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Practice 1

going ta
o rd
ead a newspaper article about telephone scams. Six sentences have been
the article. Choose from the sentences (A -H) to fit each gap (35 -40). There are
s e n t e n c e s
hich you do not need to use.
mark the correct answer (A H)

on your answer sheet.



Telephone Scam's Victim

lose money to telephone scams in Malaysia.

There are
thousands of people who

victim by giving sweet or threat talks. They are so convincing

(35) They con their
cheat people millions of dollars via phone calls.
that they could actually
claimed that the lady had a record in
(36) The bogus officer on the phone line
will be frozen.
If not, all her properties and
the court. (37)
informed her thatif she could deposit RM200,00o
The officer was so convincing that they

cleared instantly. (38) The offer was only given to

immediately, then, she could be
actions of transferring money into the bank
her due to her cooperation. Fortunately, her

The victim only realised that she'd been cheated

Created suspicions towards her husband.

when her husband discovered her money was gone and confronted

lodged police report on Nov 23. (39)| They

The teary victim with her husband a

the Macau scam. Recovering the money would seem impossible and
identified that it was

the victim had to take that

as a painful experience.

will be taken as a good lesson for all. The Macau scam often
She hopes that her case

starts with a phone call from someone pretending to be an officer from the bank or police.

The scammer will then

claim that the potential victim owes money to the government.

A She had to clear her name immediately.
B Her relatives sympathised over her loss.
C The victim was then told not to tell anyone about the settlement.

D Scammers change their tactics cleverly.

E If scammers call, listen patiently.

F They have to pay up or else, they will have to face with "dire consequences".

G Last year, a lady was cheated RM200,000.

H The police started their investigation.
Practice 2

read a newspaper article about

going to
are PTPTN. Six sentences
ela Choose from the sentences(A
from the article have been
H) to fit each gap (35-

entences which you do not need to use. 40). There are two extra
ach question, mark the correct answer (A
- H) on your answer sheet.

PTPTN Education Saving Scheme

The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) had an Open Day to create

awareness on saving for future education. (35) The purpose that it was held in

malls is to bring PTPTN closer to the community.

The new scheme, after 12 years since they introduced SSPN-i, is an affordable savings

scheme with Takaful's protection. |(36) The scheme does not only enable

depositors to invest for the purpose of education but they will receive competitive dividend
and protection too.

invest, lucky draw was organised under the name

To encourage more people to a

This is to attract interested depositors who want

"Cabutan Wow SSPN-i Plus"| (37)
For the first quarterly draw, Mr. Tan clinched the grand prize
to know more. |(38)

1.5L Honda Jazz.

winner by taking home a

(39) A lot of information was disseminated during that day such as the
for defaulters. (40) The rising cost of education has put a
availability and advice

on parents to make preparation for their children's need.

lot of pressure
A t is very difficult to withdraw money from the PTPTN fund.

B Dividend will not be paid on PTPTN savings because it is guaranteed by the


C It is in compliance with the Syariah Law.

D PTPTN was introducing its new scheme, SSPN-i Plus at shopping malls nationwide.

E The Open Day was a big hit.

F The draw was in two categories, one being held annually and another was on a
quarterly basis.

G Defaulters can consult with officers directly to figure out repayment methods.

H RM1.5 million worth of prizes and gifts were offered in that draw.

d an article about desert. Six sentences have been

removed from the article
You are g o
from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap (35-40). There are two extra

need to use.
youdo ot
ach question,
mark the correct answer (A H) on

your answer sheet.


What is a Desert?

The desert is a very dry place where few plants can grow as there is very little rainfall.

Some grass and shrubs may survive,

as well as plants such as cactus, which need little

water. (35) The condition is not pleasant and the scorching sun may get to the

nerves of the people. (36)

surface of sand which the wind blows into dunes or hills.

Some deserts have a

A desert is scorching hot during the day but very cold at night. (38)
The wind blows the smaller fragments away and soil cannot form. Deserts usually

experience some intermittent rains during the year.

