! cos | ons no test ; O15 | no test ouls 00158 | 020 no test 020 | no test 00158 | 0-018 0-25 - 1 0-25 - 1 ols | ovat 0-295 1 = 0-295 1 - 0021 | ons | 034 1 = 034 1 - 0-0248 | 00235 | 039 1 - os | 1 - 0295 | 00335 | 044 1 1 oa 1 1 00335 | 00374 | O49 | 2 1 046 ,ayou. 00374 | OMT | 05 | 2 = 049 L i 1 i i i ' { O07 | 0065 | O61 | 2 _ oss | 2 | — OES § 0052 | 0665 | 2 - (O56) la 2a ee 0-052 | 0061 0-705 2 - 0-59 2 = 1 oor 0-75 2 1 oss | 2 - 4 0-071 0-088 0-79 3 - 0705 | 2 ooss | ono 0-85 3 — Om | 2 r i on0 0-124 090 3 1 0-79 3 - 0-124 01417 | 0-90 3 1 oa so} = 01417 | 0-167 0-95 3 1 08s 3 - 0197 0-95, s*] 2 0-90 1 oss 0-95 3 1] 095 1 0-394 10 4 wt = Where the gravimetric method of determining the weight of coating uw used, fd is measured in inches the weight of coating may be taken to be 163 dr o7/{t* (sce 3.24). ‘Where the volumetric method of determining the weight of coating is used and the keagth and diameter of the test piece are in inches, f = 0-004 43 to give the weight of costing ia ox/ft? (see 3.3.6). BS 443: 1969 TARE 6. IMPERIAL UNIT EQUIVALENTS OF TABLE 3 ‘Up to and for 100 mi for 0 mi in | in | ia | ia 0077 | 00335 —- | 8 00335 ; OT | 8 | 6 00417 | OCT? 4 3 oon 01417 3 = 01417 O-197 2 _ | 1 SBN : 580 00443 0 7510-60k-HP

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