Sometimes, there are thundery showers. The water flows away or is quickly evaporated

in the heat.|(39)| Deserts can be found in broad bands around the world both north

and south of the equator. They

occur in regions where the air pressure is usually high. Only

live in the desert.

a small group of people still

of person who will like to stay in a cooler place. (40) Presently,

Iam the kind

season in Malaysia. I cannot imagine how do the people in the

Icould barely stand the dry

d e s e r t survive!
A However, some water remains
underground and comes to the surface as an oasis.
B Other deserts are stony or rocky.
C However, very few people and animals can live in the desert.

D Malaysia has vast deserts scattered across East Malaysia, especially in Sarawak.
E The drastic changes in temperature breaks the rocks and stones into fragments.
F The desert is not my cup of tea.

G Hence, they will move to another place for a better living condition.

H Adesert may face floods if rain falls for 3 consecutive days.


read an article about haze. Six
oing to
ron the sentences
sentences have been removed from
(A-H) to fit each gap (35 the article
C h o o s

not need to use. There are two

you do
youdo extra
sentences which
mark the correct answer (A - H) on
your answer sheet.

Haze and Me

Ihave asthma since I was a kid. (35) Lately, Malaysia experiences hot weather
from February to May, and sometimes, the hot spell could expand until July. The problem
is made worse if there is haze.

(36) This is caused by open burning activities in Central Sumatra, Indonesia.

(37) People are forced to wear face masks to protect themselves from the choking

smog and haze, which also causes visibility to be low.

During the peak ofthe haze problem, certain areas recorded air pollution index readings

above 100, which indicates "unhealthy" air quality. (38) If any area hits 750, a

declaration of emergency and

school closures will be made. (39)

blamed on palm oil firms using illegal and cheap methods of

The fires have been

to clear them for planting. (40) In this new decade, we

burning vast rain forests

haze has become

to haze even more seriously. Thus, an annual problem
will be exposed
and drier
the hot
A A reading of above 300 signifies "hazardous" air.
B Haze be
prevented if we plant more trees.
C In June 2013, a town in the Southern Malaysia hit that index.
D This results in extremely poor air quality in Malaysia which worsens every
E The monsoon winds blow the smoke
from fires across the Straits of Melaka to
Malaysia and Singapore.

F Thave difficulty in breathing whenever the air gets dirty and dusty.
G Wearing face masks are useless and ineffective as haze is poisonous and could
bring death.

H Haze affects several especially the west coast in the peninsular, including the
national capital, Kuala Lumpur.

gOing to read an article about

ou preservation of wildlife in Malaysia. Six sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences (A
wo extra sentences which you do not need to use.
H) to fit each gap (35-40). There

ach Question, mark the correct answer (A- H) on

your answer sheet.

Preservation of Wildlife
During the last few decades, the preservation of
wildlife has gained increasing attention.
(35) The human
population grows at an exponential rate. With a
awareness, the Malaysian government has taken the
initiative to apportion a piece of lannd
called Endau Rompin National Park to
preserve wildlife.
The Endau Rompin National Park is a
protected tropical rainforest. (36)| The
park not only acts as a preservative sanctuary for birds, it also offers some amazing views
with its breathtaking waterfalls. (37) With the rapid growth and urbanisationof
Malaysia, the set-up of the park is timely and necessary.

Creating awareness in schools is also another part which is vital to be emphasised.

(38) This is to sustain the survival of humankind. (39) It will kickstart aa

better life for the younger generation in the future.

Ffforts to ensure the survival of various species must be set as the priority of the policy
makers whenever possible. This is to ensure that there is a continuation of balancing
between development and preservation of nature. (40)
A With that, our Mother Nature can be preserved and last longe.
B Children should be taught about the importance of biodiversity and
interdependence among living things.
C Killing animals and deforestation is inevitable.
D he
park actually serves a
carefree manner.
balance to the nature by offering wildlife to live in a

E It houses unique flora and fauna.

F People start to understand that wildlife is under threat.

G There is nothing much we could do because the world is changing rapidly.

H Implementation of new syllabus and organising campaigns as projects to preserve
the nature and wildlife is timely.
Practice 6

You are going to read an articleabout addiction

vou are rom
removedfrom the artici article. Choose from the to
extra sentend which you do not need sentences (A H) togames. Six
fit each sentences have been

question, mark the correct answer (A- H) on

to use. gap (35 -40). There are
your answer sheet.

My Addiction to Mobile Games

My life in mobile games started
when my parents
rewarded me a mobile phone.
(35) Since then, mobile
games have been the centre of
my teenage life. Of course,
it has dented my academics
significantly. (36)
My father is extremely worried and
disappointed over my grades. (37) My mum,
who uses a different approach, tries giving advice and encouragement to me. (38)
The digital world has basically taken over me.

Seeing myself getting indulged in the virtual world does make me remorseful and

triggers self-reflection about my future. However, the degree of control it has over me is so
intense. It is hard to break myself away from it. (39) Despite that, it takes a long

time to recover.

has enabled me to reduce the number of hours on

The power of will and perseverance
badminton, which
Now, l occupy myself with sports, especially
mobile games drastically.
addiction. (40) Soon, I find myself
replacement to my
turns out to be a perfect

with great footings
mobile games
these days is quite impossible.
totally off from
Seriously, to be
my lite to be filled with junk. Do
1 do n o want
balance Over our lre.
We need to have
I believe you can do ittoo
made it through and
I have finally
with time
and effort,
A HIS Constant scolding and mumbling basically have no effect on me.

B Some of my favourite
games are Mobile Legends and PUBG.
C Tfinally put my foot down and keep my stance to face it with determination.

D Besides, mobile games have a lot of advantages too.

E Unfortunately, all her efforts are futile and in vain too.

F From sports, I slowly move back into my academic world.
G The phone was a gift for my excellent results during the UPSR examination 3 years

H The consequences are rather damaging.

Practice 7

ning to
are going to read an article about wet
ahoose market. Six sentences
article. Choose from the sentences (A H) have been removed from

do not need to use. fit each gap (35- 40). There are two the
which you extra sentences
each question, mark the correct answer
(A H) on -

your answer sheet.

Wet Market

There is a wet market about 15

minutes' walk away from
my apartment. (35)
There is a myriad of ditterent stalls selling different things such meat,
vegetables and

(36) The high spirited hawkers are working very hard to persuade customers
to buy their products. (37) My mother is very good in bargaining and she always
gets the best price from the hawkers.

However, I dislike the smell of the fish and meat. (38) The butchers who are

weighing meats are my neighbours. The action offishmongers spraying water on the stalls

to keep the fish fresh are hilarious and interesting. (39)| T like to go there because

they have toy vending machines and ice cream treezers located outside. Besides, the mini

market is air-conditioned.

careful at the wet markets. (40) hope that they

We have to be can keep the

and tidy.
place clean
A There is a mini market selling groceries nearby

B There are a lot of bargaining and haggling going on.

C The prices in the wet market are twice more expensive than the malls.

D My mother always brings me there during the

E My friends and I will take a bus there before the examination.

activity and noise.

F Tlike to go there because of the constant buzz of

G There are puddles on the floor.

H Sometimes, the stale and pungent odour gets unbearable.

Practice 8

ino to
You are going read an article about musiC. Six
Choose fro the sentences (A H) to fit each sentences have been removed
from the article.

not need to use.

gap (35 40). There are -

you do two extra sentences

you which
For alestion, mark the correct answer
(A- H) on
your answer sheet.

Listening to Music
Music is an art that most
people enjoy. It may
appeal to a toddler and someone who is
80 years old. (35) Music begins by producing sound in some
way, such as singing,
banging stick, plucking a tight string or
blowing through a pipe. Many kinds of music have
developed as people found out how to make sounds in different
As we get older, we can
explore music and find more and more music that interests
us. (36) People can get all kinds of feelings from hearing music. Music can make
Someone move or dance and trigger people to feel happy or sad. (37)
Music is very popular nowadays. In this digital world now, music be
can played via

application on smartphones. (38) You just have to pay a minimal monthly

subscription fee to enjoy all the songs which can be downloaded into your phone.

There are still great distinctions between the music ot the west and that of the east

Many people like music of their own country. I like Malay songs. (401
A One of the songs that I adore is from Ismail
lzzani, "Sabar
Ppucations such as Spotify and Joox are very affordable and contains millions of
C Many of the instruments are very different.
D More than any other art forms, music can deeply affect our moods and feelings.
E One of the songs that I like is from Lukas Graham, "Love Someone"

F There are many genres to choose from.

G Rock songs are too noisy for me.

H Basically, music is universal

Practice 9

article about acid rain. Six sentences have

You are going been
rticle.Choose from
the sentences (A- H) to fit each gap (35-40). There are removed from the
two extra
do not need to use. sentences
which you
Foreachauestion, mark the correct answer (A-H) on your answer sheet.

Acid Rain

Two main threats to our atmosphere are acid rain and the
"greenhouse effect
(35) The gases involved are carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

(36) As time goes by, the heat from the surface of the earth
rises, and eventually
rain also becomes dangerous.
These gases are carried through great distances by wind, then they fall as weak

sulphuric acid and nitric acid, thus forming acid rain. The acid in acid rain, reacts with the

limestone in buildings and statues, and eats away the structure since limestone
alkali. (37)

Acid rain, known to be deadly to almost everything it touches, is a dangerous

phenomenon. (38)| Besides, buildings can be discoloured. If met with human

contact, skin diseases may occur. Human may develop food poisoning after consuming
food that is affected by acid rain.

(39) Thus, people are starting to raise the awareness of acid rain around the

world, and help to induce efforts in reducing the amount of waste gases. Various initiatives

are done to reduce the number of carbon emissions. (40)

A Rain is the main factor for
causing floods and landslides.
B Adults can withstand the acid rain but not children.
C t poisons lakes, streams and kills plants and wildlife along the way.

D Both are caused by gases emitted by power plants, factories and cars.

E Acid rain reacts with the calcite in limestone and dissolves it.

F These gases are harmful and hazardous.

G Acid rain is detrimental to the environment.

H The Acid Rain Program in the U.S., for example, has helped reduce overall
atmospheric levels of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.
Practice 10

report on a fire at the science laboratory. Six

read a
to rea
Youare l e
going sentences have hoa.
Choose from the sentences (A- H) to fit each gap
the article
(35-40 been removed
which you do not need to use.
s e n t e n c e s
There are two extra
r each question, mark the correct answer (A - H) on your answer sheet.
Foreach question,

A Report on a Fire in the Science

A fire broke out last Wednesday, 29 September 2021, in the science
laboratory at the left
wing ofthe school. |(35) It was believed that fire started from the fuse box
and the

school guard noticed smoke rising up from the science

laboratory. (36) Rescue to
the school building was done instantly.
The scene was chaotic. (37) The flame razed part of the science
and the damage was quite severe. Among the damaged items were three microscopes, a
skeleton sculpture, an antique camera, four desks, an overhead projector and 50% of the
chemicals in glass bottles.

The Fire and Rescue Department was called in. (38) No casualty was reported

butthe damages were estimated at RM20,000.|(39)| They are required to come out
with ways to prevent any future mishap.

In a nutshell, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. (40 Besides, we

should consider changing the wires and the fuses to ensure that they are in good working


Reported by,

Leon Eheng
School Bulletin Board
Fortunately, no one was in the lab during the fire.
the fuse box but no action was
B here were buzzing sounds coming from
C Someone left some matches in the science lab

D The school guard reported to the school authority
which will trigger the alarm whenever
E The school plans to install fire alarm systems
they detect smokes in the surroundings.
F The fire was put out within 20 minutes.

formed to investigate the cause of the fire.

G A special task force was

Unfortunately, one of the firefighters passed away in

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